• Published 17th Aug 2014
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The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Solar Power for the win!

I have always been at peace with myself when I am with my hoard. Nothing can bring me quite the pleasure of feeling riches dance across my scales and shine in the lights of my fire. Whenever my anger or frustration had gotten the better of me, I always had my hoard to ease my troubles. It brought me peace.

Now, peace was something my mind had not. All the gold in all of my hoard could not rid me of this wretched feeling of anger. Oh, I have felt anger before. On rare occasions when a foe had, somehow, gained the upper claw or attempted to make off with my hoard. Familiarity does not breed acceptance of it however. Nor does it prepare myself for the mixed anger I felt now. ‘All because of one being.’

Dragons are not rash thinkers. Our long lifespans allow us to think hard and for as long as want about anything. Some of the elder dragons would spend centuries thinking. I myself would never do such a thing, but a year or two sounded fine in my mind. For a month now, I have done nothing but watch my ‘precious jewel’ wither away. Her natural beauty, that of which was worthy of being mine, was leaving her. I did nothing.

As the magic that gave her life fled her, I did nothing.

As she slowly starved, barely able to keep down a mouthful of food, I did nothing.

I did nothing and I hated myself for it. The last thing I ever wanted was to tarnish anything of mine. I am perfection and so would everything I owned be so. ‘But if I do something, she will escape. She will gain her magic and flee from me.’ I knew Celestia was a clever being. Too clever for her own good if I had to say. Our conversations, that were becoming fewer and farther in between in her current state, taught me that.

I sighed. This was the reason I had not taken a living being as a trophy before. Living beings were always so tricky to keep around. They had to be fed, given water, kept clean. It was a hassle I just couldn’t understand till now. Although, other dragons usually chose elven or human maidens. I am glad I did no such thing. The stench of humans gnaws at my snout, while Elves would no doubt try and needle my eardrums with their sharp words.

Celestia was different. She was a far greater trophy then a measly two legged worm. She was a god! I, the great and powerful Smaug, king under the mountain and the Greatest Calamity, owned a god. No other being in existence could hold that claim. Still, while it made my chest swell with pride, I was still angered.

My gaze was held on my living gem from within my gold. She was not even half the mare I first met. She spent most of the day sleeping. She was too weak to move. Her form, once the epitome of femininity, was now ragged and thin. Her coat, once shining like the jewels around me, was dull and lifeless. She was fading. She was becoming imperfect. I hated imperfection.

Still, I didn’t want to chance it. She still could…..

Celestia whimpered in her sleep. Her body convulsed and she started hacking. It was hoarse and unnatural. I could see the pain she was in.
I snarled. I made up my mind there and then. ‘No gem of mine will lose her sheen!’

I leaned down and huffed a surge of magic into her. The dark whelp assaulting her mind relented and she still. As time went on, and my precious jewel weakened, the dark whelp had been making more and more strikes against her.

‘If Sauron wishes to take her,’ I growled. ‘Then he will need more than paltry tricks to even think of doing so.’

Gently as not to damage my possession, I lifted Celestia up onto my snout. A part of me thought it was degrading. Carrying around prey? No dragon worth his scales would be caught dead doing so. I chuckled. Why should I have cared? They were dead, or too weak to be noticed. Of course, I would not care what they would say. I believe I have earned the right to do as I please.

You know, most creatures would believe the life of a thrush to be boring or stupid. That we’re just plain animals that just live in the moment. Well yeah, that’s kind of true with the second part. Yet who wouldn’t if they lived under Smaug’s nose? He made our lives miserable with his sheer presence alone….

But other than that, my life was simple. It was early dawn, right before the sun rose in the sky. I was collecting some food. I had a little family of my own with a perfect mate and little chicks. Honestly, they were quite a clawfull and I wasn’t sure if I wanted another batch of them. My mate was of another opinion in that regard. Still, I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world.

Well, except for the Smaug part. He can go straight to….

The ground shook slightly as though there was an earthquake. I sighed. ‘Smaug’s out again? This new guest really is changing up his schedule and not in a good way.’ Before his new pet had arrived Smaug would spend increasingly long spans of time within the mountain, which was fine with the thrusts of Dale. A sleeping dragon was a safe dragon. Now he was up and about every week, getting food for her. A part of myself wished he never found her, so that I could have some peace. ‘I highly doubt that I’ll ever know real peace.’

So I flew to my ‘master’ as quick as my little wings could take me. Finding a dragon isn’t that hard and within a moment, I was spying his back.

“It is good to see you again, master.” I lied.

Smaug just snorted and kept walking.

I frowned and flew over him to come to his face. He probably didn’t hear me…or just didn’t care. “Master, is something…..”

