• Published 13th May 2015
  • 722 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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Sharing, Friendship, Family, Love

30 days since the Nameless One’s escape

4 days since the fall of Traxti City

Early Morning Hourglass City.

Golden DragonHeart stretched, yawned, allowed his wings to materialize and took off towards the orchard. Twixt’d had finished his work as the rest had to be done by Metal Claws. Twixt’d almost wasn’t able to finish yesterday. Not that anyone cared if he had or not.

He of Hourglass noticed that Twixt’d was returning, the rainbow trail fading as he did. He turned to address his Secondclaw about something but stopped. Deep within the glistening eyes of joy that his clanmate was showing was the hint of deep hidden pain. He wondered why this was so. He was now in harmony and nearly everything that had weighed down Harmonious Knight Soul Fire had burned away. He looked a moment longer and nearly gasped what ever this pain was it recent.

Metal Claws luckily didn't see the pain that Soul Fire was dealing with. Soul Fire hid it well but it was clear that something about the adoption triggered a deep seeded pain. It wasn’t the adoption itself. Soul Fire nudged Metal Claws into adopting the whelp. Golden DragonHeart just hoped whatever it was wouldn’t get worse or that he was just over reading him.

He of Hourglass was soon lazily gliding over the orchard. Ahead he could make out the silos rising above the tree line. For the moment he could see neither Metal Claws or Twixt’d. As he was approaching the last and largest one a large red head popped out. Twixt’d soon followed.

“Good morning Quartermaster,” He of Hourglass greeted. ”Twixt’d.”

“Morning Firstclaw” Twixt’d and Quartermaster answered in unison. They both blinked then laughed. Quartermaster grabbed his son roughly and managed to get a claw under his horns to give him a noogie.

“Dad! Stop!” Twixt’d growled knocking his dads claw away.

“Just be glad I don’t lick you like your mom.” Quartermaster grinned as his flicked his tongue at him.

“Damn it dad! Not in front of the Firstclaw!”

He of Hourglass snorted as he attempted and ultimately failed to not laugh. This clearly embarrassed the whelp as he turned away and stalked off grumpily. “No don’t.” He of Hourglass put an arm out to stop Quartermaster. “I got this. He doesn’t know that I may be the firstclaw but I’m also a friend and one day a clanmate...”

“Very well…” Quartermaster swallowed his urge to parent. He knew that it was because Twixt’d was not fully yet dragon in his thinking… He was getting there and the adoption flame helped quite a bit but having essentially never being around dragons had dulled his draconic instincts. Not knowing dragon culture didn’t help either.

“No regrets, Metal Claws, neither you or him were ready.”

Golden DragonHeart slowly approached the whelp. It was clear the the whelp had been crying crossed with anger judging from a couple of scorch marks.

“Why did you have to come and not Sentinel?” Twixt’d growled out.

“Sentinel wants to spend some time with Medallion.”

“Doing what?”

“Why are you so interested in Sentinel?” Golden DragonHeart eyed the whelp. He knew that the adoption flame should have burned away his need to be that close to Soul Fire. Though it could be an unknown effect of his name.

“Nothing… just curious as it’s usually Sentinel and not you that comes by.”

Golden DragonHeart didn’t buy the exclamation but let it slide. “Come. Let’s go for a flight.”


After a few minutes of silent flying it got to be too much for Twixt’d. “Talk Firstclaw.” Twixt’d demanded. “I may not be familiar with family dynamics but I know that this is not just a simple flight. Now spill.

“Are you dragon?!”




“Good.” Golden DragonHeart started to descend towards the hunting grounds. “Let’s land here.”

Twixt’d was a bit confused that he would land in the hunting grounds. He knew that his Firstclaw was not a meat eater. Golden DragonHeart sat down then leaned carefully against a tree.

“Yes, I am your Firstclaw. But…” He started as soon as Twixt’d sat down nearby “I’m more than that. I’m your friend. I wouldn’t have given you my Hoard name otherwise. One day it will be more then friend it will be clanmate... we would be family.”


