• Published 13th May 2015
  • 720 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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Utter Destruction

46 days since the fall of Traxti City

20 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

Sunrise, Near Manehattan

Sentinel had expected to see a large plume of smoke or fire or destruction or something. What he was seeing instead was a typical Equestrian winter wonderland. He was coming in at an angle so it may be possible that the city which was rising above the horizon was blocking it along with the gloomy clouds. According to the most recent missive from Luna the army had gathered about six clinks to the north of Manehattan. Celestia would remain in the Ponyville area along with the Elements until more could be ascertained. If the Nameless One found the elements too early... As for Discord, he was to...

Sentinel lazily spun as a bolt from a crossbolt came screaming at him. He shook his head. Both at allowing his inner dialogue to distract him and the clearly panicked shot. I really hope that was a skittish greenhoof because if the ponies are starting to panic that bad already this is going to be a bloodbath… He glanced downwards as he prepared to make his approach. Though it’s strange... as from the ground I should appear as Celestia.

Sentinel flew back up and out of range as he looked for the command tent. It wasn’t a particularly large encampment so it wasn’t long before he found it. There. He noted a tent with the insignia of the Royal Sisters emblazoned on it. Sentinel cloaked himself and teleported to just outside the tent in question.

“THOU ART A FOALISH FOOL!” Luna’s famous Royal Canterlot voice came out from tent. The tent threatened to explode outward from the force of her yell. “WHAT DID THOU SEE… CORRECT! A WHITE ALICORN! ... IF THAT HAD BEEN OUR SISTER!”

It appears that Luna is personally taking charge in punishing the pony responsible. As much as the one responsible needs to be reprimanded this is not the way to go as it’s scaring the ponies more than they already are. Sentinel noted as walked through the tent door and dropped his cloak.

“Luna, chill.” Luna spun around to face Sentinel. The pony she had been shouting at collapsed now that the force of her anger was no longer upon him. “Your angry berating, though justified, is making the moral worse…” Sentinel glanced behind him and back towards the storm clouds forming around the ash and violent mana that surrounded the Nameless One. Something is off… but how and why?

“I don’t like this.” Luna grumbled as her gaze followed Sentinel’s. The pony behind her momentarily forgotten. “He’s just hovering there like a bat in the sun.”

“But why?” Sentinel muttered.

“We knoweth not.”

“Sadly, neither do I.” Sentinel shook his head. The Nameless One had proven so far to be unpred…

“Damn it…” Soul Fire rubbed his head trying to ease his headache, “he is using guerrilla tactics to mask his movements.”


“Sentinel!?” Luna could see from the familiar look on his face that he just realized something important and from the curse it was not going to be good.

“Send out an emergency broadcast over the entire east coast…” Sentinel began.

“What!? Are you crazy?” Sentinel looked over to see that there were other ponies in the tent besides that pony that Luna had been screaming at. From the looks of the cutiemark on the stallion's flank that spoke up he was communications officer. “To do something like that would cause widespread panic!”

Panic is the least of my concerns right now… Sentinel resisted the urge to smack the pony silly for being so dense… Equestria was under siege by a being that would think nothing of outright blasting Equestria to ash and the stallion was worried about ‘panic.’ Panic is a guarantee at this point.

“Correct me if I’m wrong... there is a secured military channel?” The communications officer nodded. “Well then… Send out an order that all military posts are to broadcast their call sign every ten minutes. And to notify us if there any similar to the ash cloud that hovers to the east.”

Luna nodded and the stallion was off in a flash already beginning to relay the message judging from the glowing horn. Barely a moment later another communication pony, this time a young mare, burst through the tent door.

“Your Highness! A urgent mess…” The mare stopped when she noticed the alicorn stallion next to Luna.

That was fast…. too fast… Sentinel eyed the messenger pony. “Well what is it? Speak.”

The mare in question eyed Sentinel for a moment before turning to face Luna. “Your Highness... something described as a demon of ash, smoke, and fire is attacking Baltimare!”

“Send word back. Have the guards focus on evacuating civilians. NO PONY is to engage the demon under any circumstances! Sentinel and I alone will handle the ‘ash demon.’”

“But princess! It’s too dangerous!”

“Are thou saying that we art some dainty flower?” Luna lashed out slipping fully back into Old Equish. “Thy tongue speaketh before thy brain thinketh. We fought raging abominations of thy worst nightmares long before thy ancestors settled into towns and cities.”

