• Published 13th May 2015
  • 719 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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Intermission IV: The Shame of the Dragons.

I put out a hoof to stop Storyteller. The other hood was keeping my mouth closed. I was suddenly feeling very green from the revelation about Sentinel. It was a fight to not throw up. I had just managed to stop it when I realized that Storyteller was softly chuckling.

“You find that FUNNY!” I raged. I couldn’t believe this, whatever he is, would find my reaction to Sentinel sadistic pleasure in killing and I would presume mutilating prey as amusing in any way. I can understand the need to eat meat but… Suddenly, I felt the urge to throw up again but I manage to swallow it quickly in my anger. Sure, I can understand someone evil like the unknown dragon (though the last thing Storyteller said makes me think that Sentinel knows something about this dragon) finding such... pleasure… Though I think I’m having have troubles with that as well.

Storyteller shrugged to my outburst.

At that I became unglued as all my frustrations over creepiness of Storyteller and the stress of nearly dying leaving behind my Belle Flower boiled over. With a shout I lunged right at him. Storyteller slipped to the side l so fast that I swear that he was never in front of me to begin with. I slammed face first against the book case on the far wall knocking the contents and burying me in a mass of books, scrolls, and something unknown, heavy object. It was painful to say the least.

I slowly got up huffing in rage and pain. “I have had enough of you! First you laugh about my reaction to dragon... bedroom topics... which I could understand... a bit… But to have the AUDACITY TO LAUGH ABOUT MY REACTION TO THE UNSPEAKABLE HORROR of… I get that he’s a meat eater I understand that but not … not... SENTINEL IS A MONSTER!!”

I knew that I went to far when the hulking form of Storyteller suddenly loomed over me. I went from hot rage to cold terror.

“There is the door.” Storyteller calmly but coldly stated. “Take the hallway to the left follow it to the end and you will find yourself in a vast foyer. Just outside is an oasis where you can fill your canteens and head back home to the north.”

I grabbed my saddlebag that was floating in Storyteller magic put it on and quickly made my exit. I didn’t even bother to look around I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. I stumbled outside and nearly went blind from the sudden, and painful, brightness.

Once my sight returned, I could see a crystal clear oasis with a few trees around it providing some shade. I edged up to the oasis and pulled off my saddlebag to dig out my canteens. It seemed heavier than it should. In my panic, I hadn’t noticed the added weight. Inside my bag I found containers filled with various dried fruit, granola, and several strips of what looked to be hay jerky.

Where did all of this come from? I wondered as I continued to dig through my saddle bag. As I got to the bottom I finally found my compass with a note attached. I was tempted to just throw it out but ended up opening it to see what it said.

History Seeker,

I you are reading this you have decided to leave. Not that I would blame you… I can tell that you are uncomfortable around me… I’m sure it was something I said or did that drove you to leave. As you can see I packed your saddle bag with food and an extra canteen. It should be enough to get you out of the desert (about four days to the north) safely.

The compass you have is no ordinary compass and contrary to what you think it’s not broken. Not just anyone can find this compass. You are meant for something... I don’t know exactly what just yet… All I can say is be true to who you are and have faith that the compass can guide you.


I opened the compass just to reminisce the day of when I found it. I sighed as I was about to close it when something about the needle caught my attention. It was pointing right at the magic shack/mansion thingy behind me.

I glanced back and nearly hurt my jaw from what I saw. The home which, was more like a mansion or castle on the inside, was merely a runned down, small shack. Magic. I grumbled.

“What kind of compass is this!?!” I wondered as I refocused on my compass. I walked about the oasis and the shack trying to get the needle to point anywhere but the house. Before today it never done anything but idly spin around. “This makes no sense!’

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?

“Who’s there!?” I yelled out, suddenly afraid again. “Storyteller?”

“Broken!? ... Broken!” Storyteller repeated, snorting. “Mwhahaaaaa,” He fell into uncontrollable laughter.

“Okay, so this is a different type of compass, or, more likely, Storyteller cast a spell on the compass…” I muttered. “I guess having at least a single point of reference will make traveling safer...”

“Even then... He should have asked!” I yelled at the shack hoping he was listening in on me.
I began to leave having put everything back into my saddlebag when a nagging thought compelled me to turn back. Storyteller had saved me from dying in the desert and I never properly thanked him. I just knew that Belle Flower would have my wings if I didn’t at least do that.

