• Published 13th May 2015
  • 722 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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Unfinished Business / To Bury the Past

36 days from Secondclaw’s Choosing

Day 20 of the Nameless One’s escape

Mid Morning City of Hourglass

“Firstclaw I need permission to leave…” Soul Fire trailed off when he noticed his Firstclaw was busy reading a comic book and in the council chambers of all places. “Are you reading a Power Ponies comic!?”

“Yeah, so?” Golden DragonHeart shrugged, flipping a page.

“Nothing, nothing at all…” Soul Fire smiled and rolled his eyes.

“Well, what do you need? I’m would really like to see how this one ends.”

“I need permission to leave for Equestria.”

You're still the Alicorn Keeper…oh, whatever. Golden DragonHeart raised an eyebrow in wonder while looking over his comic. I’ll play along. “What for?”

“There is some things that Harmonious Knight left undone that I must attend to. I can’t shed that name completely until I do.”

“Such as?” Golden DragonHeart asked as he put down his comic. The fate of Maretropolis can wait a bit.

“For one, his territory markers are still active.”

That surprised him a little. But then again everything about Soul Fire was one surprise after another. “Let me guess, because it was alicorn magic it didn’t dissipate.”

“That is my guess…”

“On a similar matter to that, firemail is dragon magic so I assume that his firemail network...

“Gone. I thought that maybe that because half of the network was alicorn it might work, but no such luck… I think it’s because the anchors were his and not mine.”

“Okay… something will need to be done about that. I only have twenty five non clan dragons in mine, and all but one are from the eastern continent thanks to the trip taken nearly a year and a half ago. I really don’t have any from this continent.”

“That is the other reason for me leaving…”

“Then you have my permission Soul Fire.” I think I’ll finish the comic later...

38 days from Secondclaw’s Choosing

Day 22 of the Nameless One’s escape

Mid Afternoon Everfree Forest

“What are you doing in our territory Dragon of White Scales and Rainbow Horns?” He of Everfree snapped. He was not pleased to see a dragon so blatantly enter Equestria. Though to be fair Harmony’s wards were down at the moment.

“Hello, He of Everfree and He of Everfree River. I am He of Hourglass, Secondclaw of the Hourglass clan.”

“You’re a dragon from Hourglass!? And the Secondclaw?” He of Everfree exclaimed in disbelief. He was aware of all of the dragons of Hourglass as a precaution. Harmony didn’t want him to get needlessly angry thinking that a dragon had violated his wards and was invading Equestria when the dragon may not be.

“Quartermaster was never the secondclaw. I have always been the Secondclaw.”

That shocked He of Everfree so much so that he dazed out. He of Everfree River was taken aback a well, but his concern kept him from following He of Everfree. Harmony made sure that they both knew of any new dragons in the Hourglass Clan. This was just encase there was an emergency and Harmony needed one of them in Equestria post haste they wouldn’t be delayed.

“Is everything alright with He of Harmony? I noticed that his territory ward collapsed just over two hours ago, and I can’t get anything through with my firemail.”

“Hence my reason for ‘summoning’ you. I collapsed the ward…”

“YOU WHAT!” He of Everfree roared. His tail spikes came out. He was going to make this dragon pay for doing that.

“ENOUGH HIDDEN CLAW!” He of Hourglass held out a claw and magically held down Hidden Claw’s tail. Hidden Claw blinked, not expecting the dragon to know that epithet. Only He of Everfree River and Harmony knew that, and he specifically told him to never tell another one that under any circumstances. In his shock he didn’t even notice that his tail was being held down. “As I was saying, I collapsed the ward as Equestria is not my territory Hourglass is.”

“Equestria is not your territory?! Of course its not!” Hidden Claws roared readying to flambe the dragon.

Ugh… I was hoping not to have to do it but… He of Hourglass quickly unbound his alicorn magic which transformed his body back into the white alicorn with rainbow fire mane and tail. Both dragons slack jawed at the alicorn stallion standing in front of them.

“You… wha… ba?” Hidden Claw’s brain for the second time stopped working. His tail spikes receded and the flames in the back of his maw faded away.

“Oh good, you broke him…” He of Everfree River smirked.

“River Guardian, please…” He of Hourglass facehoofed. “He may be a grouch but he is an honorable dragon.”

“That he is. By the way, congrats on your choosing.”

“Thank you.”

