• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,361 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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Where Is The Noble Self?

I never liked these celebrations. They always cost so much money and I had to share my treats with everyone. Dreadful business this is. Simply dreadful. I worked hard for these riches and no one give me the respect I deserve. No, but I still give them such generous parties. Do I get a thank you? No. These peasants only care for themselves and that’s just fine. I am the same, but I still run this town well enough. It’s my job. These people gave it to me and they’ll find it hard to pry it away again.

Still, I would enjoy a good party even if I had to share my things. It gave me a small sense of nostalgia, back to my younger days. Back when these people actually showed me the respect I deserved. When I could actually see my toes. Hmph, perhaps I have gained a bit too much, but there’s nothing really to do here. I’m lucky I can find some good polish for my old sword, or it’d be nothing but rust at this point. Can’t even remember the last time I used it.

My sword can wait for another day. For now, I had a rich couple to entertain. This seemed easy enough, though the man was rather rough around the edges. He seemed like he wanted to bite my head off. How rude. At least his appealing wife is nice. Sad that she’s taken. She reminds me of a maiden or two I met on my younger journeys. Though she might be a little more ‘endowed’ than they were. Except for that elf girl, but that’s something to leave behind. Right now I just had to convince her to give us some donations. I’ll probably just bring her to a few orphan kids. That always gets them in tears.

“Woo,” the beautiful noble lady, Megan if I recalled right, stopped beside me. She wiped away the sweat from her brow. “Such a festival. It’s been far too long since I’ve truly enjoyed a party throughout. Almost ages.”

“I would think a woman like you would have parties all the time,” I commented. I couldn’t look her up and down while she was so near. I wanted to, but I knew noble ladies. If you just look at them wrong, they could get their fellow nobles to behead you. Being a sort of noble myself now and my own experience, I knew that all too well. “You seem rich enough for them.”

“Riches and power do not make friends,” she replied with a laugh. “It’s more of a hindrance, really.”

I quirked an eyebrow at that. Hindrance? This woman was talking nonsense. Riches and power were everything. When I gained the riches under the mountain, I’ll be a king. I’ll build myself a castle that reaches the sky and pay some knights to get rid of the dragon. Then I will have the riches of the Lonely Mountain all to myself. “Many would say otherwise, my dear. They would say you’re being naive.”

“Then let them think so,” Megan waved off the remark with her hand. “Let them think myself juvenile as they lounge about all alone with their gold. They will perish just the same as everyone else and I would rather spend my time with the people who make the most out of life.”

Her words confused me so. The best out of life? Peasants had nothing. They were nothing. The world teaches that to us every day of our lives. Once I thought so, but that got me nothing but grief and headaches. I snorted, but kept my smile. “Well I’m just glad you found people here you enjoy to be with. Perhaps you’ll stop by again.”

Megan nodded. “Oh yes, most definitely.”

“Where is that man of yours?” I tilted my head to and fro. He honestly scared me, this Benedict. He exuded power like none other.

“I asked him to get us a drink,” Megan answered. “It took a bit of convincing, but he left me on my own for a bit.”

“Why would you wish to part with him?” Now this was certainly interesting. Perhaps they were having troubles in their marriage. I could help her personally if that were so.

“To talk with you,” Megan’s smile vanished, replaced by a sad frown. “I wanted to ask why you’re hiding.”

I blinked in confusion. “What ever do you mean? I am not hiding from anyone.”

“You’re hiding,” she gently touched my cheek and a warmth like no other spread through me. I couldn’t believe how good I felt. It was like the sun was there personally giving me comfort. “There was a noble man here once. Someone who fought for justice and had such kind intentions. Why is he hiding behind a curtain of greed?”

What is this woman blathering about? I have always been this way. I...No, perhaps not always, but I am better than I was before. I’m richer. I’m a respected leader of this wretched town. “I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.” I narrowed my eyes. I wouldn’t say anything more in fear of upsetting her.

She sighed and took her hand away. With it went the warmth of the sun. “I hope to see him one day before I leave.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but I didn’t say anything. It was almost like death itself was standing behind me.

“It seems you’ve made the mistake of standing so close to my precious jewel,” Benedict’s fiery voice spoke up. “I do not think that very wise.”

I gulped and quickly gave him a nervous grin as I turned around. “I was just trying to see if your lovely wife was having a good time.”

“He’s been nice enough,” Megan giggled and walked over to take one of the drinks from his hand. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made him blush so and stiffen. It was a little odd seeing him so flustered, but I wouldn’t say anything. “Thank you, dear.” Benedict just grunted in response.

"Remember," he growled. "Death is always nearby. I would watch who you try to grasp." He then lead Megan away.

