• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,381 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

Ruler Inner Thoughts

*King Thranduil*

No matter what I did. No matter how long I slept, this insipid headache would not go away. It wasn’t the most agonizing pain I had ever felt. That went to the scars on my face or upon my heart. No, it was a nagging feeling. A pain at the back of my skull. Small but noticeable. I did my best so that no one could notice it but for some reason, it just made me more frustrated. That went especially for others. Even if I hide it, they should know. They should know when their king is in discomfort without having to be told.

I sighed. My thoughts have become more and more aggressive. I believe so? Or was I always like this? It’s becoming troubling but again, I kept that to myself. Good citizens do not question their king. I will sort this whole matter out myself. It is possible that it’s just fatigue from everything that’s been going on. Yes, that was it. I didn’t have to worry about a thing.

As I sat upon my throne, I could sit and ponder on more important things. For example, the status of Smaug and his horde. How he was coming out of his mountain. Sharing his space with the race of man. How he still hoarded the jewels that once belonged to my beloved wife. I wanted nothing more then to squeeze that beast into a pulp and take back what was mine. Be damned what happens to the men and women of the mountain. They had no right to cooperate with that beast and still not give me what is owed.

No matter. With enough time, they would be mine again. I would once more hold the jewels my wife so lovingly wore once upon a time. Yes, they were mine. No one else's. The time of elves may be fading in some parts of the world, but not here. Not in my home. I will live here forever if that is what it takes to reclaim what was stolen from me. I will destroy all that which stand in my way. I will blacken the skies with smoke.

No more will the disgusting sun shine on the beauty it does not deserve.

I blinked in confusion. I found that an odd line of reasoning, but no matter. My throne room was a place of comfort so even the worst of my inner drivel bothered me not. Yes, my power was absolute here. Perhaps I could bring the dwarves and men here to take the knee before me. Ensuring their loyalty and my birthrights. That was of course for another time to consider.

Twas not a second later that the doors opened up and in came my son. Ah he looks so much like his mother, especially his eyes. It always calmed me to see him. More so than even the throne. He was my heir. My bloodline was secure with him and so lived on his mother. She was not fully dead while he drew breath. I would do everything in my power to keep it that way.

“Legolas,” I smiled. “It’s so good to see you. What brings you here?”

“It is good to see you too, father.” He bowed, which was unnecessary but not unwelcome. He straightened himself up to stare me down even though he was some ways away. “You’ve doubled the guard around our kingdom.”

“A necessary precaution,” I said. “The great spiders are growing in numbers. We can’t grow idle.”

“And yet you send no aid to our neighbors,” Legolas said. “In fact, you are cutting trade with them.”

“We can sustain ourselves,” I frowned. Why did he care about the non-elves? Did I not teach him about their lying ways? “We can’t trust them. They lie and cheat. No doubt they are just sizing us up in case of a possible invasion.”

“Invasion?” Legolas seemed surprised. “Father, this is madness. No one wishes to invade us. Our land is not the type of land men and dwarves would wish for.”

I nodded, “Yes, that is true. Let us not forget our elvish cousins however who hold themselves up. I wonder why…”

“You cannot believe they would invade us,” Legolas took a step forward. “They are our brethren and yet you would question them?”

“I will question anyone I wish,” I narrowed my eyes. I did not like this line of reasoning. That red haired wench had been filling his head with lies no doubt. “We must be prepared for anything.”

“Is that why you are raising an army?” Legolas asked. “You would cause war for what? Possibilities?”

“I have lived a long life,” I scowled. “Do you think our kind is above war and violence? Hardly. We will fight between each other as we have squabbled before. The races of men and dwarves are not the only ones who fight amongst each other. Besides, the elves of Elrond look down on us. I can tell. They squander their riches while we bleed ourselves dry.”

“Father, we cannot fight amongst each other when evil lurks in the shadows.”

