• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,382 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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You Can Live under My Shadow {AKA They Finally do the deed}

It had been days since I had last seen the sun. Days of darkness and gold. Was this to be my life once more? Forever stuck inside this cave? I wanted to hate it. I wanted to despise this place. I would grow sick and die eventually and all because of a few orcs. I am a being of benevolence, but I wanted to burn a few of those vile creatures for this. If I still had my power during that fight, I could have talked sense into Smaug sooner.

Yet even with this burning hatred, I felt at peace. Why? Oh nothing. It’s just the large drake beside me, keeping me warm and close. The heat that emanated off of his scales kept my magic at least functional, if not weak. He made me feel safe.

That’s why I hated him. That’s why I started to care for him. Gah, how much I despise these conflicting emotions. I wish I was back in Equestria. It was so much simpler back there… Okay, it was nicer. Simple isn’t a word I’d ever use to describe my homeland. Still, everything was clearer there. None of the inhabitants made my heart beat so.

Maybe it’s because of our time as humans, or alicorns. That made sense to me. It was probably just that lingering attraction. Precautions were in place that the pheromones wouldn’t affect me again if he changed… though I wish he’d change into an alicorn. It’d help keep me warm and full…

Precautions needed to be magnified, apparently. For the time being, I was in control. As in control I can be in this very situation. I glanced up at him. He was slumbering. The great fire drake looked so peaceful. You wouldn’t guess that he literally slaughtered an entire orc army just a few days ago. Well you might guess he killed something, but that’s just stereotyping dragons. Little Spike was an exception as were a few others. Cadance assured me her little dragon child was a gentlestallion.

I wish I had spent more time with Spike. I made up my mind to do so sooner. Maybe I’d show him the current Dragon Lord. Ah, we used to get into mighty brawls when he was younger. Smaug reminds me of him, except he has only four limbs and a little more attractive.

I needed a little fresh air to clear my head. As is, a dragon’s heat can keep me healthy in body so that will have to do.

“Pssst,” I heard a young voice call out. “Princess Celestia. Over here.” Celestia looked over to see little Tilda poking her head out, whispering over at her. “I’m here. See me?”

She was so adorable. I glanced back at Smaug and sighed in relief. He was still asleep. I didn’t know what he’d try and do to her if he found out she had snuck inside. I did my best to quietly walk over. My hooves shone with a slight bit of magic to muffle the sounds. It was a bit of a waste of my magic reserves, but I wouldn’t risk Tilda getting in trouble on my watch. Thankfully, it was a spell that I could work through my own body instead of my horn. I have picked up a number of tricks during my younger days. It still hurt to use it, but again, this was for Tilda.

“Princess Celestia,” Tilda squealed and hugged me. “I’m so glad to see you again.” Her eyes widened when she saw my horn. “Your horn. It’s broken.”

I sighed and hugged her with my wings, “It will heal in time, so don’t fret about me.” I lifted my head and paused. “Why is he here?” The Mayor of all people? I knew he wasn’t all bad, but I didn’t trust him with all this gold. I could see the lust in his eyes as he stared at all the gold around him. If he took any with him now, Smaug would kill the humans of the town.

“He’s changed,” Tilda spoke up. “I wanted to bring him here to make him nicer.”

“Nicer?” I quirked an eyebrow. Oh the innocence of youth. This still was a noble goal, however. He finally turned to stare at me. “Have you truly decided to change?”

He nodded, “Of course. I’ve got no power now and…” He sighed. “I’m tired of being a tub of lard, honestly. Maybe a diet is in order.”

“You haven’t answered my question,” I said firmly. “Do you truly wish to change?”

The former mayor paused as he mulled it over. “Have I? Oh yes, I have. Most certainly, Your Majesty.”

I stared into his eyes. A part of him was insincere. He most likely wanted to use me to get gold. Yet, I could see another part of him that did desire to change. The noble part of him. This man was worth saving. If not, then Smaug would make quick work of this situation. “Very well then, I shall endeavor to help.”

The mayor sighed in relief, “Oh thank you. Thank you, Your Highness. I am ever so grateful.”

“Are you really?” Smaug’s voice sent shivers down my spine and not the pleasant kind. The gold clinked and scattered as the drake moved to look down on the two humans. “All I see before me is a rat. A rat that skulks in the dark and lies through its jagged teeth. Do you know what I do with rats?”

The mayor shivered in fear, hiding behind Tilda. I couldn’t help but sigh. He still had a long way to go. Before I could say something, Tilda stepped forward. “He’s not a mean person anymore, mister Smaug. He’s good, just like you.”

Smaug blinked in surprise, “You think just because I killed the orcs and spared your kin means that I did it out of kindness?” Tilda nodded with a big hopeful smile. “You truly are a strange human. So full of naivety.”

“No, I’m full of blood and stuff.” Tilda pointed out.

I smirked, “She does have a point, Smaug.”

Smaug wrinkled his scaly brow in a way that made me want to laugh. I didn’t, but I really wanted to. Children have a way of getting under the skin of the most stubborn of creatures. “Be it as it may, I want them out of my mountain.”

“But I want to talk with Celestia,” Tilda pouted and crossed her arms.

“You just did,” Smaug growled, which shook them to their core. “Now leave before I rescind this momentary kindness.”

“Smaug…” I started.

Smaug rounded on me, our noses almost touching. His teeth were bared. “Do not try and bargain their lives in your inane attempt to make me their ‘friends’. I need not this friendship or your kindness. You are my trinket and you will listen to me.”

Suddenly, Tilda was between us and actually pushing Smaug’s nose as if to try and push him away. “Stop being mean to her.”

