• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,381 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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Dancing and Smoking

“Now,” I smiled at Smaug. I did my best not to giggle at his nervous expression. I didn’t want him to crush my hands again. I know the poor dear didn’t mean to, but...he did scare me there for a minute. I didn’t pay it much mind. I’ve been scared before by a number of monsters. At least Smaug was a cute one. That and the damage wasn’t permanent. I’d probably be a bit more sore with him if it was. I just needed to be a little more careful tonight. “Follow my lead.”

Smaug growled, looking around nervously. “And you think you can teach me to dance like these insects?”

“Yes,” I told him truthfully. Oh yes, it would be a challenge. Smaug was a quadruped, such as I. Not to mention how he felt more at home in the air. It’s a challenge accustoming oneself to a bipedal form. Certainly a challenge worth it.

Smaug snorted. “You believe you can teach one such as I to dance the dance of these humans? I would think you mad if not for the form you forced me to take.”

“But then we would not be such a matching pair,” I smirked. “And honestly, are you truly complaining?” I twirled around. Quite a few men stopped to stare, tripped over themselves, and got smacked by their wives and lovers. I’ve still got it, but then, I have my mother’s butt. She taught me all I knew about wooing the opposite sex. I was going to use it to the fullest extent. I just hoped Smaug could take it.

Smaug pulled me close, causing me to yelp in surprise. He kept those oh so powerful arms wrapped around me and I could hear him growling at all the other males. “I hate this moreso because of your form. I lust for it. I crave it. A disgusting little human frame, but my sense go mad whenever I look upon it. Every fiber of my being is telling me to take it now and do as nature intended.”

My whole face broke out in a blush and I shook in excitement. I really was in a premature heat after all. It didn’t help that Smaug had such a pleasant voice to listen to. I’m just thankful he was speaking low so only I could hear him.

“How do humans stand this?” Smaug spoke. “It’s just random thoughts and an ever present need to breed. It’s sickening. Maddening.”

I giggled. I told my mother the exact same thing when she taught me transformation magic. She just laughed and told me that humans were a strange bunch. I just had to reassert my godhood and those feelings would go away. Though, perhaps I just don’t want to reassert it just yet~ “It will pass, Benedict. Until then,” I pulled away from his and quickly set his hands in their proper place. One in hand, and the other on my butt...oops, better move that to the hip~ “Let’s go a few steps.”

Smaug glanced nervously to his feet. “I wish not to harm you, but I do believe I will crush your feet.”

“As I have shown you before,” I gave him a reassuring smile. “I can heal myself. I have plenty of energy saved up and the sun still shines above. I can take it.”

“I care not whether you can ‘take’ it or not,” he huffed. “My treasure is not to be tarnished by anyone, including myself.”

“Oh stop being a worrywart,” I nuzzled him my cheek against his and then pulled back to look him in the eyes. They weren’t filled with as much hatred before. Just the usual dragon fire. “Now, step with me.” I took a step back and he followed. He kept his gaze squarely at his feet. “Good, but to truly dance with someone, you need to look them in the eye. Besides, I think there are a couple of things getting in the way of your view.” I giggled, causing said two things to jiggle a bit. It still feels weird to have them so large and on my chest. Weird, but not in the bad way.

Smaug growled, trying to quell his blush. “Infernal lumps of flesh.”

“I’ll have you know we mammals are proud of our infernal lumps of flesh,” I smirked.

“This is why drakes are the superior race,” he held his head high. “We need not these things.”

“I’m sure I’ll change your mind soon enough,” I winked at him.

He just growled. “Just teach me to dance.” I giggled in response and we continued. I’m glad I’m nimble on my feet or he’d really have crushed my feet a few times.


“Where is she?” I muttered to myself. Father had sent me to check up on Sigrid and I wasn’t about to fail him. I don’t know why though. If Sigrid was in one of her ‘moods’ she was likely to throw something at me and scream. It’s honestly helped me hone my reflexes and she does apologize so I don’t care that much. Still, it’s not exactly the place I’d like to be.

It’s always difficult to find my sister. She likes to hide away from the people of this town. I think she’s just exaggerating. I mean, the people here aren’t that bad. Okay, none of them really want to be my friend, but they respect da. They help us well enough. Well, some of them. Most of them don’t give an ounce of care what happens to us. Perhaps it’s only a small exaggeration then.

“Looking for someone~” I stiffened at that voice. I knew who it was, but why? WHY ME?!! I had to turn around and there was Sophia, leaning against a building. “Oh you poor dear. You look ever so lost.” She sauntered on over and again I asked myself what I did to deserve this cruel temptress.

I took a few steps back. “Umm...hello Sophia.” My voice shook as I tried to get away from her.

“Hello~” Her voice just oozed something that made me shiver. Not in the good way.

I don’t know why she always does this to me. She flirts, retreats, comes back for more. It’s just too much. Why? Is she just messing with me because of my sister, or just likes teasing me. “H-have you seen my sister?”

Sophia tapped her chin slowly. I didn’t want to look at what she was wearing. That blue dress looked good on...No, she is the enemy. “I can’t say that I have, but no matter. She isn’t important. My date is.”

