• Published 13th May 2015
  • 720 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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Pirates and Familiar Faces

38 days since the fall of Traxti City

12 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

Early Afternoon, Nearing Port Klippfisk

“How do you laugh like that?” Twixt’d snapped in frustration.

Vorac couldn’t stop laughing long enough to answer. Twixt’d had tried and failed miserably in replicating his feral laugh. At one point he had choked on foam that was created from his numerous attempts.

Vorac suddenly stopped laughing when he smelt something burning. Sentinel, who had faded almost completely away, came roaring back to the forefront.

“Twixt’d… something is wrong.” Sentinel spoke taking note of the plume of smoke in the distance and in the area and direction of Port Klippfisk.

“Sentinel?” Twixt’d questioned wondering why Sentinel was back and what was going on.

“Rainboom speed.” Was all that Soul Fire said before increasing his speed.

Twixt’d quickly recovered from his confusion and caught up with Soul Fire. “What is going on?”

“Can’t say for sure, but there is a massive plume of smoke in the direction of Port Klippfisk.”

Sentinel and Twixt’d landed heavily on top of the lighthouse/battlement/lookout at the edge of the harbor. Sentinel chose to land here instead of the port proper because the lookout at the top of the tower would know what was going on in the water of the harbor and bay which was where most of plumes of smoke were coming from. Standing on the lookout was a young gargoyle with sea bleached blond fur. As soon as the two dragons landed the gargoyle turned and shook in fright.

“DRAGONS! THEY HAVE DRAG... nmpth mammph...” The remaining of the young gargoyle lookout’s alarm was muffled by Sentinel clawed paw.

“Relax.” Sentinel spoke softly trying to soothe the frightened gargoyle. “We are here to help. Now I’m going to release you. Can you not sound the alarm while I explain why I am here?”

“Hey what about me!” Twixt’d protested. He was here to to help too.

“Twixt’d!” Sentinel admonished the whelp before facing the gargoyle again. “Can you tell me your name?”

“Bbbb Barus, Sir.” Barus stammered out nervously once his mouth was free.

“Don’t sir me, Barus I’m just Sentinel, okay?” Barus nodded in understanding. “I and my friend, Twixt’d, were sent here to trade for food items particularly klippfisk. When we saw the plume of smoke we rushed here so we can assist.” Sentinel smiled when Barus seemed to believe him. “Well Barus, what can you tell me about what is going on in the bay and harbor?”

“Uh, well, an armada of pirates are bombarding the harbor. We were successful in closing the harbor wall but... we won’t last long with the amount of firepower they are using against us.”

“Got it. I’ll see what I can do about the warships. Twixt’d help the port defenders in whatever they need.”

“But Sentinel, I can easily help out in taking out the warships and can easily fly out of range of cannon fire!” Twixt’d growled in frustration. “This is just like the last changeling attack! You still don’t trust me in battle.”

“On the contrary, I trust you more in battle than any other drake in our clan.” Sentinel raised a claw to stop Twixt’d’s coming protest. “A good commander knows the strengths and weakness of those under his command. You are not yet ready for a battle like this just yet. The water can seem like the sky and the sky like water during an aerial battle...”

“But I can fly circles around someone of the best flyers in the world!” Twixt’d protested.

“Yes, I know you are a natural flyer! The best flyer that I have probably ever seen! With enough time you will far outstrip my ability.” Sentinel snapped in exasperation. “That still doesn’t make you ready…”

“Fine.” Twixt’d finally relented. “But I want more Vorac time for this!”

“Twixt’d I can’t force him to come ou…”

*Tell whelp yes.* Vorac purred happily.

“Uh,” Sentinel blinked, “okay, he has agreed.” I know Vorac is me but I am becoming more and more confused with him… or me… ugh headache...

“Stay safe.”

Sentinel nodded and he took off towards the harbor. As he flew he began to figure out what he had to deal with. From what he could see through the smoke and the little knowledge he had on seafaring boats it appeared the port was under attack from six galleons and what he thought might be two frigates along with several smaller ships. He had no idea what they were. Actually as he thought on it, it was possible it was six frigates and two galleons…

Sentinel dunked under a cannon ball that came real close to taking off his head. He flew a bit higher to get out of range so he could fully assess what was going on. What he saw bothered him. This was a very organized attack, atypical for most pirate attacks especially this size. They not only had noticed him but were able to keep him engaged while maintaining the attack on the port even amongst the chaos. There had to a good reason for this large of a fleet of pirates to be working so well together...

