• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,382 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Feast Your Eyes

I have always believed myself to be a handsome dragon. There was no female dragon that could resist my charm. Oh how I remember their coos and awws from just witnessing my flight. How they adored me oh so much. Yes, I remember how they would battle with one another to mate with me. Why would they not? I am Smaug, the chiefest and greatest of calamities. I was the king of my domain and no drake ever dared challenge my right to rule. To hoard. To mate.

I knew my attractive nature would transmit to any form. I knew Celestia would fawn over me the moment I created this body. She would want nothing more than to be mine, in more ways than one. It would have been humorous. This however…..


Her face was red with a deep blush of sorts. It is much easier to see a blush on a furred beast than on a dragon’s scales. Her glazed look never left my body, devouring me with her eyes just as I did my gold. Her wings popped out with a swift ‘pomf’. That was certainly new. Do alicorns puff out their wings to show attraction? An odd and idiotic function. Unless, of course, it was to help her run down her prey. Absurd. I am no one’s prey. She is mine and I will do with her as I wish.

Yet, why am I so nervous? Is it because I am much smaller than I normally am? Is it because I wasn’t familiar with this body? That could be it. Celestia has always been an alicorn. She knows her kind well enough and her magic is strong, even in her weakened state. No matter. I could overpower her. Magic or no magic, I am still Smaug. I would humor her, perhaps even get her to see my own way.

“No, you are mine.” I narrowed my eyes and took a step forward. Her wings seemed to flutter at that motion. A female is still a female. My muscular form is one any would wish to have passed down to their children. Still, it would be best to keep her focused on our conversation. So I cleared my throat. “So, about that human idea.”

Celestia, my precious jewel, my property, did not yield as I thought she would. Instead, she took a step forward. Her eyes were half lidded and she had such a strange smile. “We can discuss this later, my dear master~”

I quirked an eyebrow. Master? I am that, but to hear her say it? Celestia was not a being to admit that so freely. I hadn’t broken her in yet for her to do so. She was a free spirit. An annoying spirit to be sure, but still so free. Quite like myself in some ways. Yet, something was off here. She was still advancing.

“Now, now it’s just us…” She seemed to purr and hiss her words in ways that had a shiver run down my spine. I was so stunned by her actions that I didn’t move a muscle as she walked right up to me. She took off her jewels, which made me heat up for some reason. “Just the two of us alone. No one else.”

“Yes,” I huffed. “That much is clear, Celestia. I don’t think you need to point that out to me.”

“Oh I know,” Celestia surprised me yet again when she lifted a hoof to gently touch my chest. “You are a clever drake.” Her hoof oh so gently rubbed around my chest, making me twitch with something I haven’t felt in ages. “A very handsome, clever drake.”

“That I know as well,” I pushed her hoof down. She would not best me in the art of seduction, or was she not thinking at all? Yes, that was probably it. My alluring nature is just too much for her to handle. I was in control of this situation. “I have shown you my power. My might. There is no form that which I cannot take, but I am still a drake. My fire burns bright and I will not degrade myself to keep any form other than that for long, especially a human’s.”

“Would you make an exception for me?” Celestia tilted her head to the side in question.

“I-” I was cut off when she started nuzzling underneath my own muzzle.

“I am your property, my master~” Celestia purred. “But I am not shining with the warmth that you deserve to bear witness to. There is lacking a certain ‘spark’ to light my true fire.”

What is going on? Why are my cheeks ablaze? I am a dragon, yet this warmth is strange. I have been with many females before, yet now? It must be this furry body playing tricks on me. “I am fire incarnate,” I answered. “I can light any fire.”

“But this is a very special sort of fire,” Celestia slowly walked along my side. It was now that I noticed how sleek and beautiful her form was. Was it always that way? Of course it was. All my property is beautiful. Yet….

Was her behind always this desirable? It was just so shapely. Grr, why must this equine body confound my thoughts? What did it matter if her shapely behind was swinging back and forth as she rubbed herself alongside me? None. I was the master here. I was in control. She was mine, not the other way around.

I opened my mouth to speak, but her wing started caressing my form. I was...speechless. The tingles in my spine...My muscles quivering under her touch and when she trailed along my wings….

My eyes shot open. My wings had never been this sensitive before. They were armor plated, weapons of death. No drake had a wingspan as large as mine. The races of Middle Earth dreaded to hear a single flap of them. Now, I was paralyzed by a single touch, when before not even a catapult could make them quiver. It was an intoxicating feeling. Not to mention that smell. It was hers. I knew her smell well, but I was so much closer to her. I was her own race and….her smell was tempting beyond compare.

“I need you, Smaug.” Celestia whispered as she slowly walked around me. She kept herself close, letting her tail brush against my own.

