• Published 13th May 2015
  • 720 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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What Heart Could be Colder than a Wendigo?

35 days since the Nameless One’s escape

9 days since the fall of Traxti City

Early Evening, Hourglass City.

Rainbow Dash grumbled as she followed the two dragons as they slowly flew north across the city. Originally, to help conserve energy they were not going to climb up but ‘dive’ off the edge of the mountain to gain the speed they would need for a Sonic Rainboom. She could not understand why they had to bring the dragon whelp known as Twixt’d. She was frustrated as they needed every second and with the whelp coming they would not be able to gain those speeds, delaying their arrival, and possibly costing lives. She didn’t really trust him, plus he was a jerk. He almost reminded her of Gilda, and that was never a good thing. However, she knew better than to push Sentinel.

Within minutes, they were approaching the edge of the mountain.

*Is everyone ready?* Sentinel spoke mentally to both Twixt’d and Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash fumbled a bit at the sudden intrusion into her mind. *Little warning next time Sentinel.* Rainbow grumbled through the mental link.

*Sorry.* Sentinel apologized. *Got hyper focused there and forgot to give warning... And Twixt’d quit laughing and focus. What we are about to do is extremely dangerous, and any false move would prove at minimum painful.*

“Which is?!” Rainbow shouted out loud in frustration.

*Just make sure you keep up and FOCUS.* Was Sentinel’s only response.

Sentinel looked back to see that Rainbow Dash had comfortably cleared the mountain. He also saw that Rainbow was focused on him and correctly did not respond to his gaze. Good. He turned back to face Twixt’d. *Hit it.*

Twixt’d gave a whoop then went into a steep dive Rainbow Dash struggled to keep up. This dragon is fast, but I am… An ear piercing boom and rainbow blast interrupted her inner, boastful dialogue. It took all her years of training with the Wonderbolts and then the REPG to not fall out of the sky from the shock. *You could have told me he could do that!* Rainbow Dash yelled through the link.

*Tell me... would you have believed me?* Sentinel asked. Rainbow Dash did not respond. *Thought not.* Sentinel growled as he noticed that Twixt’d was laughing again, and his flight was being affected by it. *I said focus Twixt’d! You need to keep your flight path as steady as you can.*

36 days since the Nameless One’s escape

10 days since the fall of Traxti City

Early morning, Near Everfree Forest.

Sentinel eyed the storm that covered, from what he could tell, the entire Everfree Forest. It was very dark looking, even taking into consideration that the sun had only barely risen. *I’m taking the lead.*

*But I’ve only been in the lead for short while.* Twixt’d whined.

*The storm appears very turbulent…* Sentinel started.

*So?* Twixt’d interrupted.

*...and is magical in nature. Besides Rainbow Dash, I have had the most experience dealing with this. That and a bigger body will be able to punch a bigger ‘hole’ through the edge of this storm*

Twixt’d was about to bank away so he could take the rear when he felt the air above him churn and he looked up to see that Sentinel was flying above him and was preparing to take the lead. Twixt’d maintained his speed not wanting accidentally back into Rainbow Dash. A mid air collision was not something any flyer would look forward to.

Moments later they were within the storm. Twixt’d could feel the chaotic winds attempt to knock him out of the sky. He could see why Sentinel went first. But if he could survive the streets of Traxti then this should be relatively easy. He redouble his focus, determined to remain in the air.

10 days since the fall of Traxti City

Mid morning, Near Ponyville

Sentinel had just taken the rear when he noticed that Rainbow Dash was struggling mightily to not only keep up with Twixt’d but to keep her flight path stable. *Bearer of Loyalty your flying is becoming extremely erratic I think its time for you to rest. Twixt’d and I will continue flying.*

“Buth Ewestia needzz me…” Rainbow slurred, apparently too far gone to be able to use the mental link.

