• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,381 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Omake: Smaugette

I have no idea how this could have happened. It is inconceivable that any magical artifact could have such an effect on me. Dragons are usually resistant to magic of any kind so to have this happen to me was honestly disturbing on many levels. I am Smaug! The mightiest of all fire drakes. No mere crown should have this effect on me. It should melt from my every present hatred.

I frowned. Maybe that was it. Maybe I had grown soft and that allowed the magic to take effect. Such an aggravating thought brought forth a growl. I was not soft. I should not even think about that. Me? Soft? I may care about one alicorn, but I allow the humans to live because they amuse me. Nothing more. The orcs learned the hard way that I still burned with intensity. Rather, I found it to be the fun way but that was besides the point.

I have to focus. Walking was… irritating now. I know how to walk as a human, which is what I am now? I have no idea. I look human but I felt a fan of horns on my earlobe and a large pair of red wings on my back. Obviously whatever spell was still in effect was not permanent. I just have to find a mirror and see the damage.

Thankfully, a great number of my treasures can work for this. Ah-ha! A large diamond mirror. I would a hug a dwarf and then eat him for making such a thing. I can’t just let them live after all. The blasted creatures would just try and steal from my treasure. That or try and kill me, but that was laughable. Now, to what do I…..?



My eyes widened as I beholden myself. I had long flowing golden hair. It reminded me of Celestia’s when she was in human form in how it luxuriously flowed down my shoulders. Of course, that didn’t bother me. It was golden and it was mine. That I could deal with. The blue eyes were a change I hated. Such a blue did not befit a creature such as I. I was the greatest of all fire drakes. A person should gaze into my very eyes and think of nothing but fire. In fact, they should all just combust but mortal races were far too stupid to just catch on fire.

So I had to help them with that. Good times.

My skin was so smooth, just like the humans down there with their pale complexions. Just looking at it made me sick. It looked so innocent. So nice. So calm. I am Smaug. I am none of those things. I should have scales that can… I had no scales. I gasped and brought up my hand to cover my mouth. That sound was most certainly feminine but that wasn’t important right now.

I was vulnerable. A mere hunter could take me down without them. I knew about that when I transformed but that had been voluntary and I could regain some aspects of myself at will. This magic seemed to keep me as I am.

Blinking in confusion as I looked at my now human hand, I found it and a good portion of my upper arm as covered in a red metallic gauntlet of sorts. They looked menacing enough. Something I could actually kill someone with. Now that brought a smile to my otherwise human face. The claws could slash. The metal could bash. No doubt I could still bite.

I frowned as I looked at myself again. I didn’t look like I did last time. It was far too much like the human females. I looked down at the large red dress I wore around my person. Lifting a gauntlet, I idly touched the mounds on my chest. That earned a gasp from me. Not from pain of course but from… something else. They looked soft and squishy, like the ones Celestia had….. That the other female humans had….

No, no, no, no, no. That could not be. There were no such magic to switch genders, especially on a dragon like me. I was just overthinking things. I concentrated and I didn’t feel something important. Okay, I shouldn’t panic. I need to keep calm and think things through. I pulled off the gauntlet from my left hand. If I was to check, I would do so without harming myself. I was in a weak and frail human form after all.

I pulled up my dress with one hand and let my other now free hand roam until… I gasped again and this time it was definitely very feminine. The feeling was strange and familiar and I didn’t like it. Still, I needed to dive in and check so I loosely let that hand travel underneath my new garments and stick a finger into my-

“GAH!” I gasped and retracted my finger. I let my new dress fall and looked at my slick finger. That was not a masculine hole. That was most assuredly a feminine one. I should know after delving into past mates and Celestia.

I… I was female. This was actually happening right now. Okay, Smaug. Just keep calm. You are the mightiest of the great drakes. You can get past this. My tail swished behind me in fright. Okay, I am not going to do well if I keep thinking like a frightened child. I shall find whoever made this and kill them. After that, I shall destroy this crown and be rid of this curse. Yes, that sounded like a great plan.

“Smaug?” My mate, I mean Celestia’s, voice called out to me. Surely she would know what to do. “Are you there?”

“Of course I am. I am always here,” I frowned. That voice. It was far too perfectly female. I despised it utterly.

