• Published 13th May 2015
  • 720 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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How Twixt’d Gained a Family

Day 27 of the Nameless One’s escape

1 day since the fall of Traxti City

Early morning, Hourglass City

“She of Hourglass?” Twixt’d wondered as he watched the robin blue and ruby red scaled sea serpent land near the orchard with a bundle of long metal rods. “I thought it was going to just be Quartermaster.”

“The ground beneath the silo will need to be reinforced, and right now you will only get in the way. So while he is working on the ground around and under the silo, you are going to be building a metal bird’s nest.”

“Do I look like He of Music!? Or a large bird!?” Twixt’d countered hotly.

She of Hourglass growled in annoyance. If this wasn’t for her Secondclaw she would stay at the forge. She could tell it was almost time to lay her eggs and it was getting a bit uncomfortable both physically and mentally to be away from the nest.

“It’s not for you, but your home won’t be complete without it.”

“Huh?” Twixt’d was confused. How could it not be for him but his home would not be complete without it? Sure he had seen another birds nest near the museum. Maybe it was some sort of rite of passage or something for clan members.

“You’ll see once the nest is completed.”


Mid Afternoon, Hourglass City

“How’s it going?” Soul Fire questioned as he walked up next to MetalEtched Claws.

“I don’t think I have heard so many and varied curses in my life! That whelp needs his mouth washed.” MetalEtched Claws grumbled. “He is definitely not going anywhere near the forge…”

Soul Fire said nothing. The forge was her mate and her’s hoard and he wasn’t going to interfere with that. He watched as Twixt’d attempted to get a rod to work for him. Twixt’d roared a particularly strong curse before throwing the offending rod away and picking up a fresh one from a nearby pile. Soul Fire’s eyes watered in pride as he watched Twixt’d put care into his construction of the nest.

“Looks like he might get done by the end of the day. Though his work leaves much to be desired.”

“On the contrary, the nest looks perfect, and it’s just like him wild and free.”

“If you say so…” MetalEtched Claws held a paw to her head, a wave of pain and nausea overcoming her. “I must go. Head is hurting...”

Early evening, Hourglass City

Metal Claws wiped the sweat from his brow. He had finally finished the preliminary work on the silo. He had cut a proper hole in the side of the silo just above the level where the floor would be. The foundation was now ready for the increase in weight and he had placed a dozen large metal supports around the edge of the silo as well as in three the center. The lattice structure would be done by the whelp himself. Now he needed to check to see if the whelp had finished the nest for Soul Fire yet or not.

He lower himself to the ground and walked towards the orchard nearby. He frowned when He saw the nest that Twixt’d had built. It was rough and looked like he didn’t put much effort into it.

“This nest looks awful.”

“I’m a flyer not a metal worker like you.” Twixt’d snapped. He had worked hard on the nest. If they were expecting him to do better then they should have helped him not leave him to do it on his own.

Quartermaster growled hotly at Twixt’d’s assertion. “I am no mere ‘metal worker!’

“Do I look like I give a lava shit about you or your occupation? You never bucking liked me so why should I try changing that? I’m here because the Secondclaw wanted me to have my own home, and I know he ordered you to help. So let’s just get the over with so we can continue to avoid one another in peace.”

Quartermaster rage began to build. This irritating, miserable excuse for a whelp was using Secondclaw to address He of Hourglass? He’s not a member of the clan! “You are not a member of this clan! I won't have you showing any disrespect for him by calling him that incorrectly.”

“He is my brother! That is good enough for me and for him!” Twixt’d’s eyes burned with anger at Quartermaster. “If you ever try to force me to disrespect him I will end you.”

This took Quartermaster by surprise. This whelp was fiercely loyal to He of Hourglass. He could tell that Twixt’d would not hesitate to try and make good on the threat. He would make a good dragon and clanmate one day… Quartermaster growled then roared angrily both at the situation and his thoughts. He turned away from the whelp and stomped off.

After a while he found Soul Fire high up on the council building’s roof. He flew up to join him. “Secondclaw, your nest is done.”

Soul Fire slowly opened his eyes as he pulled himself fully out of his mediation. “Good. But something tells me you have something else to talk about.”

