• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,361 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Sometimes You Can Run From The Predator. Sometimes You Run Towards Them~

An elf’s speed in unmatched. In a fair fight, I dare not think of many races that can slay us. Well at least when it comes to the races of men, orcs, and the like. So I find it a bit tricky to compare our fighting styles. I didn’t think much of it before, but now I wish I had. For I found myself sparring with a hobbit.

“Move your feet quicker,” I slashed my blade down on his. Looking at it, I couldn’t help but remember the vile repulsion of the troll cave. There were many elvish artifacts and that made me furious. How dare those things kill my kin? If I ever see another troll, I will make them wish they never existed. It didn’t sit right with me to have the dwarves collect them, but I had no real say in the manner. The dwarves weren’t very fond of me, the king especially. No matter. Once this quest was over, I wouldn’t have to deal with them. “Bend your legs. You’re too stiff.”

For what it’s worth, Bilbo at least tried. That’s more than I can say for the few that I’ve trained in my life. He was small and his stature wasn’t made for fighting. He was clunky and tried to keep his distance. That can work with stronger opponents, but he was so slow. I had to resist making the easy shot several times. I still had to make him at least somewhat sore to get the message across. Still, I didn’t want to hurt him. He was the only one in this company I actually liked. Well, Gandalf seemed to be comfortable to talk to as well though.

“Come on,” I parried a weak thrust and smacked the pummel of my sword into his shoulder. He let out a little cry as he moved to the side. I didn’t hit him hard enough to break any bone, but he certainly was clutching it like I did. “Let go of your shoulder. It’s not broken.”

“Well it feels like it is,” Bilbo scoffed. “I don’t see why I have to do this. I’m just the burglar. A hobbit. We’re not made for fighting.”

“You’re going to have to learn,” I huffed. This was already going on for longer then it should. “The orcs will not show you an ounce of mercy, nor the trolls. Nor any beast that wishes you to be its next meal. You either fight or die. That’s the way the world works outside of your Shire.” My gaze softened when the hobbit looked down at the ground in dismay. I put a hand on his shoulder, “You’re getting better, Bilbo. You almost got me a few times there.”

“Almost is the key word,” Bilbo stated. “I don’t think ‘almost’ is going to cut it in a real battle.”

“You have to remember that I’m an elf,” I pointed out. “I’m much faster and smarter than an orc, so take heart in that.” I smiled when he nodded, patting him on the head. Such a cute little hobbit. That’s when I heard something. It was racing towards us.

“Someone’s coming!” Thorin shouted and the rest of the dwarves raced towards the sound with their weapons at the ready. I held up my swords, standing between it and Bilbo. The two wizards had their staffs out, a slight glow to each of them.

What came from the forest wasn’t orcs or their wolvish mounts. No, what came out from between the trees was far stranger. Several large rabbits bound by rope pulled a sled as they came to a stop in the midst of us. The rider was a scraggly brown cloaked mess of a man. The staff told me of his station of a wizard, but he looked anything but the part.

“Radagast?” Gandalf blinked in shock. “What are you doing here?”

“Running away from giant bats, that’s what.” Radagast huffed as he hopped off his sled. “At least they aren’t giant spiders.”

“What are you prattling about?” Sauromon walked forward until he was right in front of the nature wizard. “Giant bats? Giant spiders? Have you been smoking those weeds of yours, Radagast? Or was it the mushrooms this time.”

“No, no.” Radagast shook his head. “It was none of that, though I had a few lovely mushrooms along the way. A little tangy though.” He chewed his lips. Was this a real wizard? I sincerely doubted it. “But that’s beside the point. Something is wrong. Very, very wrong.”

“Then come along,” Gandalf motioned for him to come away from the group. “Let us hear about your discovery.”

I inwardly gagged as Radagast’s wretched smell nearly mutilated my senses. Does this buffoon ever bathe? “I fail to see the need to hide this from the rest of the group. Whatever Radagast has to say, let him say it now and be done with it.”

“Sauromon,” Gandalf glared at me in annoyance. “This is none of their concern.”

“None of their concern?” I quirked an eyebrow. “Whatever do you mean? Radagast just fought off a few wild animals and comes running to us. No doubt they came from some of his ‘fermented’ mushroom patches. I told you, Radagast. You use your magic too sparingly on those animals.”

“Look, this isn’t like last time.” Radagast defended himself. “The rabbit didn’t cause any harm.”

“It destroyed my home,” I snarled. The vile beast had made a mockery of me in front of several of the elvish council as it destroyed my original tower.

“We got you a new one,” Radagast raised a finger to counter him.

“Radagast, speak now your findings and be gone.” I stamped my staff down onto the ground. “Speak.”

Radagast opened his mouth to say something and then closed it. “Oh, I had it. I was about to say something, but the thought slipped away. It’s on the tip of my tongue.” Gandalf narrowed his eyes and reached forward, grabbing an actual stick insect from the loonatics mouth. “Ah-ha, I was wondering where he went.”

I rolled my eyes at the act, “Oh get on with it. What is so important you had to track us down on your rabbit sled?”