*You have gone above the call of duty Bearer of Loyalty.* Sentinel adjusted his flight path and carefully grasped Rainbow Dash who was too tired to protest any further. *We need to make a stop, Twixt’d, I won’t be able to carry her far.*

*But where? There is not much for landmarks and even then visibility is poor. We are flying nearly blind.*

*With normal sight, yes… begin a slow decent and bank to the left*

Twixt’d did as he was told and after traveling for hours over the Everfree he finally saw the end of the forest. *I see a town*

*Ponyville… Look for an overly large crystal tree castle.*

Twixt’d did that and soon saw what appeared to be an extremely large lone tree. He was still too far away from it too tell more than that, but nonetheless, he headed towards it. Sentinel, however, knew what it was. It as the Friendship Castle.

Twixt’d landed gracefully in front of the castle. Sentinel had a bit more trouble given the fact he was holding a limp Rainbow. Once he managed to land without hurting her, he carefully placed her on his back. As soon as he was sure she was securely on his back he quickly cracked open the door and slide inside.

Inside it looked like a refugee camp. Groups of ponies were huddled next to small fires along the long hallway with blankets wrapped around them. Coughing and crying could be heard echoing across the cavernous hallway.

“I need a nurse or doctor!” Sentinel bellowed out hoping that somepony would push back their fear of approaching a dragon.

Thankfully, after a few tense minutes, a pony made her way to the front. It appear to be a white mare with a pink mane. Sentinel had no idea if she was an earth pony or a pegasi as the pony was thickly wrapped in a blanket.

“I’m Nurse Redheart. What is wrong?” Nurse Redheart asked. Sentinel was impressed that she was hiding her fear quite well. There was no tremor to her voice and outside of some obvious shivering from the cold she remain steady on her hooves.

“This pony is suffering from over exhaustion and overexertion, please treat her.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Nurse Redheart exclaimed in shock as she saw Rainbow. “Come, we set up a section in the back as a makeshift medical ward.”

Sentinel and Twixt’d followed the mare. Sentinel could see the worried and fearful faces on the ponies faces as they huddled in groups around cauldron fires. He wish he could tell them that it was nearly over but he would not give them false hope. Even if he was successful in helping dispelling the wendigo snowstorm there was still the issue of the ‘Nameless One.’ Most likely another construct.

Sentinel returned his full attention to Nurse Redheart who was holding a curtain open that was hanging across the hall. He slowly enter the make shift medical ward. He saw that there was another mare, obvious a nurse from the hat she was wearing, attending to a pony on a cot wrapped in blankets. She only made a cursory glance at Nurse Redheart and Sentinel before she went back wiping the feverish sweat off of the pony’s forehead.

Sentinel carefully laid Rainbow Dash down on the cot indicated by Nurse Redheart. As soon as she was laid he removed the Loyalty necklace from her and began to leave. “What are you doing!” Nurse Redheart harshly whispered. “That necklace is not yours!”

Sentinel was taken aback as the nurse moved in front of him to block his path. “You are either really brave or really stupid…” Sentinel commented. “The elements are not to be owned but bared. Right now she is in no condition to use it and if you want to be responsible for everypony that dies from hypothermia while we wait for her to recover then go ahead and stop me.”

When the pony said nothing Sentinel smirked. “Thought not.” He stepped out to see Twixt’d waiting. “Come on Twixt’d we need to head to Canterlot Castle.”

One hour later, Canterlot Castle

Nearly every eye snapped to attention as the throne room doors slammed opened. A few startled and fearful screams echoed across the room as the ponies towards the front saw two dragons walked through the opened doors. The white dragon turned back to face the doors and the doors quickly slammed shut.

A dozen guards descended on the dragons brandishing their spears. Twixt’d smirked. Only fleeting glance told him that these ‘guards’ were not very skilled. Though he did concede that it was possible that it was the armor that they were wearing. Either way the way they moved and held themselves was stiff.

When one out of nervousness and fear over Twixt’d snort of amusement jabbed his spear even closer. A mistake of epic proportions. Before the guard could even blink Twixt’d had crouched down and slammed him and several of guards to either side of him to the ground with the swipe of his mace tail. With practiced ease he grabbed a spear that a guard had a death grip on and used him to smacked the remaining guards to the ground.

The ponies that were nearby and watching became even more fearful as the black dragon knocked out the guards with no effort. The white dragon seem to not even flinch during the whole fight. it appear that the white dragon was bored.