“Why did you order me to do this?”

Soul Fire raised an eyebrow at Metal Claws’ somewhat rhetorical question. He knew the Metal Claws knew the exact reason for him doing this. “Because of your skills working with metal! I could do it, but the structure would not be as strong. I told you I wanted that silo to handle, at minimum, a full grown dragon sleeping in there.”

“If that whelp does everything right it should be able to hold the weight of at least four fully grown dragons plus a decent amount of gems and treasure.” Metal Claws countered. He took pride in his skills, and no way was he going to make something adequate. He was going to make sure that the silo could handle way more than necessary and that it would not need to be reinforced or repaired later because of poor construction work. That silo was going to be standing long after the other silos had toppled over due to age.

“But why are we helping that whelp? He is pompous, ungrateful, and hotheaded! He intentionally tries to bait me to anger. The only thing he has for him is his wonderful talent for cursing.”

The last sentence got Soul Fire wondering. There was no hint of sarcasm in the remark if anything there was pride in it. Why would Metal Claws praise Twixt’d for his skill at cursing? That was something only close drakes would do… Soul Fire then voiced what he thought was Metal Claws’ real problem. “You're not angry at him but at yourself! You see yourself in him, and you don’t want him to make the same mistakes you did. Do you have the courage to do what is right? Don’t wait until he saves you from a rage dragon!”

The only response from Metal Claws was to stare blankly at him. Soul Fire pinched the brow of his snout, he could feel a headache coming on. “Go to your mate. She needs you right now. I presume that the construction of Twixt’d’s home will resume again tomorrow bright and early?”

Metal Claws grumbled, but nodded a yes before taking flight back to his forge.

Now that the nest was completed Soul Fire left for the orchard. He landed near his nest and pick up a large satchel that he had placed nearby earlier in the day. He opened it and dumped its contents into the nest. He then climbed in the carefully spread out the small pile of gems and coins. He then climbed back out to retrieve a second satchel which he again dumped and spread out. Soul Fire eyed the amount and nodded in satisfaction. The amount was good enough for him. He laid down onto the gems and as before he hyper focused on the silo before he snapped out of it. The day had been a long one for him so he decided to go ahead and fall asleep.

Soul Fire was suddenly stirred awake by someone, but oddly he wasn’t angry. “What are you doing out here?” Soul Fire recognized the voice, it was the owner of the home that he was watching. It explained how the figure had manage to approach him without tipping him off that there was someone nearby.

“Trying to guard sleep.” Soul Fire opened his eyes fully to see that night had fallen. Nearby was Twixt’d taping his claws on his crossed arms.

“Guard sleep?” Twixt’d wondered. He was already pretty sure he knew what that meant but he needed to know for sure.

“It’s a type of watchful sleep that a dragon does when he is guarding his hoard.”

“Sounds like something one learns to do on the streets quite quickly if one wanted to live till morning.”

“If you are uncomfortable, I will move my nest further away.”

“Nah.” Twixt’d waved a claw dismissively. “You don’t need to do that. At least now I know what all the metal birds nests are for…”

“What is wrong?” Soul Fire inquired when he noticed that Twixt’d seemed to be a bit down at finding out what the nest was really for.

“The nest is terrible, if I…”

“It’s perfect Twixt’d.” Soul Fire interrupted Twixt’d. “Not because it looks perfect but because you made it.”

“But…” Twixt’d weakly objected.

Soul Fire again stopped him. “Twixt’d, I watched you as you built it. Several times you undid a weave to correct a mistake without any direction from She of Hourglass. You wouldn’t have done that unless you wanted it to look good.”

“But I could I have done more…” Twixt’d countered weakly.

Soul Fire pulled him into a hug. “It. Is. Perfect.”

After a few moments, Soul Fire let go of Twixt’d. Twixt’d remained quiet as he looked off in thought for a bit. Soul Fire waited patiently figuring that Twixt’d was thinking about a title.

He is always looking out for me… but he also looks out for everydragon in Hourglass. Guard sleeping he called it. That isn’t like a knight... more of a guard or a night watchperson but neither words are right. Close though, so maybe a close word would be right.

