• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,381 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Lunar Speeches


I don’t know how my life had come to this. I was once a knight who slew monsters for a living. Then I was the Master of a town. Now I’m having tea with a little girl, an alicorn, and a dragon! In what sweet merciful world does this make any sort of sense. This was something I couldn’t help but ponder as I made my way through the outskirts of the old ruins. Well I couldn’t call them ruins anymore, not with all the new building going on. Bard had done his best to rebuild portions of the city to help accommodate the living masses.

I’ve got to hand it to him, he is quite the leader. He reminds me of a number of chaps I met on my youthful travels. Still, I dare not try my hand at visiting the inner workings of the city. They all still hated me and the only reason I wasn’t dead was because of Bard. Well that and the little girl had told some of the other villagers that we were friends with a dragon. I smirked. That would put off a few wannabe murderers.

My stomach growled. I couldn’t help but rub it slightly, which was a tad easier these days. I had lost many a pound due to a few things: avoiding most markets and training. I didn’t want an orc or an irate villager to sneak up on me and do me in. No, I wouldn’t be a fat pig anymore. Food still had some sway over me, so I still had a battle to fight. This day was doing well so far in that regard. I just bought a few vegetables and I believe a soup would do me some justice.

“My good sir,” a voice spoke up not far from him. It was definitely a man’s and it was definitely familiar. “I am looking for a Maxwell. He was the master of this town. Well, the town in smoulders by the lake but I don’t want to bring up what was so obviously a tragic day. You probably lost several things that were precious to you and some loved ones.”

“Owac,” a feminine voice grumbled. “Will you shut up? They’re going to throw us out of town if you keep jabbering on like that.”

“I can’t help but ask, Brisa.” Owac said. “It’s just who I am.”

I froze in place. No. They can’t possibly be… I better get out of here. I have to get out of here before they-

“Hello exceedingly fat one,” Owac called over to me. Who else would he call to? I was the only fat person here. “Can you spare a moment to aid us?”

“I…” I coughed and lowered my voice. “I can’t help you find this Maxwell. I don’t-”

“YOU LYING PIECE OF HORSE FILTH!” Brisa stormed over and turned me around. “It is you! You’re fat!”

I glared at her, “I know that.”

“How did you know it was him?” Owac asked.

“He always used that voice when he tried to hide from us,” Brisa snorted. “You always fell for it.” She turned back to me and I started to sweat under her glare. Most anyone would, except Owac of course. He was a bit too daft to balk under her glare. “Now about you…”

“Brisa,” I held up my hands. “I just found a cushy job and I didn’t want any pesky nemeses of mine to come looking for me.”

“So you changed your name to that of the town’s?” Brisa raised an eyebrow. “And never sent us a word?!!”

I nervously chuckled, “Just trying to be efficient.”

Brisa stared at me longer then I was comfortable with. I gulped and opened my mouth to speak before she grabbed my shirt and forced me up against a wall, “Comrades don’t lie and hide from each other, you idiot.”

“A little too rough there, Brisa.” Owac chimed in.

“Shut it, Owac.” Brisa snarled. “Now you’re going to explain exactly how you ended up here or I’ll drag you all the way to the lake and throw you into the depths.”

I sighed, “Well… It’s a long story-”



I wanted to strangle them. I wanted to run them through with my sword. I was tempted to do so. Oh so tempted. My fingers twitched. My sword just mere inches away from them, ready to strike. My fury was that of a storm, a wild storm. “You… you think I would let elves accompany me on this journey?”

Elrond narrowed his eyes, “You allowed one to join you already. A few more would not do you any harm.”

“I only allowed her to stay with us because she helped us with the trolls,” I snarled. “I was expecting her to leave at any moment. One elf is more than enough and now you think I can stomach a dozen of them? No. I refuse to allow you oathbreakers to come with us. I refuse to allow a single elf into the mountain. My people’s home.”

“My people did not break their oath,” Elrond spoke up. “We made no such oath to your kingdom. That was-”

“You’re an elf, the same as them.” I jabbed a finger at him, wishing it was a sword so I could threaten him properly. “You’re all alike.”

“Your anger will consume you,” Gandalf spoke up. “Thorin, see reason. You musn't judge an entire race on the actions of a few. We need their help. If what we fear is true, this journey will be far more dangerous than we initially thought. We’ll need as many people as we can get on this quest.”

“And what do they get out of it?” I glared at him. “A piece of the treasure? Part of my people’s legacy?”

“Will you stop acting like a petulant child and listen,” Gandalf scoffed. “There is more than just a dragon to worry about. We need more comrades if we’re to survive.”

“We have two wizards,” I scoffed. “We don’t need anymore. Whatever other threat you wish to tell me of, we can deal with it with the present company.”

A spine chilling laugh stopped our conversation. I drew my sword as the three of us looked around. “Who’s there? Show yourself.” I shouted.

“Such a brash king,” the feminine voice oozed with malicious joy. “No wonder that white orc wanted to fight you so much.”

My eyes widened, “No… he’s dead.” He couldn’t have survived. I cut off his arm. I saw him being dragged back into the depths. He died!

“Well he’s dead now,” the voice cackled. “I don’t think Smaug made found him very tasteful, however. The beast must have spent a few days with a bellyache.”

I will never tell anyone, but I’m a tad bit thankful to the beast. I’ll still kill him gladly.

“Now then,” a figure waltzed into the room. It looked to be a human woman in her late teens. Maybe a bit older. Humans are a little tricky to pin down their age, if I have to be honest. She was wearing dark armor and her skin was gray. Her eyes were dark blue and slit like a dragons. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Nightmare Moon, future ruler of this world.”

“A bold claim,” Gandalf spoke up. “I’ve heard many practitioners of the dark arts claim such.”