My voice caught in my throat as I beheld the thing upon Smaug’s snout. The creature, a winged unicorn, was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Yet, she looked like she was one step from death’s grip. “What is that?”

“My newest addition to my hoard, thrush.” Smaug growled. “She has grown weak from lack of sunlight. I wish to remedy that.”

Weak was not a word I would use to describe her condition. Ill beyond measure seemed to fit her appearance more. Though, I found it odd that Smaug, chiefest and greatest of calamities, wanted to help her. ‘Though, she is a part of his hoard.’

“Very thoughtful of you, master.”

“Of course it is,” Smaug sneered. “Am I not a merciful dragon?”

“Yes, yes,” I nodded earnestly. “None can match your feats in the line of mercy, my master. The people of Middle Earth look up to you in awe at your….”

“Are you going somewhere with this?”

I blinked in confusion. Smaug, like all dragons, loved to be praised. They could listen to hours upon hours of it without tiring. He had never interrupted my speeches of such. “No, my master.”

“Then keep your beak shut,” Smaug growled.

The two of us kept in silence, before Smaug came to stop in a large clearing. With a gentleness I had never thought to see, my dragon master laid Celestia down upon the grass. His gaze never left her form.

“The sun shall be up soon,” he said.

“And that shall heal her, master?”

Smaug just nodded.

Finally, the sun rose up from its nightly getaway. There was nothing special about that. I had seen plenty of mornings before. What set this one apart was the effect it had upon Smaug’s newest prize. The sun’s rays seem to illuminate her fur, nearly blinding me. It was almost like viewing the light of the gods. I had to look away, but I knew my master had not. He was a dragon and I doubted he could be made blind by simple rays of sun. After a few seconds, I looked back at her.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. Her body, once on death’s door, looked better than new. Her breathing, which had been so hoarse I had wished myself deaf, was calm and relaxed. She seemed so peaceful.

“It seems your plan has worked, oh great and knowledgeable Smaug.”

“Indeed,” Smaug muttered, keeping his eyes on Celestia. Gently, he used a claw to stroke her, going up to her cheek. “I think you have taught me a lesson, Celestia.”

I quirked an eyebrow. “Lesson?”

Smaug finally turned his gaze from Celestia to glare at me. “That is of none of your concern, thrush. Why have you sought me out in the first place? I did not call for you.”

“I only wished to serve you, Smaug the golden, king under the mountain.” I bowed my head. Smaug would never be the true king under the mountain if you asked the thrushes, but no one ever did ask them what their opinion was. Not since the day Smaug stole the mountain from the dwarves. “You usually have need of me when you depart from your home.”

“Need of you? Little bird, you make it out to be as if I cannot do things on my own.”

I quickly shook my head. “No, my master. That is not what I meant.”

Smaug huffed, but said nothing. He then, with much care, lifted Celestia back onto his snout. With a twirl of his body, the giant dragon took off back to his home. I sighed in relief. ‘Glad he’s gone. Now I can get back to foraging.’ Without another word, I took off into the deeper parts of the forest.

Such splendor. Such power. All mine.

I couldn’t help but smile as I looked down my snout. Celestia was far healthier looking than she had been for weeks. Her beauty would most assuredly blind any mortal. Only I was worthy of its visage. Only I was worthy of the honor to carry her. ‘Or rather, she has earned the prestigious honor of being carried by I.’ Whatever the case may be, I could not help but find myself marveling at how good she felt against my scales. Her fur was so warm and inviting and her feathery wings were a godsend.

I was thankful that I had relented on this issue. My precious jewel was back to pristine and she was none the wiser. Of course, she would soon catch on. I knew that and I also knew that would be an interesting conversation.

Perhaps I would let her walk about outside. Perhaps not. There was enough danger as is, given Sauron had apparently perceived her. Of course, he would never dare attack the mountain while I still draw breath. There is no force in his control that could challenge me. Not an army of orcs and goblins. Not a Balrog. Not even he himself could even think to stand up to me. They would all perish in the flames of my hatred.

But that was for another time to ponder. For now, I had my hoard to look after.

‘And another friendship lesson to listen to,’ I growled softly. Celestia seemed quite persistent in her attempts to ‘be my friend.’ I felt sick to my stomach at that thought. I was Smaug, the chiefest and greatest calamity. I did not need friends, nor did I want them. I tolerated Celestia only because she was mine! Now and forever would she be mine!

Of course, perhaps there was something I could do to placate her friendship needs. There was one being who I knew who could easily fill that little void in her heart. ‘That little thrush was right. I do often have need of him.’

Author's Note:

And there you have it. Thank you all for coming back and reading. It's very much appreciated.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They help me write and get a few ideas for what I want to do next.

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