“One question, though. How in the world do you remember anything?” River Guardian pinched his brow for a moment before weaving off any response from He of Hourglass. “No, don’t tell me, something to do with being an alicorn.”

“Not anymore. He’s dragon now.” Hidden Claw remarked, finally recovered from his stupefaction.

“Thank you, Hidden Claw.”

“Not anymore my name is Cloaked Scales.”

Well that explains a bit… And it means that River Guardian knows Cloaked Scales’ name. “Soul Fire.”

Cloaked Scales raised an eyebrow. The name seemed unusually pony like, but it was so him. River Guardian, however, thought the name was perfect. This was all great for Soul Fire but he needed to get things back on track. “As for why I am here…”

Cloaked Scales raised a paw to stop Soul Fire. “I follow what you are wanting, Soul Fire. I don’t want other dragons sending the ponies into a tizzy. It would mean that my privacy would be disrupted… I’ll extend my wards to the entire Everfree. If that is alright with you River Guardian?”

“I’m all for it.” Less work that would mess up my lovely coiffed hair spines.

“Okay then all that is left then is the issue of reestablishing firemail. Here are my anchors,” He of Hourglass gave each dragon a coin with his cutiemark stamped on it. “Now by your leave as I must go make preparations for the Üausēts Attzilšatha Ceremony.”

39 days from Secondclaw’s Choosing

Day 23 of the Nameless One’s escape

Several hours before sunrise, Ponyville

“Explain to me again…” Rainbow Dash yawned heavily, “why we had to be up so early?”

“For the umpteeth time, He of Hourglass sent word that we were to gather together three hours before sunrise. He didn’t say why.” Twilight grumbled it was a bit early for her too but she wasn’t in the mood for complaining.

The doors to the council room opened and Luna entered followed shortly by Celestia.

“Princess Luna and Princess Celestia? I don’t mean to sound rude but what are you doing here?” Rarity asked.

“Ooo Deja vuey.”

“Pinkie Pie…” Twilight began but was interrupted by a blinding rainbow light coming from the dias.

“Morning Bearers of Harmony, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.” It almost sounded like Harmony but slightly deeper and throaty. The rainbow light faded and standing on the dais was a white dragon with rainbow horns. The dragon had strange two color eyes and a trident weapon end to his tail. The dragon was definitely not Harmony.

No one expecting this. A call from Hourglass, maybe, but not a dragon. A dragon that no one knew and was able to teleport onto the Dais. Harmony had told Twilight that only he and her had that capacity never mind the knowledge of how to do it.

“I am He of Hourglass of the Hourglass clan. Thank you for being here and on time too.”

“Who are you really?” Twilight, Celestia, and Luna horns all glowing in preparation. They knew that that it would take a being,even a dragon, of immense power and most likely a dark magic user to manage to infiltrate the castle like this dragon did. And with the Dark One on the loose they were a bit on edge.

“Didn’t I just say He of Hourglass? It was so long ago I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that you forgot what happened after Quartermaster’s choosing. All dragons of a clan have the ‘He of’ or ‘She of’ name of clan honorific. Even He of Music can be called He of Hourglass he just never used that honorific because he knew from the beginning that non dragons would struggle with pronouncing the subtleties between ‘He of Hourglass’ and ‘He of Hourglass.’ I don’t have another title to use because I haven't found one yet.”

“And we are expected to believe that? The ‘Dark One’ has escaped and he could have fooled Princess Celestia into thinking she was receiving firemail from Hourglass!” Rainbow Dash flew right up the the dragon staring at him with suspicion.

The dragon casually waved a claw and levitated Rainbow to her throne. Rainbow was too shocked to protest. “Don’t believe me… It is to be expected… Celestia could you please send this to He of Hourglass for me.” The dragon held out a scroll.

Celestia took the scroll. Why would a dragon supposedly from the same clan need me to send a letter to… oh nevermind… the soon I send the faster we can discover truth.

A reply soon appeared.

The dragon before you is a member of the clan and my Secondclaw.

“Okay, I believe you, but why are you here and not Harmony?”

“Because Harmonious Knight chose.” He of Hourglass facepalmed at the confused looks. He rolled his eyes. “The Alicorn you knew as Harmony Chose.”

“Harmony is an alicorn he couldn’t Choose.” Twilight countered.

“Says the ascended alicorn. Harmonious Knight was ascended to a Spark Dragon.”

“I don’t believe that He of Hourglass would ever do that to him.” Twilight shook her head in disbelief.

