• Published 13th May 2015
  • 722 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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The Magic of Friendship

A/N: Trying to to get a ahold of Frostbite4 over character permissions... Please respond to this issue Frostbite4 on your user page(not mine)...

As History Seeker came out of the library, there was a noticeable bulge in his saddle bag. Storyteller sighed in relief; he had finally found the destined caretaker of They of Hourglass’ child. “You may want this.” Storyteller held out a book, bound in real leather.

History Seeker eyed the book for a second before he took it. Luckily, he had seen a few of these; otherwise, he might have been repulsed. However, he was a bit surprised that he would be getting a book, as Storyteller seemed more interested in oral storytelling.

“How to Raise Your Dragon: A guide to raising a dragon from hatching to Choosing. Approved by the Dragonwyrm Clan.” History Seeker read out the title. “Dragonwyrm Clan?”

“A dragon clan.” Storyteller shrugged. He knew it would annoy the pegasus, but he wanted to finish explaining the ending of the Keeper War, first, and he only had until just before sunset.

Nooooo duh. History Seeker deadpanned in his head as he rolled his eyes. “The word dragon kind of gave that away...”

Storyteller laughed as he laid down to watch, as History Seeker cracked open the book and started to skim through its contents. There wasn’t too much time, but there was enough to let History Seeker skim the book. He shifted a bit to get himself comfortable, or as comfortable as possible. The cobblestone streets of the city were not the most comfortable to lay on, as they were designed for the ease of clawed dragons, after all.

Sanitized version no doubt...” History Seeker mumbled as he closed the book and put it in his saddlebag; there would be time for reading it later. He wanted to know the ending of the Keeper War. Something told him that he would soon find out why they needed a caretaker for this egg.

Storyteller smiled, thinking that it looks like he’s ready. “Ready for the rest?”

Since that infernal beam of light hit him, Golden DragonHeart had been stuck in darkness. He raged around for a while, using flame, claws and teeth until he tired out. That was when he found his ears and eyes assaulted by prey daring to ‘talk’ to him. Prey should be screaming in fright from him; that smell was empowering. Nothing disgusted him more than happiness... and he had so far dealt with five different ‘conversations’ of happiness. Making him more angry was that, no matter what he did in retaliation, the ponies seemed to be unfazed.

“Spike…” A sixth pony appeared; this time it was purple, with wings and a horn.

Golden DragonHeart growled angrily. Damn PREY! He had had enough of them; when he got out of this place, they would taste his flame. He drooled, knowing that their blood would taste so sweet...

I… BUCK THIS! Listen to me, Golden DragonHeart…”

That got Golden DragonHeart’s attention.

“I don’t know if you are still in there… I pray that you are…”

“You know, I don’t know why Sentinel is having us talk to you like you are Spike, and not He of Hourglass... I guess it’s to help activate the friendship magic in us, like that time with Tirek… But I want you back, both of you… You are my friend, He of Hourglass… just as Spike was… do you know why I cried… why I was broken at your choosing? It was because when you chose, I lost Spike… you (as Spike) and I were practically inseparable since the day that I hatched you…

Golden DragonHeart felt something dripping down his face. A wipe from a claw revealed that it was tears. Why is he crying for prey? Crying was for the weak…

“I knew I picked right with you…” A new, very young sounding voice called out. Golden DragonHeart looked over to see, standing not too far from him, a purple and green hatchling. The hatchling smiled and waved.

Golden DragonHeart roared at the newcomer before charging at it. Whoever this was, he would rue the day he approached him like this. He was already enraged by the six prey things he couldn't seem to hurt, but whoever this dragon was, he appeared to really be there. Which meant that he finally had a target for his wrath.

All the hatchling did in response was to raise a single claw. In that moment, Golden DragonHeart stumbled and crashed over himself, as an immense pain came over him. He screamed from the pain, as he felt himself being both filled and torn into pieces at the same time. A dark, tar-like ooze poured out of every orifice. Soon, Golden DragonHeart collapsed in exhaustion.

The dark substance then congealed into a dragon. This dragon looked deformed, his eyes glowing a sinister red. This dragon roared, and attempted to charge the hatchling.


Golden DragonHeart blinked at the shear strength of the roar that came from the hatchling. He didn’t think that would be possible. Who is this hatchling? The hatchling then crossed his arms, not fazed by the furious dragon, further confusing the spark dragon.

“Begone to the void!”

The Bearers of Harmony rushed forward, and began to circle around the dragon. The dragon attempted to burn and slash at them, but found them to be unfazed by it. Furthermore, when the dragon slashed at the ponies, the dragon roared in pain. Faster and faster did they spin around, until all that could be seen was a blur of color. The dragon gave out one last roar of defiance before the light became too much for Golden DragonHeart, and he found his vision turning white.

As everything faded away, the voice of the hatchling called out. “You did well… my child.”

Sentinel blinked as his vision slowly returned. He just hoped the friendship magic worked.

What he saw was encouraging. There, on the ground, was the curled up form of what He of Hourglass used to look like before his transformation into a rage dragon. Sentinel breathed a sigh of relief. So far, so good, but the real question was, did they manage to save Firstclaw?