Sentinel facehooved. Now was not the time for this. “Luna dispense with the chatter!!”

Luna sighed in defeat. Sentinel was right, they needed to go. “Rainbow Teleport?” She wondered. It was the only spell that could get them to Baltimare in seconds. She could not hope to reach the speeds necessary to reach the city quickly and teleportation alone would use too much mana.


Luna and Sentinel teleported far above the encampment. And with a quick burst of magic from Sentinel as they rocketed off at near Rainboom speeds. Luna stumbled momentarily in her flight as she was out of practice flying at such high speeds. She prepared to teleport them as Sentinel magically connected himself to her and approached a Rainboom. If this combo spell was to work Luna had to activate a teleport spell at the same time that Sentinel broke the barrier. Neither one had done this is nearly three millennia. She just hoped she was able to still do it.

At the exact moment that Sentinel broke the barrier Luna cast the teleport spell. The air around them swirl into a tunnel of brilliant colors before faded into white. A second later it reversed and a tunnel of colors slowing over took the white. A crack of thunder and a flash of white and the two alicorns were now flying above the city of Baltimare. With practiced easy Sentinel slowed them down to a hover.

By the heavens…” Luna whispered in shock and dismay.

Sentinel had seen a lot more war and devastation then Luna and even he had to agree this was bad. Long, deep trenchers of destruction crisscrossed the city like a plow through soft earth. Plumes of ash and smoke rose from many fires that ravaged what remained of the buildings. He could smell the stench of burning flesh. A quick scan confirmed that the death toll was going to be extreme.

The sounds of a demonic roar got both of their attentions. The smoke and ash rising through the city would make it hard to see where the Nameless One was located so until they heard another roar they would have to wait. Both hovered their ears twitched preparing to pinpoint the dragon when he roared again.

“So much death…” Luna sniffed struggling with tears both from all of the death around her and the ashy smoke irritating her eyes.

“It’s only going to get worse Luna...” Sentinel lamented. “But you must remain strong and resolute if you wish to save as many as possible…”

Another roar echoed alerting both. Without another word they took off in the direction of the roar. Luna struggled to not answer the scattered cries of pain and desperation. Sentinel, however ignored it as his rage had begun to build.

Without warning a dark stream of black flame came rushing at Sentinel. He conjured one of his swords and split the black flame in half. The flame was infused with so much dark magic that as it passed either side of Sentinel he could feel the scorching heat even through a hastily conjured shield.

Damn it. I knew he was going to be strong… Sentinel didn’t have anymore time to conjecture as a second stream came out of a cloud of ash to his left.


“I see him!” Luna fired a series of magic missiles at an ash cloud that had a pair of glowing red eyes.

Sentinel added a series of his own. He knew that it would hardly hurt the dragon but it could draw out the dragon in a way to get a better view of him. Which is exactly what happened.

PAthEtIc! A demonic voice growled from within the cloud. The glowing red eyes narrowed. InsIgnIfICAnt pReY! SO my IncOrpOrEAL fOrm dOESn’t scArE yOU? fInE thEn... fEAst yOUr Eyes On thE rEAL mE! It wILL BE ThE LAst tHing yOU wILL EvEr seE!! A blast of air buffeted then two ponies a moment later dispelling the ash and smoke that surrounded the Nameless One allowing him to be seen.

Sentinel could see that the descriptions of the Nameless One’s size was truly an understatement as he an unusually massive dragon at least twice the size of Quartermaster. He was covered in black scales which ‘glowed’ with a dark aura. The eyes didn’t just glow red they were completely red even his pupil. He had blood red spines that looked like nail spikes and went from the back of his head to the end of his tail in clusters. At the end of his tail was the strangest tail weapon Sentinel had ever seen. It looked like an ancient torture device. The tail end split into two harden half circles with red spikes that pointed inward. There was no sign of any sparks typical of a spark dragon but given his size, color, and aura it was quite likely impossible.

The aura that surrounds him is… Sentinel didn’t want to finish that statement. It was too shocking and disturbing. It appeared to be a much stronger form of the aura that typically accompanied dragons when they were enraged.

“For thy crimes this day ‘Dark One’ thy life is forfeit.” Luna angrily shouted. She then summoned a long sickle and chain and raised it in a threatening manner with her magic. Sentinel raised his own sword along with her.