He of Hourglass nearly cringed when Twilight mispronounced He of Hourglass. He knew it wasn’t her fault. I need to find a suitable title and soon. I was going to keep He of Harmony until found one but I need a clean break. “He is a Keeper of Harmony Bearer of Magic specifically the Dragon Keeper. I know you don’t know this, but when Harmonious Knight passed the Rite of Guardianship he became a dragon at least as far as dragons were concerned. As such, He of Hourglass was his Keeper. Harmonious Knight was broken and in a state of disharmony it was the Dragon Keeper’s job to fix that. Harmonious Knight needed to choose because he could never be complete after the Spike’s choosing otherwise. It’s one of the consequences of the Rite. Although to be fair, He of Hourglass didn’t know he ascended Harmonious Knight until after he Chose.”

“Okay... but why are you telling us all of this?”

He of Hourglass took a deep breath and then transformed into his alicorn form. The bearers and princesses fell into various stages of shock. They were not expecting the dragon to transform into an alicorn. The alicorn’s fur and mane colors similar to the dragon. His mane and tail was rainbow like his horn and tail spines. His horn was purple and green striped.

“Knight!?” Celestia questioned in disbelief.

“No.” He of Hourglass shook his head.


“It’s complicated. But I did say Harmonious Knight Chose and I was him. ”

“I believe you... it’s just that…” Celestia started crying.

He of Hourglass put a comforting paw on her shoulder. He knew exactly what she was trying to say. “Celestia… at the end he was at peace and was complete. Something that is truly rare for many die without some degree of regret and pain. There is nothing for you to be regretful for either. From what I know he never held it against you. Besides you hardly would be expected to know what to do at such a young age and after so many tragedies is such a short time. Come, I have already made the preparations Harmonious Knight would wish to be next to his brother…”

“Is this why you wanted us to gather so early before sunrise? And how would you know all of that?”

“Yes, and I know because I possess Harmonious Knight’s memories. It was only in the last few days that I felt I that I had recovered enough from my choosing. Which is why I am here now and not earlier...”

“Wait, you possess his memories!? How?! I thought that the choosing erased memories.”

“At a later time Bearer of Magic. I can sense your confusion. Although to be fair, I have yet to find one not confused by my Choosing... Come we must go or the ceremony shall be late.”

39 days from Secondclaw’s Choosing

Day 23 of the Nameless One’s escape

Sunrise, Ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters

As the sun slowly peaked over the horizon everyone put a flight feather into a glob of lava that He of Hourglass, now as a dragon, was levitating. Celestia was the only hold out.

“Celestia please…” He of Hourglass put a paw on her shoulder, “you need the closure.”

“I know…” Celestia sniffed before she started to bawl again.

“Celestia just as Harmonious Knight modified this Ceremony in light of Spike's family being ponies so too have I done the same for you. Yes it’s true, he never really considered you much more than distant relative, but you still thought of him as your cousin. Do this not for him but for yourself.”

Celestia nodded slowly and released her feather into the lava. He of Hourglass lowered the orb of molten rock into the ground. He then magically cooled it before putting back the soil he dug from the hole. The last thing he did was carefully positioned an obsidian tombstone just like Spike’s.

Here lies the One of honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, and the spark that reveals them all.

May Harmony live in us all

Twilight thought for a moment trying to remember why the phrase ‘spark that reveals’ sounded so familiar. “I remember that line… Why you use that instead of magic? I mean I know that it’s not the best name…”

“Because that element really is not the Element of Magic. The element really means ‘spark that reveals’ but there isn’t a good word for it in Equestrian.”


“Because my dear Bearer the Element of Magic is not an alicorn element but a spark dragon’s element.”

“How did you figure that out? Harmony himself didn’t know exactly what it was... And what do you mean by my dear Bearer?”

“I’m still the Alicron Keeper of Harmony.” He of Hourglass sighed at the still confused looks he was getting.

“So if the Element of Magic is a spark dragon's how come I can use it?”

“Now that, I’m not entirely sure… but I can at least assure you there will be no choosing for you. You will remain an ascended Alicorn.”

39 days from Secondclaw’s Choosing

Day 23 of the Nameless One’s escape

Early morning, Ponyville

Bearers, Luna, Celestia, Alicorn Keeper: Private: Lock

“There, now we have some privacy. What I’m about to reveal I must ask you to keep to yourselves.” He of Hourglass levitated a scroll that Twilight was trying to hide and promptly incinerated it. Celestia facehoofed. “Which means no writing it down Bearer of Magic.”

