• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,361 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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A Darkness is Coming

I have always had perfect vision. That’s a must when you’re an experienced swordsmare. Sad that I haven’t been able to use it in such a long time. It’s been, what, three hundred or so years since my last true battle. That drake still grumbles about how I cut off half his tail. He deserved it for trying to kill my ponies, but that didn’t mean I didn’t feel bad about it. Not all that bad, since I knew it would grow back, but I don’t like hurting other creatures. At least without reason.

It’s still fun to spar, especially with my sister. However, she tends to go...overboard. So much so that I’m thankful that I’m a god, or I’d be dead by now. She doesn’t mean it...most of the time. She just gets ahead of herself, which is really adorable. I just want to pinch her cheeks and...I miss her temper tantrums. I want her to get angry with me again and steal my cake. I want to play chess and argue over random things that come to mind. Just something!

...I needed to calm down. I was here for fun and I would go home soon. My magic was growing stronger. Give me a couple months to a year and I’ll have the portal up and running again. My sister and Twilight will have kept everything in order…

I just remembered Twilight and Luna are in charge of Equestria….

No, this is just silly. They wouldn’t do something that would destroy the very foundation of the country, and I really need to go back sooner rather than later!

Okay, I’m overreacting. I just miss them all dearly, but I know they’ll just love this world when I connect the two. Perhaps there were a few lessons for Twilight somewhere on this world. A monster or other such foe. The best sort of lesson, or at least that’s what my parents said...Perhaps my family is a bit too eager for violence. That explains my current pining for Smaug. He’d fit right in, but that’s only if I truly wanted to have this romance work.

“Are you going to hit the target or are you just going to stand there?” Smaug huffed.

I blinked as I realized I had trailed off during how game of darts. I blushed slightly in embarrassment. “Are you complaining? I’m sure you have a lovely view from behind me.”

Smaug narrowed his eyes and huffed. “Your wiles will not work on me.”

“So you say,” I smirked and went back to the game. With a simple flick of my wrist, which took years to get down, the dart smacked into the center. Honestly, it still surprises me that I can do that. Human wrists and fingers are tricky to deal with. “Your turn.”

Smaug walked a couple of paces forward, dart in hand. He wasn’t gripping it right. His fingers crooked. I should have helped him with his fingering… Not in a sexual way, oh who am I kidding at this point. A dip in the cold river would do my head some justice.

He threw the dart and…”MY LEG!” Some person yelped. Poor fellow. I’d see to his injury after I dealt with Smaug's anger. I’m sure that he would do anything to drastic for a simple miss.

And...he just stomped over and broke the dartboard. “Another game.” He growled.

I sighed. Perhaps playing darts at sundown was a terrible idea. Dragons don’t have good eyesight during the waning hours. This was a mistake...an adorable mistake. I wanted to huggle his anger away. Of course, he was a grump. It would take a lot of huggles. I booped his nose and giggled. “Another game then.”

He growled and pulled his head back. “Do not touch my nose in such a manner. I am your master. I am allowed to touch you when and where I wish, not the other way around.”

“Then touch me~” With a half-lidded gaze and a lazy smile, I could knock a normal person off their feet or hooves. Smaug was different. He didn’t fluster. He just GRABBED ME! “Eeep!”

“I told you not to tease me,” Smaug growled into my ear and pulled me tighter to him. Oh, such a strong chest.

I need to jump into the river. Now. I don’t think the townsfolk would appreciate me ripping his clothes off. I...A shiver ran down my spine. Something was wrong. There was a darkness here. It was weak, but it was there. It clouded the senses. I could see some of the people shake their heads slightly on occasion. Like something was affecting their senses. I turned around. Nothing was too out of the ordinary. People were going about their business and having fun, however, a few seemed a bit...jerkier in their motions than I would expect.

“Benedict…” I started to speak.

“I see it too,” he almost sounded bored. “It’s of no real interest. The paltry tricks of Sauron mean nothing to me. Let them come. I will tear them to ribbons.”

“Benedict,” I narrowed my eyes as I turned to him. “We are not killing anyone. We’re going to find out what’s wrong and fix it.”

Smaug growled. “Fine. I don’t care what happens to these humans, so we’ll do it your way. Just remember, my precious jewel.” He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t play well with others.”


Something was going on with Da. He rarely ever went off with the Master and when he did...It never ended well. I didn’t want da to get hurt or thrown in jail again for doing the right thing. I bet some of the nice people here will help. I hope. At least it wasn’t all bad. Alfrid’s dress made him really funny looking and I had to keep stopping myself from laughing. I don’t want to get caught.

I’m thankful there weren’t that many guards here. Makes it easier to be all sneaky. Being little makes it easier to get by in this town. People hardly notice me when I want to be unseen. Sigrid’s jealous of me for that.

“Tilda,” I felt something land on my shoulder. It was Thrush! “What are you doing here?”

