• Published 13th May 2015
  • 719 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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The Great Dragon Purge

45 days since the fall of Traxti City
19 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder
Early afternoon, Hourglass

Soul Fire lazily supervised the construction of the barracks for the soon to arrive griffons. He really didn’t need to be here but the ponies seemed to expect to have at least one of them watching them. He understood why, having once been a pony, but even then it still amused him.

The barracks was being constructed on the other side of Hourglass from the Hourglass Guard for two reasons. One it allowed the other side of Hourglass to have protection. Two it would keep the more volatile griffons from not only clashing with the ponies but give them some space as griffons were used to being a bit more spread out over than ponies who as herd animals preferred being fairly close together.

He suddenly sensed a surge of mana that felt way too familiar. Not again. He teleported to just outside the library and rushed in. The mana was starting to darkened to the point of no return as he made his way into the research rooms that were in the back behind Golden DragonHeart’s Hoard Chamber.

“Golden DragonHeart!” Soul Fire roared hitting Golden DragonHeart hard across the face with his trident. “Control. Your. Rage!”

Golden DragonHeart growled angrily and slowly turned to face Soul Fire. “I will KiLl yOu.”

Soul Fire summoned his fire sword and slash the raging dragon around the chest. This only angered the spark dragon even more. Soul Fire growled in frustration before he rushed right at Golden DragonHeart and rammed him with his horns into his stomach. The air violently escaped Golden DragonHeart lungs and his eyes iris widen as his rage vanished.

Golden DragonHeart collapsed on to the ground coughing and wheezing as he attempted to get his breath back. Soul Fire glared at him. He had seen his eyes return to normal but he remained cautious.

“Do you think…” Golden DragonHeart coughed and wheezed one final time before he slowly pulled himself back onto his feet. “Do you think you can get my feral side to calm down a bit like when I awaken yours… I…” He teared up, shaking violently. “I don’t know… please… to…”

Soul Fire knew why Golden DragonHeart was so scared. His rage condition was worsening and it was taking more and more to keep him from crossing the point of no return. The sad thing was the there was not much that could be done… at least while the ‘Nameless One’s’ curses were still in effect and even then... “Doubtful…” you outright rejected your feral side several times already... He added in his thoughts. “But I suppose I could give it a try.”

*No don’t* Vorac countered. *He not want feral. Feral not listen.*

*Well I can’t do nothing...* Sentinel grumbled as he quickly thought through various options. *Could we shore up the ‘wall’?*


*You instill such confidence.* Sentinel mentally rolled his eyes at the delayed and drawn out response from Vorac. “Yeouch!”

“Soul Fire?” Golden DragonHeart eyed Soul Fire with a raised eyebrow. He did not do anything to him to facilitate such a response.

“Um…” Soul Fire blushed. He was caught off guard by Vorac’s playfully mental nipping him which had somehow translated to a physical sensation. “Sorry Vorac is, um…” He eyed his tail carefully. “acting like a playful hatchling…”

Golden DragonHeart blinked then opened his mouth then closed it before he finally just shook his head in defeat. “No. No… not going there with you two... one, ugh! This is becoming as ‘bad’ as Pink One.”

“Well,” Soul Fire smirked he knew how to get his firstclaw at least in a better mood. “I already got the pink scales so all I would need is a pink wig… like this one!” Soul Fire pulled a pink fluffy wig out from a hidden compartment in the desk that Golden DragonHeart had failed to proper close.

Golden DragonHeart entire body gave off a pink hue. Soul Fire grinned evilly as he saw the embarrassment that his firstclaw was showing. This was going to be easier than he thought. He jumped back to avoid Golden DragonHeart claws as he attempted to swipe the wig away. The stain pink dragon put the wig on haphazardly.

“My Goldie sense is tingling!” Soul Fire had to hold back his laughter as he made that declaration in a high voice. As he suspected Golden DragonHeart eyes slitted a bit as he angrily lunged himself at him claws out. There we go...

Soul Fire maintain a defensive stance as they fought. One he needed to make sure that he kept his firstclaw’s hoard safe and two it gave him the chance to really see Golden DragonHeart mood. He could see a sparkle in his eyes and the lust for his hoard through his inner fire even through the anger.

“This is mine!” Golden DragonHeart growled has he managed to finally grabbed the wig which he quickly but carefully placed into the bottom drawer. He couldn’t believe Soul Fire’s guile in his abuse of the his hoard. He let the corner of his mouth curl into a slight smile. He would find a way to get back at his secondclaw.

“Life even in war must go on Dragon Keeper besides if you don’t learn to loosen up… your rage will consume you.” Soul Fire smacked the side of his trident on the side of Golden DragonHeart lightly. “And I saw that glint in your eye when when you were fighting me and when you put the wig away. You loved every second of it.”

Golden DragonHeart jaw opened a bit in mild shock before his close it smiling. He was getting better at not being stunned by anything Soul Fire did. What’s more he was right he did love the fight he just had, but he wasn’t going to let him know that just yet. “What would I do without you as my Secondclaw…What would I do without my hoard?”