“Orcs are brainless idiots,” I slammed my fist down onto the chair. “So are trolls, spiders, and every other creature that served Sauron. No wonder he lost. I will not waste my time with a bunch of thoughtless beasts when our lands and materials are hounded by the races of men, dwarf, and elf alike. We must be prepared to strike if need be. You are my son. You must understand and obey my words.”

Legolas scowled but said nothing. Good. I did not want to argue with him. It was my least favorite thing to do with my time. “We have reports of some dwarves and two wizards approaching our forest. Tauriel is with them.”

I seethed at hearing about the dwarves and that wench. I don’t know why I hated her so. She was… alright although she was lowborn. Not the best choice for him. No, she was going to take my son and fill his head with stupidity. “Ride and greet them. I do not trust them to wander our forest alone. You know how dwarves are. No doubt they will get lost.”

Legolas bowed, “Of course, father.” With that, he left the room.

I was seething. Why now? Was this some sort of plot? Maybe I am going mad. This line of reasoning…

I gripped my head. Darkness took my vision as did pain. Yet as soon as it came, it left. I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn’t need to ponder this much more. I will have what is mine. Let darkness wash away any who stand before me.


I couldn’t help but smile down at the little girl who braided my hair. Tilda was such a sweetheart. Even Smaug loved her although he’d never say it. That adorable fire breather was such a tsundere that way. I couldn’t wait for him to come more so out of that shell. Although I knew that might take centuries. Thankfully, I never aged. I was patient. I could wait. In the meantime, I could enjoy the attention of a little girl who I enjoyed.

I don’t often get peasants to braid my hair. Not because I was against those of lowborn families. Gods no. I loved all of my subjects equally. No the reason is that most ponies seemed to be intimidated by me. Partially because of my status as their ruler and because I’m so tall. Not that I minded it. The tall part, not the ruler part. That was a pain honestly. No, being tall had its advantages. Still, it all meant I had to go to spas in order to relax and get my mane done.

You would not believe how much work goes into it. It may be magical, but it was a pain to clean when it managed to get dirty. My spa ponies were a godsend. Well, more of a ‘me’ send since I employed them in the first place. Secretly of course. I like to keep up the illusion that I’m always pretty to the populace.

“So,” the little girl got me out of my inner musings. “How are you and Smaug?”

“We are doing well,” I chuckled. The outside sun shined down onto my sleek, white form. Ahhh, it felt good to be outside. Thankfully, I was able to talk Smaug into letting me out today. The big protective lug almost had a fit because of it but a few words and a kiss or two and he listened. Ohhhh, I just want to hug him~ “He seems to be growing more attentive lately. I thank you for asking.”

“Well it’s only polite,” Tilda said. “That and I’m honestly curious. I’ve only heard stories of princesses marrying dragons. I didn’t think I’d get to see it.”

“Oh?” I smiled and nuzzled her, causing her to giggle. “Are you sure you’re not jealous?”

“Why would I be jealous?” She pouted, “Okay, maybe a bit. I mean, it’s pretty awe inspiring. A dragon, I mean. They are so big and can breath fire. I’d love to ride one.”

“I’m sure I can get him to let you ride him one day,” I smiled. That wouldn’t happen any time soon though. Tilda wasn’t an idiot so I knew she knew that as well.

“Your horn is growing back quite nicely,” Tilda commented which made my heart soar a bit. It was nice to hear someone talk about my horn positively. Well aside from Smaug of course although he usually focuses more of his attention on my flank.

Oh like I wouldn’t notice it~ Oh that big hunk.

“Why thank you,” I nodded. “It’ll grow back soon enough. Most likely before I give birth to my first child.”

“I can’t wait to see them,” Tilda smiled excitedly. “I’m sure they’ll be really cute.”

“Oh I know it,” I chuckled. Tilda was such a sweet girl. I only hope my own child will grow up like her. It also furthered my resolve to keep the people of this land safe. No one would harm them. I pledged my soul to them as I did my own ponies and those of the Crystal Empire.

