• Published 13th May 2015
  • 719 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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The Dragons of the Seas

Author's Note:

There is a song during this chapter so there will be colors for each of the singers:
Golden DragonHeart/He of Hourglass
Soul Fire/Sentinel
Quartermaster/Metal Claws
She of Hourglass/MetalEtched Claws
And of course black bold italics is all.

39 days since the fall of Traxti City

13 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

Late morning, Port Klippfisk


Twixt’d ear frill twitched for a second before the sounds of sleep returned fully.


“Five more minutes dad…” Twixt’d grumbled as he shifted himself away from the intrusive voice.

Soul Fire had to suppress the urge to gaffaw at the absurdity. As it was he ended up snorting into his paw… Twixt’d did on occasion sleep in his parents hoard nest he had basically from the beginning slept alone first in a home next to Harmonious Knight’s house and then more recently in his own hoard that he built with his dad in the silo next to the orange tree orchard. Never once in that time did Twixt’d ever call him dad… father, gramps, maybe, but those instances it was done sarcastically. This was just being sleepy...

Soul Fire grinned widely as he thought of a way to wake the sleeping whelp. “Then I guess you’re not in the mood for fresh salted cod with just a sprinkling of gem powder? I guess I’m going to have to eat it,” He leaned into whisper in Twixt’d’s ear frill, “all… by... myself…”

Twixt’d’s eyes snapped open. “You wouldn’t dare!” He growled out as he extracted himself quickly from his odd sleeping position on the throne.

Never fails the stomach wins. Soul Fire mused as he chuckled. “Well, it seems Sleeping Beauty needed only a meal not a kiss... pity.”

Twixt’d punched Soul Fire, hard. “Sometimes I bucking hate you.”

Soul Fire shrugged, knowing that not only was Twixt’d was teasing him but that his indifference would only frustrate him. “Okay!” Soul Fire switched gears suddenly and handed a scroll to Twixt’d who grabbed it reflexively as he stood there dumbfounded. “Here is a list of the items we need from the trade market. And the payment for them.” Soul Fire put a satchel on Twixt’d shoulder. “The harbor will need wood and stone to rebuild… you can use a promise of those to help in your negotiations.”

“Bu… I… wha?” Twixt’d rubbed his face then shook himself hard. The threat of no food had stirred him up but his brain had yet to fully awaken. He pinched his brow as he went over exactly what was he was told to do. “You sure about this? I mean I…”

“You will do fine.” Soul Fire grinned as he pulled in the whelp into a hug and gave him a good natured noogie. Twixt’d grumbled but smiled as he pulled away from it. “Now, while you are doing that I need to talk to the leaders about the possibility of having Hourglass provide armed escorts for the trade caravans between Port Klippfisk and Hell’s Gate.”

“Um, okay, but why am I doing this...” Twixt’d held up the scroll questionably and shifted the satchel uncomfortably.

Soul Fire gestured to a portal behind Twixt’d that he had created. “You need the practice and I have a feeling that you will do far better than myself… and be more fair. I want the trading we do to be mutually beneficial not one sided… And my actions yesterday might have put the civilians on edge…”


“Salted cod with a dusting of gem powder…”

Late morning, Just outside Port Klippfisk

Soul Fire looked off at the fading dust cloud. Twixt’d had finish the negotiations and was leading a trade caravan back towards Hourglass. The need for building supplies was so great that a caravan as set up within minutes of Twixt’d suggestion of Hourglass trading wood and stone for dried, salted, and or pickled meats. Luckily for everyone most of port’s food supply (both for trading and for the populus’ use) had not been damaged at all thanks to the timely closure of the harbor defense wall. All that was needed was rebuilding supplies. The harbor wall was severely damaged along with a good chunk of the boats in the harbor.