Sentinel quickly made his way to Firstclaw, with Scorpion not far behind. Sentinel could see in the corner of his eye that Twixt’d had stopped looking for the injured, and was hovering nearby. Sentinel landed near He of Hourglass, who was trying to back away, unsuccessfully. He motioned for Scorpion and Twixt’d to stay back.

Fear and terror was etched on He of Hourglass’ face. This pained Sentinel, but he understood why Firstclaw would be like this. Technically, becoming a Rage Dragon was dishonoring, which is why, whenever a rage dragon was killed, the dragon was to be skinned, quartered, and the head mutilated(more like pureed). Sentinel looked up towards his home of Hourglass. Speaking of that, I still need to do that to that one’s body… Sadly, we can’t risk that with the Nameless One; his body will have to be vaporized by Harmony or Friendship magic...

“Firstclaw…” Sentinel looked back at He of Hourglass.

“I’m a failure as a dragon… as a Keeper… and as a Firstclaw.”

“You are no failure. You fought valiantly against the rage, and against pressure that would have made most crack long ago…”

“You should have killed me… I wanted to be a rage dragon. The power… it was intoxicating and… I am Dishonored...

“Firstclaw…” He of Hourglass flinched away from Sentinel’s paw that was reaching out. Sentinel sighed as he put down his paw and moved closer. “Come now, my hatchmate, stop this.”

“I… I’m not your hatchmate and… and I don’t deserve to be your hatchmate...” He of Hourglass curled into a tight ball when he could no longer scoot away, due to finding his back against some debris. “Who would want a dragon worthy of the Dishonored Mark as a hatchmate?”

Sentinel chuckled, confusing He of Hourglass. He leaned down and wrapped the shaking dragon in a hug and whispered into his ear. “Want has nothing to do with it Lirtzošs Tzirüsteles Tulsā Üas tot Cerīsu…”

He of Hourglass gasped. He instinctively knew that the name just whispered to him was his egg name… which meant that his secondclaw… Suddenly, he could feel the bond between himself and his secondclaw change again. His love and care for his now hatchmate increased… but it also made what he did worse. Now, he didn’t want to get away and run away; now, an overwhelming urge to lay down in the position of a dishonored and await his punishment from his elder sibling came over him...

All this time?...Why didn’t I make the connection!? True, I had forgotten everything before my choosing, but still! My egg was the one he went through the Rite of Guardianship for! I should have made those connections! My first Journal entry, three days after my Choosing… The day I inadvertently began the clan, when Secondclaw referenced the night of my choosing… And those were the obvious ones!

Sentinel could see that He of Hourglass’ turmoil was increasing. He knew that some of it was over He of Hourglass’ failure at seeing the signs of being his hatchmate. That he could handle, but his body was still still trying to get into a position that he would NOT allow his firstclaw to get into. “May I suggest memorywalking my memories… It will help you understand my love for you.”

He of Hourglass blinked when Sentinel said this. When he come out of the darkness, several things about him had been changed. One of those changes was a new set of memories, of a similar type as his Keeper Memories. He didn’t think they where clan memories, as those would not manifest until he slumbered the first time. He quickly dove into those new memories, but, as soon as he began to walk them, he got out. He now fully understood why it was difficult for his secondclaw, from being able to find the right memories. He groaned from the headache he got from just a second of being in Secondclaw’s memories.

Why would he do that? “You gave me your memories!? A Dishonored dragon!?”

“I would gladly take the Dishonored Mark just to be with you.“ Sentinel whispered as he licked his hatchmate’s head, knowing it would calm him down. And soon, just as he knew would happen, the shaking dragon calmed down and became semi-relaxed. He then cupped He of Hourglass’ head and lifted it up, so that they could see eye to eye. “Can you please stop pulling a Luna?”

He of Hourglass blinked, temporarily confused. Pulling a Luna? He then inwardly groaned as the answer came to him: the Tantabus.

Sentinel’s concern began to fade as he saw the guilt start to fade away. He knew it would take some time for it to fade completely, but at least, it was a start. Sadly, what happened to He of Hourglass was unprecedented… There was no code on this that he knew of, as nodragon before He of Hourglass had ever managed to come out of Rage Growth.... so there was no using Medallion’s legacy to incite maturity in any code to rid He of Hourglass of it completely.

“You really gave me your memories?”

“From the very first to the very last, just before my arrival to the battle… minus a few things I can’t tell you because of the code, mostly hoard names and the Rite of Guardianship…”

“But really, why?”

“I suggest you meditate before trying to dive into my memories again.”

“You are not going to tell me are you?”

Sentinel smirked, giving He of Hourglass his silent answer. Before He of Hourglass did anything further, Sentinel moved to the side, allowing Twilight and the Bearers, who had made their way next to Scorpion during this, to surge forward. Sentinel looked around to see that Scorpion was not too far off, and looking unsure. He motioned for him to approach. He did not see Twixt’d anywhere. He was not too concerned, yet, so he turned back to He of Hourglass, and nearly lost it.

