• Published 13th May 2015
  • 720 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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Fear Leads to Anger, Hate, Suffering

29 days since the fall of Traxti City

3 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

Before Sunrise, Hourglass

“Come back to us... Your family needs you more than ever…”

Soul Fire barely registered the sound of his firstclaw. All of his senses had numbed to the point that he wasn’t aware that his body ached from standing like he was for so long nor the hunger pains beginning nor the burning thirst.

He of Hourglass walked out of the museum to see that the Hermit of the Oasis was pacing while deep in thought. “Hermit of the Oasis…What are you doing up and here so early in the morning?” The gargoyle looked up and stopped pacing.

“Sentinel…” Scorpan gestured toward the museum.

“Yeah…” He of Hourglass sighed. “I doubt there is much you can do…”

“Maybe… but he’s a friend…”

“I know, and I thank you Hermit…” He of Hourglass place a claw on Scorpan’s shoulder. “Can you do both of us a favor.”

“If it is within my power.”

“Stay in Hourglass until this crisis is over.”

Scorpan really didn’t want to leave his home. He had lived there for so long now. But he also could see the wisdom in what the dragon was wanting him to do. He was a healer and if the fighting were to get worse the ponies here would need his help. Plus, it was a small thing to repay them for their friendship all those years ago. For the respect he saw in there eyes even though his brother was the cause of so much pain for them. “Very well Dragon Keeper. I shall. Though I will need to retrieve some items from my home…”

“Of course, I’ll have Quartermaster help you.” He of Hourglass nodded his thanks, “I must go... The Crystal Empire needs me.”

hE tOOk OUt A drAgOn thAt cOULd UsE hArmOny mAgIc...

yOUr swEEt rEvEngE...

yOU wILL nEEd mE tO gEt yOUr rEvEngE…

Vorac growled. *Shut up demon!*

*Let the demon talk…* Sentinel finally spoke.

*Sentinel!* Vorac growled in annoyance and concern.

The demon manic laughter echoed. Vorac responded with growl. Sentinel may not care but he did. That demon was trying to take out Sentinel and he was not going to let anything or anyone touch what was his.

34 days since the fall of Traxti City

8 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

Afternoon, Ponyville

He of Hourglass touched down near the Crystal Tree Palace. He had some things to gather and he wanted to get a debriefing on Equestria before he headed back to Hourglass. Hopefully his family had been successful in helping Secondclaw.

A diamond dog was standing outside of the council chambers when he walked into the palace. He didn’t appear to be a guard. His attire was more like a servant, a butler even. He was not sure but this could be Ascended One’s diamond dog assistant. He had never seen him before and it was a bit surprising that he wasn’t around the last time he was in Ponyville.

“Where is the pony known as Twilight Sparkle?” He of Hourglass politely asked. The diamond dog remained stoic. The dragon raised an eyebrow at this. While he commended his resolve to not tell him (probably under orders from the Ascended One) he didn’t have the time for this.

He of Hourglass stepped forward frowning he let some of his green fire leak through for effect. “Where. Is. She?”

“Mangy not scared. He don’t talk.” He of Hourglass grinned as he noticed a slight movement downward in the dog’s eyes. It was a start. He could send a scroll but all of his writing tools were taken by that mare and he didn’t take the time to get more.

“Mangy, eh? You are her assistant. She’s told me about you… good things too. Keep up the good work.” He of Hourglass praised the assistant. Though he was being truthful he hoped it would throw the diamond dog enough of his game to get a clue on the alicorn's whereabouts.

As predicted it did throw him off as the dog gulped and tried not to look in the direction of the hall to the dragon’s right. So she’s down that way...

“Dragon can’t go there.”

“Well, dragon can… dragon will.” He of Hourglass lightly mocked the speech pattern of Mangy as he walked down the corridor with the diamond dog tailing him, trying to get in front of him to stop him. As much as he didn’t want to fluster the diamond dog, he didn’t want to invade the diamond dog’s mind either. He didn’t have time for games… and this was the fastest way that he could think of to get the info he needed.

Mangy finally managed to catch up and stood in front of a door. “Dragon must leave.”

“Dragon will not.” He of Hourglass growled as he carefully pushed the dog to the side and opened the door. There had to be a reason for the diamond dogs insistence in guarding this door and abandoning the council chambers… The door led to stairs which he quickly went down.

At the bottom of the stairs was a laboratory. Twilight Sparkle was in the middle of something as she didn’t immediately notice her visitor until Mangy burst past the dragon, panting. “Mistress forgive Mangy…”

“He of Hourglass!” Twilight looked ran to the spark dragon and embraced him in a hug. “Is everything alright in the Crystal Empire… was it a return of Sombra? wendigos, dark magic an attack by that foul dragon, or some other inconceivable villain from our murky past? another changeling hive? the cult?”

“Whoa… slow down…” He of Hourglass soothed the ever increasing panicking alicorn. “The Crystal Empire is fine and the offending party is in Tartarus for her crimes.”