“The way Harmonious Knight told you about the choosing was a bit flawed. I will attempt to correct that. For starters I have Harmonious Knight memories because that is the way it is suppose to be. Memories are not supposed to be lost at a choosing.”

“Then how did you keep yours?”

“Technically they’re his not mine... being an alicorn among other things would be the only answer I have.”

“Your language doesn’t have the right word but Spike never died in the way you think. He will remain alive until He of Hourglass breathes no more. Here is why I can say that: Spike both died and was transformed at his choosing. A dragon has a duality to their souls.”

“But an alicorn soul is doesn’t have a duality to it.” Luna questioned. “For that matter, I don’t know any creature that wasn’t being possessed another that had that attribute.”

Luna shuttered as she finished. He of Hourglass, Celestia and Twilight knew that this was still an issue for Luna, even after fifteen years.

“You are correct... I’m not sure how but when Harmonious Knight was ascended I came into being within him. Dragons have a duality because of the Choosing. That is how Spike can die and also not die.”

“Speak Equestrian not migraine inducing eggheadism!” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“I’m trying Bearer of Loyalty.” He of Hourglass gritted his teeth in frustration. “I’m dealing with a language and culture barrier. There are a lot of Draconic words and concepts that don't translate well. Now what Luna was thinking of is two separate souls. A dragon soul is not like that… and before you ask our souls and beings are transformed not replaced. Replacing a soul is dark magic. At a Choosing the dragon soul splits half goes to the Voice… the half that remains get molded and changed…”

“That makes no sense!” Twilight explained. She had no idea what this Voice was but it sounded like the dragons equivalent to the Pasturelands. What really got her was how can a soul split in half?!?

“AGH!” He of Hourglass snapped. “The sentience of a creature is the soul or heart. The dragon soul at Choosing is molded so it can handle the Dragon Heritage Memories. But the amount of changes necessary are too much and the soul becomes nothing like it was before. That is why a dragon ‘dies’ at a choosing.”

“Then why can’t it be like that at the beginning?” Twilight grumbled.

He of Hourglass rubbed his head, growling in frustration. These ponies were going to be the death of me. His frustration leaked out as he growled out, “And why do ponies have multicolor fur? You are a prey species and bright pastel fur color makes you stand out not blend in.”

“He of Hourglass... I… I’m sorry…” Twilight sniffed an apology, upset that she upset He of Hourglass. She was hoping that just maybe that there was a way for her to get back Spike. Her grief was better than before but there was still times she struggled.

“No. Don't.” He of Hourglass sighed. “You are trying to understand why Spike had to leave you. Let me try explaining this a bit differently. What goes to the Voice is the shell not the core. When the shell leaves the inner soul, known as the inner fire, becomes unleashed, expands, and changes. It’s like a carefully constructed and tended fire that it suddenly no longer is contained within a campfire pit. It still a fire but it’s no longer bound because it’s strong enough without the protection of the rocks or pit that it was in.

“Sounds wild, dangerous, and destructive.” Rarity commented.

“I only used that as a crude, simplistic way of explaining it...:” He of Hourglass admitted.

“I still don’t completely understand but are you saying that the inner fire of He of Hourglass is Spike just as yours is Harmonious Knight?”

“In a very simplistic way, yes.” He of Hourglass agreed while shouting inwardly FINALLY! “Before I left He of Hourglass was reading a Power Ponies comic in the council room. Now who does that remind you of?”

“Spike… I don’t know how many times I had to tell him to not read his comics in the Friendship Council Chambers.” Twilight laughed along with He of Hourglass.

“See? If you are really paying attention you will notice that he will do things like Spike would. Tell me what was his favorite gems?”

“Sapphires.” Twilight responded without missing a beat.

“I give you one guess on He of Hourglass’.” He of Hourglass then noticed that the Element of Magic was glowing softly. It’s about time… “Bearer of Magic the door that once was sealed is no longer sealed. Just remember that He of Hourglass at his core is Spike and that he needs you as much as you need him. Never forget that.” He of Hourglass left at that, leaving everypony to contemplate what He of Hourglass said.

Author's Note:

Expect this to appear all the time( It will make it easier as we will be in multiple places at the same time throughout the book):

XX days from Secondclaw’s Choosing

Day XX of the Nameless One’s escape

Time of Day, location

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