“Damn. I thought you told Celestia to make sure that her ponies prepared for war.” Twixt’d commented. “If the ponies are this bucking easy to taken down…”

“Nice form Twixt’d.” Sentinel congratulated the whelp before he leaned down to the dazed guards. “Don’t feel too bad... Twixt’d has been trained by the best and has actual battle experience.” He returned his attention to Twixt’d. “There is a difference between guards and soldiers. How they fight and carry themselves is different. For example, spears, which is the standard weapon for the Equestrian Royal Guard, are very effective against most ponies which are usually the type of ‘attackers’ they deal with. Spears, however, are never a good thing to use in close range with dragons... swords and powerful spells are better.”

Sentinel shifted his gaze upward. “It appears that the pony I need to find is not on the throne… And if I’m seeing right it appears it to be the pompous jerk of a pony ‘Prince’ Blueblood... this should be fun.” Sentinel deadpanned as he began to make his way to the throne with Twixt’d following close behind. Eying the ponies for signs of trouble.

“Where is Celestia?” Sentinel yelled out, continuing his march towards the throne. He carefully made his way around shivering and huddling ponies too cold or scared to move as two dragons walked past them. Even with the castles enchantments it was clear it would not be long before some would start to succumb to the cold.

“Guards get these appealing… creatures out of the throne room and lock them in the dungeons or throw them out in the storm. I don’t care how but just get them out of here and now.” The pony prince whined.

Sentinel rolled his eyes at the lack of fear that is typical for a pony seeing a dragon. Apparently Prince Blueblood was lax about his knowledge of dragons. “The only appalling creature I see here is you ‘Prince’ Blueblood.”

Sentinel raised an eyebrow at the line of spears again pointing right at him and Twixt’d. Apparently they had forgotten the thrashing handed to them earlier by Twixt’d or these were new guards. Either way Sentinel was not in the mood.

“Halt! By the laws set by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna you are under arrest for assault on the Royal Guard.” One of them ordered.

“Really!? I will not take orders from the Equestrian Royal Guard. Now, since I know you won’t stand aside I’ll do it for you.” Sentinel waved his right forepaw and the entire line of guards flew to the other side of the throne room and fell into a crumbled heap.

Twixt’d snorted as he attempted to suppress his laughter at the sight of some of the guards squirming uncomfortably as they flew by. He turned back to see that Sentinel had climbed up to the thrones where the pony that Sentinel had earlier identified as ‘Prince Blueblood’ was shaking in terror.

“Now I won’t ask again. Where is CELESTIA?!” Sentinel roared at Blueblood. The only response was whimpering. Sentinel rolled his eyes at the display of cowardice. “Pathetic coward as always.” Sentinel roughly put his paw on Blueblood who lost all control of his bowels. Sentinel for a split second wanted to drink in the sight but he had a more pressing manner. He poured a memory search spell though his paw into Blueblood. A moment later he had his answer. “Of course! The war room now why didn’t I think that?”

As they walked away Twixt’d snapped his jaw at the cowering prince. That was the last straw as the prince fainted dead away. Twixt’d gave a growling laugh at that and spirited off to catch up to Sentinel.

Twixt’d lost track of the twists and turns. It didn't help that numerous times either Sentinel or he had to knock out guards. He was beginning to miss Hourglass as none of the buildings were this bad. That and all these guards bitterly reminded him of Traxti City. After he left Traxti, he promised himself to never go back to a place like that.

“Here we are.” Sentinel stated, eying a plain looking door.

“Looks like a door to a closet.”

“That’s the point.” Sentinel said as he pushed opened the door.

Sentinel walk into a round room followed by Twixt’d. The walls were lined with shelves filled with books, scrolls, and various trinkets. A map of Equestria was painted on the wall opposite of the door. Sentinel recognized Celestia and Twilight and both of which appeared exhausted. Understandable, they probably had not slept since the crisis started two days ago. There were three others around the table all stallions two of which where unicorns and the third a pegasi dressed in armor. The opening of the door caught all of their attentions and a look a of relief and recognition came upon the two Princesses while the three stallions immediately trying to ‘apprehend’ the dragon intruders. Sentinel merely rolled his eyes and telekinetically grabbed the stallions and shoved them against the high ceiling.