“The mare known as Starlight Glimmer.”

“You didn’t kill her!?” Twilight had a horrified look on her face. She hoped that he didn’t kill her. Starlight may be sadistic but she didn’t deserve death but she knew how He of Hourglass felt after the indicted in Our Town. “I mean I would have thought after what she did…”

“Equestria has no death sentence. Besides what I did to her…” The dragon’s expression darkened. “She will wish I had been merciful… and did that.”

“Cadance and Shiny!” Twilight exclaimed suddenly.

“Relax you brother and mate are fine.”

Twilight breathing finally relaxed as she realized that nothing bad had happened to her brother... that they were safe… for now… And she really didn’t want to know exactly what Starlight Glimmer punishment was if death would have been preferable. “I wish I had something good to report as well but I don’t… More bombings but we are still at a standstill... Discord has attempted to used his expertise in chaos magic to untangle the untieable knot, as it were, but to no success...”

“Keep at it… something has to give...” He of Hourglass sighed. He had figured the impasse would have continued as the Cult had been meticulous so far… Hopefully his clan had made some progress on Secondclaw. He may have some insights on recent events as well as the bombs themselves. For now, though, he wanted to steer the conversation to something a bit more light hearted. “Does the Bearer of Generosity have He of Music’s jacket done yet?”

“Special delivery!” Twilight didn’t even flinch as the party pony appeared out of nowhere with an oversized package. He of Hourglass on the other hand fell flat on his tail. “Oops.” Pinkie giggled as she helped the dragon up.

He of Hourglass rolled his eyes. Pink One was just like He of Music... Those two were almost twins with the way they were. Though, thankfully, He of Music didn’t inconceivably pop out of items like she did… According to He of Music some of her abilities was harmony magic but others things was not. He of Hourglass just subscribed to the it’s just Pink One being Pink One theory. He had enough headaches he didn’t need another one.

He of Hourglass grabbed the package and saw a note was attached to it. His eyes widened in surprise. The writing was not that of the Bearer of Generosity. It was of the Pink One. That alone didn’t surprise him as the package was for He of Music and Pink One and him were friends. “Pink One, this is addressed to Scorpion… Don’t you mean Scorpan?”

“No silly.” Pinkie looked around like to make sure no one was around, even though they were in Twilight’s lab and Twilight was currently snickering, before she motioned him forward. Twilight rolled her eyes and went back to writing whatever notes she had working on. He of Hourglass shook his head in exasperation but decided to indulge her anyway.

He of Hourglass frown turned to a massive grin as Pinkie Pie spoke something into his ear. “Pink One you are one special pony.” He kissed her cheek and pulled away. “Don’t ever change.”

35 days since the fall of Traxti City

9 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

Afternoon, Hourglass

EAt hIs bEAtIng hEArt…

“Sentinel?” Twixt’d questioned as he entered the museum workshop.

As with the every time when he came in during the last week Sentinel was standing in the same spot, still with blood on his scales, and with the same blank expression in eyes. It was as if he was a statue.

skIn hIm ALIvE… SlOOoOoowly...

“Sentinel… I’m sorry… Sentinel… I…” Twixt’d stammered out. Even after a week he had no idea how to talk to him, to help him, to do anything to get him back. ”Please, I want my best friend back...”

Vorac anger was boiling over he was getting tired of the whinny whelp. He was tired of the nightmare demon. He was tired of of dealing with everything right now. Normally Sentinel took care of everything but he wasn’t.

hE's An AnImAL… tEAr hIm ApArt...

“Say something, Sentinel, anything!” Twixt’d yelled in desperation.

“GET OUT!” Vorac roared. He had enough with all of the chatter. He was going to deal with getting Sentinel out of his funk not Twixt’d not He of Hourglass nobody but him. He was not whole until he had Sentinel back. Who was Soul Fire without both Sentinel and himself, Vorac?

pLUck hIs scALEs LIkE A chIckEn...

yOU knOw hOw mUch thAt wILL hUrt...

hUrt hIm LIkE hE hUrt yOU...

mAkE hIm scrEAm...

Twixt’d stumbled out of the museum. He brushed off his scales and then roared angrily at the doors. Once again his best friend would not allow him to help. All he wanted to do was to help him.

Quartermaster watched from a nearby rooftop along with Scorpan as his son took off towards the sparring grounds. There was going to be more broken equipment for him to repair and an angry pony to calm down before the day was over with. He hoped Firstclaw would return soon. Something had to be done and soon.

“Everyday he goes in and tries to get him to say something, do something, eat something…” Quartermaster sighed, clenching his claws in frustration. “and everyday he comes out like that. It’s hurting Twixt’d... He’s hurting Twixt’d. It doesn't’ make any sense!”

“Sentinel is grieving… and sometimes when you are in such a state… you end up hurting the one’s you love…” Scorpan reasoned.

“The problem is he shouldn’t! A mature dragon in hoarding wouldn’t, couldn’t actually, hurt his hoard. Twixt’d is apart of his hoard and Twixt’d is being hurt by Sentinel.”