A roar of a dragon and stream of green fire caught his attention. He knew for a fact it wasn’t He of Hourglass, his firstclaw, the fire not only was a darker shade of green but also didn’t have the correct magic signature. He could not see the dragon from all of the smoke in the air which only further concerned him. Why was there a dragon here and why is the dragon attacking? The port defenders had said nothing about dragons...

He tried to peer through the smoke with magic but because the smoke was more than just normal smoke he was having troubles. Suddenly he caught the movement of what he sure was a dragon. He nearly missed getting a glimpse of the dragon as he zipped between clouds of smoke and ash.

The dragon was black and appeared spineless, typical for that coloration. The dragon was moving too fast, however, to get a clear look of the tail weapon but it look like some sort of stinger. If this was the same dragon as before then his belly scales would be a dark green.

Wait… that coloration and the tail... could it be Reward Seeker!? Sentinel shook his head and blinked hard thinking that maybe he just thought he saw him through the shifting smoke. Further speculation had to wait as he dived under another cannon ball. The pirates had managed to either increase their range or where getting better with their shots. The dragon issue would have to wait, he had a warship to deal with.

He sent his flaming sword spinning at a pirate warship below him, cutting down the masts, disabling it, and causing confusion on the deck. Some on deck had even been knocked into the water. He took advantage of this distraction to dive down to roughly land on the deck. He wanted to know exactly who and where these pirates came from. Once on deck he slammed his claws onto the deck sending out tendrils of magic to grab the cannons below deck. As soon as he got all fifteen canons in his magical grasp he waved his paw and roughly smashed them through the hull and into the ocean below. He could hear at least two screams as he did.

“Dragon on Deck!”

“Get him!”

“Dumb lizard, die!”

Sentinel tensed as the few remaining above deck finally took note of his presence. A diamond dog tried to charge him from the side. Sentinel stabbed him right through the heart with his trident tail and flung the now dead dog overboard. He then slashed down a minotaur that was running straight at him with a large hammer. A chimera of some type, who was the helmsman or captain, he wasn’t sure, then tried to drop down from above and stab in him the back but his flame sword cut him in half. He quickly levitated the bodies into the sea. He was not taking any risk.

A massive explosion rocked the ship sending splinters in all directions. Sentinel flung his wings outward in an attempt to steady himself. He winced as some of the splinters cut up his more vulnerable wings. He looked around once the ship stop rocking to see that there was no one else alive above deck. And from what he did below the chances of anyone being alive below deck was slim. Another explosion hit the bow, hard, tipping the ship bow first into the water momentarily. Sentinel almost thought that the ship would sink right then, bow first. After a moment the ship groaned hard and slammed back down, level to the water.

The ship was falling apart from the cannon and magic bombardment and was most likely taking on water. Sentinel knew he had to work fast before the ship was blasted apart, sank, or both. If he was going to be able to get any information now would be the time. He rushed into the captain's quarters, the reinforced walls around them would give him time as he rummaged for any evidence on the pirates, their hideouts, maps, charts, missives.

Anything that looked remotely helpful he snatched. Several times he slashed open locked drawers and just dumped the entire contents into his satchel. There would be time to sort it out all later. He was about to leave when he noticed a concealed floor safe. He examined it for any magic traps or locks and finding none he blasted the door off.

All that he could find inside was an amulet of a howling wolf. “The Wolven Amulet!?!” He exclaimed outloud in his shock. He examined a moment longer and realized that he could sense no dark magic coming from it. Matter of fact, he could sense zero magic coming from it. No, only a replica… Seeing that there was nothing else of investigative value in sight he roared. A shock wave imploded outward from the roar caused everything in the room and the room itself to explode into millions of pieces. Sentinel shook himself off as splinters of wood rained down on him. He quickly leaped up and flew away from the sinking vessel, avoiding an errant magic blast.

“Merc! We have a flyer coming from one of the ships!” A gruff voice yelled out from above him.

