• Published 13th May 2015
  • 719 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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52 days since the Nameless One’s escape

26 days since the fall of Traxti City

Just after sunset, Hourglass City

“He of Hourglass…”

He of Hourglass ignored the annoying voice. He didn’t care for talking right now. In his hands was the shimmering cord that represented his bond to Medallion shattered forever with her death. He wished he could have one more moment with her. He wished he hadn’t sent her and He of Music to the south arctic. But he knew that he had to send them down. They, as a clan, had a job to do and besides they were all in danger with both the Nameless One and that butchering creature on the loose no matter where they were. And he wouldn’t feel right leaving the rest of the world to suffer under them when they could try and do something about it.


A different voice echoed in his ears which he ignored. Medallion… I’m so sorry I wished I… could have done more… I...

Harmony’s voice called out to him from a distant memory. “For the hearts one treasures are like the flowers of the field. For they grow for a while, bloom, then wilt away. All that remains is the memories. But in that fleeting moment in time those flowers outshine any treasure that lasts forever.”

Memories are the legacy of the flowers... Just like your name… I will not tar your legacy my sister, my clanmate by remaining sad… you were always full of life and brighten our days even when you frustrated us drakes.

“Please snap out of it Firstclaw we need to know what happened.”

He of Hourglass finally managed to come out of his grief induced stupor to respond. He looked about to see a very concerned Quartermaster and She of Hourglass nearby. “I… She… Medallion is dead.”

“Please tell me its not true…” She of Hourglass sounded desperate. She knew something terrible had happened when she read the letter written in dragon’s blood but she didn’t want to jump to the worse possible scenario.

The silence and the downward gaze of their firstclaw told both of them that he was not lying. Medallion their clanmate and sister had been killed. Quartermaster flexed his claws as his shook in rage. She of Hourglass was more subdued but even she was contemplating murder.

Twixt’d landed nearby. “I have notified the gargoyle… he is on his way now.”

“Thank… you… Twixt’d.” He of Hourglass stifled a sob. I’m sorry about that Medallion I’ll… I’ll work on it...

An uneasy silence fell over the gathered dragons while they waited for the gargoyle. Luckily it wasn’t long as Quartermaster was not in the mood for much waiting. He just lost a clanmate and another was seriously wounded.

Scorpan took a look at the down dragon and knew he had his work cut out for him. “He of Hourglass I’ll need your help. I want to move He of Music to just outside the infirmary so I can treat him and monitor the guardpony’s condition.”

“Okay.” He of Hourglass nodded. He still felt like breaking down again but for He of Music he would remain strong, for now.

“No no, not you two.” Scorpan held up a paw as soon as he saw Quartermaster and She of Hourglass make a move towards the He of Music. “I can’t focus on healing with a pair of dragons breathing murder down my back. I will do everything in my power to help him but you need to back off.” He didn’t even blink at mated dragons’ angry growls. If he was going to be able to help he knew that he would need to stand his ground.

“Do as he says.” He of Hourglass ordered. He had gone through the same thing when Harmony was ill so he understood the need for the gargoyle to have the freedom and space to do what he needed to do.

“But Firstclaw…” Quartermaster started to protest before he was stopped by He of Hourglass glittering aura clamping his jaw shut.

“The Hermit of the Oasis needs space to do his job… Go… go…” He of Hourglass waved for them to leave, “and be with your eggs and take Twixt’d with you. I’m sure he will need to be with family more then ever right now... I’ll let you know if He of Music awakens…”

“And what of Sentinel?” Twixt’d questioned eyeing the museum doors in worry.

He of Hourglass put a claw on Twixt’d’s shoulder. “I know you are concerned for him… so am I. But for now, leave him be…”

He of Hourglass eyed the museum door a moment as the dragon family walked away and towards the forge. He knew there was something very wrong with Secondclaw but he needed to tend to He of Music first.

Scorpan began to slowly feel He of Music’s body with his magic starting with the drake’s head. He took it slow as he knew a dragon’s body was resistant to other magics. He slowly opened the drake’s mouth checking for any loose cracked or missing teeth. Surprising he found none. He took note of a gash above the left eye. It didn’t appear deep and would probably not scar.

When he got to the ears he did a double take. Where the dragon's ear frills were suppose to be was a headphone cup. He scratched his mane in thought he was sure that the last time he saw the drake he was wearing a headphones over his ear frills. Now those ear frills seems to be missing all together as well as the strap that held the headphones to his head. He would ask He of Music later… if the drake was willing. For now he had to complete his examination.

He moved down to the neck and noticed a nasty bruise along the front of his neck right where the vocal cords would be. It took a bit of work but he did manage to feel that the vocal cords were bruised as well. He would come back to that spot later to do a deeper scan.

As he got to the instrument on the He of Music’s neck he frowned. “This is odd…”

“Hermit of the Oasis?”

“The metal giant sand scorpion ocarina … it’s not covered in blood nor do I see any dents… which should be impossible with He of Music extensive in…” Scorpan stopped mid word. Something about the instrument seemed weird in the magical sense. It wasn’t just a simple enchantment to keep it clean and self repaired. Matter of fact, there was not a single enchantment on it. It was still possible given the nature of dragon magic that he just couldn’t sense it.

“Dragon Keeper I’m not totally familiar with dragon magic but this item is flowing in... in a type of dragon magic… but I can’t identify it.”

