• Published 13th May 2015
  • 720 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes/Once More into the Breach

35 days since the Nameless One’s escape

9 days since the fall of Traxti City

Late Afternoon, Hourglass City.

Soul Fire yawned. He looked over see that Golden DragonHeart was still sleeping peacefully on his hoard bed. He turned to see the special clock over the door was indicating that it was late afternoon. He got up and stretched. It was time for him to find Twixt’d. A few minutes of flying later and he landed near Twixt’d’s silo.

“Twixt’d!” Sentinel called out, hoping that he was here and not out flying. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Twixt’d peer out to see who was calling for him.

“Hey Sentinel!” Twixt’d shouted in excitement when he noticed him. He jumped out of his silo and spun downward before he opened his his wings to land expertly in front of Sentinel.

“Show off.” Sentinel smirked.

“I’m not showing off! I…” Twixt’d blinked suddenly forgetting mid rant what he was going to say. Twixt’d growled in annoyance at that. One, he was angry for ranting at his friend. Plus he was angry that his frustrations had once again made him forget his train of thought. This had been going on since shortly after his first Sonic Rainboom. He bit back a string of curses. “Nevermind…”

Sentinel eyed him carefully as Twixt’d calmed down. Twixt’d had never before today complained about being tease for his ‘showing off.’ I’m sure of it now. He is one of those dragons… I will need to let He of Hourglass know.

“So are you going to stand there or what? I want to know what happened this morning!”

“You remembered when you changed from a hatchling into a whelp?”

“Of course… wait are you saying that adult dragons…” Twixt’d words trailed off as his mind wandered to his own future. I wonder how I much better of a flyer I could be if I was my dad’s size?

Sentinel could see that Twixt’d was deep in thought. He could take a guess on what it entailed. He whipped his tail outward and lightly smacked Twixt’d with the side of his trident. Twixt’d snapped out of his day dream snarling before he realized that he had spaced out in front of Sentinel. “Adult dragons go through three major and several minor growth spurts known as growths. Medallion went through what's know as the first growth; He of Music went through what’s known as the second growth.”

“There are several conditions in order for these growths to occur. I’m not going over the entire list… Medallion grew because she had successfully defended her hoard for the first time from life or death battle. He of Music was because he defended another’s hoard for no reward or payment after a life or death battle.”

“What about mom and dad? They are clearly full sized.”

“It’s possible for mated dragons to go through all the stages of adult growth all at once just before they become mates. That is what happened to your parents.”

“So when did you grow the first time? Or where you always like this... I mean it’s…” Twixt’d scratched his head in confusion.

Sentinel chuckled lightly at Twixt’d’s confusion. “That is actually a good question, and one I don’t mind answering… It was when he protected your father from a Rage dragon.”


He watched as the alicorn fought the other dragon. He may be annoyed, angry, and hurt at the alicorn but at least he defended his hoard. Before too long the alicorn succeed in not only defeating the dragon but killing it. He roared in triumphant at the death of the dragon.

A tingling sensation came upon the dragon. A growl of annoyance and anger issued from his maw. He crouched down to prepare for what he thought was the alicorn intruding the area again. As soon as his claws touched the ground the feelings of annoyance and anger was replaced by pleasure. His arms quickly morphed and became forearms. The horns on his head lengthen along with his tail. His wings and body increased in size.

The tingling sensation ended and the dragon flexed his forepaws. A mass of flames poured out of his mouth as he then sensed his nemesis enter his home.

“But if that was your first growth then how did you not grow earlier?”

“Best guess? I was in my alicorn from.” What he didn’t say was that he had suspected that being in that form would stop the growth from starting. He was not sure if he entered his second growth that he would be able to access his alicorn magic again and right now he knew every advantage was needed if the world was going to survive the ‘Nameless One’s’ wrath.

“And He of Hourglass?”

“Not sure, but… there is something you need to know…”

SENTINEL! An angry dragon roared out. Sentinel looked out to see that He of Music was bounding through the orchards and straight for him. Sentinel eyes went wide in shock and confusion. He had no idea what he could have possibly done to anger his clanmate like that. It made no sense as he should have know instantly if he had did anything wrong. Nevermind that he instinctively knew what would most likely make him happy or mad.

He of Music smashed into Sentinel hard. Sentinel had enough time to prepare for this so he manage to remain upright as his slid back nearly a dozen feet tearing up the ground with his claws. He of Music grabbed Sentinel roughly by his the neck, picked him up, and slammed him wings down into the ground.

During the whole time Sentinel did nothing but cast a protection spell over himself. He was bound and determined to find out what had gotten He of Music so worked up. Given that he could not figure out what he did wrong it meant that it was most likely He of Music being angry about something that Sentinel could fix and not angry at himself directly. He could see that after He of Music had slammed him to the ground that he was starting to calm down.