Why couldn’t I say anything? Why were her mere touches driving me insane? I am Smaug the terrible, destroyer of Dale and King Under the Mountain. She shouldn’t have this type of effect on me. Not an equine. Not a grass eater. Yet, the way her wings played with my own and along my spine, kept me from doing anything.

“My handsome master~” She whispered into my ear. Her breath tickled my new furry ear, causing it to twitch. I honestly prefer just having holes in my head. Ears like this are far too sensitive. “Won’t you make me happy?”

“Yes,” I breathed out. This was humiliating, yet I couldn’t help myself. Her wing was rubbing my back in such a luxurious way. I wanted more.

“I just want one thing,” she nibbled on my ear. Why was that so satisfying? Curse this mare!


“The festival,” Celestia rubbed her cheek against my own. “You are handsome in any form.”

I grinned, standing tall. “Yes, yes I am.”

The beautiful mare put her muzzle underneath my own. She kept that delectable body close to mine. Her fur felt as luxurious as any gold against my own hide. “Then will you go with me…?”

“Yes of course.”

“As a human?” She pulled back to look me in the eyes. Her purple eyes shined greater than any stone in my possession. Such beauty. Such grace and such love was held within them. I couldn’t look away.


A smile pulled broke out across her face. “Splendid,” she pulled away...She pulled away? SHE PULLED AWAY FROM ME?!! “Then we must pick something out for you to wear. I was thinking something red to match your scales.”

Wait, red? I blinked in confusion. Match my scales? Did she say go as a human? WHAT?!! “You temptress!” I growled. Smoke billowed out of my horse nose. Felt a little strange, but I thought nothing of it. I had an infuriating alicorn to deal with.

“Moi?” Celestia put a wing to her chest. “I am nothing of the sort, my beloved Smaug. If anyone is tempting anyone, it is you. That body of yours…” Her face was still red. That blush had never once left her face since I took this form, but it got worse now. She even drooled.

I smirked. “I am something to behold as are you, my little tempting jewel.” I leaned down to nuzzle her and she gasped. Oh that noise was certainly ‘adorable’ as some drakes would put it. “You want me to go as a human?”

“Y-yes.” She was out of breath. Good. It was time she was given the same treatment.

“You are right,” I whispered into her ear. A little nibble on it gained another little gasp from her. “I would be the grandest human of them all. They will be shown true grandeur the likes they can only dream of. You are quite clever. I will go with you. Will that please you?”

“...You please me…”

I blinked in confusion and pulled back. “What are-” I was cut off when her lips met my cheek. Her lips were soft and oh so full of warmth that I have never experienced. Why was my heart racing? Has she planted some sort of curse upon me? Impossible. I am Smaug! I am immune to any and all curses.

“I mean, thank you.” Celestia gulped and looked away. She was fidgeting about. “Thank you for agreeing to go with me in such a form. I am just...tired at being stared at. It would be nice to just...be myself.”

I was stunned. Not just by her action, but by her words. Such sincerity I have never heard before. Well, perhaps in my hatchling days, but in this way? Never. It was so confusing: my emotions, the situation, our forms. Why couldn’t it just make sense? I was finally able to collect myself and cleared my throat. “Yes, well, I think I have been in this form long enough. We’ll discuss clothes tomorrow.” At least I was still in control of this situation. I would indeed by the greatest of all humans...even if I had to share the same space as those miserable Lakemen!

“No,” I felt her hoof quickly grasp my own. If not for our flexible bodies, that surely would have broken something of mine. She stared up at me. Her eyes shimmered with something like...Lust? “I think you can stay in this form a little while longer.”

I am not sure if I like where this is going.


You know, I have grown used to having supper alone. I get to enjoy my food to the fullest without someone distracting me or stealing something of mine. That especially goes for my relatives on the Baggins side of my family. You’d expect better of the sort, but there are always rotten spoils in every garden. Well, at least that’s how the saying goes. Doesn’t apply to all families. I’m very much sure that many of the hobbits around these parts were quite homely. Of course, I’m not going to assume anything of anyone. That simply wasn’t my place. I am a Baggins and we keep to our own.

As I was adding the finishing touches to my meal, I heard my doorbell ring. I blinked in confusion for I wasn’t expecting anyone to come. There were those two odd fellows, but they were simply jesting. Of course they were, especially with how odd the gray one smelled. They must have had a little too much to smoke and were blithering on. Poor fellows. Still, I shan't leave someone to dawdle on my doorstep if I could help it. I have manners.

So I walked over to the front door and opened it. Low and behold, there stood the white robed man. I am not going to lie to myself. He intimidated me and it wasn’t just because of his height. Given how Gandalf is a proclaimed wizard, it stand to reason he might be one. “Can I help you?”

“No,” the man said. “I don’t think you can help any of us, but my friend is adamant as ever.” He looked around the small doorway. “May I come in?”