Suddenly a name came to him. It was too perfect there was no way that Soul Fire wouldn’t love it. “Sentinel.”

Soul Fire eyed Twixt’d, not sure if he was just starting to think out loud or if that was the title that Twixt’d had come up with. “Twixt’d?”

“It’s your new title. Sentinel.”

“It’s perfect.” Soul Fire could feel his bond to Twixt’d surge and in a haze he licked him with affection.

Twixt’d was about to protest when the effects of the lick overcame him. Soul Fire being his hatchmate burned into his mind so completely that he just knew that he was always his hatchmate. Suddenly the long day caught up to him and he yawned heavily. “G’night Sentinel.”

“G’night, my hatchmate, my brother.” Sentinel settled back onto his bed. He knew that his hatchmate would find the right title. ‘Sentinel’ was more then perfect as it could almost could be a part of his Hoard name.

Twixt’d smiled then walked off to go sleep near his own, currently makeshift, bed near the silo. He hoped that it wouldn’t take much longer. He couldn’t wait to wake up, take a step, and fly off. Nevermind his irritation with Quartermaster.

Day 28 of the Nameless One’s escape

2 days since the fall of Traxti City

Early morning, Hourglass City

“Here is what you are going to do today. You are going to take these metal rods” Quartermaster held up a rod, “and ‘weld’ them with a control stream of your fire to the supports inside the silo that I placed in there yesterday. Chalk markings will show you where the rods are to be welded into place. I shall monitor your welding to make sure you do it correctly each time.”

Mid Morning, Hourglass City

“Your fire is wavering. Concentrate!” Quartermaster ordered.

Twixt’d grumbled but did as he was told.

“So…” Quartermaster rubbed his arm nervously, “what did He of Hourglass think of his nest?”

Twixt’d smirked at the poor attempt at starting a conversation, and he was in no mood for it so he decided to head it off before it got anywhere close to awkward. “Okay, did Sentinel ask you to talk me up or something?”

“Sentinel?” Quartermaster repeated in surprise. He had no clue who that was.

“He of Hourglass’ new title.” Twixt’d commented before he welded another thick rod onto the supports.

“I wasn’t aware of that…”

“I gave it to him last night.”

“Wait here Twixt’d,” Quartermaster paled visibly, “and don’t weld anymore until I return.”

“Like I have anything else better to do…”

Metal Claws hoped that Soul Fire had not left his orchard nest yet. Sure enough, Soul Fire was still there staring oddly at the nest

“What are you playing at Sentinel?” Metal Claws growled in an accusatory manner which snapped Soul Fire out of his trance.

“I’m trying to help my hatchmate.” Soul Fire simply stated, not yet looking at Metal Claws.

“So, he wasn’t lying…” Metal Claws said almost to himself.

Soul Fire growled, clearly annoyed at Metal Claws mistrust. He now let Metal Claws know this by giving him a hard stare. “Twixt’d never saw me as a father figure but as a big brother. He wants more then a big brother. My question still stands. Will you do what is right?”

Metal Claws went wide eyed. He now saw exactly what Soul Fire was getting at. “You do realize that you might lose him as a hatchmate? I will not mess with your hoard.”

“Do what is right. I’m not greedy.” Soul Fire countered. “I have no issue giving away my hoard to someone worthy to take care of it. Besides, have you forgotten that your children are in my hoard already?”

Day 29 of the Nameless One’s escape

3 days since the fall of Traxti City

Last afternoon, Hourglass City

“My parents died when I was only a few months old... I can’t remember them. I can’t even remember what they look like or anything.. All I remember is that they died and that they named me Black Ice…”

“No egg name?”

“Egg name?” Twixt’d scratched his chin in thought. “He of Hourglass said something about that during one of my lessons… No, I don’t remember.”

Quartermaster knew it was a long shot. It meant he had to resort to the other option. He just needed to see if Twixt’d was really wanting it or was just saying that he wanted it.

“Why do you care about all this anyway?”

“Do you want a father and mother…”

Twixt’d blinked before he bowled over in uproarious laughter to hide his pain. “I see it now! You are trying to get back at me. Well it won’t work!”

