• Published 17th Aug 2014
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The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Thoughtful Stories


I watched my mate slumber with a wary eye. She was slumbering now. She did that more often these days as her belly expanded. That or just eating. I wonder if dragons do that. I’ve never really seen a pregnant dragon. Come to think of it, it’s been centuries since I’ve seen a female of my kind. I would hope that it wasn’t so long and tedious or no male would stand for the long wait.

That was the worst part of this: the wait. All I could do is watch her. Watch as her perfect form dims from the lack of sunlight. She had wanted to go outside for the child. I had refused. It wasn’t safe for them, not now with those orcs running around and that witch. I still don’t trust those humans either. No, she will stay here inside until I deem it safe. Besides, the baby was coming along well enough. My precious jewel had enough food and drink to survive and she had a healthy body.

Even her horn was almost completely healed. She said it would have healed quickly if she had enough sunlight, but again, I would have none of that. I stared at her belly. Our child would be safe from harm. I would never allow anything to happen to them. Ever.

Yet, that child was what drew some of my ire. I had never been a father. I was too young for most of the mature females back home and they are now all dead. The males never cared to look after their young from what they said. A male dragon’s place wasn’t with the child and yet here I am, about to care for them. I hated to be in this situation. I didn’t know and I couldn’t just fix this problem with fire and claw.

Which reminded me that I may have to one day. Young dragons didn’t stay with their parents forever. If it was a female, I could tolerate the child staying for quite some time. She may try her claw at seizing my wealth, but she would be too young and inexperienced to do anything. Females aren’t a threat to me. A male… now that would be troublesome. They would grow arrogant, more so than a female with her scales. My sons would want this place for their own. As a whelp, I saw a number of such fights back in the day. They usually ended with death.

I looked to Celestia. Her smile was still welded to her face and never once left it besides when I told her that she couldn’t go out. She wanted to be a mother and she was the type who, I just knew, wouldn’t want anything to happen to her children. So if it is a male, I would have to be wary but I shall keep my claws to myself.

“Master Smaug!” Thrush’s voice called out. The little bird rushed over on his small wings. “Master Smaug!”

“Quiet,” I hissed and motioned to my sleeping mate.

Thrush nodded, “I’m sorry, my lord. Something has come up in the human city.”

I rolled my eyes, “And what is it now? Have they decided to try and steal some of my gold? Do they think me as a complacent dragon? That I’m no more than their guard dog?” I growled. No doubt that was what was going on. Those rats would do anything for all this treasure.

Thrush shook his head, “No, it’s the eagles. They want to talk to you.”

I blinked in surprise,” The eagles?” I tried to think of the beasts before my eyes widened, “I had forgotten they could talk at all. All I remember is their annoying shrieks and cries. Perhaps they did try and talk to me, but they were not worthy of my time. If they wish to talk, I shall listen. Did you tell them what would happen if I find out they stole some of my hoard while I was away?”

Thrush nodded, “Yes, Master Smaug. They dare not steal from the greatest drake to have ever lived.”

I smiled, “Good. I shall leave you to watch over Celestia. The human city is barely a moment’s flight away. I will return shortly.” A part of me hated to leave my treasure or my mate, but I knew the lesser races wouldn’t let up on this meeting and I would not send out my precious jewel or barter using a child and fat man. I would do this on my own.



This was utterly humiliating. I had been denied an army of dwarves. Good, honest people. People who could best any army that came their way. Instead I was given scraps by my own people and now I have to deal with… elves. It made me sick.

“I see you’re still brooding about the elves,” Balin trotted up on his pony to ride beside me.

“Aye,” I nodded. I always felt I could be completely honest with this wise dwarf. He’s served with me well enough to give him that. “I can’t help but think of what they will want in return for their support.”

“In dire times, one must make sacrifices.” Balin stated. “I’m sure we can negotiate something, but let me assure you. They’d be daft to think they’d get a hold on our mountain.”

I chuckled, “Agreed.” My good mood disappeared when that blasted she-elf rode over to us. “What is it?”

“I was just told to report that there have been no sightings of any orcs in the area as of late,” the she-elf, Tauriel I believe, stated.

I just snorted, “Strange, maybe you missed some of them. I would expect our enemies to try something by now. That is the orcish way.”

“We never miss,” the she-elf narrowed her eyes.

“Unless it’s a dragon,” I remarked with a smirk. “Or else you wouldn’t turn tail and run for your miserable lives at the mere sight of one.”

“I can assure you that the dragon will pay for what it’s done,” Tauriel said. I could see the hate in her eyes smoldering. Typical elf.

“Yes,” I nodded. “By dwarvish hands. So you won’t have to worry about dirtying your pretty little hands.”

“That’s enough,” Balin spoke up. “Thank you for telling us.” He spoke to the elf. She nodded and trotted off. “Do you want to start another war, my prince?”

I scoffed, “They aren’t strong enough-”

“I’ve seen what an elf can do with my own eyes,” Balin cut me off. He usually didn’t do that. “They aren’t to be trifled with. Now I don’t like the elves one bit but they’ve offered their aid to this fight. A fight we’re sorely outmatched. I would gladly ride into that mountain with nary a dwarvish cry on my lips if it would restore our home. That won’t happen unless we can put aside our hate and work together.”

“This is a lot coming from you,” I narrowed my eyes. “Have you been spending time with them, or is it that Hobbit-”

“Bilbo,” Balin cut me off again. “His name is Bilbo Baggins. The same hobbit who we will be sending inside the mountain by himself. He might not be much, but I think a little consideration to him would go a long ways.” He turned his head and smiled, “Speak of the Hobbit and he shall appear. Hello Bilbo.”

