• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,378 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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The King's Night


I can’t remember the last time I slept in a soft bed. I am so used to the harsh, uneven ground or horrible makeshift beds of rancid inns. None of them could match the splendor of sleeping in the fine beds of my home. None could remind me of the calm serenity I would experience, knowing my family and friends were safe from harm. A part of me knew that I might not live to experience a sleep without worry. Without heartache or regret.

Yet when I awoke, it was if all the hardships had been but a dream. I felt relaxed and warm. This could only be a dream, but it felt so real. My hand played with the silk bedsheets and my head laid upon the softest of feather pillows. I opened my eyes, greeted with the gleaming sight of my old room under the mountain. This was impossible. I was with my party and now…

I felt an arm wrap around my midsection. It felt so silky smooth and someone’s hot breath tickled the back of my neck. The large warmth on my back confirmed it was indeed a woman. Unless I had gotten drunk sometime during the night…. And the only females in the party were elves who knew all sorts of spells, like illusions and such….

I jumped out of bed with a startled cry. A cry no one, for their sake, better have heard. I looked towards the bed to see a strange woman laying there in the bed. She just smiled at me, using the blankets to cover herself.

“Hello, my king~” She finally spoke. It had a lilting seductive quality to it.

I narrowed my eyes, “Who are you and how did you bring me to this place?” Out of the corner of my eyes, I searched the room for any weapons. I knew she wouldn’t be so foolish as to let me have them near me, but I could use something like a lamp or something to fight her off until I escaped.

The woman chuckled, “I didn’t bring you anywhere. You are still with your friends, safe and sound.”

I blinked in confusion, touching my chest. “Then why does-”

“This feel so real?” The woman grinned. “Dreams can feel real when-” She pulled down her blanket to reveal a little more of her chest. “-we want them to be.”

“So this is a dream?” I quirked an eye, doing my best not to stare. Not because of modesty, but because I knew she was trying to distract me. I needed to be on my guard, or I could very well die here. Even if this was a dream, something told me to be wary.

“In a manner of speaking,” she moved the blanket aside, revealing herself to be wearing a silk nightgown that pressed against her in a way that left nothing really to imagination. “It’s both real and not real. A testiment to my power.”

“Your power?” I blinked in confusion, before I looked more closely into her starry hair. “You… you are the demon that threatened me those days ago.”

“That was my host,” the woman pouted, moving closer. “She is young and brash. I believe she is a bit drunk on her new power. I can’t blame her. It is something most mortals never think of achieving. Do not fret. She is such a nice girl.”

“And you wish for me to believe you are different?” I wanted to laugh, but didn’t. I could not afford to upset her now that she was here. Creatures like her were tricky.

She nodded, “Yes,” she sat down on the bed. “You see, King Thorin. All I want is one thing.” She looked at him with a sad smile, “To be loved.”

I frowned, “You have a funny way of getting it.”

She chuckled, “That is because everyone fears me. They believe I am a threat. They believe my gifts are nothing more then curses. Even my…” She briefly glanced away as a flicker of pain went across her face. “Own mother thinks I am no better then a demon. That is why I am here. I simply wish to find a home. A home that will not cast me aside. A home that will love me for who I am.”

“And what does this have to do with me?”

She stood up, causing me to take a step back. “I want you to give me this home. I want to give you your home. I want to free the mountain from that accursed dragon and give you the peace of mind you so desperately wish for.”

I mulled over this, “And what do you want for helping me?”

“As I said,” her saunter emphasized her shapely form. “I want to be loved. I want to be adored as I am. That is all, my king. I have the power to make your dream a reality.”

I put my arms behind my back, “Your offer is intriguing. I can’t lie that I would rather find someone other than the elves to help me take back my homeland.” I took a few steps toward her, calculating the risk.

She was ever closer, tantalizing me with her shapely form. Yet also frightening me somehow. “Yes, these elves are… troublesome.”

“You have no idea,” I growled. “They abandoned us in their time of need. They left us to burn.”

She was right in front of me. Given her size, I had to crane my head up to look her in the eyes. “I can get you your revenge. I can make them pay for what they have done to your people. I can make you the king you deserve to be.”

“A tempting offer,” I nodded. “You have power of dreams. That can be useful.”

“It can indeed,” she nodded.

“However,” I fidgeted my hands behind my back. I awaited the right moment. “Unlike the elves, I have a sense of honor. I always keep my word. So I shall not betray them. I shall not strike them. I can glare and growl as much as I want, but I will not go back on my word. My personal feelings mean nothing. If the elves wish to help me take it back, then it shall be so. I will hate them always, but my people come first.”

I turned slightly, “I have given them my word, not you. I do appreciate the offer, but please do not take me for a fool. I know as well as you that your kind never tries to make a fair bargain. You are the one who benefits the most here. You are the one who would have me kneeling before you like a dog.”

I turned to her again, glaring up into her eyes. “I may have problems. I may let my anger get the best of me, but I am not a puppet that will let others toy with me whenever they so wish. I do not accept your offer, nor will I ever. I will hold fast with the elves and I will save my people.”

The woman just chuckled and traced a finger across my cheek. It felt cold to the touch. It felt dead to the world, “You mortals are so adorable. You think so small mindedly. You must see the bigger picture.” She sighed, “But alas, I knew you would turn me down. To think, I did all this for you.” She let a hand trace between her own breasts. “If not my offer, how about my company for the rest of this dream, hmm? That doesn’t sound so bad.”