“Okay… enough.” Sentinel started to shove He of Music off of him. “What is it you want me to do He of Music?”

He of Music didn’t immediately speak. Twixt’d slowly peered around the his silo that he had scrambled behind when He of Music started to charge at Sentinel. As much as he wanted to defend Sentinel somehow he knew that he needed to stay out of it. Sentinel was more than willing to wait as long as it took for his clanmate to calm down enough to speak. A slightly blinding glint from He of Music scorpion ocarina caught his attention.

Sentinel! Why are you staring at my ocarina?” He of Music growled. He was not liking the way his clanmate was staring at it.

“It’s different…”

“Huh?” He of Music looked down at his ocarina and his eyes went wide. He carefully unclasped it to get a better view. The ocarina was larger and more detailed than before. For example the leg segments that controlled which holes were opened or closed had more segments. It appeared It was becoming lifelike instead of the simplistic ocarina that it was originally.

He pulled his bass guitar off his back to see that it too was different. Beside it also being larger. the smooth curves of the body had become a bit sharper and the colors had darken a bit.

Sentinel observed a glint of greed in He of Music's eyes as the dragon looked over his improved instruments. It was clear to him that nothing would ever make He of Music take those two instruments off now. Not until he finished growing at least. A shiver went up his spine as he knew it was his younger self that had given the guitar to He of Music. He wasn’t sure what would happen if he revealed that fact. As it was, he wasn’t sure the reaction of He of Hourglass once he finds out that he was the egg that his past self had gone through the Rite of Guardianship for.

Sentinels musing was interrupted by He of Music knocking him down again and pushing down on his belly with his front paws. Sentinel could see the greed rising in his clanmates eyes. “Instruments. You will get more.”

“Any in particular?” Sentinel asked lightly. He knew that it was the increase in greed from the second growth talking and to tread lightly lest He of Music got the wrong idea.

He of Music blinked, the greed glint disappearing. “A small xylophone and schematics for bass chimes... and is there a source of oscillarium ore near by?”

“Check with He of Hourglass on the oscillarium ore. There should be some sort of geological surveys in the library research archives. As for the other two, I shall leave first thing tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you. I would go with you but I don’t think I can right now… not until I get more… enough… to satisfy mine... my greed… I don’t want to scare the ponies or make Pinkie Pie sad because of my lack of control.”

“Is this a side effect of one of ‘growths’?” Twixt’d finally spoke.

“It can be… it depends on the type of hoard a dragon has. Medallion will probably never have this problem…”

“No, she will just frustrate us with her sexual ‘teasing’.” He of Music growled, finally tearing his eyes away from his ocarina and bass guitar which he put back on his back.

“Oh great,” Twixt’d grumbled as he facepalmed, “she’s embarrassing enough as it is…”

He of Music raised an eyebrow at that then glance over at Sentinel who shook his head. That got both of his eyebrows to rise.

“Um… Twixt’d… the issue with the teasing is not the it’s ‘embarrassing’ but that it causing frustrations as it instinctively stimulates a drake's desire to have sex with their mate. Given that your father is the only one with a mate…”

Twixt’d blinked a couple of times before he erupted into laughter. “This has to be some sort of joke or initiation rite, right?! Because if it is it’s hilarious!”

Both Sentinel and He of Music pinched the bridge of their snouts. Both inwardly debating whether or not to just let him think what he was thinking or correct it. However, neither would get a chance to decide as Twixt’d suddenly stopped laughing and was gazing curiously to the north of Hourglass.

“Uh… what does it look like when someone is coming straight at you after using a sonic rainboom?”

Sentinel for a moment couldn’t wrap his brain around the question. “Come again?”

“A sonic rainboom. What does one look like when the it’s coming straight at you?”

He never thought of it before. Of course, considering until the Bearer of Loyalty managed the feat the day his hatchmate was hatched he was the only living creature known to be capable of doing one. He never really was that interested in how it look. Though admittedly it was a spectacular sight.

Sentinel looked off in same the direction as Twixt’d and saw a circular distortion. He quickly waved a paw the air and the air in front of him shimmer a bit as the spell magnified the his sight. It appeared to be an air cone and that would only occur near or above the speed needed for a sonic rainboom.

That meant only one thing to Sentinel. He took a running jump and flew off to intercept. He of Music and Twixt’d eyed each other, but as neither really knew what was going on they just shrugged, figuring that they would find out soon enough.

A few moments later Sentinel returned carrying a blue pegasi with a rainbow mane. He of Music recognized her as she was one of the Bearers of Harmony. Sentinel carefully lowered her to the ground. Rainbow seemed to not understand where she was or what was going on. He eyes seemed glazed over as she kept looking around but didn’t seem to noticed that she was surrounded by three dragons.

