• Published 13th May 2015
  • 720 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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An Equestrian Crisis Rises

28 days since the fall of Traxti City

2 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

Afternoon, Hourglass

Scorpan went wide eyed as he walked into the Hourglass Council chambers. He could see a spell matrix embedded into the floor. “It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a spell matrix this complex…”

“My hatchmate, Sentinel, took six months to create the design and assemble it.” Quartermaster explained as he entered.

“I can believe it…” Scorpan looked over his shoulder at the fully grown dragon grinning in pride. “Though you should see the matrixes for the Elements of Harmony. I believe it took nearly Har-Sentinel twenty years just to get the base matrix for the Elements. Then nearly ten years for the specifics for each one. That, of course, doesn't include all of the research the before hand. The Tree of Harmony took about the same amount of time if I recall.”

“How do you know all that?” He of Hourglass wondered. He was aware only because of his Keeper Memories. He also knew that it was long before the gargoyle was alive.

“It’s was one of the things we looked into when he suffered from his magic wasting disease and we were looking at causes and ways to possibly treat or cure it...” Scorpan explained. “Tell me, how is his ash illness doing? I know he has been busy as of late...”

“Cured.” He of Hourglass answered flatly.

“C-Cured?” Scorpan stuttered he almost couldn’t believe it. If it had been anyone else besides He of Hourglass he would probably scoffed it away without a second's thought. “I’m intrigued… and a bit disappointed. I would have expected him to come down to go over the details… and to double check.”

“The… uh…” He of Hourglass nervously rubbed the back of his head. “‘details’ are a bit complex…”

“A bit!?” Quartermaster scoffed before laughing. “Firstclaw please. Sentinel is almost as migraine inducing as that infuriating miserable excuse of mismatched parts of a draconequus. At least my hatchmate doesn’t do it on purpose for some sick, twisted joke.”

“That ‘draconequus’,” Scorpan snapped pointing an accusatory claw at the larger dragon, “is a Keeper of Harmony and if you had even a slight understanding of how his magic…”

“I don’t care… and if…” Quartermaster growled at the gargoyle. He was not in the mood for the gargoyle’s love of the draconequus. Especially not right now.

“Enough!” He of Hourglass roared to stop the soon to be fight. “Quartermaster I know He of Laughter infuriates you but keep it to yourself.”

“So…” Scorpan was glad for the opportunity to return to his original curiosity: the spell matrix in the floor. “Tell me, what does this one do?”

“It allows visual and audio conversation between here and the Friendship Council room in Ponyville.”

“That has to take a lot of power…”

“Yes, it does… but this method is less taxing than the other way...”

“Which is?”

The council doors opened again, interrupting them before Scorpan could get his answer. The Captain of the Hourglass Guard walked in then closed the door behind him. He of Hourglass quickly sealed the room for privacy. He didn’t need the guard getting into a huff if the crisis in Equestria was as bad as he assumed it was. The guard needed to be focused on Hourglass right now and not worrying about home. Not that he didn’t understand the concern for family and friends… but a divided focus could get them hurt and he didn’t want another pony hurt. Not again.

“Captain! Everything squared away with the guard? This may take several hours.” He of Hourglass questioned.

“Yes, Firstclaw.” Captain Phoenix Wave saluted before he took off his helmet.

“Good timing, too. Equestria is calling.” He of Hourglass noted.

“Let me guess a doorbell function?” Scorpan pointed to a pulsating and glowing section of the matrix.

“Yep.” He of Hourglass chuckled as he leaned down and tapped on the glowing section of the matrix.

“Whoa…” Captain Phoenix Wave slack jawed as the famous Friendship Council room overlaid the Hourglass Council. He was too busy looking around to see that Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and a griffon where standing in midst of the thrones that were currently occupied by the Bearers of Harmony.