He himself had just offered the use of the Hourglass Guard in armed escorts between the two ports. Which was met with resistance when he first offered. Not the least bit surprising given most people’s skewed, if mostly right, assumption about dragon greed. While the two sister trade ports Hell’s Gate and Port Klippfisk were by no means poor the strain of the conflicts of the eastern continents after the Fall of Traxti City and the increase in piracy in the years before had strained them to breaking point which would have definitely happened without the timely intervention of himself. He could not say for sure about the dragons Merc and Dragon of Orange Scales and Spines. None of the leaders of knew about them or why they were in the area leaving more questions that he hoped he would get answers for. Which is why he remained behind and in the open. It was very likely that they would look for him.

“You need a lot more practice to hide from me using magic.” Sentinel spoke after waiting or nearly an hour.

“Who are you?”

“You must be Merc.” Sentinel smiled and he turned around to face the black and green dragon. the orange dragon was standing behind him and to the side. “I heard your companion call out that title during the battle over the bay. What can I do for you?”

“You owe me an explanation Dragon of Rainbow Horns.”

Sentinel let his grin widen. “By your own words, Merc, I owe you nothing.”

“We have never met before yesterday!” Merc snapped. He frown as he continued to examine the strange dragon, something about this dragon was off.

“That is only half true…” Sentinel causally noted as he walked past the now flabbergasted Merc.

“I think I would remember a pink dragon such as yourself. Though,” Merc barked a short mocking laugh, “from what I can see it’s stained and is not your natural color… Come brother, this dragon is plain looney and anything he could give me would not be worth it.”

“I’m disappointed Merc…” Sentinel called out to the now retreating dragon pair. “A Hoard Name was worth it.”

“Not interested in your name Dragon of Stained Scales.” Merc sneered before he prepared to take off.

*Let me at him!* Vorac snarled at the insult.

OooO hOO OOoo dELIcIOUs!

*Shut it, demon!* Sentinel snapped. He didn’t have time for this. *Vorac could you?*

*Yesssss.* Vorac hissed in pleasure for what he was about to do. He was going to get to finally get to smack the Nightmare for all the taunts.

No… NO! nooOOOOOooo!!! The Nightmare screamed as Vorac once again imprisoned the Nightmare into the deep recess of their shared mind.

“I was talking about yours Reward Seeker not mine…”

Merc stop dead in his tracks and slowly turned around. Sentinel could see the rage pouring out of his eyes, his maw slightly opening and glowing. Merc, to the surprise of both Dragon of Orange Scales and Spines and Sentinel, was on top of Sentinel before either could do anything to react. With an equally swift motion he knocked the much smaller dragon onto his back and pressed down hard on his throat.

“Any last words Dishonored?” Merc snarled as he choked Sentinel.

“There was four that witnessed your rechoosing…” Sentinel grinned even as he struggled to get enough breath. “Your secondclaw, Golden DragonHeart, Eternal Beats, and finally… an alicorn by the name of Harmonious Knight…”

“MERC!” The orange dragon suddenly yelled out. Something had been bothering him ever since they saw this dragon. His voice, the rainbow colors in the horns, the rainbow explosion, and now the intimate knowledge of something that only five would know about. Two of those being the dragon in question, Merc, and himself, The other two dragons, He of Hourglass and He of Hourglass would not give out that information nor could they be this dragon in disguise. For one He of Hourglass was a musician and was never seen without his ocarina and guitar and two while the Dragon Keeper was skilled enough in magic to disguise himself but at this level seemed doubtful, especially after the amount of magic that was expelled during the battle. Neither of them seemed the type to risk dishonorment by blurting out a Hoard Name. That left only one...

“WHAT!?” Merc roared angrily at his subordinate.

“Stop.” The orange dragon put a claw on the shoulder of Merc who after a tense moment lifted off of the pink dragon. The dragon then lean down to get a good look at the much smaller dragon. “He of Harmony?”

Sentinel smiled in pride at the orange dragon’s ‘correct’ guess. He shifted to his alicorn form shocking both dragons. Again a familiar expression coming from them. He got up and turned so the two dragons could see his cuitemark.

