• Published 13th May 2015
  • 720 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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Healing Tears

36 days since the fall of Traxti City

10 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

Noon, Hourglass

Golden DragonHeart did not like what he saw. Metal Claws, MetalEtched Claws and Eternal Beats were standing on a roof top not too far from the museum. That in of itself would be benign but all three of them looked like they were trying to watch the museum but not be seen told him that Soul Fire was still messed up. Though a quick check of his cord this morning had already made that clear this just confirmed it.

“Welcome home.” Metal Claws greeted Golden DragonHeart before he went back to his gazing.

*Was Pinkie’s friend able to complete my jacket?* Eternal Beats excitedly questioned before Golden DragonHeart was able respond to Metal Claws’ greeting. Metal Claws’ showed his irritation at Eternal Beats’ usual self by smacking him with his tail. Eternal Beats nearly growled before he remembered he was still under orders to avoid doing that. He was going to get Metal Claws later for that.

Golden DragonHeart chuckled and shook his head before he handed over the package. Eternal Beats took the package and opened it. Eternal Beats struggled not to squeal in delight. It was a modified version of the jacket that he once wore on occasion before his first growth. Eternal Beats carefully examined it front and back noting the scorpion embroidered on the left chest of the jacket before he carefully put it on. It fit perfectly.

“Pinkie also wrote you a note.” Golden DragonHeart handed over the note.

*Um…* Eternal Beats flipped the card front to back and back to front in confusion. *Golden DragonHeart this is probably for Scorpan not me.*

“Oh, it’s for you.” Golden DragonHeart knowling grinned.

Eternal Beats raised an eyebrow. He knew that Pinkie was a practical joker and the look on his firstclaw made him think that this could be a prank. Nonetheless, he slowly opened the card to read it. As he read it his expression went from mild amusement, to shock, and finally to a grin that could rival the party pony herself.

“What’s it say?” MetalEtched Claws nearly giggled at her mate’s poor attempt at hiding his own curiosity.

*She thinks that Scorpion would be better title for me then He of Music.*

“Okay…” Metal Claws growled irritably. “So?”

*Lots of bands or artists have stage names…* Eternal Beats explained with a slight edge to his mental voice, *and it just makes sense as I got a theme already going with my guitar, ocarina, and jacket with the scorpion emblem on the left chest area…* Eternal Beats smiled as he reread the note. *Yeah… I’m dropping He of Music as my title and switching to Scorpion I don’t kno..*

Eternal Beats stopped mid word as he noticed that his line of sight was rising up towards Metal Claws… A minor growth? He looked down towards Golden DragonHeart and confirmed that he had grown a bit though he wasn’t a large as Metal Claws but he didn’t care. He could feel the power that was causing his growth suddenly strengthened at end of his tail.

He looked back at his tail and his eyes widen. Right before his eyes his tail weapon was bugling and morphing into the stringer of a scorpion. The rush of power that was flowing through his body faded. In his heart he could feel pleasure at the look of his body. It was like his body was complete and right. *I…I think I’m a fully grown dragon now.*

“And yet I still look down at you.” Metal Claws puffed up his chest in pride before Eternal Beats new tail nicked him in the back. “Yeowch! That new tail of yours stings!”

“Metal Claws I think it’s time I tell you the tale of ‘The Scorpion and the Frog.’ Two guesses on who you are…” Golden DragonHeart crossed his arms while smirking. MetalEtched Claws roared in laughter at the expense of her mate while Eternal Beats sported a smug grin. Metal Claws grumbled before he turned back to look towards the museum again.

“Okay…” Golden DragonHeart curiosity was getting too much for him. “So why exactly are you three up here to begin with?”

“Twixt’d…” Metal Claws sighed. “Every day he goes into the museum and every…”

The slamming of the museum doors interrupted him. All four dragons looked down to see Twixt’d being expelled once again from the museum. Golden DragonHeart’s concern soon morphed to outrage and anger when Twixt’d roared angrily and took off in tears. His vision redden as he could see that Soul Fire, his secondclaw, was hurting not only his own hoard but his…

“Enough is enough.” Golden DragonHeart growled angrily, his claws clenching and his wings twitching from the intense emotion. “NO ONE HURTS MY HOARD MUCH LESS MY SECONDCLAW!”

