• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,381 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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A Little Talking, Some Nightmares, and the Festivals Starting!

While the decorations were lacking in colors, I still enjoyed the simplistic feel of them. Oh yes, we ponies do enjoy having a variety of colors present wherever we go. That’s just something we’ve grown accustomed to, given how the color differences can be jarring to other creatures. It’s just that ponies are so accustomed to it that we just don’t really care and even celebrate our differences. Oh how my little ponies are so jovial. I can’t wait to see them again. Even if the colors are drab, they are held together by the people of this town.

I almost wept when I strolled through this town. The despair is so thick that one can choke on it. Their eyes hold such bitterness and this place looks more akin to a rotting corpse. Yet, there is still goodness here. There is still something inside these people that brings them together. They can still smile and laugh, but it’s never a full smile or a hearty laugh.

A part of myself wanted to hate Smaug for this. Who could blame me? He was the reason they were like this, but the past was the past. If I focused on it, then nothing would ever get done. My sister would still be locked up and Discord would still be a statue. Smaug was evil. He did terrible things, but he can change. So too can the lives of these people. If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll make sure this town truly lives again.

Well, not the ‘last’ thing I’d do. I haven’t been able to tie Smaug down and ride him yet. Speaking of Smaug….

“I hate this place,” Smaug grumbled. He looked like a sourpuss. Oh I just wanted to cuddle him! Why are villains so adorable? “It’s too noisy. To close to the water. This place reeks of human and I hate this form.”

“You are just a grump,” I pouted, giggling softly afterwards as he growled. “Just relax. It’s just for tonight.”

“Then tonight will be an eternity,” Smaug grumbled.

“Oh?” I quirked an eyebrow. “An eternity? Then we’ll have plenty of time for all sorts of fun.” I softly bumped my butt against him. He just gawked at me. Was he blushing? He was! My adorable little drake. Oh I’m going to...going to….I have to stay calm. I can’t jump him here. Not with everyone around us. I’ll just be content with rubbing myself against him. Not in a skank kind of way. I am not that. I just can’t help but put Smaug off his guard. he’s just so adorably cute and sexy. Why hasn’t anyone combined those words? Scute? Adorasexy? I’ll think on it later.

It was then I saw Bard standing next to a rather plump man. I could smell the grease and corrupt aura from here. With all his shiny clothes and jewels that littered his self, I’d wager he was the Master of the town. Disgusting is what he was. With how drab and gray everything and everyone else was, I could easily tell he was one of the types of nobles who cared only for money. I’m glad those are only a minority in my kingdom. They tend to find their riches mysteriously running out beneath them to more suitable projects.

I knew Smaug didn’t like him either. Though, not for the reasons I didn’t. Smaug is a proud male drake. He is the king of his territory and as with all drakes, they don’t like anyone claiming their land. Of course, the people didn’t know Smaug had claimed this town as well. Good. They’d be long gone if they did, even if they had nowhere else to go. It didn’t help that he no doubt smelled all the gold and jewels on him. He’s probably going to try and take them for himself. I can hopefully stop him from doing something that foolish.

Not sure about stopping him from killing the Master of the town. Returning riches is far easier to accomplish than returning someone from the land of the dead. Not that I’d waste my time with the likes of him.

As we walked over, Bard met us halfway and bowed. I chuckled at his noble gesture. “You need not bow.”

“But you are of noble blood,” Bard gave me a teasing grin. As he righted himself, I realized perhaps I was still a bit too big since I had to peer down at him. Not by that much, but still. I was probably what they would call a ‘amazon’...or at least that one world called me that. Interesting tribe. “You deserve to be pampered now and again.”

“True,” I wrapped my arms possessively around Smaug’s arm, causing him to grumble in protest. “But my husband does that well enough already.”

“Who is in charge here?” Smaug spoke up, clearly annoyed by my forwardness. He’ll have to deal with it. Well, until he stops being so uptight and grouchy.

“That would be me.” the Master quickly rushed forward and bowed. Even his voice was slimey. It was like watching a worm walk about on two legs. “I’m sorry you have to see the place like this, your highness. If I had known you were coming, I’d have planned out something to make this day memorable.”

“It already is,” Smaug growled, narrowing his eyes. The ‘Master’ was a challenger in his territory. He wasn’t going to deal with him lying down. “More than you can possibly know.”

“Da,” little Tilda came running over to her father. Whenever I see her, I can’t help but fight the urge to pick her up and squeeze her. “They’re starting the dance.”

“Already?” Bard frowned. Obviously he didn’t care much for dancing. Smaug probably didn’t either, but that’s more because he’s a dragon. Though I’ve met a few drakes that could ‘cut a rug’ as the saying goes.

Tilda looked at us and tilted her head. Stop being so cute! Someone’s going to keel over one of these days….I wonder if my baby will be this cute? They’ll probably stop the nation’s collective heart. “Who are they, da?”

“I am-” I started, before she glomped me.

“Princess Celestia!” Tilda smiled. “You came!”

“Princess?” The Master’s eyes glimmered with greed. I could practically see the bits in his eyes.