“The Greenwood is sick,” Radagast said at last. “Nothing grows there anymore. At least, nothing good. The air is foul with decay and those spiders, some spawn of Ungoliant or I’m not a wizard. I followed their trail… They came from Dol Guldur.”

“Dol Guldor?” Gandalf paused and looked at Radagast. “But the old fortress is abandoned.”

“And?” I spoke up. “Giant spiders have obviously taken up residence there. I am hardly shocked. If that’s all you have to tell us then-”

“A dark power dwells in the fortress,” Radagast interrupted me. He always does that. “An ancient horror the likes I’ve never felt before.”

“Then we will go around this fortress,” Thorin spoke up, entering the conversation. “We need not worry about some sorcerer or spiders. The mountain is our goal. We can avoid them both.”

“This necromancer is more powerful then you can imagine,” Radagast tried to defend his point.

“Let us be off,” I spoke up. “Thorin has a point. We can avoid them if we stick to the assigned path.” Radagast glared at me and thrust something into my arms. I unwrapped the brown package and stopped when I saw the blade. “Where did you find this?”

“Dol Goldur,” Radagast said. “When i fought one of the necromancers’ resurrections.” Just then, a warg’s howl sliced through the air. “Ah yes, and then I fought some orcs. It seems that they’ve been pouring into the lands. I’d have gotten to you sooner if they hadn’t shown up.” He smirked when I opened my mouth. “Don’t you worry. I can distract them.”

“Radagast,” Gandalf put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t be a fool. They will outrun you.”

“These are Rhosgobel Rabbits,” Radagast laughed. “I’d like to see them try.”


I don’t remember ever being so content before. It was if there was a hole in my heart that was finally filled. Well, maybe that’s because I was slightly bloated. He was… rather enthusiastic last night~ Very enthusiastic.

Something dawned on me at that moment. I felt full… He was a dragon… Oh dear. Oh dear, dear, dear. My wing brushed up against my stomach and I felt a little nervous. I could be pregnant. I was probably pregnant, given how fertile dragons are. The baby would require a lot of energy and… I would have to stay in this world longer. I was a fool. I should have set up a spell to prevent his…

Yet I wasn’t that angry. A little miffed at myself, but I… always did want to be a mother. Smaug though? I don’t want to tell him yet. Not until I’m sure, or not at all. I didn’t know what he’d do if he found out. Would he confine me to a deeper cave? Could he… kill our baby? No, he wouldn’t dare. He’s not… I’m defending him. Have I really grown attached to Smaug that I’d happily have this child or at the very least weigh the pros? I think so and I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Perhaps with a little more snuggling, I’d have a clear answer. Smaug was a good cuddle buddy. He grumbled in his sleep, grabbing me possesively. It was rather calming. That is until he stood up and started to walk away.

“Smaug? Where are you going?” I yawned as I raised my head to look at him. He was still in his draconic alicorn form, which I found peculiar. He prefered his dragon form, so why… oh, he wanted to stay by my side… stop making me love you, you blasted dragon. I have to think of home.

...THough I think he’d fit right in, now that I think about it.

Smaug froze in place, “I’m just going to stretch my wings for a bit. I’ll be back soon.”

There was something off about his voice. It was almost… my eyes widened, “Smaug, you promised to leave them alone.”

Smaug growled, “I promised to protect them. They never specified I had to protect them from myself.”

“Be reasonable,” I sat up, which was a bit hard since I was so full at the moment. “We’ve talked about this.”

“Yes, we have.” Smaug stomped his hoof in fury. Smoke billowed from his nostrils. “We’ve talked a lot. Instead of burning those humans, we talked to them. Instead of making you shut up and be like the rest of my treasure, we talked. We talk and in all that time, I can’t help but think I’ve grown soft.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” I quirked an eyebrow. I already knew the answer. Dragons did pride themselves in their ‘strong’ capabilities.

“YES!” Smaug cried in frustration. His hoof gestured wildly between me, the treasure, and everything else. “I’m a dragon. We don’t talk things out. We fight. There is no greater fighter in all the world then I, yet here I am, playing nice with everyone. I should be roasting the humans alive and dealing with you when you get out of line. Yet…” He snarled.

“Smaug,” I frowned, looking at him in concern. He was fidgeting in a way that made me want to hug him and tell him everything was alright.

“And the worst bit of it all is these strange feelings,” Smaug growled. “That little human makes me feel…” He waved his hoof about, unsure of what to say. “And you make me….” He seemed even more unsure. “It’s strange. Too strange. I want it to go away. I want to go back to a simpler time when… you didn’t make me feel…” He made a strange hoof gesture. I don’t think he even knew what it meant.

It was just so… adorable~ That’s when I knew. I knew he felt the same as I did for him. It made my heart soar and my wings nearly popped out from my sides. Oh I’ll get him to say sweet words to me soon enough. I smirked and turned my back to him. Well, more of my tush to him~

“So I will do away with the humans-” He kept at it.

I spread my wings in an inviting posture.

“....and I… Will put you in your rightful place….”

I leaned my head back and gave him a playful grin.

“These… feelings will go away…”

I moved my tail… Oh, he’s a quick one~

Author's Note:

I should have gotten this out a few days ago, but the first half of this chapter just didn't feel right the first few goes. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They really are appreciated.

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