• Published 13th May 2015
  • 719 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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Prologue: A Stranger in a Strange Land

Expedition Log: Entry #1
I was finally able to get a lead on the stain glass window in the castle ruins on the mountain above Castle Town(see sketching below). A trader pony that came to town today had heard of a strange land to the south of the Equus Nation that might hold the answers I seek. He then sold me an old map. The map was okay, I guess, but the problem was that it would be useless once I got to something called the Boulder Border Wall just to the south of the Everfree. The phrase ’Here be dragons’ was written in the blank area south of it. So I would be without a map after that point... At least it’s a start.

Expedition Log: Entry #11 Day 3

I fell out of the sky as soon as I flew beyond what my map indicated was the Boulder Border Wall. At first I thought it was a fluke, but I soon found out that flying was nigh on impossible. Out of curiousity, I crossed back to the other side I found that I could fly again. So I tried again and again I fell out of the sky. I don’t know much about pegasi magic, but there must be something about the the land marked as ‘Here be dragons’ that is messing with my flight magic. Guess I’m on foot from here on out.

I’m not going to make it…

My mouth was cracked from the lack of moisture. I ran out of water two days ago and the heat of the sun was rapidly sapping what little strength I had left. I can’t remember how long I had been wondering this blasted desert, but I know I’m only hours from death. I gathered what little strength I had so I could write in my journal one last time.

Expedition Log: Final Entry Day??
lost in desert for weeks now… strength is leaving me… I thirst so much… so weak... If someone manages to find this. Tell my marefriend Belle Flower... tell her... that I love her.

I dropped the pen as I lost the strength to hold it and I collapsed completely. As my world faded around me I saw something or someone block out the sun. But I could do nothing as I lost consciousness.

Where am I? I wondered as I blinked to clear my vision from its haze. I was lying on a couch inside what appeared to be a den of a stone house. There was a small bookshelf with a few books and scrolls against a wall and a small coffee table was next to the couch I was on. My saddle bag was leaning next to it while my broken compass sat on top of it.

I looked above my head to see that there was a small fire crackling away in the fireplace. The fire was a bit odd as it was white instead of the usual yellow. Must be a magical fire. I slowly sat up letting the blanket that covered me to fall away.

“I suppose you are wondering where you are?” Came a male voice from behind me and I nearly jumped.

“How…” I managed to croak out. My mouth was still dry, but somehow my lips where no longer cracked. The rest of my question died in my throat as I took a look at the speaker.

Whoever he was, he was he didn’t want to be seen as he was wrapped up in an oversized white cloak. For some reason, I could not see anything inside the hood. I could tell at least he was quadrupedal but other then that I had no idea what he was.

“Standard waking up in a strange place question number one.” The cloaked figure chuckled at his lame joke. “The second one is usually how long was I out? Which is only a day. To answer to the first one, you are in my home at the Northern Oasis.”

“Northern Oasis?”

It was strange to not know what my savior looked like. It was also creepy not being able to see his eyes. And yet I could feel his eyes bore into me. I shifted uncomfortably on the couch as the figure move around to sit down opposite of me at the coffee table staring at me the whole time.

“You may address me as Storyteller.” Came his response.

Address? That is strange, almost formal.

“My name is History Seeker.”

“History Seeker? Interesting name… So what are you seeking? Not many are crazy or stupid to try and cross the Untamed Wilds without a guide. And you don’t seem stupid to me.”

“I was told that I could find information on what inspired a stain glass window in a ruins of a castle near where I live.”

“Let me see.”

I hoofed over my rather crude drawing of the stain glass window. Which he grabbed with magic. Well he’s a magic user… that narrows it down to who knows… and I didn’t see an aura so he's not a unicorn unless he’s very good at magic…

The figure studied the drawing for a while. Then he started to turn the drawing at odd angles. I could feel my face redden in embarrassment when I realized he was trying to read my hoofwriting. My writing was never very good. I just hoped he wouldn’t have to ask me what my notes meant.

“This is an artist's depiction of the three Keepers of Harmony facing off the evil dragon of many titles at the final battle of the Keeper War.”

The Keeper War? I thought, but said nothing as I didn’t want to interrupt him. Somehow I don’t think he would have like it if I did.

“The being at the top is known as a draconequus, the one in the middle is of course a dragon, and lastly what you called a horned pegasus. It’s a good guess, but that is wrong. That is an alicorn.” He handed back my sketching.

“Do you know their names?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t be a good storyteller if I didn’t know the names of my characters would I?”

“Discord, He of Hourglass, and Harmony.”

“Discord, He of Hourglass, and Harmony?” I repeated. “May I ask why the name ‘He of Hourglass?’”

“I forgot how sheltered you ponies have become…”


“I supposed that would have come of as rude, but it’s still true. As for your question, it’s not proper to call a dragon by his or her name. A title is almost always used.”

“Can you tell me about this Keeper War, then?”

Whoever this person was didn’t answer he just got up and went over the the fireplace and stared at the fire.

Why is the fire so mesmerizing to this guy? I wondered as time went on. I wasn’t sure how long he stared into the fire, but it had to been well over an hour.

“Why don’t we start just before the drums of war were sounded, shall we? At the Twilight of Harmony...”

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