“What are you going to do Firstclaw?” MetalEtched Claws softly questioned, hoping that asking quietly would keep him from saying or doing anything stupid. She knew that there was something wrong with Soul Fire but it didn’t warrant the type of anger now visible on Firstclaw.

Golden DragonHeart closed his eyes took a deep breath and exhaled before he eyes snapped open, glowing in power. “Kill him.”

All three dragons’ jaws opened in shock. Soul Fire needed help, not death. Golden DragonHeart sparks started to move in the telltale sign that they all knew was him beginning to teleport.

“Wait!” Was all Metal Claws was able to shout out before Golden DragonHeart teleported away.

“Was he being serious?” MetalEtched Claws questioned Eternal Beats. She knew that he would have been able to get at least something from Firstclaw’s song.


“Damn it.” Metal Claws cursed. “We need to stop this!”

“How? Eternal Beats is the only one of us to have a chance and he is still injured!” MetalEtched Claws countered.

*Right here you know.* Eternal Beats grumbled a bit from the slight.

A massive explosion of light and mana galvanized them. All three looked up and to the north to see said explosion fading away. Right now, they need to keep everyone away from what was most likely the cause of the explosion: dueling dragons.

“I’m going to make sure the ponies stay away along with Twixt’d... the power those two possess…” MetalEtched Claws shivered.

“Go my love we shall try and stop this madness.”

With that Metal Claws and Eternal Beats rushed off to the north side of Hourglass and MetalEtched Claws flew off in the direction of the silo and the pony guard barracks.

As Metal Claws and Eternal Beats made their way to the north they could make out the sounds of a fierce battle. Occasionally the sounds of roaring and shouting could be heard over the din of explosions.

They came to a screeching stop at the edge of the city. There was Soul Fire in his alicorn form along with his rainbow swords floating in his purple and green shifting aura about fifty feet away was Golden DragonHeart. Both were panting and in fighting stances. Ash, smoke, and dust drifted in the air.

“You know nothing of my pain!” Soul Fire yelled out sending all six of his swords at very high speeds towards Golden DragonHeart. Golden DragonHeart spun in a circle deflecting the all six with timed claw swipes.

Metal Claws and Eternal Beats gulped if Soul Fire had brought out all six swords already the may not be able to stop the fight before one of them got seriously hurt or worse.

“AND THE PAIN YOU’VE BEEN INFLICTING ON TWIXT’D!?” Golden DragonHeart roared as he came to a stop. “WHAT OF HIS PAIN?”

“Don’t care.” Soul Fire stated coldly.

Metal Claws gasped at what Soul Fire was saying about his son. That definitely didn’t sound like Soul Fire at all. Soul Fire cared way too much about that whelp. Hell, his sentient title Sentinel was given to him by Twixt’d. Unfortunately Golden DragonHeart was too far gone into rage to think clearly enough to know that Soul Fire was not acting even remotely like he usually did even taking grief into consideration.

Golden DragonHeart had to fling up a shield as Soul Fire’s famous rainbow swords again came at him from all sides. Sparks flew at the swords ground to a halt. Golden DragonHeart grabbed the green and purple one and charged at the white dragon.

He swings were parred by a red and blue sword.

“When you came home from your trip to the eastern continents you brought back more than two clanmates and Twixt’d you brought back the return of your honest cutiemark.” Golden DragonHeart grunted as he shattered the red and blue swords. Soul Fire switched to his natural dragon form dismissing the remaining swords besides the two that Golden DragonHeart and commandeered from him earlier.

“And you dared to tarnish her legacy by not living up to that lesson!?”

He got no response but another attack from Soul Fire. MetalEtched Claws finally showed up as both dragons started to clash claws to swords. Even though Golden DragonHeart was not as skilled with swords he managed to stay up with Soul Fire and even get in some blows. The three dragons nervously watched as the fight escalated and went on for nearly an hour before Golden DragonHeart managed to land a devastating blow, knocking Soul Fire flat on his back. Golden DragonHeart then roared as he pinned the downed dragon.