A Baggins has manners, so of course I stood aside. The man carefully ducked through the doorway and had just barely enough room when he stood up. “Excuse me,” I closed the door behind him. “What are you talking about?”

“I wished to come a little early,” the man said. “My friend is inconsiderate at times. He believes it fun to mess with the races of Middle Earth. I am not so oafish. You need to know what is about to happen.”

“What’s about to happen?” I gulped. I didn’t like the sound of this.

“Dwarves, Master Baggins.” The man ominously said. “Thirteen to be exact.”

“Oh...Oh well,” I fidgeted about. This was not what I had planned for today. No sir. “Well, can’t you just go tell them that tonight isn’t all that well and good for guests? I haven’t prepared anything or setup supper. Um… you could come back next week. I’m sure I can find something suitable.”

The man sighed. “There will be no next week. My friend, for one reason or another, has chosen you to help us on our quest. I think it to be a foolish venture.”

“I do to,” I nodded. “Yes, a Baggins is the last sort of hobbit you want tagging along on a quest. Not built for the road, you see.”

“I do see, but that will not sway Gandalf the Gray.” The man said. “Nor will it I, Saruman the White. While it a foolish venture, there is some merit. Smaug knows not of the smell of hobbits, so a burglar hobbit might be our best option.”

“Excuse me?” I tilted my head in confusion. “Burglar? Smaug? I appear to be missing something very important.” The doorbell rang once more.

Saruman sighed. “It would appear our dwarvish friends have arrived already. Pity. I was hoping for a few more minutes of peace and quiet.”

I groaned inward. I have heard tales of dwarves, none of them were pleasing in the slightest. Still, I am a Baggins. We have manners. So I went to open it. To no surprise of my own, it was indeed a dwarf. He didn’t have any hair on the top of his head, but he had plenty of it elsewhere to make up for the bald spot.

“Dwalin,” the dwarf bowed. “At your service.”

“Bilbo Baggins,” I gave him a bow of my own. “At yours. Do we know each other?”

Dwalin marched in and glared at me. I didn’t know why. It’s almost like he was offended by the thought. “No.” Then he just walked off, before nearly bumping into Saruman. “Ah, didn’t expect to see you here so soon.”

“I thought it prudent to inform the master of this house about his guests,” Saruman stated. I liked this man already. “Someone in our group must have some tact.”

“Bah,” Dwalin scoffed, before marching into the kitchen. “There better be lots of food. I was promised a boat load.”

“Dwarves,” Saruman shook his head. I inclined to follow in his exasperation. If all the dwarves had this one’s tact and manners, i was in for a rough night.


Dwarves are a disgusting race. They are even more disgusting when they are eating. They take what is not theirs and treat it as their own. This food, this house. None of that matters to these thick headed barbarians. How their race has survived for so long is beyond me. Of course, how should I know. I am just Saruman the White. I have seen their races grow through the ages and not once have they impressed me by anything more than the depths of their greed and stench.

So here I sit, in another room away from that group of rabble. Thirteen dwarves can not take the mountain. I told Gandalf this many times, yet he will not believe me. That oafish wizard is going to get them all killed. The only one with at least some medium of tact is the elder, but even he falls prey to the vices of his kind. This adventure of Gandalf was going to give me a headache the likes of which no wizard has ever had.

I overheard their conversation. It was nothing really important to note. Mostly just going over things we already know. Wasting time as always. Neither was I surprised to hear that none of the rest of the dwarves would come to help. They would only follow anyone to that mountain if they could obtain a simple jewel. Of course, the Arkenstone is no ordinary jewel, but this was their homeland. The races of men or elves would not make such silly decisions. They would act. Well, the wisest of them would anyway.

Gandalf had finally given Thorin the key. He made a show of it, if you asked me. Always with the dramatics, my friend is. It annoys me to no end. One should simply do and be done with it. Withholding information or items of importance just to make a little show of it? There is a reason why he is not the greatest of us. He lacks wisdom. He is my friend in all meanings of the word, but he is a foolish friend.

Another bout of fighting occurred. “Enough!” Gandalf’s voice was powerful and the lights were driven away. He was using magic. Again with the dramatics. “If I say Bilbo Baggins is a burglar, then a burglar he is.” The magic dissipated, but my annoyance did not. They were forcing this hobbit’s hand. He was not a burglar. He was a lazy hobbit. They kept to their holes, ate, and slept the days away. They were polite dwarves. “Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet. In fact, they can pass unseen by most if they choose and while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf. The scent of hobbit is all but unknown to him which gives us a distinct advantage.”

That was mostly true, but he had forgotten to mention one thing. I got up from my spot and headed into the kitchen. “Ah, but you are forgetting there are other factors in play.” I spoke up, giving my friend a quirked eyebrow. “Did you forget to tell your little burglar of what lies in the mountain with the dragon?”