“You really are He of Harmony! But… How? Did you learn a new trick from those bug demons!?”

“No,” Sentinel shook his head. “I was He of Harmony… I was Harmonious Knight... I am Soul Fire, Secondclaw of the Hourglass Clan, known as either Sentinel or Vorac... depending on the situation.”

Merc blinked trying to wrap his head around everything. “But why trick us like you did?”

“I wanted to do a little test.”

“A test!?”

Soul Fire nodded. “I remember what you were like when you first were freed… filled with uncertainty and shame… even when you left... Now… Now you both hold yourself with such confidence and you have also fully embrace your positions as First and Second claws. Also...” He turned to face the orange dragon. “Did I see correctly yesterday that you have found a Hoard Name?”

“Brother?” Merc looked back at his companion in shock then back to Soul Fire. His brother had said nothing to him about finding a Hoard Name yet.

The orange dragon opened and shut his mouth repeatedly as he tried to form words. “If there was any doubt, Merc, that cements it. You are the Alicorn Keeper… Yes, I have, but I have to ask How? I only figured it out yesterday.”

Where once was broken hearts
With darkness surroun’
Now see the fire blaze strong
See that is how it starts!

Merc and the orange dragon looked about wondering why Soul Fire started singing a soul song.


He of Hourglass came out the morning meeting with both Equestria and the Griffon Eyries in a sour mood. The meeting was not very productive. It ended up devolving into an argument on the best way to defend the coast from the eventual invasion of the ‘Nameless One.’ He would have like to have had Alicorn Keeper in the meeting to spur Celestia into action and to temper the more ‘suicidal charge’ that came from both Luna and Grizzle. Except he had him go to Port Klippfisk and would be busy dealing with the aftermath of the pirate attack.

He originally was going to have Metal Claws and MetalEtched Claws go to Hell’s Gate, trade, then head to Port Klippfisk after dropping off whatever they managed to get. It was a good thing he changed his mind as Port Klippfisk came under attack and they now had a lead, however thin it was, to finding the final and last Elder Amulet. Plus he ran into the the previous thralled dragons Reward Seeker and Dragon of Orange Scales and Spines.

There was one thing that concerned him with those two dragons: Soul Fire. He was up to something. He trusted his Secondclaw completely but sometimes… Nothing he could do now about it but wait and hope.

He had just managed to make it to just right in front of Metal Claws and MetalEtched Claws’ forge when he could feel a pull that he was familiar with. Why not? He shrugged as he let it flow through him.

A friend’s hand reaches out
Shows you salvation
No more fog, confusion
Because you found out...

He was curious about why the soul song lyrics were so strange. He wonder if Eternal Beats was playing again and he was just out of hearing but not out of its magical range. Metal Claws and MetalEtched Claws walked out of the forge. They were preparing to sing with him on the chorus which he knew, somehow, was next.

You are the dragons of the seas
Who seize the day!
Who light the world ablaze
An’ send all into a daze!

Merc and the Dragon Of Orange Scale and Spines blinked as the world around them return from the white that had enveloped them. Except they were no longer near Port Klippfisk but in the Plane of Harmony. Having been there before they resisted the urge to look downwards. Though the they did look around to try and find Soul Fire.

The song song continued as one by one the clan of Hourglass appear around them. Sentinel was back in his dragon form to the confusion of the two dragons. Sentinel had already tested them and no longer needed to disguise himself.

So though you lost the past
You were ne’er afraid
Now you’re whole again
Because you held on fast

You are the dragons of the seas
Who seize the day!
Who light the world ablaze
An’ send all into a daze!

A soft melody kept playing from Scorpion via his ocarina.

Merc looked at his brother and secondclaw began to roar remembering the way He of Hourglass had helped him rechoose. As he did He of Hourglass added his normal Harmony magic to help it work. Dragon of Orange Scales and Spines added his own roar until the two became synchronized. Then they stopped.