“None of them were me,” the woman grinned.

“Why are you here?” Elrond asked her in a surprisingly calm voice. The foolish elf probably doesn’t understand the threat well enough or he’s more likely planning on having me and Gandalf fight the witch. Typical elves.

“I’m a fair ruler,” Nightmare Moon spoke up, circling us like a bird of prey would a flock of birds. I wanted to run her through because of that. “I wanted to make this little squabble official, although I hardly think it matters. I shall win in the end.”

“You are a fool,” I scoffed. “I will kill you where you stand and be done with it.”

“She’s not here,” Gandalf spoke up. “This is merely an illusion.”

Nightmare Moon clapped her hands, “Very good, wizard. Very good. I was hoping someone would figure it out without making themselves look like such a fool. Wait, I can’t speak for the dwarf.”

“You infernal witch!” I took a step forward.

“I’m not here, sweetie~” Nightmare Moon waggled a finger mockingly at me. I vowed to cut it off when we met face to face. “I ponder how many times I’m going to have to tell you before it gets through your skull. Perhaps it never shall. You dwarves seem like a simple lot. You’ll make great slaves.”

The white orc was forgotten. This witch’s head would be the one I’d display at the center of my throne room for all to see. “My people aren’t slaves.”

“Not yet,” Nightmare chuckled deviously.

“How did you find us?” Gandalf asked.

“By your magic, of course.” Nightmare answered. “I wanted to see you all with my own, well, reflection’s eyes. I’m not impressed.” She cackled.

“I would suggest you return to your master,” Gandalf scowled. “We will not have any business with you.”

She glared at them. “I have no master. I am the true rule of this world. The mountain is mine. This kingdom is mine. The world is mine alone. I will not share an ounce of power with anyone, including that fake lord of darkness that dwells here. I am Nightmare Moon. The Night shal-”

Her speech was cut short as a blast of magic destroyed the image, “I leave you alone for five minutes and you make another enemy.” Saruman shook his head as he walked inside. He was holding a little cup of juice in his hand that he idly sipped from, “You are a magnet for trouble, my friend.”

Gandalf smiled, “Makes life interesting. Now,” he turned to Thorin. “Are you going to insist on pushing away aid?”

I mulled it over. I didn’t want the elves to be anywhere near me or my men. I barely tolerated one and that hobbit. Still, that witch… “They will not enter the mountain. They will not take an ounce of my family’s heritage. They are to stay to themselves and keep away from my men, but they can come along.” I might need something to use as a meatshield later anyways.

“Then it’s settled,” Gandalf smiled. “We march on the mountain tomorrow.”


Starlight Glimmer

When I first thought about going on this adventure with Luna, I was terrified. She was Nightmare Moon once. She tried to conquer Equestria and seemed to have a nasty temper. Yet, the moment we stepped through the portal, she seemed to calm down. I didn’t know what to think. Was she planning something or what?

“Is something wrong, Starlight Glimmer?” Luna spoke up.

I yelped and jumped a bit at that. I didn’t notice she was right beside me, “No, nothing’s wrong.”

“Something is troubling you,” Luna asked. “Is it my behavior?” I didn’t say anything, “Do not worry. It is only Discord who brings that side of myself out. He is a… thorn in my side as it were.”

“Well that’s good and not so good,” I remarked. “Sorry, I didn’t want to assume.”

Luna nodded, “You are cautious of me. That is understandable. However, I am not cautious of you. I think you need to take note of that.”

“Why would you be?”

“Because of your past,” Luna spoke, causing me to flinch. I hate it when ponies and dragons bring that up. “I see myself in you, Starlight Glimmer. I know that you have a kindness that is hidden underneath rather… socially awkward aspects.”

I lowered my head, “Yeah… I’m still getting used to this friendship thing.”

“So am I,” Luna smiled and nuzzled me. It was really nice, like that of a mother’s. I really wish I had one growing up. “Friendship is a concept that even I struggle with sometimes. I just wish I discovered it sooner. It would have saved me a lot of headache.” She draped her wing over me in a comforting gesture. “I would have gladly taken you on as my student and helped you become a good pony. Sadly, I can’t change history and neither can you.”

I chuckled nervously, “Well…”

“Ah, but you are thinking singular with time travel.” Luna chuckled. “I know of what you did. I’m impressed, but the worlds that you and Twilight went to still exist. They existed before you ever tempered with time.”

“That’s impossible,” I spoke up. “I did all of that. It’s my fault. I hurt all those-”

“You did nothing,” Luna snorted. “If it had not been you, then it would have been a different Starlight. Or Twilight. Or even myself. Every action we take creates a world of its own. In this timeline, I step with my right hoof, another with my left. What happens in such worlds is not our fault and if you allow yourself to hold onto that thought, it will kill you in both mind and body. I suggest you don’t dwell on it.”

I closed my eyes. That world… everything gone… How can I…

Luna pulled me closer and nuzzled me again and I felt some relief, “Now, now. It is best to let it go. Everything’s fine now. Just listen to me. Everything’s fine.”

“D’awww,” Night Watch, a batpony guard, giggled. “So cute~”

“If you don’t remain silent, I shall snuggle you as well.” Luna glared at her.


Luna sighed and nuzzled me again, “Friendship is wonderful, Starlight. However, sometimes you want to throw your friends into a wall.”

“It’s like a game,” Night Watch grinned. “I haven’t struck the wall yet.”

I face-hooved. This was my life now. Looking up at Luna, I couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t so bad.

Author's Note:

I hope that explains the name mixup for the Master. I must have either read the information on the wikis wrong or I read a Wiki written by someone who got the name wrong. Either way, hope it works now.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They are very much appreciated. :twilightsmile:

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