Celestia walked over. She hadn’t shown much of a bump yet but just thinking of the child that would come from this union still brought on so many mixed feelings inside of me. I’d work them out later. Right now I had to fix this. I saw her eyes widen. Surprised as I am, I see.

“This crown,” I pointed and snorted with anger. “Did this.”

“And you are alright otherwise?” She stepped closer, eyeing up my body. I didn’t like the level of interest she had in that gaze, but I chose to ignore it. I had more pressing matters to think about at this very moment.

I simply nodded, “I checked.” I waved with my free hand, not noticing how Celestia traced my fingers with her eyes.

She walked over and stared at me. Again, her stare was unnerving. What was she thinking? I made to open my mouth when she tapped the crown. Her form shifted to that of her human one. Instantly, she giggled. “Now that is interesting.” She held up my hand and did something I didn’t think she’d do.

She put my finger in her mouth? What manner of trickery is this? It is disgusting and yet I can’t pull away. Why is this doing things to my body? Why do I feel good watching and feeling her suck… on the finger I stuck down there…

Oh no.

That look.

That desire.

How dare this female intimidate me with sex appeal? It is not right for a dragon such as I to be brought a manner of fear. So I did the only thing I could think of. I pushed her away and quickly grabbed my gauntlet. I didn’t let the fact that my new cheeks were burning stop me from coughing into my now gauntlet encased hand.

“Yes, well.” I started as she advanced again. I gulped and took a step back. “I need to fix this.”

“I need to conduct a few tests first~” Her fingers twiddled about the air.

“I already despise your idea.”

“You’ll love it in a moment~”

My wings flared as did hers, sprouting from her human back. I was not going to be taken like this. I was a proud dragon of the north. A being of fire and death. I could conquer any foe… she just licked her lips?!!

I am not dealing with this right now. I then took off.



Between training the soldiers, looking for my lost daughter, and dealing with my remaining children and citizens, I had a lot on my plate these days. So much so that I didn’t know how I dealt with it all. It was exhausting work. Yet, no one else was willing and given that I was the only one who could talk with Smaug and Celestia, I had the most ‘power’ here.

I nearly spat at the thought of having power. I didn’t want that. I just wanted a good life with my children. Something simple. Something they could enjoy, but that was taken from them. It was taken from so many people here in Laketown. I would do my best to change that. No matter what, I pledge my life to them.

I was currently helping a few recruits with their bowmanship, which wasn’t that bad for fishermen, when something landed behind me. I turned to see a beautiful blonde woman with dragon like qualities. I blinked for a few seconds. How was I supposed to process that? I know I have seen quite a few bizarre things in my life, but this?

“Human,” the woman barked in apparent fear. “Hide me.”

“What?” Was all I could muster. Again, how was I supposed to process this?

“You are useless!” Fire licked her lips as she angrily stomped the ground, shaking the entire area. “She’s coming for me. Hide me!”

“Smaug~” A familiar voice cried out. “I’m coming~”

The strange woman yelped and took off into the air. A human Celestia with white wings sped on after her, “Get away from me, you crazy mare.”

“I just want to help you. So stop running.”

“You want to sate your sick desires.”

“I want to help you experience the pleasure of the female form.”

“That is the same thing!”

The pair chased each other through the olden city. I couldn’t help but sigh in exasperation. Things were never going to be the same, were they? He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or bad thing at this point.

Author's Note:

OKAY! Before you type 'It's Alive' I want to say, if you do, offer some points of interest. Like your thoughts on the chapter and jokes and whatnot. (You can stills cream the former).

As for this, well, yeah. Bowsette is a thing and I love it. It gave me this idea and I think I have a bit of a drive to continue writing now. I think I'll skip ahead a bit in terms of the Hobbit trilogy but then again, a lot of the trilogy didn't happen in the book anyways. I have not abandoned this story and I hate the fact that it took me more then a year to write for this again.

Which I have to say. It was a blast to write again for this story. Smaug was especially fun given how long it has been. I don't know when I will get to writing more, but hopefully it'll be soon. I don't want to lift too many spirits but eh. I do want to finish so I'll try and work something out.

Until next time, I can't wait to read your thoughts on this chapter of mine and I hope you all take care.

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