“Indeed.” Scorpan agreed. He noticed the ponies and griffon but he was more interested in the spell matrix. From the flow of magic he could tell that it was drawing power from something below but not anyone in the room… maybe there was power crystals underneath but he didn’t see anything that would indicate how to recharge them. Maybe he would get a chance to ask later.

“Greetings Hourglass Clan.” Celestia spoke. She noted that Scorpan and the Captain of the Hourglass Guard was in attendance but not Sentinel. She nearly frowned before she returned to a more neutral, serious expression. This did not bode well.

“The same to you Equestria and…?” He of Hourglass responded. He left his question opened ended hoping to find out why there was a griffon in attendance. He assumed the griffon was involved in dealing with whatever crisis that was going on.

“Ah!” Celestia realized that He of Hourglass was wondering about the griffon. “This is Ambassador Grizzle of Griffonstone Eyrie.”

The ambassador bowed. He of Hourglass noted that the various scars that marked the griffons owlish face. Several streaks of grey graced the griffon’s otherwise fully light brown feathered body. Not what he would expect from an ambassador but given the griffon’s militaristic culture he shouldn’t be too surprised.

“I take it Moon Princess then that you were successful in recovering the Idol of Boreas.”

“Yes,” The griffon spoke up happily before Luna could even open her mouth to respond, “and I hear that the Alicorn Keeper was instrumental in motivating Equestria into retrieving it for us. I would like to thank him on behalf of the Equestrian Eyries the Alicorn Keeper has always been a friend to us griffons.”

“I’m afraid he is indisposed at the moment.” He of Hourglass spoke quickly, not wanting his irritation to leak through. He had noted the annoyed look on the dark alicorn's face. Clearly she was not happy and quite frankly neither was he for the rude interruption by the griffon. Not to mention the insulation that Alicorn Keeper was that involved in the recovery. It was clear why Alicorn Keeper would have the Moon Princess do the recovery. He was aware that she was still reeling from guilt and rejection even after fifteen plus years after her redemption.

“That’s too bad I had wished to speak my thanks personally… or as personally as this fascinating spell allows.” Grizzle gestured around. “The Alicorn Keeper is a well known and loved by our people… ever since our own Keeper was killed protecting him.”

“A life debt?” Quartermaster questioned. He knew a little about Keepers and even less about griffons but from he recalled it would seem strange that an alicorn would be so well known and loved by the griffons unless there was a life debt involved. He made a note to find more information later.

“Yes…” The griffon smiled at Quartermaster. “I take it that dragons also have those.”

“We do.” Quartermaster grinned. He was already liking this griffon.

“Ahem.” He of Hourglass fake coughed to get their attention. Social time was over; time for business. “Your letter, Ascended One, indicated that Equestria was in some sort of crisis…”

Twilight motioned to the map table, several red dots glowed on the map. “There have been multiple bombings over several days in Manehatten and Fillydelphia and two more this morning in Las Pegasus.”

“Preliminary findings says it’s the Cult of the Moon…” Luna growled darkly.

“Alicorn Keeper did say that this cult would turn violent…” He of Hourglass examined the map of Equestria. Manehatten and Fillydelphia were east coast cities and Las Pegasus was near the west coast. All three were major cities. As he studied the map he made note of several other major cities that could be potential targets. “Any particular reason you suspect them?”

“They all happened at sunrise and the bomb sites were located at or near charities sponsored by Celestia.” Twilight answered, bringing up images of the charities.

He of Hourglass looked up from the map. “Is that all?”

“For the cult, yes, as we don’t know the endgame for them just yet… It was just one of the things we were hoping for a consultation from Sentinel on.” Celestia admitted. ”But, I’m afraid there is more going on…” She nodded for Luna to speak.

“We have lost all communication from the the Crystal Empire.” Luna’s horn glowed and the map zoomed in to show the Crystal Empire. “We have sent several teams to find out what happened but no word has been heard from them either.”