“Bearer of Loyalty can you hear me?” Sentinel snapped his claw as he tried to get a response from the loopy and clearly overexerted pony.

“The Friendship Fire didn’t work!” Rainbow Dash yelled out before fainting away.

“It seems she is spouting nonsense. Not surprising given her clearly delirious state…” He of Music commented. While it was true that he had limited understanding of ponies, as the only one he really knew was Pinkie Pie and he knew she was nowhere near the norm, the phrase was something that he could not see a pony spouting under normal circumstances.

“No, that is not something I would expect the Bearer of Loyalty to say in a delirious state… He of Music gather the clan I will attend to our guest.”

“What of me?” Twixt’d asked.

Sentinel turned to face Twixt’d. “What of you? As I recall He of Hourglass said he would treat you as if you were a member of this clan.” Twixt’d hesitated a moment. “Well? What are you waiting for? Follow He of Music!”

Sentinel slowly walked towards the city proper. Hopefully with a bit of rest and a special brew that he kept in his museum hoard bed would revitalize her enough to talk. Her outburst concerned him deeply. The words ‘Friendship Fire’ was not something that was casually brought up in conversation even though it was getting close the that time of the year...

Sentinel facepalmed. He of Hourglass or himself will have to have some words with Legacy Chaser. He wasn’t terribly surprised at her teasing she was always doing it but not this bad. He wouldn’t had cared if it wasn’t for the fact that they had a pony guest. “Quartermaster do me a favor and go ‘water’ your mate.”

Quartermaster musk suddenly filled the council chambers as he bounded out of the council chambers with a feral growl. Rainbow Dash fainted away. Luckily she had decided not to hover.

“Sentinel…” He of Hourglass grumbled, “did you have to do that?”

“Maybe not... but it got him out here and to his mate faster.”

He of Hourglass groaned and pinched his brow. His secondclaw was probably correct but he wished he could have not used such a blatant sexual innuendo to do it. He knew that ponies were a lot more private about that then dragons. He also knew that Sentinel knew this. He sighed. What’s done is done...

“Hey Rainbow Dash!” Sentinel snapped his claws trying to reawaken the pony. “Your fans are waiting for you!”

Sentinel sighed as Rainbow began to stir. Once he was satisfied that Rainbow needed no more prompting he rose up fully. He suddenly felt that there was eyes boring into him. He looked up to see that it was Medallion that was staring at him. The other drakes had already heard Sentinel (or Harmony) used the Bearers real names so they were only casually looking in his direction.

“Yes, I just called her by her name… She is not a dragon or an acolyte and ponies don’t have the same issue with names as we do...” Sentinel motioned to the Element of Loyalty on Rainbow’s neck. “He of Music is friends with the Bearer of Joy and if my source is correct he calls her Pinkie instead of Bearer of Joy.”

He of Music blushed a bit at that. Medallion eyed him in a sensual matter but said nothing. This only redden the drake further. He of Hourglass bit back a laugh. He still needed to talk with her but she was at least toning it down now.

Sentinel shook his head before he went back to addressing Rainbow who had fully reawaken. “Now Bearer of Loyalty, did I hear correct that the Friendship Fire did not work and that Equestria is under wendigo attack?”

Rainbow Dash nodded still trying to get her swimming head to stop moving. Sentinel took this as an opportunity to activate the ‘knocker’ on the communication matrix. He was curious as to why Rainbow Dash had come personally instead of a letter being sent or communication matrix being used.

“Odd…” Sentinel wondered when he noticed that it was not activating.

“Yeah, Twilight already tried that and firemail and couldn’t get through that’s why I am here.”

“Wendigo magic can’t do this…” Sentinel muttered as he examined the matrix. There were no traces of any flaws, cracks, or breaks and the power levels were near max and steady. Everything appeared to be working which meant like the firemail this too was being blocked but to block it would require massive amount of dark magic… “He of Hourglass I think we can safely assume that our dragon is in Equestria or at least another construct.”

“‘Our dragon’? What in Tartarus are you jabbering about!”

“A dragon using dark magic attacked Hourglass yesterday. He of Hourglass discovered that it was merely a magic construct. The real caster was no where around. Whether or not the caster is in Equestria or is using a construct is unknown, and it will be until we deal with the wendigo problem.”

“While I’m on that, there is a distinct possibility that the wendigos are running amuck in the south.”

“Equestria is freezing over! Ponies could be dying as we speak. Why should we be worry about that!?”