Sentinel looked around in an attempt to figure out where he heard the shout. He was sure he heard the voice before but he wasn’t sure from where. A stream of orange fire rained down in front of him which was would have been easy to avoid it it wasn’t for the fact that a green flame tried to cut off his escape. Great I don’t need this. Two dragon attackers… and me unable to use my alicorn form with all of this smoke… Looks like I will need a Soul Song.

They sing a lovely tune
‘Yo ho yo ho a pirate’s life for me.’
What they don’t know, nor see
A life of crime never pays.

Fire the cannons,
Unsheathe your swords!

Davy Jones is a comin’ for ya
for those that plunder an’ pillage
Time to dig another grave
An’ hang another noose

WHAT THE! Sentinel nearly lost the Soul Song as he realize that the two dragons that were in the battle where singing along with him. They’re are singing WITH ME!?!! How!?

Fire the cannons,
Unsheathe your swords!

Rain Landlubbers an’ Sky Crows
Rain fire an’ blood on cross an’ bones.
Death swoons an’ calls for those
Who call Jolly Roger friend!

He could taste and smell the terror now upon the pirates thanks to the Soul Song. Not wanting to waste another second, and while he had his two dragon pursuers busy recovering from the Soul Song, he zoomed at a nearby pirate ship that had the least battle damage. He slammed into it just as he reach rainboom speed.

An immense explosion of rainbow light followed by the sound of the crack of lightening completely engulfed the ship. A massive concussion wave picked up water in a huge wave and rushed out and blasted all the smoke and flames away. A few of the smaller ships capsized from the fierce and sudden wind. As the light faded and the wind and water calmed the battle eerily went quiet. All eyes were on the the pink dragon who alone hovered in the middle of where the ship once floated as millions of pieces of wood no bigger than a toothpick rained down on the harbor.

Sentinel looked around at the remaining ships as he could see frantic white flag waving from each one. I guess they prefer the hangman's’ noose over obliteration… Sentinel smirked. Nothing stops a fight faster than a display of unimaginable power. He looked up to see the two dragons hovering in the air. One was completely orange with a double line of sharp spines and no tail weapon and the black dragon that he saw earlier, which, as he predicted, had dark green belly scales and a stinger for a tail weapon.

So it was Reward Seeker! Sentinel’s eyes widened when he recognized the dragons. Merc must be his title… Merc.... as in mercenary… and of course his friend Dragon of Orange Scales and Spines. I wonder why they are here. Merc and his orange dragon friend struggled to remain airborne, their jaws dropped in a comical fashion. Sentinel chuckled at the familiar sight. Those two seemed to only know that expression during their stay in Hourglass. I wonder if Dragon of Orange Scales and Spikes was successful in finding a Hoard Name...

Sentinel headed off to the port before the dragons could properly recover from their shock. He was tired and ached all over and was not in the mood to deal with them at the moment. The spell he used on the last ship took a lot out of him. I have got to learn better control of my dragon magic without the use of my alicorn magic. Especially if I plan to use more of his spells while only a dragon… Hopefully next time I will be able to use them while an alicorn...

“Hey wait!” Merc called out.

Not wanting to talk at the moment Sentinel sped off at near Rainboom speeds. He needed to check on Twixt’d, report to Firstclaw, and find a place to rest for the night. The sun was nearing the horizon and he needed to dreamwalk.

Golden DragonHeart couldn’t decide whether to snicker or daw at the sight of Twixt’d sleeping upside down on one of the thrones. He was drooling and snoring hard. He was glad that He of Laughter and Scorpion were here otherwise he was sure that Twixt’d would wake up with a moustache, monocle, or some other drawings or writings.

“Thanks for coming Golden DragonHeart.” Soul Fire whispered.

“Of course. What is going on?” Golden Dragon Heart questioned Soul Fire. He noted the scar on his face that looked like claw marks so he had already figured there had been a fight.” I expected a letter at most not a summons.”

“Port Klippfisk was attacked by a fleet of pirate ships. They were soundly defeated and those that survived are being interrogated thoroughly before the ‘final, long drop.’ But that wasn’t why I summoned you.”

“THE WOLVEN AMULET!” Golden DragonHeart shouted once he saw what Soul Fire had pulled out of the satchel.