“Atlītzīsa Leülētājs!” Merc roared out.

“Es izvēlēties Üzu Sūvētājs Jūrthieüs!”

Scorpion quickly switched back to his guitar and in a cresdo the song soul came back in full force.

You are the dragons of seas…
And you seized the day (the day)
The glory of your light (the blazing light)
Sent the world ablaze!

Sent them ablaze! (Dragons of the seas…)

What a daze it was… (Seized the day!)

That sent all into a daze… (Lit the world ablaze)

Oh you dragons of the seas! (Sent all into a daze!)

“Whoa…” The two, hopefully newly clanned, dragons breathed out at the conclusion of the song.

“Well that was fun... Same time tomorrow?” Sentinel joked. He felt very drunk from the song. It was a very strong Soul Song. Actually, he never been been a part of, or heard for that matter, a Soul Song this strong.

*May I?* Scorpion asked tapping his headphone ears.

“Uh…” Reward Seeker rubbed his ear frill making sure he heard what he didn’t hear. “I have no issue. What about you Shipwright Sailor?”

“I’m okay with it.” Shipwright Sailor answered as Scorpion was busying listening to Reward Seeker’s song. “I would love to know if we managed to really become clan…”

Scorpion finished with the new firstclaw and went to the newly rechosen orange dragon. *Tie ir ülaths!!!* He ‘shouted out’ in shock. *They have a clan melody…*

“Scorpion?” He of Hourglass questioned the now bawling dragon. “Then what’s the matter? Why are you crying?”

*The Soul Song we just sang… it's their clan melody!*

“Clan melody?” Reward Seeker scratching the top of his head.

*Just as each dragon has a soul song that is similar to the inner fire...* Scorpion began his explanation, *dragons from the same clan will a shared melody within their soul songs.*

“Again I find myself feeling that I have a debt to you dragons of Hourglass and , um, Sentinel... or is it Vorac? You never explained which to use... that I can never repay.”

“Right now? Sentinel… Trust me, you’ll know when to use Vorac… As for your ‘debt’ your clan song is probably already apart of Scorpion’s hoard so I think we can can say that is cov…” Sentinel stopped mid sentence to gaze at Quartermaster. He was growling angrily and threateningly at Reward Seeker. “Quartermaster…” Sentinel warned. He wondered when or if Quartermaster would stop jumping to his defense or anyone’s defense without getting all of the facts first.

“But to put you separate from the clan…”

Sentinel clamped Quartermaster’s mouth with his magic. “Probably because they still assume that I’m an alicorn… I did mention I was the Secondclaw but that was in the midst of several other big reveals and from their current slack jaw expressions I’d say their brains glossed right over that. I also never outright told them that I had been ascended from alicorn to spark dragon.”

Quartermaster had nothing to say but his mouth did open slightly like he was silently ohing.

*Wow! I know you have had to forgo meat but I didn’t think you’d get that desperate that you’d resort to flies.*

Quartermaster snapped his jaw shut then kicked Scorpion in the side. This of course got the musician to retaliate and it devolved from there. He of Hourglass facepalmed as the two dragons began to fight. He looked over at the new clan and was a bit shocked that both had laid down and looked to be watching in amusement.

They are okay with this… No. It’s more then that… He of Hourglass’ eyes widen. He used his magic to pull apart the two ‘fighting’ drakes. “I want to try something with permission of my clan and yours.”

“You want to have the Hourglass clan as a whole be ‘hatchmates’ to the ‘Dragons of the Seas’ clan?”

He of Hourglass deflated visibly as again Sentinel was able to figure out what he was thinking and he was sure it had nothing to do with the maturity in code. “Yes…”

“Than I think I speak for all here when I say ‘What the fuck are you waiting for?’”

“Quartermaster!” Sentinel shook his head while trying not to laugh. Quartermaster merely shrugged and grinned knowing full well he was right.