“You have a date?” Who could stand her? She’s the most unreasonable, selfish, mean woman in town.

“You don’t know?” She pouted and quickly sauntered over to me. She put a hand to my cheek. “That would be you, Bain.”

“But-” She put a finger to my lips.

“No buts,” Sophia smirked. “I want this night to be great and you’re going to make that happen. Understood?” She gave me such an evil eye that I had to nod my head. “Good. Just remember your place and we’ll do fine.”


Again and again I keep asking myself why I decided to follow these fools on this venture. If it was simply my foolhardy friend, then I could stand it. I’ve dealt with him often over the centuries and I know that we can come to some sort of understanding. He’s a fool. Yet, for some reason one can’t stay mad at him for long. It’s his accursed charisma. He draws all sorts of characters to him. Even a horse of Mearas heeds his call.

How the blazes did he do that?

I had to shuffle these thoughts for later. They wouldn’t do me well now. Gandalf and his abnormalities was one thing. I could deal with that alone. Not this time. This time there were dwarves about. I’m glad I know a few cleaning spells or my robes would have been made filthier than a pigsty. That doesn’t matter now. What matters is the headache I now carry. At least these ponies I kept close to didn’t talk.

It was then I noticed Gandalf angrily march on up to me. I had decided to give the company a bit of space. I wouldn’t always do so, for that would be foolhardy. I was surprised to see him so flustered, but then I reminded myself that there were dwarves present. This was his own doing. I’ll let him stew in it for a while. Maybe some common sense will finally leech through that skull of his.

The old fool sat beside me. His face was etched in a scowl I myself wore more often than not. Middle Earth was filled with enough fools that it was easy to master this look. We didn’t say anything to each other. We didn’t have to. A single glance was enough for us. I could see how much he wanted to strangle that foolish king.

Of course, Gandalf had to ruin the silence by bringing out his accursed weed and pipe. I did my best to block out the sounds of his crunching and mulching of that plant. It was disgusting. “Must you smoke that infernal thing here?”

“It helps relax me,” Gandalf said in turn. “After dealing with Thorin, I need all the relaxation I can get. I won’t be offered much during our journey.”

“Perhaps,” I nodded. “But you are being too hasty. Who is looking out for the dwarves and hobbit now?”

“Themselves,” Gandalf didn’t say anything more. He just started puffing smoke, grumbling to himself.

“Do you honestly believe that they won’t get into trouble?” I shook my head when he just kept on puffing. “The people of Middle Earth are like children. Leave them alone for one moment and they get into all sort of trouble. From what I recall that happens every time you give them a little space.”

“I can’t baby them forever,” Gandalf said. “They have to learn to sort themselves out.”

“And they’re doing a fine job of that,” I remarked with a dry tone. Gandalf just huffed and went back to smoking. “Must you do that so close to me? I’ll catch my death from that stuff.”

“It would honestly be one of the most pleasant deaths you could find in these lands,” Gandalf chuckled. “Perhaps you should try some.”

“I’d rather deal with the dwarves,” I sneered.

“How are you supposed to condemn something if you never experienced it yourself?” Gandalf asked. Of course he would say that. My friend never could resist trying out everything he could get his hands on.

“By that logic, my friend,” I started. “I would have to take up dark sorcery to really know that I must condemn it.”

Gandalf sighed. “If that’s how you see things, fine by me.”

The next few moments were filled with blissful silence. Well, as blissful as they could be with him puffing that horrendous stuff right next to me. It had a pleasant smell, I’ll give him that. I just had to do my best to ignore it….Then he started to crunch more weed. “Give me a pipe.”

Gandalf chuckled and said nothing as he handed me a pipe, weed, and a small ladle. I went to work quickly. The sooner I did this, the sooner he would shut up. Quick as ever, I brought it to my lips and inhaled. The first few seconds were pleasant enough. The taste was enticing and I liked how it tingled in my mouth. Then it hit my throat.

I started coughing up a storm. Gandalf laughed. “Smoking is a learned habit. One doesn’t take to it so easily, but it is worth it in the end.”

I stilled my coughing after a moment. “Yes,” I coughed once more. My throat was a tad bit sore from the experience. “I can tell. However much I hate this retched smoke, I’ll need everything at my disposal to deal with these dwarves. I’ll just have to stomach it until the end of the journey than no more.”

“Uh-huh,” Gandalf chuckled and put his pipe in his mouth.

I glared at him. He was a smug wizard, that much was true. “So how did you come to tame Shadowfax.”

“I haven’t tamed him,” Gandalf said. “I came across the old stallion on my journey. He wished to have one more adventure before he retired. I gladly gave him the chance. He is a prideful creature. Comes with living in a family that just keeps naming their sons Shadowfax. They have an image to uphold.”

I nodded in understanding. The horses of Mearas rarely let anyone ride them. It would make sense that Gandalf would find an old one just as foolish as himself. I was so lost in thought, I didn’t think about how I was putting my pipe back into my mouth and…

Gandalf laughed once more as I was stricken with another bout of coughing. I would get him back for this.

Author's Note:

Alright, we're getting back on track. Hopefully, I can keep these chapters coming out quickly, though it might slow down come midterm. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They really do help me out with motivation and all that. :twilightsmile:

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