“Shhh!” Soul Fire admonished, whacking Golden DragonHeart with the side of his trident. “It’s merely a benign replica that I found it on one of the pirate ships.”

“Why did the did this pirate have a Wolven Amulet reproduction?”

“Not sure… There is a small sliver of a gem embedded inside the amulet.” Soul Fire waved a claw and an image of a white opaque gem with something painted on the outside appeared.

“Can it be traced back?” Golden DragonHeart asked as he took a close look at the gem. The painted pattern didn’t look like a pony spell matrix.

“Unless someone ‘calls’? No…” Soul Fire shook his head negatively. “And even then it would be difficult. It’s merely a simple receiver, and not a true receiver at that as this can only glow. All someone would need is to know this pattern and the correct spell that is attuned to this pattern. My guess it’s a very basic communication spell or something similar. With exception of the Dragon Firemail (including the pony spell) communication spells use exponentially more magic the further one tries to communicate. Add sound or visual it only gets worse.”

“The question is why would a pirate have a replica of the Wolven Amulet that can be set to glow…”

“I hope that I will get those answers soon… I also took documents and trinkets from the same ship that I got the amulet from but other then to check for magic I have yet to go through them. Hopefully, we can get answer from them… Something tells me that the pirates will be less than talkative about the amulet...”

“Anything else?” Golden DragonHeart questioned when Soul Fire fell into silence.

“What can you tell me about the Dragon of Black and Green Scales and Dragon of Orange Scales and Spines?”

“Nothing much.” Golden DragonHeart was taken aback that was totally unexpected. “They are alive and well but they are mum on what they are doing and where they are…Why?”

“Well I can answer part of it… They are in Port Klippfisk… and at least for the moment are looking for me.”

“Hmm... Think that maybe they are headed our way? I did send out warnings about the ‘Nameless One.’ Though it could mean that Dragon Orange Scales and Spines has found a name.”

“Possible… Not sure yet… When I check on the Dragon of Orange Scales and Spines he seemed to gaze out into sea thoughtfully at the salvage and cleanup efforts after the battle.”

“You think his hoard name is related in some way?”

“Maybe… I will get a better idea tomor… What?” Soul Fire wondered at the look he was receiving.

“You are up to something,” Golden DragonHeart’s eyes narrowed further, “and I’m sure I’m not going to like it either.”

“I’m not up to anything.”

“I know that look Soul Fire.” The spark dragon gestured to the the face of the stained dragon. “Just promise me that whatever seemingly idiotic, stupid, gembrain for a lava belly flopper idea you have that it won’t come back to kick us both in balls.”

“I just follow my gut…” Soul Fire shrugged.

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Golden DragonHeart pinched his eyebrow. “Your gut has been right… so far…”

Soul Fire was about to retort when someone’s stomach took that exact moment to growl. Golden DragonHeart chuckled nervously before pulled out a gem and promptly started to lick and suck on the gem like a jawbreaker.

“You’re evil, you know that.” Soul Fire poked Golden DragonHeart in the stomach.

Golden DragonHeart only grinned wider before he swallowed the gem and smacking his lips loudly. “So... may I ask why Twixt’d is here? He clearly wasn’t needed for this gem of a meeting.” He half teased.

Golden DragonHeart I am so going to get you for this…” Soul Fire threatened under his breath.

“I’m shaking in my dainty little claws…” Golden DragonHeart mocked.

Oh your claws will be dainty when I’m done with you… Soul Fire vowed darkly to himself before he turned his gaze to the sleeping whelp. “Twixt’d and I shall sleep here in the Harmony chambers…”

“Alicorn Keeper!” Golden DragonHeart cringed when he realized he spoke too loudly. He looked over at Twixt’d and sighed in relief when he saw that his outburst had not waken him. He turned back to address Soul Fire again. “Alicorn Keeper, he is not a Keeper. It’s not safe for a non Keeper to physically be in the Plane of Harmony for long…”

“Yes, I know Dragon Keeper.” Soul Fire smiled as he watched Twixt’d mumble and scratch himself in his sleep. “It’s only for the night. I’m exhausted from the battle and I still need to give Luna at least another night of rest.”

“Okay. But, Soul Fire… I hope you know what you are doing…”

You and me both… Soul Fire thought as Golden DragonHeart left.

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