My eyes widened as I turned to see the Hobbit walked beside me. I hadn’t heard him coming this way and I was very good at detecting others. Comes with living on the move.

“Hello,” Bilbo nodded. “My pony sprained her knee a while back, so I’ll have to walk for a bit. Well, not walk all the way. Maybe ride with others who fancy a hobbit companion.”

“That’s very interesting,” I wanted him gone. So badly. This cretin had no place here, even if he had some fire in him.

“Yes it is,” Balin stated. The old dwarf started off. “I best be checking on the others. Bombur’s been eying our rations again.”

I groaned as that left me with the hobbit, “So why did you think it was a good idea to bother me?”

“Bother you?” Bilbo awkwardly chuckled. “None of that, I assure you. I’m a Baggins. We never bother anyone. No sir, we are the least bothersome lot you can find in the Shire.”

“If you are the least, I dread the one you’d consider the most.”

Bilbo frowned, “Well, I just wanted to come check on you and see how you are doing.”

“Why?” I quirked an eyebrow.

“Well because we’re all in this adventure together,” Bilbo stated. “We’ve got to look out for each other. Keep everyone safe, otherwise we’re as good as goners.”

“All a dwarf needs is a weapon and his fellow dwarves,” that much was true. We dwarves can look out for ourselves.

“I’m sure you do that spectacularly,” the hobbit nodded. “But I was just wondering if you would possible,” he coughed into his hand. “Stop aggravating the elves?”

“They are the reason we are on this journey in the first place,” I growled. I would not kick this hobbit away. I would not kick this hobbit away!

“Well I’m sure there was a perfectly good reason for what happened,” at my sharp look, he gulped. “Not that it isn’t a tragedy any which way you slice it. I just think it’s best to leave it behind you. It’s just water under the bridge, my dad always said.”

I shook my head, “I’ve seen you hanging around that she-elf. You’ve taken with her, so of course you’ll speak for her kind. Tell her that I will never forget what her kind did to my people in their hour of need. Tell her that we will never forgive them.” This hobbit was trying my patience.

Bilbo was silent for a moment, “You know, I’ve heard of the stubbornness of dwarves. I never believed it was that bad. I always thought it was an exaggeration. It’s best to take people as they are when you meet them, then what other people say.”

“What are you getting at?”

“That you’re doing more harm than good by holding on to that hate,” Bilbo spoke, looking rather sure of himself. “All you are doing is hurting others and more importantly yourself.”

“Bah,” I scoffed. “You know nothing of our troubles, hobbit. So would you mind wandering off and bothering someone else?”

“I knew a hobbit who was just like you once,” Bilbo continued, much to my chagrin. “He hated this one bloke with a passion. He never tried to mingle with his family. I don’t recall why he was angry, but it was something personal between them. Now this hobbit was always grouchy and never let a moment pass to remind others of how ‘bad’ this one bloke was. I met this other bloke and he was a fine fellow and had a good family.”

“Get to the point!”

“His daughter got sick, the hobbit’s one I mean.” Bilbo stated. “The other bloke was a doctor but this hobbit would never go to that ‘wretched’ hobbit. So he decided to go into town. Since they were a ways off this took some time.”

“This story is completely pointless.”

“The daughter died because of his hatred,” Bilbo stated. “Then he urged on his family’s despair towards the other bloke’s family. Low and behold, they started a family feud that is still going on today. It’s to a point no one wants them around anymore.”

“You believe that my actions will harm the ones I care about?” I snarled. How dare this hobbit judge my actions? He doesn’t know what it’s like to be stripped of his home, of his family, of his honor.

“I’m just saying-”

“Well you’re wrong,” I interrupted him. “My actions will bring glory back to my people.”

“Glory, yes.” He nodded. “That’s a good thing to have. I honestly would prefer a nice, cozy place by the fire to relax. I’m sure the families of your companions would think so. Their mothers must be worried sick.”

“That they are,” I nodded. Which was true. My sister would wring my neck if anything happened to her sons. She’d do it without hesitation.

“I think they’d appreciate some peace,” Bilbo commented.

“The same as I,” I commented. “We shall have peace… after I reclaim our rightful home. It shall be ours and ours alone. You may leave, Baggins.” He sighed, but I didn’t care to hear it. His flimsy story meant nothing. My hatred was just and forever more shall elves be mistrusted by my people.


We have our orders and even under a new Master, we would carry them out. We’re orcs and if there is one thing we do best, it’s killing. Our new Master would be pleased. Shame we couldn’t kill the king of the dwarves. Still, we get to kill everyone else.

“Stay silent,” I whispered to the others. Most of them were goblins. I hated goblins. They tasted terrible and irritable. I was thankful the ‘dark mage’ we had with us kept us cloaked or these cretins would have given us away a long time ago. “Don’t kill the king. We need him alive.”

The goblins nodded and their archers were at the ready. The group was mostly made up of them since the Mistress didn’t have enough orcs for her liking. These goblins would do until she got more of our kind. This was good. Orcs would serve her much better. She was learning how to make more of us, but that would take some time. The goblins would give that to us. Either by being troops, or building pits for the new orcs.

I raised my hand, sneering at the soon to be dead band of misfits. “FIRE!” I lowered my arm…

Author's Note:

Well I hope I did this story right. Wasn't sure if I did, but we'll see. I hope you all enjoyed it and please leave a comment. They are always appreciated.

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