Smaug grabbed her by the back of her shirt and lifted her up to his eye level. I saw Bard tensing up at the action, terrified out of his mind. Poor dear, but I knew Smaug wouldn’t hurt her. I’d tear off his balls if he did, but I still need them intact. “My treasure. Stay off.”

“Smaug!” Tilda practically lept at him, glomping the large man. So adorable~ Hopefully, the Master won’t realize he’s talking with the realm’s fire breathing drake from under the mountain. “You came too.”

Smaug was hesitating. He looked like he was conflicted on what to do. Killing usually was his go to response, but now? I quickly pried off Tilda before he had a chance to respond. He’s got some good in him, but I think it’s a bit early to think of him as a cuddly teddy bear.

That comes later.

“So you are Prince Smaug and Princess Celestia?” The Master asked, seemingly trying to remember if he remembered royals with such names. If didn’t matter if he did, for he would try to get us to send him riches somehow.

“Nicknames we made up as children,” I chuckled. “My name is Megan and his is Benedict. We are royalty from afar and we got lost on our route. If it hadn’t been for Bard here, we’d likely be dead.”

“Bard saved you?” The Master looked lost for words. Good. I hope he stays like that.

I nodded. “He is a dear friend,” I reluctantly let her father take Tilda from my arms. The child gave me a ‘I’m sorry’ look. I gave her a reassuring smile. “In fact, he’s why we’re here. We just had to come visit.”

“....Oh.” The Master paled. Ah yes, he was just realizing his ‘nemesis’ was close friends with royalty. Of course, said royalty were an Alicorn and a dragon. He didn’t need to know that part and we already held enough power with just our titles.

It helped that Smaug looked like he could throw a man clear across town in one off-hand throw.

“Now about that dance,” I grinned.


“Is this yours?” Sophia’s voice seemed distant as she waved a simple bracelet in front of my face. Or rather, the other me. It was so strange seeing a memory from afar.

“Yes, now give it back.” The other me growled. I remembered this. It happened not long after my mother’s death...I was going to hate this more than I could really handle.

“Why?” Sophia frowned, letting her group of followers see the bracelet. “It’s just a stupid bracelet. It’s ugly. I’m honestly doing you a favor here, Sigrid.” The others giggled.

I hated her. I always hated this little skank. She never let up. She’s always pushing me around, just like this whole place. I wanted to punch her, kick her, do something. I couldn’t then and I couldn’t now. “It’s my mother’s. Please…” I hated how desperate I was. I should take it back now before she does what she’s going to do.

“Wow, really?” Sophia smirked. “She honestly thought you’d like this thing? I guess she was as my dumb as my father said she was.” She shrugged and ignored my hate. My sorrow. It meant nothing to her. Nothing to this town. I hate it! She leant the bracelet over to the other me.

Don’t! It was too late. Sophia pulled the bracelet back and then walked off. “On second though, no. I can’t let this ugly thing just run about town. No,” she threw it into the river. She turned and smiled. “You should thank me.”

I wanted to kill her! I wanted to tear her eyeballs out and rip her arms off. I wanted to murder her and everyone here...Murder? That’s a bit extreme. I’ve never wanted to kill anyone, so why did I think that?

“Murder is understandable,” the familiar voice spoke up. This time, it wasn’t in my mind. More like it was around me. “They hurt you. They tormented you for the entirety of your life. Why should you show them mercy?”

“Who are you?!!” I shouted in both fear and rage. I hated that this woman wouldn’t show herself, but I was afraid of her. Why was I so angry?

Suddenly, a form appeared. It was an alicorn, like Celestia. She was dark as night though with a mane that looked like it was taken from said night’s sky. She was as beautiful as she was fierce. Her snake like eyes didn’t help much, nor did her fangs. “A friend, but you can call me by my real name: Nightmare Moon.” She fanned out her large wings as she introduced herself, causing me to take a step back in fright. She chuckled. “Come now, I’m not going to hurt you.”

“What do you want with me?” I shivered in fear.

“I already told you,” Nightmare Moon answered, trotting closer until she towered over me. “I want to help you. I want these peasants to know true terror and regret ever hurting you.”

“You...You’d do that for me?” Maybe she and Celestia were related. I mean, they both seemed nice. Maybe? I don’t know, but something just made me trust Nightmare Moon. Almost like a bugging thought at the back of my head.

Nightmare Moon nodded. “Now you just need to wake up.”

Her horn lit up and suddenly I found myself on the wooden pathways. I quickly pushed myself up. In the distance I could hear the festival starting. I could hear their joy and festivity. Why? They wronged me. They hurt me and my family. I’ll make them pay! Those sun loving fools will see I’m the true ‘Master’ of Laketown.

Sun loving fools? True Master? Why was I...Yes, I was the true Master. There wouldn’t be any more reason to fear living this town, nor the darkness that surrounds us. We were going to break their little spirits. Me and her against the world. Fighting as one. I looked down to the river and for a split second, I saw snake eyes. “Interesting.”

Author's Note:

I am a bloody tease. :rainbowwild: I'm sorry, I just really wanted to write a bit more with them before jumping into the festivities. Don't you all worry. It's starting next chapter with a dance and then we'll have some more hijinks to follow.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They are really helpful and get me going.

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