“A mature dragon?” Scorpan blinked. Sentinel was an alicorn not a dragon. If he recalled what Sentinel had told him on how the codes work, or at least as well as he himself understood. When a dragon matures in a code that code literally becomes a part of the dragon. The code was something that he no longer followed but lived. He was an alicorn and couldn't mature in any of the codes… Of course there was something strange going on with the way that the dragons referred to him. Sentinel, Secondclaw, and the strange phrase ‘his past is murky, even to him…’ “He is an acolyte. He may live by your code but he is still an alicorn and prone to fail the code…”

“He is not an alicorn, Hermit,” Quartermaster snapped. “hasn’t been for months…”

“I’m confused…”

“I would have thought he would have told you.” Now Quartermaster was feeling confused. He would have expected Sentinel to notify the Hermit. Though it would explain his use of the title Harmony… which meant he now needed to explain this to the gargoyle and in a way that minimized any annoying questions. “Uh... what’s the word… she used…” He had only heard it once when the alicorn princess was in Hourglass a few weeks back helping with the ease of transition for the pony guard. He was curious given her age that she was an alicorn. He knew how Keepers came into being given that there was two in the clan. What was that word?! “She explained that she was once just an unicorn then something and now she is an alicorn…”

“Ascension?” Scorpan guessed. He knew she was ascended because of one of Starswirl unfinished ‘masterpieces.’

“Yeah! That’s the word. Sentinel was ascended by Firstclaw a while back… though it didn’t fully take… Until he Chose a few months back.”

“Well, okay then, that would explain the dragon magic, the ash illness, and how it was cured… I see now why he didn’t want to be called Harmony… Sentinel... is a very subtle and suitable… title, I believe is what you call your public ‘names.’”

Quartermaster nodded. “There is, however, something that you are missing…” Scorpan sighed. “When he was an acolyte, because of his fractured understanding of your code and being an alicorn, he had to improvise and find loopholes in order to follow them to the best that he could. Sentinel would be just as brilliant with his understanding of your code. He, of anyone, would know how to work around codes.”

“HE WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING SO DISHONORABLE AS TO MANIPULATE OUR CODES LIKE THAT!” Quartermaster roared. He nearly let loose his flame on the infuriating gargoyle. No way would his hatchmate do something so despicable.

“WILL YOU HEAR ME OUT!?” Scorpan snapped. He understood that Quartermaster was short tempered and doubly so with his worry over his son and Sentinel but he needed to let him explain without jumping to conclusion every fifth word. Quartermaster was again taken aback by the forcefulness and the fearlessness of the gargoyle. “When we were looking into the ash illness and his dragon magic we discussed the code to see if there was a clue in the code that could explain why the illness would flare up and if volitaling could set it off. One of the things we went over was some of the… conflicting codes… is it possible that there is a code could override the inability to harm his hoard?”

Quartermaster nearly went slack jawed at the hermit’s insight. He was right! There was codes that depending on how the dragon prioritized them could override other codes… it was know as the Override Principle… If, for example, a dragon was pursuing two thieves that had stolen from his hoard that went in two totally different directions… The dragon would have to choose which thief to pursue with the likely cost of abandoning a part of his hoard to the other thief… even though a dragon would never abandon his hoard. “You may be on to something Hermit… There are codes that could override it… but I have no idea what code it could be! I should! I mean I am his hatchmate… But, I am not as skilled at memory walking as either First or Second Claw…”

“A swordsperson that loses his cool only cuts himself…” Scorpan mused as he watched the dragon fall into incoherent angry mumblings.

The red dragon stopped suddenly and slowly turned to face the gargoyle. “What?”

“‘A swordsperson that loses his cool only cuts himself.’ It’s a quote from The Art of War. Written by the Warrior King aka Sentinel.” Scorpan explained, slightly amused at the shocked face on the dragon. He himself had just reread the book after He of Hourglass referenced it a week ago. He would have figured that the dragon, by not only being a smith and metal worker but having the book written by his hatchmate, would have read the book front and back .

The dragon shocked face morphed to a serious one. “Do you have a extra copy.”

“Uh, yeah I do… Why…”

“Name your price.”

Scorpan blinked in confusion. That was not what he would had expected from a dragon wanting something… He of Hourglass or Sentinel, maybe, but from what he understood and seen of Quartermaster he was more of a ‘typical’ dragon, personality wise.

“I need that book. I must have it… I will do anything for it. Anything.”

That is more like it. Scorpan thought. “Free.”

“Free?” Now Quartermaster was the one to be confused. He knew that normally speaking that one traded something for something else. Even Sentinel and He of Hourglass did it just not in material things, it had more nuanced than a straight ten bits for an book… or whatever the going was for a book. He really had no idea what the typical exchange rate was… not that he cared he could find practically anything he needed on metallurgy from the library.

“I’m giving it to you for free because one I want to and two Sentinel gave me extras just for such occasions as this.”


brEAk hIm.






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