Both dragons were panting hard from the fight with blood dripped down from numerous cuts and lacerations on both of them. Golden DragonHeart had one paw keeping Soul Fire down, his claws stabbing deep into Soul Fire’s chest and the second holding what was once Soul Fire’s green sword at a downward angle, the tip inches from the neck.

“Do it.” Soul Fire growled out, egging the Dragon Keeper to kill him.

Even though Golden DragonHeart had been on the cusp of another rage incident he hesitated. If he was going to do this is would need to sever the bond. Soul Fire was clearly too deranged to do it on his end so that left it up to him to end their friendship to end his life. After everything Soul Fire had done he knew that was the only recourse now… He had no desire to dishonor Soul Fire but he still had to suffer the consequence of the numerous and grievous infractions of code violations including attempted murder of his firstclaw and maliciously damaging said firstclaw’s hoard.

“DO IT! FINISH THE JOB!” Soul Fire roared at him, rage and hate pouring from his entire being. “OR DO I HAVE TO KILL HIM TO GET YOU TO DO YOUR DUTY!!”

Golden DragonHeart rage temporarily evaporated as confusion took its place. He could not understand why Soul Fire would want this. It was not like him at all... Thinking back everything about the fight had been meant to provoke him to killing him. At first he thought it was just stiffness or grief but now he could see that the dragon was still sharp in his fighting and magic skills. He could now recall several times where Soul Fire deliberately held back with either in his attacks or defense. This was not making any sense and he was going to find out what he was pulling. After that he would end his miserable life.

“What do you mean by that?”

Soul Fire said nothing he only stared back at the Dragon Keeper with the same venom as he had since the whole fight began. This only brought Golden DragonHeart anger back to the forefront. What Soul Fire was doing was the equivalent of spitting at someone or saying ‘screw you.’

“TELL ME OR I WILL TEAR IT OUT OF YOU!” Golden DragonHeart roared pressing the green sword onto the throat of Soul Fire so hard that he began to bleed. For a moment Golden DragonHeart was worried he would have to carry out his threat. As the two dragons bored into each others inner fire Golden DragonHeart could finally see the blaze of Soul Fire’s inner fire die down to that of a flickering candle. Golden DragonHeart didn’t relent as he growled and pressed down just a touch further. He was going to get his answer.

“Fine.” Soul Fire finally relented.

Golden DragonHeart lifted off just enough Soul Fire to give him better maneuverability to speak. But instead of speaking a tiny flame came out and coalesced into a small journal. A journal that he was familiar with. Familiar because he was the one that gave it to her. Legacy Chaser’s journal? Golden DragonHeart looked down at the journal then back to Soul Fire whose gaze stayed on the journal.

“Last entry.” Came a defeated whisper.

Golden DragonHeart quickly flipped through her journal until he came upon the last journal entry.

Dear Journal,

With the Wendigos of the south arctic dealt with we are now heading back to Hourglass. As much as I’m excited to head home to my family and hoard I’m also feel like panicking. I wish to ask Sentinel to become my mate through the Cktrieüs Šüitruls Ezustācija Ceremony. He of Music has assured me that he would accept… and I know too but still… I have so many doubts and I’m not even sure how to bring it up.

Maybe I should ask She of Hourglass how she decided on Quartermaster… I think… Does she even remember from then? When does the dragoness whelp become the adult during mating… maybe I should memory walk it…

I’m so nervous… I would have had He of Music help me but his voice(?) is so powerful that it’s hard not to be lost in it… something about that seems familiar…

Everything was starting to make sense to Golden DragonHeart. He was also wrong. While part of Soul Fire’s recent behavior could have been influenced by some guilt over not doing more to prevent Legacy Chaser’s death the issue was more of a Dragon Code issue. The paradox of some of the codes was that on a rare occasion some had to be broke in order for others to be followed. Soul Fire was faced with the impossible choice. Soul Fire had to chose and because of the type of hoard he had it only made it worse. In the end Soul Fire chose to die. But in order to die he had to break even more codes… No wonder why intangible hoards are so taboo…

Golden DragonHeart recalled numerous dragon chants on the subject of a surviving dragon mate committing suicide to join their other half. While Legacy Chaser technically was not his mate it was clear he had accepted the offer post mortem. Plus being a part of his hoard the loss of her would be similar as if they truly had become mates.