He is fast! Sentinel commented as he dived hard under a flame attack. He looked over to see that Luna was barely able to dodge a second stream of fire. She retaliated with a slice of her sickle, sending a compressed and sharpened band of magic back at the dragon who casually swiped it to ribbons, dispelling it.

Luna spun her sickle in front of her which acted like a shield from the flames. Sentinel took this opportunity to attack with a combination of his sword and a magic spear. The Nameless One quickly stopped his assault on Luna and swung his tail at Sentinel who had to put his sword up to parry the blow. The tail slam had immense strength behind it as he just manage to parry the blow. He gritted his teeth in frustration at the dragons battle prowess. Come on! His eyes widen as a stream of flame came at him. Luna suddenly was in front of him and managed to use her sickle to split it on either side of them.


Luna nodded before she barely dodged another stream of fire by diving under it.

Sentinel sent of a series of magic missiles as distraction then brought his sword around in hopes of slashing at the wings the weakest point of a dragon. A powerful flap of the dragons wings, however, dispelled the magic missiles and set the sword careening away. The air disruption also buffeted Sentinel and Luna.

As the air calmed down and he was able to steady his hovering he saw something that concerned him. Many of her feathers were charred and because of that she was struggling to remain airborne. Normally it would be an easy fix but the amount of concentration and precision needed for the spell to heal her would require her to land. “Luna fall back.” Sentinel ordered. “Those dark flames are too fast…”

“But Sentinel!” Luna protested. She knew that if he stayed behind to give her time to escape that would mean his death.

“Just go Luna.” Sentinel snapped. “Thanks to that last attack you can barely fly! You are more important than I for if you die today all of Equestria will lose hope!”

“And what of your clan, your hoard?”

“Luna don’t argue with me! Just go!”

Luna and Sentinel had to resist the urge to shudder as demonic laughter came from the Nameless One. For Luna it was a cold reminder of when she was Nightmare Moon but worse. Sentinel couldn’t help but worry about He of Hourglass’ condition as this is what could be the end result if something didn’t change.

yOur foALIsh whInInG Is AmUsIng.

Very punny. Sentinel deadpanned. “Luna!” He commanded once again. “Go!”

Luna finally managed to agree with a nod. “You stay alive you hear me!”

I will try… Sentinel promised as Luna teleported away

hOw dIsgUstiNg… The Nameless One sneered before he set a stream of flame at Sentinel.

Sentinel quickly dodged. He was about to retaliate when the stream continue to come out and follow him. This attack is even faster than before! Sentinel frantically increased his speed past the rainboom barrier. “Damn. This is not good.” Sentinel cursed as the black flame continued to follow him. If he didn’t find a way to push the Nameless One back he could die… and Equestria would fall. He also had to give Luna to flee and the ponies time to evacuate those that remained in Baltimare and the surrounding areas. As the Alicorn Keeper he would not fail.

If I can’t outrun it then I shall have to meet it head on. Sentinel gritted his teeth that meant he would need the use of dragon magic. He had hoped to not have to used his dragon magic just yet… Gah! It’s just like with ‘Quartz’! In a flash his dragon light armor appeared around him.

The Nameless One’s eyes widen before they narrowed in clear anger. yOU dArE mAkE A mOckEry And pOLLUtE thE pUrIty Of spArk drAgOn mAgIc by mIMickIng…

“Do I look like one of your changeling abominations!?” Sentinel growled out sending out all seven of his swords in a wide arc towards the Nameless One.

The dragon easily parried all of them to the immense shock and annoyance of Sentinel. Okay time to be more serious. He tightened his control over his swords and pressed his attack. The Nameless One met all of his slashes and cuts before he set off several small bursts of flame momentary putting Sentinel on the defense before he recovered and tried again and again.

Time to try that new attack… Sentinel resolved as he avoided another flame attack. He grabbed four of his swords one for each of his paws allowing the other three to keep the Nameless one busy. He began to spin just like he would with his bullet attack. He didn’t want to use such a mana waster but if he didn’t breakthrough the Nameless One’s defense now he may not be able to at all. Like all the times before he was soon enveloped in a vortex of light. But unlike all the times before the colors red, blue, purple, and green, the four colors of the swords in his paws, intermixed in the white. The Nameless One stopped his attacks for a moment. Perfect. Sentinel thought just as he released his spell and surged forward at the rainboom speed.