That was tempting, I had to admit. It had been quite some time since I had laid a fair woman. That temptation was crushed into dust, “And use it to corrupt me? You’d find a way to enthrall me to your service through such acts. I will not be tempted.”

She sighed, “One day someone will take me up on that offer. I deserve my own little scene of carnal pleasure. However, I am still not surprised.”

I furrowed my brow, “But if you-”

“Did not expect for those things to work?” She smirked. “It is simple. I am Nightmare Moon and this realm is a reality. All within it can be bent and broken. All can be twisted to fit whatever I want.” Her hand raised, “I do mean all.”

With that came the worst pain imaginable. I screamed through gritted teeth, falling to my knees. “Pain… will not…”

“Pain will not work entirely,” Nightmare Moon chuckled. “But I’ve found it the perfect way to weaken a person’s defenses. In a moment, all you ever will want is my touch. You simple minded fool.” The pain grew worse and worse. I writhed on the ground, trying to block it out. I wanted it to end more than anything.

And so it did.


“Thorin, wake up.” A familiar hobbit’s voice called to me. “Wake-” I sprang forward, grabbing his shoulders. He gulped in fear, “Well… you’re up.”

I held him there, more surprised than anything. “What are you doing?”

“Well I was just passing by to feed the horses when I saw you writhing in what looked like pain,” Bilbo smiled hesitantly. “I couldn’t just leave you like that so…”

“You decided to wake me.”

Bilbo nodded, “Yes, and I am sorry if I have bothered you. I didn’t mean to and I shall be on my way. You won’t see or hear a peep out of me the rest of tonight. No sirree.”

I held him there and did the only thing I could think of. I pulled him into a hug, “Thank you.”

Bilbo froze in what I could tell was shock. He patted my back, “You’re very welcome.”

I pulled back and patted his shoulder, “It seems that is the second time you’ve saved my skin.”

“I wouldn’t call that saving your hide,” Bilbo brushed off my comment. “I was just trying to help you.”

I smiled, “And for that, I appreciate it.” I leaned back to rest as he left. The Burglar and I were not friends. I highly doubted that would happen, but I would show him my appreciation for his hard work. He seemed dependable enough and I’d be a liar if said otherwise. I closed my eyes to rest.

Then I saw her face.

I groaned and got out of my knapsack, “Master Baggins, I think I’ll help you with the horses.”



“Smaug,” Celestia’s sweet voice lulled me out of my slumber. If it had been any other creature, I would have killed them right then and there and gone back to sleep. Curse this ‘love’.

I growled, “What is it?”

“I’m sorry for disturbing you,” Celestia spoke. “But…” A growling noise erupted from her stomach.

I closed my eyes and groaned. This child of ours was always hungry. If it wasn’t one moment, it was the nest. Then the next. Then the next. If it kept this up through its life, I swear I’ll kick it out of my territory before it grows too large. “I’ll go get you a tree.”

“Well…” Celestia tapped her hooves against the rest of my treasure. “I was hoping for some pastries.”

I narrowed my eyes, “We shall ask the child to give you some another time. A tree is what you are getting.”

Celestia pouted and looked away, “If you don’t want to give our child the nutrients it needs-”

“What will sweets give it?” Fire licked my lips as my temper grew.

She turned to me with a quivering lip and large, watery eyes. “It will make me happy.”

I snarled. That look would not work on me. Not now. “You…” My snarls grew, “Alright, I’ll get you your sweets. It’s not like I have anything better to do.”

Celestia giggled and kissed my cheek, “You are such a sweetheart~”

The things I do for love.


Meanwhile, in the Woodland Realm

Fear wasn’t something I had truly felt in a long time. Not since… that day. I persevered. I never let anything get to me. Yet now I lay in my bed staring at my fingers. My shaking fingers. I didn’t know how treact.

It was the same thing.

Over and over.



I couldn’t stop it. It was the same darkness as before. Night after night. Was it just the last few? Months? Years? Centuries? I don’t remember. I don’t remember the last peaceful night I had. It just seemed to warp those memories of a peaceful night’s rest. It was lost to me and I wanted it back. I would give anything for that.

I stood up. Perhaps I would wash myself and relax. That might help. The pain was gone. Yes, that’s good. It was just a dream.

Just a dream.

The little basin near my bed was filled with crystal clear water. I smiled down as I cupped my hands into it and splashed my face. It felt so refreshing and I felt some of my unease leave me. I sighed in relief. Everything would get better. I didn’t need to let anyone know of this. I was their King. I was supposed to be the strongest of us.

Strongest of us.

I narrowed my eyes as I saw the briefest flicker of shadow in my eyes in the water’s reflection. I rubbed my eyes and then looked again.

It was gone.

Just my imagination. That’ sit. Just my imagination. I was safe and sound in my bed.


Always alone.


Always alone.

I gripped my head, “Stop it. Stop it.”


She's dead forever to you.

“Stop it,” I tried to stop these thoughts, gritting my teeth as I tried to think of anything else. After a moment, they were gone. I could think clearly again. I sighed. I needed to go back to sleep. The encroachment of the spiders must have been more taxing on myself then I let on. It would pass and I could finally get some rest. Still, I would try again tonight. A King never gives up.

Author's Note:

I am so sorry for taking so long. Writer's block and my own doubts of my capabilities with this story sort of held me back. I know this story isn't perfect, but I'll try my best to at least make it entertaining.

So I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please leave a comment bellow. Have a great day.

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