Hmm, perhaps when I return home, I could extend some influence here. I know it might seem much, but having a vassal state here wouldn’t be a bad thing. It’s already under Smaug’s control and neither I nor the people of Dale could do anything about that. However, I could extend Equestria’s influence here so things would improve. For one thing, their medicine. It was atrocious. That would change sure enough. A lot of things would change. Hopefully for the best.

And hopefully before those damned orcs come back. I silently prayed that my sister would find me before too late. I may be strong and so may Smaug, but there was no telling what other dark forces lurked on this planet. Forces that neither of us could beat.

One could only hope for the best.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. I honestly didn't know what to do with my next chapter. Hopefully this will be worth the long wait. After this, I'm hoping to get something done within a month's time if not sooner but I cant' say anything for sure.

Until next time, take care all and I can't wait to read your feedback.

Comments ( 51 )

I'm just happy see this continue after the wait. Looking forward to more.

Now really Thranduil, after the example Feanor's sons made of Doriath, you should know better than to dwell on grudges.

Hoh boy. I am so glad this story is not dead. I was growing worried.

Saurons Ring of Power is the influencer of his corruption, he is not in his own proper state of mind and will not be unless Gandalf(or Celestia) can convince him to be rid of the Cursed trinket.


Eh? So far as I can recall he doesn't have anything of that sort. The one ring is in the possession of the Nightmare, right? But then my memory is reliably unreliable, I've likely forgotten a key plot point.

Ahh the old gold reawakens. Good chapter, the final lines implied a weakness to Celestia, one that I never really felt before. Sure she was beat by the orcs but that was caused by overconfidence, a willingness for mercy and far too much time away from her true element. Now she is actually feeling doubt about her own capability.

he has one of the lesser Rings, Also Gollum + the one ring haven't been introduced to the story yet. Though at this point I'm pretty sure they are past the part in the Hobbit where Bilbo manages to trick Gollum with the ring he stole and escape the caves to safety.


Also Gollum + the one ring haven't been introduced to the story yet.

Seems I'm not the only one with a foggy memory, Nightmare owns the misty mountains now, and all within.

it's less like waiting for a new chapter and more like being pleasantly surprised at a new chapter, sure it takes a while but hearing more about this story is always great!

Another chapter! Yay!!!

It's alive! ALIVE!

A wyvern. Not a Pteranodon. Wyverns were dragons that only had two legs and two winged arms. They were a type of dragon in european myths.

Yeah it’s surprised me when I saw a wyvern instead of the Mountain dragon he was depicted as in the book. But still not the worst version I hav seen.

I, for one, am looking forward to Luna's first battle, considering that she that particular brand of mayhem as much as Smaug.

Quite curious how the different denizens of Middle Earth will react to her.

Thanks for the update, hopefully you will continue after the end of series

Did the part whete Nightmare took control there specifically mention her seizing the ring? And... which chapter was it? I, too, have a memory mired by fog.


The chapter would be "New Developments". And while she's not fool enough to immediately put the thing on, she has the requisite knowledge to leech power off of it to amplify her own abilities.

Great to see Thranduil, being his usual insufferable self. Interesting that here it seems like he is being influenced by some dark power.

Comment posted by MLai deleted Jun 22nd, 2019

True but Smaug was a highlight, especially with Benedict Cumberbatch's voicework

You’re speaking from the perspective of a mortal human. That “cannot make a stone it cannot lift” thing only debunks it from our perspective. In a true case of omnipotence, it would be both. The deity created a stone it cannot lift. But it can lift it. It both can and cannot lift it. At the same time. We cannot understand this fact.

It’s the same reason why some interpretations of deities say that looking upon their true forms will make you go mad, because you’re trying to comprehend something that you can’t comprehend. A true deity would be infallible, never wrong. A true deity would be omnipotent, all-powerful, able to create things we simply cannot understand like the aforementioned stone. They’d be omnipresent, everywhere at once, all-seeing. They couldn’t be hurt. They couldn’t be killed.