Celestia facehoofed. Her guards, bless them, as usual tried to be overzealous in their protectiveness. They knew that the door would not have opened for just anyone and dragons aren’t known for casually ‘opening’ a lock door. Still, He of Hourglass could have knocked first to alert them.

“He of Hourglass…”

“Sentinel.” Sentinel interrupted.

“Okay,” Celestia noted the title. “Sentinel, please put down my guards you've made your point.”

Sentinel slowly lower the guards and address Twilight. “Where are the other Bearers?”

“In various parts of the castle trying to help keep ponies calm and warm.” Twilight answered. “Where is Rainbow Dash?”

“Summon them. It’s high time to end this attack. As for the Bearer Loyalty, she is in Ponyville under the care of Nurse Redheart, as I recall correctly, resting. I will handle the loyalty element.”

“But how are we going to get the elements to work correctly as you are not exactly ‘friends’ with the other bearers.” Twilight questioned.

“That would be true if we were attempting using friendship magic like when you defeated Tirek, but we are using harmony magic.” At the look of continued uncertainty Sentinel added, “You will be fine as, according the the Bearer of Loyalty, you did everything correct. I think you just lacked the power. With actual dragon’s fire it should, hopefully, work.”

As this was going on Celestia had done as Sentinel as ordered. She sent off the guards to get the Bearers and to have them head to the same balcony where they had tried the Friendship Fire before. “Sentinel,” Sentinel turned to face her. “I have sent my guards to find them and to take them to the balcony where we can make the attempt.”

“Lead the way.”

Celestia nodded and her along with Twilight lead the way through the maze of hallways much to the annoyance of Twixt’d. A few minutes later they walked out onto a balcony. Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack were already there.

“Where is Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy worriedly asked when she didn’t see her best friend.

“Rainbow Dash is recovering... Sentinel will handling her element.” Twilight explained, gesturing to Sentinel.

“But…” Rarity began.

“Chat later, save lives first.” Sentinel interrupted, growling. He was not in the mood to have to repeatedly explain everything as the only pony that needed to understand right now was informed of the situation. Sentinel blew some fire and let it float above the bearers. He then closed his eyes to begin to mediation on the element in his claw leaving the rest in the capable hooves of Twilight.

Sentinel looked out in the darkness to see the lightning shaped loyalty element floating lazily.

Creator why wielding us again?

“Because your bearer, in her drive to save her friends, her family, her country, has collapsed from overexertion and over exhaustion. To wait for her to recover is to invite death on the ponies that you were created to help, and what is attacking the ponies you and your fellow elements can stop.”

You gave us away. You not loyal.

“Which is has greater loyalty: to your hometown or to your friends? Would me keeping you and your ‘siblings’ created loyalty? An already powerful Alicorn with powers that go beyond a normal alicorn telling ponies how to live… or a simple pegasi just like all the other pegasi living amongst pegasi living loyalty. Which produces a truer loyalty?”

Bear me until Bearer healthy.

“Thank you.” Sentinel whispered as the darkness faded to white.

The Loyalty Element glowed and its rainbow band joined with the others. Twilight and the other ponies rose into the air from the magic power. Sentinel remain grounded as he focused on maintaining both his level of loyalty and the the ball of his fire. Sentinel could feel Twilight releasing the rainbow and it went straight at the fire. As it hit the fire expanded into a large heart and turned pink.

The Friendship Fire color deepened to a cherry red and brighten to the point that everyone had to shield their eyes. The ponies panted from a sudden change from extremely cold temperature to the cool temperatures typical of fall in Equestria. It felt like they had lept right into a campfire. Sentinel and Twixt’d seemed unaffected as would be expected from dragons. Everyone looked around and saw that this time the Friendship Fire had been successful as the wendigo induced blizzard had dissipated.

Sentinel started to growl darkly. His eyes became so slitted that is was almost impossible to see it. A strange dark aura, barely detectable, could be seen surrounding the dragon. The ponies backed up from the angry dragon instinctively. Sentinel claws dug deeply into the marble and his tail repeatedly slammed the balcony causing severe cracking. Celestia frowned at that but said nothing, knowing not to attempt to complain about it to a dragon clearly losing control of his rage.