“DO YOU WANT A FATHER AND MOTHER?” Quartermaster yelled at the whelp who was now climbing out of the silo.

“YES!” Twixt’d roared out in emotional pain tears already forming in his eyes. “You happy now?” He then ran off and sat near Sentinel's nest.

That was all the Quartermaster needed. Twixt’d was going to be his son, and he would have a family that was robbed from him. Soul Fire was right, Twixt’d reminded him of himself. Stubborn and hotheaded, but fiercely loyal.

“Leave me the buck alone Quartermaster.” Twixt’d weakly protested as he heard the the dragon’s approach. Quartermaster had opened a wound so deep and raw. Sentinel was never this upfront. He was always patient with him and would wait until he was ready. Quartermaster however was just plain awful with his forceful confrontation. Why was Sentinel so insistent that he would have to work with Quartermaster? He inner rantings was interrupted when he suddenly could smell a familiar smell. The smell of comfort and love. It was a smell that he somehow knew was coming from his father, but his father was long gone.

He spun to see that Quartermaster was looming over him. The smell seemed to come from him. But Quartermaster wasn’t his father...or was he? Twixt’d didn’t have any more time to ponder before Quartermaster roared a stream of fire right at him. In his shock, he froze.

The fire from Quartermaster was oddly cool and not burning hot. Before he could question it his mind stop working as the fire began to cleanse his mind. He couldn’t remember his old parents anymore…it was as if the only parents were his father and mother They of Hourglass. His time and memories of his life of as a street urchin remained but was colored differently. It became a struggle to find his parents again instead of the knowledge that his parents were dead and there was no hope.

For a moment, he panicked as he could feel that he was losing Sentinel as a hatchmate, but then he realized that he would still be family. A moment later, he forgot that Sentinel was once his hatchmate and now saw that he had three hatchmates. How he knew that he didn't know.

Quartermaster was not as affected as Twixt’d. He knew that the whelp was adopted by him but his love was strengthened so that he would and could only treat him as if he really was his egg parent. It was too bad he didn’t know the egg name of the whelp. He would rather have not had to resort to using his flame as it would make Twixt’d forget his egg parents, but he knew from Soul Fire that Twixt’d needed parents.

All his worries, however, melted as he watched his son’s bitterness and pain burning away. He nearly lost it as Twixt’d looked up at him in love. His eyes had lost the coldness and smugness replaced by a sparkle that only could came from joy. His flame finally gave out, but he could see that the adoption flame was still coursing through his son and would for a few moments longer.

“WHOOO HOO!” Twixt’d launched himself into the sky corkscrewing as he climbed. The joy he was feeling was exhilarating.

“Brace yourself.” Came a warning.

“For what Soul Fire?” Metal Claws turned to see both Soul Fire and Golden DragonHeart walking out from the shadows of the orchard. How does a white dragon hide in shadow? And what is with them watching from the shadows all the time?

A loud boom sounded and all three dragons looked skyward to see a rainbow shock wave. A moment later, the large concussion blast accompanying the rainbow shock wave buffeted the dragons. Soul Fire was the least affected given his ability to use the Sonic Rainboom and just stood there letting the wind buffet around him like it was nothing. Golden DragonHeart who, like usual, was wingless so all he had to do was to crouch down. Metal Claws, however, fought to get his wings under control. Luckily, his weight kept him from lifting off it still didn’t stop him from sliding back causing his claws to gouge the ground.

“And I didn’t even tell him how to create one.” Soul Fire chuckled as he watched the joyous whelp soar through the sky now with a rainbow trail behind him.

“How do you create one?” Metal Claws wondered.

“Speed, unbridled joy, and a just a touch of magic. At least for the first time… I’m actually surprised the Bearer of Joy has not been able to create one…” Soul Fire paused for a second then shuddered before adding, “Probably a good thing actually.”

“He was right…” Golden DragonHeart mused as he dwelt on the events on the past few days.

“What do you mean Firstclaw?” Metal Claws wondered, still watching his son’s joyous rainbow flight.

“The dragons are rapidly returning to harmony.” Soul Fire answered as he returned his gaze skyward to watch his former hatchmate along with Metal Claws.

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