“How long ago was the last communication from the Crystal Empire received?” Captain Phoenix Wave spoke up. He was familiar with the Crystal Empire as a former member of Equestria’s military. The loss of communication normally would be benign as it happened from time to time particularly in the winter. Benign except that teams sent to check on the issue have also stop communicating. He knew that was not protocol in this situation. Because of rouge winter storms that could surround the empire staying in constant contact was not only protocol it was a matter of life or death.

“Four days ago…” Twilight answered. Phoenix Wave cringed as that was an extreme amount of time without any communique. “Because of how far north it is and the time of the year, this is worrisome. We would go ourselves but the bombings have caused mass hysteria amongst the population and it’s taking all of our efforts to calm them and try to track down the perpetrators before more ponies are killed...”

“Could it be an incursion of Wendigos?” Captain Phoenix Wave questioned. It was the logical explanation and he didn’t to bring up the other possibility… yet.

“Possible, though unlikely.” Celestia shook her head. “The Crystal Heart is quite effective against them… Another, and more likely, possibility is dark magic and given the amount of dark magic in the area over the years specifically from Sombra... It is possible a fail safe of his has been activated. At this point we really don't have any helpful information.”

“Send over any and all intel about the Crystal Empire and Sombra you got.” Celestia and Luna nodded their consent. “I’ll see what we can do to assist on the Crystal Empire. You focus on the bombings.”

“Firstclaw… A word please.” Captain Phoenix Wave motioned for He of Hourglass to follow him.
He of Hourglass nodded, leaving the others, particularly Scorpan and the Princesses, as they discussed methods of magic tracking.

“Yes, Captain?” He of Hourglass grouch downed and whispered once they were away from the rest.

“The Guard should be informed of these attacks. They have the right to know if their friends or family are alright.”

“I shall consider your request Captain. However, my concern is that some in the guard may try to leave in an ill attempt at trying to help or to get revenge… For now you are not to let them know.”

“I understand, Firstclaw. I am a soldier and as are the rest of the guard.”

“Wrong,” He of Hourglass shook his head, “you are a pony with feelings and a valued guest of this clan just as all of the guard are…” He sighed as he looked back at the Princesses and Scorpan getting into an argument. “We should get back…”

“If I may be bold, He of Hourglass, why has Sentinel not returned our firemail?” Twilight asked once He of Hourglass and Phoenix Wave returned. She was thankful as the argument was getting quite heated.

“I may… be able… to answer… that…” Came a familiar out of breath voice. A flash latter and Discord appeared. He stood only for a moment before collapsing.

He of Hourglass was taken aback. He had sealed the room. Though to be fair, he didn’t put that strong of a seal on the chambers. Not that he would complain that the draconequus managed to break through the seal anyway as he was really badly needed. Though judging from the way he looked though he may need help himself. Wait... how did he get in without setting off the clan wards? He of Hourglass thought. Uh… Save that for later.

“Oh, dear…” Fluttershy rushed to Discord, forgetting that she was merely an image to him. She never seen him in such a state. Various cuts covered his fur, where he had fur, was matted in both blood and sweat. “Are you okay?!”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine Flutters…” Discord reassured Fluttershy as he slowly got to his feet. “What happened two days ago?”

He of Hourglass faced a dilemma. He of Laughter, the Diarchs, and Bearers he had no issue letting them know and Scorpan was already aware that Sentinel was not well. He wasn’t sure he should reveal the problem in front of the griffin.

“Dragon Keeper…” Discord was not going to let the dragon remain silent. Too much was at stake right now to worry about revealing ‘weakness.’ “What happened two days ago?”

He of Hourglass sighed. He could see that his claws were tied. “Medallion was killed by the young dark dragon… the same one responsible for the recent Wendigo incursion into Equestria...”

Discord slowly put his hands to his face before he muttered. “Not again…”

That instantly got He of Hourglass to hyper focus on the draconequus. “He of Laughter what do you mean by ‘not again?’”

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