The multicolored light bullet slammed right into the Nameless One before he could react. And explosion of mana and light envelope a wide area of the sky.

He managed to block that!? Sentinel jaw dropped as he hovered and panted after the effects of the spell wore off. Damn!With a roar of frustration he sent wave after wave of lightning towards the dragon using the ash clouds ions to enhance the lightning. Some of the lightning managed to hit the Nameless One knocking him backwards.

After nearly a dozen waves Sentinel let up Damn it… I’m too low on alicorn mana to be effective in this form anymore… Sentinel switched back to his spark dragon form.

My TURn.

Sentinel eyes widen in shock and fear as a wall of black flame came rushing right at him. He slashed the flame with Vorac’s fire sword followed by some of his own flame. This was just enough to create a hole in the wave for it to pass him by without bringing him harm. He had no time to breath though as another wave of flame came at him. He repeated the process but he could tell that his mana was beginning to fade rapidly. A third wave followed right behind that and for the third time he managed to make a safe hole. Damn it… He cursed. I have to find a way to escape this!

A fourth wave of black fire again too large for him to escape came roaring at him. And with his mana reserves so low he knew he would not be able to avoid it via teleportation or split with the flame sword. Suddenly Vorac surged forward and took control moving the trident tail in front of them. The flame hit the trident tail. Sentinel roared in pain as the tail burned from the onslaught of the dark fire. It made the Fire Tail Ceremony seemed like the warmth of the sun...

My tail of course… Idiot! Sentinel berated himself for forgetting that. Rule one of battle is to know oneself. If one didn’t know one's strength and weakness fully… Damn that hurts... though at least I’m alive… for now...

The Nameless One eyes widen in apparent surprise that Sentinel had taken on the flame. stILL yOU fIght On… The Nameless One mused, letting up his attacks as he did. I mUst sAy I wAs ExpEctIng A LOt LEss… fInALLy A drAgOn Of wOrth. fInALLy A drAgOn whO dOEsn't fIght LIkE A cOwArd. fInALLy A drAgOn wOrthy tO dIE hOnOrAbLy by my cLAw And fLAmE!

Ugh, monologuing… Sentinel grumbled as he panted hard. He needed to find some weakness anything that could help him now or help Dragon Keeper… Normally monologuing would give him time to figure out a way to defeat an enemy but this was the Nameless One. The beginning and the end of dark magic…

“TALK LESS! MORE FIGHT!” Vorac roared. He had enough of chatterers. Words were meaningless to him actions held true meaning.

Sentinel grinned. *Vorac you took my words right from my mouth.*

The red glowing eyes widen for a moment before narrowing. VerY WeLl.

*If we are going to have a chance…* Sentinel started as the Nameless One again sent a stream of flame at him.

*We work as one.* Vorac finished.

At that Sentinel left eye became slitted while the right remained normal. With reknew speed he managed to avoid the flame by diving under and spinning upside down and disrupting it with a flap of his wings. He retaliated with a stream on his own white fire. The Nameless One met the onslaught with his own.

Sentinel and Vorac growled as they banked to the left. Suddenly the Nameless One disappeared only to appear behind Sentinel and smack him with the back of his paw. What?! Sentinel grunted in shock. How did he get behind me!? The Nameless One then slammed his tail down on the smaller dragon sending him careening to the ground hundreds of feet below. A massive crater formed from the impact.

Sentinel gasped as he awoke in the middle of the crater. I can’t even move! Sentinel gritted his teeth in frustration and pain as he saw the Nameless One slammed to the ground above him. The shock wave from the rough and hard landing rippled through the ground and into him causing massive spike in pain. Damn it!

aNd NOw… The Nameless One whispered as he grabbed Sentinel and squeezed, hard causing him to cough up a mass of blood violently. YoU dIE.

The black dragon flung the battered dragon into the air and again slammed him with his tail this time sending him flying to the south. A condensed ball of black flame so dense that light seemed to be sucked into its vortex spurt forth from the Nameless One’s maw towards Sentinel. Within seconds it slammed into Sentinel.

Golden DragonHeart… Spike… Sentinel felt his world fade to black. For...give… me...

Author's Note:

Yes I just did the whole Red and Black alicorn thing except as a villainous OP Spark dragon.

Oh and RadicalDishonesty I haven't forgotten this:

What is GDH doing at home when SF is out fighting the war? I don't think I have a good concept of why GDH stays back.

I will get to it just have patience please.

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