“ARGH!” I stomped angrily before ran right to the door of the shack, opened it, and stepped back inside.

I could see a grand staircase the went to the second floor and various hallways jetting off in all directions. My desire to explore almost overcame me before I remembered what I came here to do. Luckily, I still remembered the instructions from earlier so I headed down the hallway to my right and back to the den.

I stood nervously in the doorway to the den. Inside I could see the books and scrolls were still scattered from earlier. Storyteller was laying down on the floor, his back to me. The fire changed from when I was in here last as I could see the same strongly fake look pink fire that I had seen earlier this morning.

“Go away...” Storyteller tiredly called out, not moving. “Go home… there is nothing here for you…”

I was angry at Storyteller for his insensitive chuckling… I was angry that I had wasted all this time looking for the vindication that would never come… I was angry for rushing into this blasted land without a map or a guide… I was only mildly irritated that Storyteller cast a spell on my compass without permission (even if it will probably save my life in this desert). But then to hear him sounding so… defeated… Everything I wanted to yelled at him… just left my brain.

I didn't really know how to deal with this so I just stood there in silence. Neither of moved or spoke for what seems like hours though I’m sure, at most, it was half an hour.

“Do you know why dragons are merely a myth in your land?” Storyteller suddenly asked.

“No, not really…” My brain was confused at the sudden and unexpected question, and all I could think of was: Now, why would he ask that kind of question?

Storyteller again said nothing for a while and when he finally spoke it was a barely hearable whisper. “Shame... Because of shame…”

“I don’t understand…” So far I heard nothing that would make an entire race avoid another in shame… Individuals like Sentinel maybe… Sentinel does seem to have a short fuse with ponies but it was possible that came out due to all the fighting and the non stop flight… If I recall correctly he didn’t seem that bullyish with them during the burial(?) of Harmonious Knight.

The ‘Nameless One’ and this unknown (at least for me, obviously) for sure. But this is merely a mythological story… I guess I’m okay with that… I wanted to know about the stain glass window I just guess I was hoping for an historic story not a mythical story…. it’s still an important part of history as studying a culture's myths or story is a great way to understand how a culture thought and believed. Something that than a broken pot or cracked mural struggle to convey.

“Tell me... does it seem that in my story that I portray the dragons better than the ponies?”

“…A little…” I reluctantly admitted. I said nothing before becuase it would have been rude and I was a bit leery about be too forceful… He is creepy and still is… And his mood is becoming more… erratic.

“Don’t lie…” Storyteller shifted for the first time since my return. “The truth is the opposite… A dragon without honor is no dragon. Twice. TWICE! A dragon has been responsible for so much death and destruction and twice dragons failed to do what was right until it was too late… every race has a role… a part to play… and dragons twice failed in the role they were meant to play...”

At that Storyteller went silent again. What in Tartarus is with this creature? I growled in frustration. I’m beginning to think that maybe I should have left without turning back.


I snapped to attention as that. “Guardians?” … Of what!?

My stomach rumbled but as Storyteller seemed still not be in the mood to speak. I dug into my saddle bag to have some of the dried fruit and a few pieces of the hay jerky. Luckily I had refilled my canteens with from the Oasis I don’t think I would want to try and find the kitchen...

I had just finished tearing of a piece of hay jerky when I nearly jumped straight to the ceiling. Storyteller was sitting across the coffee table from me staring at me. I quickly swallowed the jerky and took a small swing of water from my canteen to wash it down. It appeared that maybe he was now in a talking mood but was waiting. I put my canteen and the rest of the jerky away and waited.

“It’s a bit later in the day then I’d like to for heading through the Salt Flats…” Storyteller began. “I guess we’ll have to wait until morning. Now that you are done with your dinner it’s time to enjoy the show…”

Author's Note:

These intermissions are becoming full fledged chapters it seems(3 words longer then my shortest chapter)... I had to cut out a lot from this intermission otherwise it would be a lot longer (it would have also mess up the pacing)

I'm curious as to what others might think who Storyteller is please comment below with your thoughts on that.

And what is with that compass of History Seeker?

And for those irritated that I cliffhanged right into a intermission the next chapter will start right at that cliffhanger

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