“Bearer of Loyalty, may I remind you that the world does not revolve around Equestria? I am fully aware of the issue of ponies dieing. I am coming with you as is my duty. As for me bringing up the possibility of a wendigo problem to the south. A mass of wendigos could do a lot of damage and could very well be unstoppable if they manage to get up this far and given the sparse population we may not get any warning.”

He of Hourglass interjected. “You worry about Equestria, Seconclaw. The Clan will handle the issue to the south.”

“Oh…right...” Rainbow visibly deflated when she realized that she jumped head first without looking… again. “But how are dragons going to take on wendigos!?”

“A dragon’s fire is more then enough to destroy them.” Sentinel explained. “By your leave Firstclaw?”


He of Hourglass noticed but said nothing as Twixt’d slipped out of the chambers shortly after Sentinel and Rainbow leaving He of Music, Medallion, and himself alone in the council chambers. Perfect.

Sentinel was discussing the details of how they were going to fly to Equestria when he noticed that Twixt’d had exited the council chambers and was following them. He stopped walking and turned to address the whelp. Rainbow kept walking for a few steps before she realized that Sentinel had stopped. She turned to see why and saw Twixt’d.

“I want to come and help.”

“No.” Sentinel flatly stated. He did hope that Twixt’d would challenge him.

“I’m a whelp not a hatchling! I’m don’t even have to live in Hourglass by the Code!”

“Under normal circumstances, yes, but we both know that a whelp must know all of the whelp and hatchling codes before then.”

“Do I look like a give a lava shit about that?!” Twixt’d snapped. “You are my clanmate and best friend no bucking way should any of us go anywhere alone if the attack earlier is any indication.”

“Good answer.” Sentinel smiled with pride. Twixt’d had managed to challenge him and win. “Because you are being treated like a clanmate and that you are coming with me it negates the requirements that I stated.”

“Are we done!? Equestria needs us!” Rainbow shouted.

“Yes.” Sentinel replied still staring at Twixt’d who was staring back unflinchingly.

“I’m not slowing down for him.” Rainbow bluntly stated. This got a growl of annoyance as a response from Twixt’d.

Sentinel broke his eye contact with Twixt’d give a smug grin to Rainbow. “You may find yourself fighting to keep up with him.”

Rainbow smirked. She always loved a challenge and she was not going to let Sentinel’s assertion intimated her. “Bring it on, because I’m the fastest flyer around.”

“Why don’t we test that.” Twixt’d growled.

“Okay enough!” Sentinel stopped the coming fight that he could see brewing between the prismatic pony and dragon whelp. “We need to stay within each others air wave Rainbow you are to be in the back.” Rainbow was about to object when Sentinel put up a forearm to tell her to be silent. “The potion I gave you only restored some of your vitality not all of it. You need time to recover. Twixt’d start us off when you start to remotely get tired fall to the back.”

“Legacy Chaser,” Golden DragonHeart sighed heavily. He knew he was about to hurt Legacy Chaser but she needed to understand that she was out of line. In the end she would come out stronger. “your teasing needs to be kept in check when we have guests in Hourglass.”

True to what he thought it did hurt Legacy Chaser. She had done nothing wrong in the eyes of the dragon culture. Her eyes shined with pain and she lowered her head in shame. Golden DragonHeart walked up to her and knelt down.

“I know you want a mate and that you can never have be a mate like MetalEtched Claws but you are my sister, my clanmate. I will help you as will Soul Fire.” Legacy Chaser didn’t seem to want to listen. “I didn’t say to change. You wouldn’t be you without your attempts to turn us on.” He lower his voice as he added. “And between you and I... When you find your mate. You are going to make the rest of us jealous…” This got her attention as she looked up to see that her Firstclaw was smiling at her warmly. “All I want you to do is be considerate to guests. Ponies and for that matter most races do not understand our ways and culture. When we don’t have guests feel free to go all out with your teasing.”

Golden DragonHeart straightened out so he could address both dragons. “Now I want you and Eternal Beats to head south to see if Soul Fire’s assumption is correct. If it is, rectify the problem and be careful. Wendigos may be weak against our fire but they are still formidable in groups. Retreat if you must.”

“Firstclaw, wouldn't it be better for you to come because of your harmony magic?” Eternal Beats questioned. He understood himself going as his ability to use Soul Song Magic could prove useful against the winter demons. Also, he wasn’t sure if he could handle Legacy Chaser on his own. Not that he would ever truly want her to stop but…

“Wendigos feed and increase emotions like hatred, rage, and strife. Now tell me do you think it would be wise for me to go?”


“One last thing: avoid the Chimney Arch Desert.” Golden DragonHeart growled dangerously.

Knowing that their Firstclaw would broker no more idle chat Eternal Beats and Legacy Chaser walked out of the council chambers to make preparations for the journey.

Author's Note:

Sorry Forstbite4 it took way longer to write then I thought...

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