“When it comes to a dragon’s hoard or hoard name a dragon is always serious. You need to stop being so negative all of the time. I’ve seen when you finally unburdened yourself that you never go back and that you soar to heights unknown.” Golden DragonHeart grinned as wide as he could. “So one way or another we will be friends…”

Twixt’d gulped. He didn’t like the look on the face of Golden DragonHeart, “Oh, horseapples…”

That was all that Twixt’d had a chance to say before Golden DragonHeart lunged at him. Twixt’d managed to shield himself before his rolled a way snapping his tail and growling at the offending dragon. He was pissed that this dragon would try and attack him like this. It was worse then when he sparred with Sentinel before he chose. It was wild and free and after getting over his intentional anger and surprise he found it to be exhilarating and went on the offense trying to bite and scratch the other dragon. Never to blood but he was going to wrestle his friend into submission.

After nearly an hour both dragons stopped, panting and wheezing in exhaustion. Golden DragonHeart could see that the friendship was truly two sided now as he felt the bond between them surge.

“Is this really the way of dragons? To act like hatchlings!?” Twixt’d exclaimed as soon as he caught his breath.

“Yes and no Twixt’d… what we just did has a purpose even though it was fun… it’s to hone your skills… When you one day get to be Quartermaster size you will find fighting like how I or Sentinel or even yourself impossible. Rough housing like we are not only teaches you to fight but it also build camaraderie between us. A dragon that can’t defend his hoard will find his hoard gone one day. Besides ‘fighting’” Golden DragonHeart air quoted. “amongst dragons is more common than you realize. Your father and He of Music are always getting into fights and yet they could be considered best friends.”

“My father seems to be close to Sentinel, but they hardly ever fight…” Twixt’d countered.

“Fighting is not indicative of dragon friendship, but sometimes that is how they are formed. Quartermaster and Sentinel were not always as close as they are now. I had a lot of problems with Quartermaster being suspicious of him until Sentinel saved him from a rage dragon.”

“What about Sentinel and myself… sure we sparred but not the rough and tumble…”

“Hard to say… Sentinel… He tends to make friends based on what he see in their inner fire or character... Remember when you asked about the way I said mine or my in relation to speaking about my hoard?

“Yeah…” Twixt’d forgot his own question he had asked as he remembered.

“Its hard to describe… but it’s means is sigh of a mature hoarder. He does tend to soften or refrain from putting emphasis on the words mine or my when he talks about his hoard but only when he is alone with his hoard…” He of Hourglass explained. “I even asked him once on it and his response was ‘my hoard knows they are mine I’d rather save it for those who don’t so they think twice before trying to hurt them.’ Personally I also think it may have to due with his previous alicorn nature…”

“... I mean is that he tends to only speak when he needs to but when he does he does tend to lecture… and yet he has this way to know everything about you. It’s as if he doesn't need to talk to be friends but to just be with you.” Golden DragonHeart was so far gone talking about Sentinel that he never noticed that Twixt’d had been reliving a memory

“Ow!” Twixt’d lightly smacked Golden DragonHeart with his tail. “What was that for?”

“Only if you can catch me Firstclaw.” Twixt’d smirked at his friend and Firstclaw. ‘Must you be so negative?’ Sentinel I vow to strive to not be anymore...

Golden DragonHeart smirked as he ran after the laughing and retreating Twixt’d. When he gets it he gets it... Suddenly, he lost him in the trees. Golden DragonHeart ducked as he heard the whooshing sound of a flyer coming up from behind him. Nice try, whelp. He grinned as he watched Twixt’d fly away. He flapped his wings and began to fly after him.

Twixt’d looked back at Golden DragonHeart and blew a raspberry before picking up tremendous speed. For the second time in his life he created a Sonic Rainboom. Golden Dragon Heart only chuckled as he avoided rainbow wave. He slowed down to a leisurely rate knowing full well that he could not match Twixt’d in the air.

Something about his flying, though, got him thinking. I can’t be sure without reconsulting the Memories but could he be one of those rare dragons?

Meanwhile in Hourglass City

“What is He of Laughter’s real name?” Legacy Chaser asked as she glanced over at Soul Fire who was preparing a poster for archiving that she found at the stadium.

Soul Fire was so shocked that she would ask such a question that he nearly ripped the poster. “Why would you ask that?

“Take look at this passage in this diary.” She pointed to the dairy she was examining for possible inclusion.

Soul Fire went over and took a look at the indicated passage. Judging from the writing this was a very young persons journal/diary. It took him a bit but he was finally able to get what it was saying. At least it was a short entry:

Ran into the creepiest draconequus ever at the park. Ugly too.

Says his name is Discordo Simetria. More like Demasiados Deformis.