He of Hourglass knew that the instruments were apart of He of Music hoard… though he had no idea why they changed unless it was something He of Music subconsciously did. “Most likely hoard magic… leave them alone...”

“I wasn’t suggesting doing anything to it. The craftsmanship in the creation of this ocarina is astounding. I have no idea how to even get it off.” Scorpan gestured to the interlocking leg mechanisms wrapped around He of Music’s neck. “Besides I don’t think it will interfere with my ability to heal nor interrupt his own healing process. At least I hope so, it’s hard to feel using my magic…”

“I could help you with that.” He of Hourglass extended his glittering aura towards Scorpan.

“You think you can concentrate enough to augment my magic without causing magic burns?”

If this was anyone else at any other time He of Hourglass would have growl his irritation but this was a friend of the clan and he was struggling not to burst into tears to be angry. “For my hoard I will.”

Scorpan would see the pain on the dragon features. It was not just because of He of Music’s injuries. Something terrible has happened to the clan or to his hoard. He was merely a friend of the clan and didn’t know the Dragon Keeper that well so he wasn’t sure how to help. Scorpan nodded in understanding though and took grasp of the shimmering aura that was held out for him.

Scorpan quickly took advantage of the dragon magic from He of hourglass to to scan the dragon deeply and quickly. Other than a few cracked ribs, some deep bruises, a few gashes, and the bruised vocal cords the drake was fine. He could find no vital organ damage and all of his injuries minus the his vocal cords would easily heal with rest. Now that he had a better idea of the damage to the vocal cords he could now treat it properly.

“Hermit of the Oasis?” He of Hourglass hesitantly questioned. It was getting harder for him to remain calm.

Scorpan turned to face He of Hourglass fully and saw that the dragon was beginning to falter. He walked up to the dragon and slowly put a claw on his shoulder. “I got this Dragon Keeper… Go… Get some rest. He of Music will be here in the morning.”

He of Hourglass wanted to protest but he knew that Scorpan would take good care of his clanmate. “You let me know the moment he wakes up.”

“Of course, Dragon Keeper.”

He of Hourglass quickly made his way back to the library. He slammed the door behind him and collapsed onto his hoard bed. Now that he was alone he let himself fully grieve knowing that for the moment he didn’t have to be strong for anyone. His emotions poured out as his body shook from his sobbing.

Twixt’d clambered into the nest and curled protectively around his clutchmates. A single tear joined others. For so long he had to be tough to survive; one had to be to live on the streets of Traxti. And now with the one dragon he thought he would never see break broken…

She of Hourglass and Quartermaster looked down at their son crying and nuzzling his siblings and it broke them. The pain their son was like a knife stabbed and twisted in their hearts and even though they were missing Medallion Twixt’d needed them right now. She of Hourglass stepped to the nest slowly and tightly surrounded Twixt’d. She knew that doing this would comfort the whelp.

Twixt’d could feel the warmth from his mother's scales slide across his body. The feel of her scales and the sound of her heart drowned out everything else. The tenseness in his body melted away. He was safe now as nothing could get to him.

Quartermaster watched as his son instinctively relax. She of Hourglass motioned for him to join her and he climbed up and curled up next to her twirling his tail into hers. Lastly he wrapped his wing over She of Hourglass wrapping them all in like a tent.

Soul Fire walked into the museum. All around him was was exhibits and displays of objects of everyday life of ancient Hourglass. The museum was coming along nicely… Sentinel stifled a sob. He moved on towards the back of the warehouse turned museum. The further back he got the less the exhibits there was. A wall partition soon greeted him and he slid the curtain aside and stepped inside.

He just stood there staring at Legacy Chaser's workshop. Her paint equipment was still out which was odd for her. A half finished illustration was on the easel. And from the looks of it she was also in the middle of creating a model of the city. In the corner he could see her hoard bed.

He put down Legacy Chaser's satchel and pulled out her journal. He slowly opened it and began reading.

Dear Journal,

26 days since the fall of Traxti City
Several hours before sunrise, Unknown Location

Discord snapped wide awake. Something was very, very wrong. The last time he had felt a ripple like he just had of a was when Sentinel or was it Harmony...Sentony! Yes, Sentony chose… of course he just figured he had found his final piece of his cutiemark when that happened. That and it felt right. This one didn’t have that kind of feel it felt as bad… as bad as when Harmony’s parents died.

Discord paled when he realize it was just like with Harmony lost his parents… which meant something terrible had happened. He snapped his tail and was in the Harmony Council chambers in the Plane of Harmony.

“Is the Alicorn Keeper in harmony?” He called out.

The Alicorn Keeper is not in harmony. Came the response that he dreaded but knew would come.

“What the deuce happened!” Discord exclaimed. He snapped a claw and in flash he was back on the island.

“I have got to get to Hourglass and fast! But how?” Discord tapped his chin in thought before he looked up to see the jet stream far above. It would be extremely dangerous for him to use it but whatever caused the disharmony with Sentinel needed to be fix asap. It would only be a matter of time before the ‘Chaos Bringer’ moved his sights to the western continent and more specifically to Equestria and Hourglass.

“Hang in there my fellow Keeper I am coming!” Discord struck a match and lit a fuse on his tail. as soon as the fuse burned to his tail he shot off like a firework.

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