Where are you… Sentinel scanned the horizon searching for where the dragon could be hiding. He knew the dragon would avoid the Everfree Forest as there was no way he would have been able to enter it without alerting He of Everfree. He ignored any open areas for obvious reasons and he ignored anything remotely looking cave like as he doubted the dragon would be hiding in any location that remotely could be home of a dragon. That left Whitetail Forest.

He stretched out his wings and was about to take off when he out of the corner of his eye he saw Twixt’d was readying to take off as well. “Stay here.” Sentinel ordered.

“No. You...” Twixt’d began to protest.

NO! Sentinel nearly roared at Twixt’d. He shrunk back in shame before he gently added, “You don’t have dragon magic.”

“So? I’m dragon! My scales are resistant to magic.” Twixt’d countered angrily.

“Not against dragon magic. Dark dragon magic.” Sentinel shuddered. “Please stay here.”

Twixt’d reluctantly nodded. Sentinel took a deep breath and flew away in the direction of Whitetail Forest. Twixt’d wrung his claws in worry as he watched his friend disappear into the distance.

Sentinel stood just outside the Whitetail Forest. Unfortunately for him, this section of the forest was quite thick. An ideal place for an ambush. He could sense the dragon was just inside the tree line but that as all he could sense.

A dark voice called out. A dragon protecting prey? This is would be amusing... if it wasn’t so disgusting.

“You're using a disembodied voice spell so if you were hoping I would angrily look about you are going to be waiting a long time…” Sentinel kept his voice and expression laid back. Inwardly, he was raging, but he was not going to give this dragon, clearly not the ‘Nameless One,’ any satisfaction… yet. He needed to find him first and given he had no experience with a dragon dark magic user he also needed as much information as possible before he fully confronted the dragon.

Clever dragon… Surprising considering you seemed to like mindless creatures.

“Baiting me?” Sentinel scoffed. “Let me guess, you took the class ‘Villain Taunting 101?’”

Now who’s baiting?

Sentinel fought back the urge to laugh. Instead he let out a low growl.

Ooo I think somedragon’s angry...

This time Sentinel did let out a short bark of a laugh. “Oh, I’m angry, livid even. I will be happy to admit that, and I would love to go all ‘raging’ dragon…” Sentinel sighed in disappointment. “But raging at nothing is a waste of time, and let’s be honest we are both itching to tasting each other’s blood not trade verbal barbs.”

I like you. The dragon laughed. Always have… Ever since I saw you tear into that deer… Tell me... didn’t it make you feel more alive than ever?

Sentinel would never admit it, but the dragon was right. Ever since that day he had savored every sadistic thought of killing prey. There was times that his mediation would be interrupted by visions of a bloody and savage hunt. When that happened it he didn’t even bother to try and stop it. If anything, he encouraged it. Clearly, this dragon was the same but with one glaring difference. This dragon saw anything that wasn’t dragon was prey and somehow Sentinel was sure that this dragon would kill just for the sake of killing. Sentinel would and never considered any sentient animal or creature as prey and he was disgusted by any thoughts of killing prey for any reason but for food. But the act, oh, the act, was ecstasy.

I can see that you agree with me.

“Agree with you!?” Sentinel snorted, trying to hide his rage that the dragon had guessed correctly. “That is so laughable…”

Believe whatever you want if that makes you feel ‘better.’ The dragon sneered the last word. But we both know that you are lying… Back to the matter at claw, I was impressed that you could sense me that day as I went thought alot of trouble to make sure I wouldn’t be caught. You nearly ruined my plans as I was not ready to show myself. But then again… you have potential...

Gotcha. Sentinel smirked as he finally found where the dragon was hiding and waved a paw to telekinetically smack the location.

Tired of verbal appetizers? Good. It’s time for the main course, anyway...

Sentinel stood there in shock as the dragon pushed through the underbrush and into the open. It can’t be!

Author's Note:

MWAWHAHAHAHA cliffhanger!:pinkiecrazy:

Wonder what Sentinel meant by "It can't be!"?

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