“How are you proposing we do this?” Reward Seeker questioned.

“By combining Fire Tail Ceremony with clan magic. All of us will put fire on our tails like for the ceremony but Reward Seeker and I will pulled the fires and combine them in our hands using our clan magic. Then just like the during the Fire Tail Ceremony we hold the combined clan fire to each other by grabbing each other's fiery hands.”

That could work. Sentinel thought as he spat his white fire onto his tail. He was using the same principle will with how clans collectively hoard and ward their territory. This could get exciting but I will need to remained grounded as I’m sure this could set off a growth...

Once everydragon had fire on their tails He of Hourglass expertly grabbed fire from each tail then turned to face Reward Seeker who was so nervous that he was struggling in grabbing Shipwright Sailors fire. “Relax.” He of Hourglass smiled warmly at Reward Seeker. “Just let it flow.”

Reward Seeker did as he was encouraged and his green flames and Shipwright Sailors orange flames was smoothly pulled through the air and into his front paws.

He of Hourglass looked on with pride and understanding as he saw the awe in the eyes of his counterpart. He had went through the same thing when he first set up the clans wards and hoards. To hold the magic of others that willing gave it to him, he was overwhelmed with emotions of love, awe, and care, among others… The only other time he saw it was with They of Hourglass as they slowly showed him each of their three eggs.

“Ready?” Reward Seeker barely nodded his readiness. He of Hourglass grabbed his front paws quickly before his nerves got the better of him.

Sentinel was nearly overwhelm as he could feel bonds forming between himself and and the other clan. Vorac started to show signs of wanting to grow. Vorac having had some prior experience fought hard. He cared for his sentient half too much now that he wanted to do everything as one with his sentient half.

Thanks Vorac…” Sentinel whispered. He knew it was going to affect him but not as severely as it did. When he learned that his bond with Medallion could actually grow even after death nearly sent him rushing into a growth he figured that his could be similar but this... this was a tidal wave to the ripple in the pond. He could feel Vorac struggling to hold back his instincts. *I will help you with this Vorac...* Sentinel encouraged his feral side as he gave all his metal power in help. *Just hang on as long as you can.*

Finally the Firstclaws pulled their charred paws apart and Reward Seeker held out one of his charred paws for Shipwright Sailor so they each had a paw to clean. After licking each paw a touch He of Hourglass let the mated pair They of Hourglass to clean one with Sentinel and Scorpion taking the other.

As the Ceremony finished Sentinel quickly switched forms. He couldn’t even sense his feral side as the strain had most likely rendered him catatonic. *Vorac I’m so sorry. I will make this up to you.*

A column of light suddenly surrounded He of Hourglass to the shock of everyone. Something about it was familiar to Sentinel but he couldn’t immediately place it.

“What is happening to me?!?” He of Hourglass screamed in fear, his eyes white in arcanic power.

“I… I don’t know!” Sentinel was confused. The only thing remotely similar to what was happening when his Bearers were able to break the friendship barrier. But everything he could recall about friendship magic was that an elder race couldn’t unless… He looked around to see that every dragon but himself was enveloped in a beam of light and transforming. It can’t be!

The light finally faded so that Sentinel could fully see and his jaw dropped. “Dragon Keeper? Firstclaw?!” Sentinel cautiously approached as he looked over He of Hourglass. His sparks had disappeared, however, his scales gave off a lightly glowing, rainbow, sheen and his spines had become hair like and shifted in a non existent wind. Similar yet different then when the Bearers went through friendship transformations. It was clear this was a friendship magic from the massive and friendly mana pressure he was feeling.

Sentinel realized too late that just as the friendship transformation was unexpected and uncontrollable so too was the magic. As soon has his claw had touched He of Hourglass a wave of prismatic light rushed out from the dragons and slammed right into him knocking him backwards and into the far wall.

“Secondclaw!” He of Hourglass shouted.

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