Gandalf coughed a few times to clear his throat. “Ah yes, well, you see there is another obstacle in our path. Something powerful. We don’t know what it is, but if it is in league with Smaug, all of Middle Earth could very well be in danger. Which is why we need to move now. We can’t wait any longer to take back the mountain.”

“Nor will we,” I turned my gaze to the hobbit. He was standing there, fidgeting with anxiety and fear. I would not blame him if he fell down in a faint. “Master Baggins, you very could be the key to saving Middle Earth.”

“Saving all of Middle Earth?” Bilbo gulped and stuttered in reply. “Me? Oh no. Oh no, no, no. You’ve got the wrong hobbit. I’m not a hero. I’m not an adventurer and I am not a burglar. I am a Baggins and, well, that just sums me up quite nicely now.”

I chuckled and turned to Gandalf. “He is the one you have chosen to help save us?”

“He is stronger than he appears,” my friend replied, looking me in the eyes. “He may be a Baggins, but he is also a Took.”

“Ah yes,” I rolled my eyes. “The Tooks. You were always so taken with that family. I wonder if your fondness for them has clouded your mind.”

“Now is not the time to doubt me, my friend.” Gandalf glared at me. It was not often that he did so. Well, not to this extent at least.

“I think now is as good as any,” I retorted.

“Gentlemen,” Bilbo was bold enough to step in between the two of us. “Now I know I may not be brave. I’m not an adventurer, but there will be no arguing in my house….especially those that can blow it up with words and magic. That’s not exactly a welcome thought really and you seem like two good friends. Shame to fight over little ol’ me. So let’s not get hasty here.”

Gandalf grinned. “Well said, Bilbo. You’re wiser than any Baggins I know of.”

I sighed. “It would appear he is.” I would take my friend’s word about how wise the Baggins were. I didn’t much care to walk with the hobbits to find out. I bowed my head. “I apologize, my old friend.”

“As do I,” Gandalf did the same.

“No problem,” Bilbo shook his head.

“He may be wise for a hobbit,” Thorin spoke up. “But he is still a hobbit. How can we know for sure that he won’t die on the journey to the mountain?”

“You asked me to find the fourteenth member of this company,” Gandalf said. “I have done so. There’s a lot more to him than meets the eye and he there’s a great deal more that he has to offer than you can possibly imagine,” he turned to look at Bilbo. “Including himself.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. My friend was attempting to bring out the adventurer in this little hobbit. Keeping him out of trouble was going to be difficult. Keeping him alive was going to be even harder. Gandalf always knew how to make anything more complicated than it needed to, not to mention his incessant need to teach others life lessons during it.

“You must trust me,” Gandalf said.

I could see Thorin think it over. He, just as I, doubted my friend’s words about Bilbo Baggins. Yet, he simply nodded. “Fine, we’ll do it your way. Give him the contract.”

“No,” Bilbo shook his head and hands. “Please. No contract. I’m not...You have to…” The contract was passed on quickly to him.

“It’s just the usual,” Balin, the wisest of the dwarves present, spoke. Of course, ‘wise’ isn’t a word I would put to a dwarf if I could help it. “Summary of pocket expenses, time required, funeral arrangements, so forth.”

“Funeral arrangements?” Bilbo blanched as he took the contract.

I snatched it out of his hands. “Come with me, Bilbo Baggins. I think it’s best we discuss this elsewhere.” I would not have our one foolish hope to save us all fainting and running away on us because the dwarves lack tact.

As we walked to another room, Bilbo chuckled nervously. “Their kidding about the funeral arrangements, right? They don’t honestly think to bring a Baggins on a dangerous adventure, do they?”

“They are dwarves,” I spoke to him honestly. “They are idiotic in every possible way. Of course they would.”

“Ah,” Bilbo blanched again. “Yes, that’s what I thought. Dangerous adventures. That’s...that’s...I need to sit down.” He quickly took a seat.

I sighed. “You must think hard on this, Bilbo Baggins. This is no ordinary quest. If it were up to me, I would not have chosen you to be our burglar. I would have not chosen this course of action at all, but my hand is being forced. Middle Earth is in danger.”

“And a hobbit,” Bilbo said, not looking at me. “A Baggins is supposed to save it?”

“Possibly,” I sighed once more. I was doing that a lot lately. “You’re a fool’s hope, but sometimes a fool’s hope can work wonders.” I set the contract down before him and left. “Sometimes, we don’t need heroes to save us. Sometimes, it is the last person you’d expect that saves the day.” I turned to look at him. “You are the last person I’d expect to save anyone...Prove me wrong, Bilbo Baggins. For all of our sakes.”

Author's Note:

I'm on a roll with this story. Just four days ago I published a chapter and three days before that. I'm getting better. Your comments have really helped. So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. I love hearing your thoughts and opinions. :pinkiesmile:

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