Golden DragonHeart eyes watered as he slowly put down the journal. All of his anger and rage vanished to be replaced fully by an overwhelming empathy and understanding. One of his harmony traits. He almost groaned as he realized if he hadn’t let his emotions control him he could have gotten to this point without resorting to a challenge. I guess sometimes wisdom comes from making mistakes like this… He made a note to remember this for next time.

Soul Fire didn’t even flinched as Golden DragonHeart slowly wrapped himself around him. “Oh, Soul Fire… I… I’m so sorry...” Golden DragonHeart whispered as he started to cry. “You had an impossible choice.”

Soul Fire could hold back no more and the emotional dam burst. “I miss her!” He wailed as he could do nothing else as Golden DragonHeart had him in a tight hug.

“I know Soul Fire… we all do…” With subtle nod from Golden DragonHeart towards them and Eternal Beats, Metal Claws, and MetalEtched Claws didn’t even hesitate as they encircled the two dragons and curled tightly around them.

*I’m sorry for what I put you through Vorac... I just…*

*Never apologize Sentinel. Losing hoard never easy.* Vorac growled. *Quit crying, you dragon not prey...*

*I can’t help it...* Sentinel chuckled as he heard Vorac continued grumbling.

Vorac surged forward in Soul Fire’s mind and Sentinel backed away. Apparently Vorac needed or wanted to do something. Sentinel could feel his tears drying up and having an overwhelming urge to for lack of a better word cough. But instead of a cough he ending up taking a sharp intake while also almost fake hiccuping. It felt more liberating than crying alone so he continued the strange action even as feral Vorac faded back.

None of them even noted the gasping hiccup like sobs coming from Soul Fire. All they cared about was that the healing process had finally started for their friend, brother, and secondclaw. Golden DragonHeart even felt his bond with Soul Fire surge to heights he didn't think was possible. How is this possible? He questioned. “...Like gold purified by heartfire,” came his answer. If he could face slap himself he would. It was so obvious, every crisis, every test they went through only strengthen their bond and reminded him of the meaning behind his name.

Thanks to the thinning that was done on the trees Soul Fire could see that Twixt’d was standing and watching him as he laid in the orchard bird’s nest. He had watched as the whelp snuck out of his silo once night had fallen and slowly made his way to him. It also most reminded him of a certain night months ago. That night was almost as special as the day he chose. He forced his emotions down as he didn’t want the whelp to be aware that he was not only awake but watching him.

He continued to watch as Twixt’d cautiously stepped into his nest. Normally he would have objected for his blatant violation but given the way he had been treating him lately he was not going to say anything. Twixt’d curled up at the opposite edge of the nest facing away from him.

Before long Soul Fire could hear the gentle sounds of sleep. Soul Fire slowly got up, making sure not to shift the gems in a way as to wake the dragon, and slowly inched over towards his friend. The friend he had hurt when he was hurting.

*May I?*

*Go ahead Vorac.* Sentinel didn’t even feel like teasing himself for asking permission. Vorac knew he never needed it. Admittedly, it was strange as Vorac seemed to be mellowing out over time.

Sentinel blinked as he returned. He was ‘hugging’ Twixt’d tightly with one of his wings over the whelp like a blanket. This was not a typical sleeping/lying position for two unrelated dragons to be in. Twixt’d was not his hatchmate nor his son. Normally two or more, sleeping dragons would be side to side. Was Vorac teaching him how to be feral while he was imparting his personality onto Vorac? He didn’t dwell on it as he hugged his former hatchmate tighter and began to purr.

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