Most, if not all interpretations of these kinds of deities place them in a position where they never interact with “mortals”, simply because it’d be like a human interacting with an ant. We’re not on their radar, their power would hurt us in so many ways, or miss us completely.

It’s the same thing as with the comment you’re replying to. It’s all assumptions. Deities cannot be proven to exist or not because of what they are, thus all the “facts” around them are only assumptions.

Also please be considerate for how long ago comments were made, thanks.

Oh Celestia if only you know what other dark force lies a head for you and your family *evil laugher*

Glad to see the story's not dead. Hate when a good story is left unfinished

Just finished binge reading this! LOVE IT!

So far I loves this story Im really hopping I get to read the end

Oooooh please continue this story! Its absolutely fantastic. The only thing that is a small con are the sections with Luna, Discord, and Starlight. Either they are extreme versions of what they really are or what they say and talk about doesn't really match their personalities.

The negatives also exist as obstacles to challenge self-improvement AND the forementioned positives.

Sexual invitation? I shall accept.

But I meant that her teacher was a jötunn and they most likely went to an ice world of some sort.

Will we get anymore of this. I mean its a great story and i loved that omake. Poor smaug not understanding what he feels

I look forward to the day where this gets updated once more. Still my favorite fic on the site

Hey how's it going with the next chapter

The pain of moving on to the next chapter only to see that it’s the last and you have to read the chapter knowing you can’t continue.

1.hell no

2. oh

Love this story waiting for more, Happy it's not dead:pinkiesmile:

it was a pretty interesting story. I read it with great interest and I am sorry that it did not reach its end.

Hi. :twilightsmile:
How are you?
It is a great story. I hope it will continue? :rainbowhuh:

Are you planning on continuing this

Are you talking to me? That's a rude assumption. That's also something I don't do.
If you aren't talking about me then please explain what in the world you're trying to say.

Awesome story I hope it gets updated again

So it's been about three years since this story updated... is it dead? I don't want it to be but I'm starting to think it is.

I just had another thought. What if the Arkenstone started to negatively affect Celestia and the baby? Could Smaug bring himself to destroy it?

And another thought. Something I'm sort of surprised that Celestia hasn't brought up in the months she's been there. Why hasn't Celestia told Smaug about economics and investment?

Smaug is very proud of his hoard and unwilling to part with any of it, but it's stagnant. It does not grow. Smaug could actually grow his hoard if he did things like invest. As King Under the Mountain, and letting the people inhabit Dale, if he allows the city to grow and thrive, he could ask for a tax to be paid for living under his protection. Though in this case quite literal protection and not just a protection racket. So long as it's not unreasonable it's long-term sustainable and a steady source of growth for his hoard. If he allowed miners back into Erebor, they could dig and refine the valuable metal seams still untapped, so long as the miners themselves were allowed a portion for their efforts.

Yes he's a highly greedy (and highly stubborn) dragon, but I would think even he would find a steadily growing hoard is better than a stagnant one, is it not? He wouldn't even have to do much of the work himself.

And given enough time, people would start singing their praises for him, and it wouldn't even be lip service. He'd get to be smug about it.

Ah, it ends here. A shame. Well, to tracking then. I can wait.

Finally, read this and loved it.
I hope it's going to be continued. I want to see where this all goes and certain reactions of certain characters to certain things. :trollestia:


Still a great story.

I'm inhaling so much copeuim and hope that this thing gets revived. I wish

Well we have to wait till the author revive this because this is some good shit


I'm glad you like it. I would love to see the Author revive this fic and use some of these ideas and I cannot see why Celestia wouldn't talk to Smaug about such things. Getting him to willingly part with his Horde is likely to never happen. Telling him how he can grow it, however? That is another matter entirely.

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