“You would be sporting a lot more cuts and bruises.” Soul Fire gestured to some scratches from their play fight on Golden DragonHeart’s scales. “Metal Claws still would make an excellent secondclaw.”

“Now, Dragon Keeper will you let me know what set off this most recent episode?”

Golden DragonHeart sighed and gestured to the map on the wall. “After the attacks on the eastern eyries and the lost of seven dragons in my network I had those that were willing carefully search for any more graveyards and the send out letter to everydragon in their firemail network…”

Soul Fire gazed at the map of the two eastern continents and frowned. There was a number of red tacks that were scattered all over next to each was a series of numbers. The number of red tacks on the map alone was disturbing. Then to have the numbers next to them only made it worse.. a small post-it on the bottom corner carried the totals.

40 known graveyards
2970 fully grown
214 whelps/hatchlings
136 eggs

Soul Fire found himself struggling with his own rage over what the Nameless One had done. No race deserved this. The question he now had was how many dragon graveyards had not been found and how many dragons were killed but not dumped into the them.

“The problem is the age of some of these graveyards… You would think that it would give us an idea on his movements. But…” Golden DragonHeart pulled a red string out of the a drawer Soul Fire was confused at first until the meaning clicked. He was showing the order of the age of the graveyards. Golden DragonHeart even went back to several tacks. By the time Golden DragonHeart had finished wrapping the string around the last tack the map looked like a drunk spider had spun a really bad web.

“Damn it…” Soul Fire rubbed his head trying to ease his headache, “he is using guerrilla tactics to mask his movements.”

“Guerrilla tactics?”

“Hit and run… very effective when you are a small force trying to take down or wear down a larger force… mainly because it’s next to impossible to know when the next strike will be… it can be quite moral booster for the smaller force and while making it very hard to maintain a good moral on the part of the larger force.”

“I understand hit and run professor.” Golden DragonHeart grinned while crossing his arms. He wasn’t stupid but sometimes it seemed like his secondclaw was on autofly explain mode. Reminded him of the Ascended One from time to time. “It’s just with my small brain I didn’t know that guerilla tactics was biggie words for hit and run.”

“I went into lecture mood again.” Soul Fire facepalmed. He couldn't believe he did it again!

Golden DragonHeart chuckled and grabbed Soul Fire into a rough hug. He would have given him a noogie but his horn helmet prevented it. “Well... at least you're not as bad as Ascended One…”

“Exactly...” Soul Fire rolled his eyes as he extracted himself. “I never understood the need to know that the ‘square root of five hundred and forty-six is twenty-three point three six six six four two eight nine one zero nine,’ but then again I have always been much more of a push the pretty button, pratical type then her…”

A letter for him interrupted him mid sentence. He wasn’t expecting anything as to the most part they used the daily meeting to address anything which meant…

‘The Dark One’ is approaching the eastern shores of Equestria north of Manehattan. Please advise.

“Well…” Soul Fire sighed as he passed over the scroll, “it appears that your prediction was right… eastern coast.” He took a scroll and began to write a response. “Go find Twixt’d and keep him here I…”

Celestia and Luna,

No one knows Equestria and the ponies as you do. Have faith in your abilities. You will know what to do. I shall be there soon. As for advice avoid engaging him if you can until I get there.

Alicorn Keeper

Soul Fire sent the missive with a quick burst of fire. “I… don’t… I can’t…”

“Soul Fire…” Golden DragonHeart warned Soul Fire. He knew why Soul Fire was requesting this but he wanted to make sure that Soul Fire knew for sure this was the route he was willing to take consequences and all. “I don’t think I need to tell you he won’t like this. He was so hurt and yet he tried so hard to help…”

“Why do you think I have this?” Soul Fire pointed to the scars on his face.

Golden DragonHeart sighed. He knew the meaning behind the scars and he knew that Soul Fire knew that he knew. Still, he felt that would be wrong to make any point about it. To do so would make light of the relationship the two had always shared. “You do realize this could potentially hurt him worse than your grief after Legacy Chaser’s death?”

“Yes, I’m sure it will…” Soul Fire sighed. “...I know it will. But I not put the son of my hatchmates in that kind of danger... NOT it front of him! I can’t…”

“It may come to that in the end.” Golden DragonHeart gently put a claw on Soul Fire shoulder.

“I know, Dragon Keeper, I know… I just...” Soul Fire looked away no longer able to hold any resemblance of a gaze at his firstclaw.

Golden DragonHeart pulled Soul Fire head gently so that he could speak eye to eye. “You promise me one thing Alicorn Keeper. You come home for him… If not for any other dragon here, for him.”

“I will.”

At that, Soul Fire made his way out of the library. He looked back one more time just before he left to see Golden DragonHeart slumping against his desk. The pressure of the coming days were beginning to weigh once again upon him. Soul Fire wished he do more, but now was the time to meet his fate whatever it may be.

I promise I’m coming home for you too… Spike.

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