“Thrush,” I squeeled and kissed the bird’s head. He fluffed up at that and I giggled. “The Master of the town is taking my da somewhere. I have to make sure he’s alright.”

“But what will you do if something goes wrong?” Thrush asked, gulping in fear. He was just a little bird after all.

“I’ll go get Mister Smaug and Miss Celestia,” I said. “They’re nice and they can scare the Master easy.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Thrush spoke up.

“That’s the plan and I’m sticking to it,” I smiled and kept on going. I loved helping people, just like my da. So it was high time I helped him out too. It didn’t take me long to find them enter some house. I took my place underneath a window

“Dreadful business, this is.” The Master spoke. “I’d have gone to my own place, but that’s a bit too far. I don’t want to miss out on the cake.”

“Of course you don’t,” da’s voice spoke up and I tried not to laugh at how flat it was. The Master always hogged the cakes.

The Master snorted. “Let’s make this quick. Have you seen the dragon? Has he left the mountain?”

I scrunched my eyebrows. They want to know if Mister Smaug’s left his mountain? Why?

“I’ve only ever seen him leave his mountain to hunt,” da spoke up. “Even then, he isn’t gone for very long. He doesn’t like to leave his gold.”

“Bah,” the Master scoffed. “Of course he doesn’t. He’s a dragon. Loathsome, sick creatures they are. They can’t stand to be away from their treasure. Drives them mad. We’ll need to find a way around it. Perhaps putting out a large pile of meat.”

“He isn’t stupid,” my da spoke up again. “If he picks up that it’s a trick, he’ll kill us all without a second thought.”

“Then we’ll make sure he doesn’t find out,” the Master said. He’s a stupid-head. Da’s the smartest man in town. If he doesn’t think it’s a good idea, it isn’t. “You’re a hunter. Surely you know how to lure an animal away.”

“Smaug is no animal. He is a ruthless tyrant. The more you speak of him as an animal, the more I fear you’ll bring him here with your greed.”

“That’s enough, Bard.” The Master spout out my da’s name like poison. “I’ve had enough of your foolishness. I want that drake out of the mountain by the end of the week. I don’t care how it’s done, just do it. If you succeed, you’ll get a small share of what we pilfer. If not, then I’ll make sure you’re time here will be even worse.”

“You can’t possible make it any worse than it already is,” da said. You go da!

“I’m sure the neighboring towns would love to take in a few young people as apprentices,” the Master said. “They seem quite fit, your children.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” my da growled. He’d scare the Master. I wasn’t going to leave da, nor my siblings.

“I would,” the Master said. “I want that gold.”

“You’ll get it,” da spat out. “You’ll get all the gold you can get and I’m sure you’ll be very happy with it while you count it over the charred bodies of this town.” My da stormed out.

“Dreadful person,” the Master said.

“Of course, sire.” Alfrid’s voice spoke up. It seemed a bit...hollow.

That didn’t matter now. The Master was forcing my da to steal from Mister Smaug. I had to warn him. Mister Smaug was in trouble.


This was getting annoying. This other darkness that was seeding my land was growing. It was spreading and growing stronger with each passing moment. It paled in comparison to me, but if I didn’t deal with it soon, it would become a thorn in my side soon enough. I wanted it gone and forgotten.

I touched this presence’s mind not long ago. It was young, barely a thousand years old. Such a child it was. Screaming for attention. Screaming of its power. Perhaps I had been like that at one point. All children were. I hated children. I hated them with a passion. I always made sure to kill them quickly, lest I hear their screams. They are so annoying.

I needed to hasten my plans. There would be no more waiting. It was a simple, human town. It wouldn’t take long to crush, dragon and not. I could sense them their. Both of them. This other, kinder presence outshined the dark one, but it was still weak as of now. Weak and within my grasp. She would break. She would die at the hands of my orcs and none would dare challenge me when my time came. They all needed to die.

“Azog,” my voice rang out in his head. “Prepare the troops. We attack within the next hour.”

“So soon?” He asked, grinning at the thought of violence. Such simple creatures.

“Yes,” I responded. “Spill their blood. All of them. I don’t want a single being left alive.”

“As you wish, master.” Azog bowed his head and then went on to goad his warriors into battle formation. Their tongue was disgusting to me. Perhaps it was because of how they spoke it.

No matter. They would do as I say. Orcs were stupid, but they were obedient. They would do anything for a good fight, or rather, for the chance to kill something. They were so easy to control. I’d say they were like a raging flood, ready to wash away everything before them. Soon, my enemies will be washed away, drowning in their own blood.

They will all remember that which I am. Sauron, their true king.

Author's Note:

Well, I decided to bring about the orcs sooner rather than later. Thought I'd speed it up a little since I've been teasing you guys so much lately. Expect some action soon.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They really do help me.

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