Weirdest name ever.

Soul Fire went wide eyed in shock. He carefully flipped through more pages to see if he could discover more but sadly that was the only entry and judging from how few there were afterwards it was probably written very close to when the city…

“I can’t saw for one hundred percent certain without consulting He of Laughter, but I think this may very well be him being talked about.”

“Neat!” Legacy Chaser took the diary and carefully placed it her special spot. This was worth of inclusion into her hoard. Maybe if she could find more artifacts on He of Laughter she could have a section in her museum on the Keeper. “But I can’t help but think of how much pain He of Laughter went through. I mean I knew from what you said, but to have the historical proof…”

“Legacy Chaser, if you where to learn the backstories of the Keepers you will find similar stories in nearly all of them. Mine is very similar... hated by my own kind for having fur that was nauseating to look at.”

“You know some girls really like the misunderstood bad boys…” Legacy Chaser nuzzled Soul Fire.

“Legacy Chaser,” Soul Fire deadpanned as he pulled away from her nuzzle. “I don’t have a mate and I’m not yours.”

“A girl can dream…”

Soul Fire facepalmed.

34 days since the Nameless One’s escape

8 days since the fall of Traxti City

Noon, Hourglass City.

Soul Fire rushed around the corner of the cobblestone street knocking a few stones out of the street. He slid to a stop at the entrance to the forge. Metal Claws was pacing in front of it and hadn't noticed him just yet. “Metal Claws you called for me? Your scroll sounded urgent.”

Metal Claws stopped pacing and breathed a sigh of relief as he looked down to his clanmate. “Yes, She of Hourglass is about to lay our eggs.”

“Yeah, I know.” Soul Fire raised an eyebrow. He couldn’t see the need for him to be rushing over. The only thing he could think of was that maybe that he needed help to calm down but that was really tenuous of an excuse.

“Somehow I shouldn’t be surprised…” Metal Claws facepalmed, shaking his head. “Both my mate and I want you to be there for the laying…”

“Metal Claws I’m not your mate or your child!” That shocked him. He may be a clanmate but it would be extremely dangerous for him to be inside the hoard right now. The act of laying could make both of them unable to see him as clanmate but as an intruder for a few minutes.

Metal Claws growled in frustration before he took a deep breath. “Secondclaw why must you be like this…”

“Because, one, I will not force myself on another even if it does strengthen my hoard. Two, you both know what happens to dragons for a few minutes during and after the laying. Three, I have a feeling this is to make up for Twixt’d.” Finally, I will never know what it will be like to have children of my own. I don’t know if I could handle it. He added in thought to himself as he didn’t want to marr this occasion with them being reminded he couldn't have children.

“Sentinel there is another reason…”

“You don’t want Twixt’d have to go through the Rite of Guardianship if something happens to you and She of Hourglass?”

“How do you do that?”

“Hoard name.” Soul Fire shrugged. Actually, he suspected the real reason the moment that Metal Claws revealed he wanted him there. He just wasn’t exactly sure until the ones that he listed, the more obvious ones, were rejected.

“Of course…” Metal Claws rubbed his head. Soul Fire did choose a very powerful name.

Metal Claws waved Soul Fire inside. Soul Fire followed right behind. The heat of the forge felt good on his scales but he didn’t slow down and was inwardly disappointed as his scales chilled as he walked away from the large forge. As he walked he could see various projects in various stages of work. Most of the projects where typical for a blacksmith various weapons and in a far corner he could see what looked like dragon armor.

What is this? Soul Fire wondered as noticed stacks of thin ,long bands of etched metal about a fourth of an inch thick and two hoofs wide. This looks almost like siding. What are they planning? He stepped up his pace as he noticed that he was falling a bit behind Metal Claws.

Quartermaster stopped once he reached the far back of the building. Sentinel could just make out Twixt’d wringing his claws together, clearly lost as to what to do. Sentinel put a comforting paw on his shoulder.

Twixt’d barely registered the gesture as he softly greeted him. “Hi Sentinel…” Was all that he could muster before he went silent again.

“I was worried that you wouldn’t make it Sentinel.” She of Hourglass whispered as she noticed Sentinel’s approach. Beads of sweat glistened over her scales. Quartermaster went over to her mate and flicked his tongue at her. She of Hourglass smiled at him and flick her tongue at him in turn before dropping her head to rest.

“It’s time Quartermaster.”