Smaug pulled back, blinking in surprise. It’s not every day that a human child stands up to a fully grown dragon. He narrowed his eyes, “You have courage, child. If you were a dragon, I would commend you for your bravery. However, it will get you killed one day. If you don’t leave, that day will be today.”

“I won’t and you can’t make me,” Tilda snorted. “I wanted to spend time with you and Celestia. Mister Esgorath wants to change. He doesn’t want your gold. I don’t want it. We just want a home.”

“Then find a home,” Smaug retorted. “Leave me be.”

A thought popped into my head, “Why don’t you make Dale your home?”

Tilda blinked in surprise, “What?”

Esgaroth, the previous mayor, piped up. “That place? We’re just staying there because we have no where else to go. No one would be foolish enough to live in that ruin.”

“You could spruce it up,” I said. “Make it into a city you could be proud to live in. No one would dare attack you knowing that a dragon and one such as I lives so close to you.” I could see Esgaroth about to gesture to my broken horn, but wisely closed it at Smaug’s glare. I turned to Smaug, “Would you object to them staying there?”

“I care not where they stay,” Smaug growled. “As long as they stay out of my mountain.” He snorted, blowing smoke over Esgaroth. He smiled as the man started to cough, “Remember, not a single coin is to leave this mountain or I shall burn your city once more.”

Tilda’s eyes seemed to sparkle, “So you’ll protect us.”

Smaug chuckled and lowered his head, “Is that what you think I’m doing, child? So very naive. As I said before, I don’t care where you stay. This mountain is mine and the land around it is mine and I will protect it. That much I can tell you.”

Tilda giggled and hugged Smaug’s snout, “I knew you were a good dragon.”

Smaug’s eyes widened as did mine. Was he going to hurt her? Kill her? Even if I couldn’t use magic strong enough to block or move Tilda, I still had to do something. He didn’t do anything. I stared at him, a little puzzled as he just let Tilda go.

“Tilda,” I spoke up, looking at the still dragon. “I think it’s best you leave. Smaug and I need some alone time.” Smaug may be changing, but if she tried that again he might just eat her.

Tilda nodded and waved at Smaug, “Bye mister Smaug.” Smaug didn’t answer as the little girl left.

I turned to Smaug with a kind smile, “You liked that, didn’t you?”

He snarled, “Like it? It was humiliating. Had I not been so shocked that a human would have the audacity to do that, I would have killed her.”

“Of course you would,” I giggled. “You big-” My head felt like it was going to split open. I gasped and fell to the ground, clutching a hoof to my head. I had a long ways before they would be gone.

“Celestia,” Smaug nudged me under his snout and walked off. “Stop straining yourself. You’re no good to me broken.”

I didn’t say anything for a while. I was too busy using his heat to combat my pain. He gave me the strength I needed, even if he didn’t know it. I hoped it stayed that way. I don’t want to use him directly, but I fear that he might not let me outside for a long time. He gently pushed me into a small enclosure. I’m sure he doesn’t want to keep my out in the open since someone could easily see me. I was touched, but I missed having him next to me.

Apparently I wasn’t going to be alone after all. I felt something nestle against me and looked over… to see Smaug in his alicorn form. I blushed, mentally thanking myself for setting up defenses. Even being this close to him made my spine tingle in delight. I would not falter however. “Smaug, what are you doing?”

“Keeping you warm,” Smaug snorted. “And safe. I can’t risk having something taking you from me again.”

Keep it together. Keep it together. I knew this would happen again. I knew it. I have my senses slightly dulled. His delectable aroma doesn’t affect me, nor his body… his sweet body. Oh darn it. My spells must have been weakened with the loss of my horn. I’ll just get some sleep and the thoughts will… I felt him move his wing over me, cradling me closer to him. His sides felt oh so good against my own.

I could hold my own, however. I didn’t take him last time and I wouldn’t now, but… I remembered how he took care of me. How he was growing and how cute he was with Tilda. I knew he was growing soft for her. I lowered my head down to the floor to sleep.

Smaug’s neck craned over mine. His breath lightly tickled my ear, causing me to giggle. This seemed to intrigue the dragon turned alicorn who moved closer. Then, he started to take in my scent. His nose moved close to my neck. He took in a few large breaths and I realized that he might take a liking to my scent. Given how close we were… I wouldn’t object, but still.

He gave me a slight nibble and I gasped slightly. I didn’t pay him much mind, but I started to fathom his intentions when his wing moved down to my rump. No, he wouldn’t be that bold… It squeezed. OH! Oh~ He is that bold~ I like it. I picked up my head and smirked. “It seems someone’s excited~” I purred.

“I take what is mine,” Smaug growled. His face made it obvious he was starting to get drunk with my scent. Normally, this isn’t an issue given that we live and get used to another’s scent. It’s usually amplified when you just transform so… he wants it badly. He nuzzled me. “Any way I want it, I shall take it.”

“Then take it~” I giggled. If I wanted him out I’d have my magic to force him out. I’d be reeling in pain unimaginable, but it’d make my intention clear. Maybe I should, yet… Smaug was the only one I could rely on right now. Tilda and the humans could help, but Smaug… I could tell he cared about me. He wouldn’t say it aloud. Not yet, anyways. I couldn’t trust him, but I could care about him. That was something I needed. This dragon, this greedy beast, was the only thing keeping me sane right now. Nightmare Moon would have used my grief against me and taken control if it hadn’t been for him. So perhaps, just this once… I can give him something special~ I was still nervous. This was my first time, but I was a quick learner. Yet, maybe…

Oh no, I’m not backing down from this. He wanted it and so did I. I steeled my resolve and kissed him….

Author's Note:

And they did it. FINALLY! Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They really do help and I hope to get a new chapter out soon enough.

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