I sighed in relief. Just standing next to that man gave me such shivers and that woman...I touched my cheek. It was still warm. I wondered if she was right about that good man hiding. I only did that for a moment. He was replaced with something better. I wasn’t going to pretend anymore.

“Sir,” Alfrid spoke up behind me.

I grinned. “Alfrid, tell me…” My eyes widened at what he was wearing. “Are you wearing a dress?”

Indeed, he was wearing a poofy pink dress that I would see in a fairy tail book. “I’ve come to realize my true place in life.” That was the only answer he gave me.

I could swear he had a bit of a glazed look in his eyes. Not glazed really, but it was just so dark and a bit unfocused. I didn’t think much of it though. “Very well. Come, let’s go see if we can round up that Bard. Our riches await.”


“If you step on my feet, I swear I will drown you.” Sophia growled, causing me to gulp in fear. Then she smiled and giggled. “But I know you won’t.”

Sophia honestly scared me more than Smaug. I know Smaug would just burn me to ashes in a second. Sophia….I don’t want to know. It’s even worse because I don’t know if she actually like me, or she just wants to mess with my sister. Either would be terrible.

“Now put your hand on my hip,” she roughly grabbed my hand and thrust it in place. Of course, she did it a bit harder than I’d like so she squealed. “Don’t be so eager~”

“But you were the one-” She put a finger on my lips.

“No talking unless I tell you too,” she said before dragging me along in a slow dance. Teasingly so, with little sways and tilts that gave a bit more than I was comfortable with. Why me? Oh right, Smaug’s still alive.

Maybe I can get him to scare these people into backing off. On second thought, that’s a bad idea.

“See?” Sophia smiled. “This isn’t so bad.”

I gulped in fear, trying to ignore how good it felt to be so close and touching her. You know, her looks are nice, but she is kind of mean. I had to remind myself of that. Her nice smile isn’t going to win me over. “Umm...it’s nice.”

She pouted. “Just nice? Oh Bain, is that all you think of me?”

“I...um...you see.” I knew I was sweating like a pig. I just couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t have me thrown in front of her armored father.

Sophia giggled. “You are so cute and all mine.”

That’s what worries me.


“...And then we can build a black castle on the edge of the mountain.”

‘Does it have to be just black?’ Talking with my new friend was a bit confusing. She kept referring to having hooves and horse stuff. Was she a horse spirit? I didn’t want to ask her, because that might be a bit rude.

“We can use dark purple, maybe some really dark blues.”

I sighed. ‘We’ll talk about it.’

“Hmph, you simply lack vision. I shall change your mind soon enough.”

I rolled my eyes, but didn’t say anything. Nightmare Moon was my friend after all, so I would deal with her. Was she really my friend? I think so. My thoughts were a bit muddy right now, but I think she is. She wants to give me power. That’s good. I just needed to get a few more followers and we could go about our plan well enough.

My inner plans were ground to a halt as I spied the dancefloor. There...right there! That witch has my brother. How dare she hold him? After what she’s done? How dare she?!! My anger boiled over and I clenched my fists. She would pay. I’d make her pay. I’ll show her the hatred she’s forced onto me.

“No,” Nightmare spoke up.

‘No?’ My rage grew. ‘NO?!! She’s all over him! I won’t let that witch take my little brother from me!’

“If you do something now, you’ll alert Celestia.”

I didn’t have a comeback for that one. From what Nightmare had told me, Celestia was incredibly powerful. Her visions just confirmed that. I wasn’t ready to fight her, but I would soon. Then I could kill Sophia. I sighed. ‘Very well. We’ll do it your way, but I shall have my vengeance soon.’

“I would never dream of denying you vengeance,” the voice sniggered. There was a cruel tint to it, but I didn’t mind. I felt like making the same laugh myself. “Soon, we both will have our revenge and it will be so sweet. Till then, we need to lie low. Perhaps we can convert a few more of these peasants.”

I paused as I thought that over. Alfrid had been asking for it. He was a lecherous weasel. The rest of this town weren’t...but they didn’t stop this abuse. They let it happen. A growl escaped my throat. They would all pay.

“Still thine anger,” Nightmare scolded. “Celestia is nearby and the power you’re exuding will reveal my presence.”

I took a deep breath to still my anger. ‘I’ll try to remember,’ I told her. That I would. Celestia could destroy me if she found out about my new friend. I needed to play this smart and I would. So I just had to mingle a bit.

That would be too hard, especially since a certain someone had a way of attracting most of the attention. I giggled at the thought of Alfrid in a dress. It had been too funny not to. That was just the first of it, but I’d wait till later before I punish him again. Till then, I had a few plans to orchestrate.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. :twilightsmile: They really do help keep me motivated and ready for the next. Tips and suggestions are always welcome.

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