Quartermaster curled up with his mate his tail to her snout and his snout to her tail. He covered the area between them with his wing. A wave of pheromones overcame him as She of Hourglass’ body spasmed. Son will protect. Was the last sentient thought he had.

His first egg was orange with splashes of robin eggs blue. He carefully took the egg and cleaned the birthing fluid off the egg before nudging the egg to the center of the nest. Another spasm coursed through She of Hourglass and Quartermaster quickly moved his attention back to catch the second egg. A pure robins egg blue. He cleaned the egg just like the first one. The last egg was a rich red and looked to be a glossy ruby.

Sentinel struggled to remain coherent during the whole process. It didn’t help that Twixt’d was growling at him in a threatening manner. He had lost himself and in his haze thought Sentinel was an intruder here to smash or steal the eggs. A part of him wanted to smash the eggs but the true part of him knew that it was just the laying that was making him think that.

After some tense few minutes Twixt’d blinked and shrunk back from Sentinel. Sentinel could see that he was in scared out of his mind. Understandable, Twixt’d had not experienced his mind altering temporarily like this before.

“Welcome back.” Sentinel reached out to Twixt’d who knocked his paw away.

“I… I wanted to kill you…”

“I know and what happened is perfectly normal.”

“It’s normal to want to KILL MY BEST FRIEND!!?”

“It’s a magical instinct that overcomes dragons when certain things happen like the laying of eggs… It was only temporary… and you were only trying to protect you hatchmates….” Sentinel rubbed his head sheepishly for once unsure of how to reassure Twixt’d. “Magical instincts are not common for whelps or hatchlings but it does happen.”

Twixt’d didn’t appear convinced at Sentinel's explanation. Lucky stirring from the two mated dragons drew his attention away from his shame. Quartermaster pulled his wing back and lifted himself slowly away from She of Hourglass. She of Hourglass looked relieved but tired as she looked down lovely at her eggs. She looked over to Twixt’d and motioned him to come over “Come on over, Twixt’d. Don’t be shy.”

Twixt’d climbed carefully into the nest. He could now see his siblings’ eggs as the nest walls had obscured the small eggs from his sight. Twixt’d instinctively curled around his siblings. He then carefully rolled them closer to himself. No one was going to hurt his hatchmates. He slowly nuzzled each one in turn as he did he could feel the life of each of his hatchmates stirring within.

She of Hourglass saw this and licked her son in affection. Quartermaster in turn nuzzled his son. Sentinel almost lost it watching the display of dragon love. Alas, he knew that this could never come to pass for him.

She of Hourglass and Quartermaster started to sing over each egg in order. Twixt’d hummed as his parents sung his hatchmates egg names.

Lzlathtojot Lavas Cktar Ratošu Uth Testruütīva.

Cktasarzāt Scktīles Uth Zoss, Üas Thes Cktestīšathu.

Ieüšējs Lieslas Tiü aista Üā Rusīthiel.

Sentinel teared up it was just as wonderful as when his hatchmate’s egg was sung over.

Twixt’d head snapped at the sounds of the adult dragons suddenly growling angrily. She of Hourglass reflexively curled tighter around the eggs and in turn Twixt’d.

“Mom what is going on?”

She of Hourglass turned to face him. Her eyes ablaze in fury. “Something has breached the wards around our home... Something sinister.”

The forge darkened to near black. The fire from the forge providing the only light.

Quartermaster and Sentinel bounded out of the forge, fire seeping out of both of their clenched mouths. The sky was dark and grey with tint of pink from the Hourglass shield.

“What is going on!?” Quartermaster roared in anger

“Dark magic…” Sentinel responded, “and not a type I’m familiar with…”

Meaning!?” Quartermaster nearly let loose his flame at Sentinel. He was not in the mood for guessing games. Not while his hoard and family were under attack.

“Either I have not yet memory walked the right memory or we are going to be in the fight of our lives.”

“I’m coming.” Twixt’d insisted as he walked out of the forge.

NO. Sentinel snapped, barely able to contain his fury. “Protect your mother and your siblings. Don’t let anyone or anything get near the forge and your parents Hoard.”

Author's Note:

Sorry Frsotbite4 for the delay

I'm working on a timeline so you guys can better keep track of the shifting timelines...

On a side note (that I will regret) I am shocked that the dragon in the previous chapter didn't get the 'Was that Quartz?' from Jamesinor

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