The Bearers had piled around He of Hourglass. All of them were hugging and crying. What really got to Sentinel was the reaction of his hatchmate. He of Hourglass was caressing Twilight and trying to soothe her, while also falling apart, himself. Sentinel struggled to not burst into tears himself. The sight was bringing him such joy. This was truly his hoard, at its best.

“I’m so sorry Twi… that I caused you so much pain again… I’m such a terrible brother...” He of Hourglass was bawling by this point, nuzzling Twilight’s head.

At first, Twilight didn’t respond to He of Hourglass’ apology; she just kept hugging, nuzzling and crying into the dragon. She was glad to have He of Hourglass back. She didn't know how he managed to reverse the transformation, as she remembered that, according to everyone in the know, there was no coming back from a rage dragon transformation. Suddenly, two of the words the He of Hourglass had said finally clicked in her mind. Twi? Brother? Why would he say that?

Twilight looked up to see that He of Hourglass was looking down at her in a way that she had not seen in several years. It was a look that He of Hourglass never gave her, and the few times she saw him interact with the other clan members, she never saw it either. It was a look that only Spike and her brother, Shining Armor, gave her. “Spike?”

“The one and only… sis.” He of Hourglass managed a small smirking grin. He couldn’t help but tease the sister he had been forced to forget when he Chose. He found himself missing doing that. “But you should know better then to call me by that name anymore…”

“Bu-but... H-How?” Twilight stammered out. Sentinel had shown her Spike’s choosing, and how his memories shattered and faded away. She knew that there was no way to fix that; even the elements lacked that power. You can’t restore something that isn’t there anymore. Was it that maybe friendship magic had that power?

“I don’t know how… yet.” He of Hourglass admitted as he looked over at Sentinel. He was sure Sentinel had some idea of what had happened. Sentinel didn’t react to his gaze, other then to smile joyously. So much joy was radiating off him that his inner fire was shining through his eyes, just like that day in the Plane of Harmony. He of Hourglass shook his head slightly to pull himself away from those eyes, however tempting it was to get lost in them. “All I know is that, before I was consumed, I saw all six of you talking to me like I was Spike and telling me about what you thought of him…as a friend…”

“But silly, you are him…”

He of Hourglass chuckled as Twilight cringed and the other Bearers groaned. He wasn’t mad at Pinkie’s outburst. “Technically, true, but, at the time, I did not have any memories of when I was Spike. But now… now I remember everything… like I never lost anything at my Choosing…”

“As should be.” Vorac finally spoke up.

*Hey!* Sentinel laughed. *You stole my line.*

*Can’t steal, already ours.* Vorac growled out.

“Yeah...” He of Hourglass agreed, smiling initially, before it faltered a bit. “Twi, I am so sorry you had to go through all that pain the night of my Choosing, but I knew if I didn’t then… I always wanted to protect you… all of you. You are the ones I considered family, as I was growing up… and, in a way, still do…”

“I have put up a sound bubble.” Sentinel piped up, knowing where He of Hourglass was planning to go with this.

He of Hourglass snorted in amusement. Of course his clutchmate, as always, seemed to be one step ahead of him. His ability to know exactly what anyone was thinking was spooky… almost Pinkie Pie spooky.

“Girls…” He of Hourglass began, his face turning a bit red as he did.”That is I.... I want to add you into my hoard.

“Twilight, I think you messed up the friendship beam...” Rainbow smirked. “Our dragon has turned into a Fluttershy…”

He of Hourglass went bright red; meanwhile, Fluttershy eeped and hid in her mane.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity admonished the giggling mare. “Go on darling…”

“I want to add you as… uh… treasures-for-my-hoard.” He of Hourglass closed his eyes after he quickly spouted out what he wanted for the first time, embarrassed to have to ask to hoard something.

For a while, nothing was spoken. Suddenly a hoof lovingly caressed He of Hourglass’ snout, prompting him to slowly open to his eyes. What he saw made his heart soar. Twilight and the Bearers were looking up, with their eyes shimmering in tears and love.

“Sugarcube,” Applejack put her hat on her heart. “Shucks, Ah think Ah can speak for us all when Ah say yah nevah had tah ask.” The other Bearers nodded their agreement. “Buh ah bettah not see yah counting mah grass… again.”

“On my honor as a dragon, I won’t… However, I may still count how many leaves are in your trees.”

“Bwhaahaha!” Rainbow Dash burst into laughter as Applejack facehoofed

He of Hourglass smiled at each of his precious treasures, his first, true treasures. “My Hoard name is Golden DragonHeart. By giving you my hoard name, I have marked you as ones I will protect and love... Not as gold and gems, but as one would with a wild flower in the field.”

The girls, even Rainbow Dash, awwed. Rarity went one step further and kissed He of Hourglass’ check.

He of Hourglass gasped, then touched his check. “I will never wash this check.”

That elicited a laugh from the ponies.

During this, He of Hourglass found himself taken a bit aback, due to the amount of love he was feeling through the bonds he had with his hatchling family. He knew that they loved him, but he never could feel it like he did right then. The guilt he had over the years of forgetting about them, the events of the past few weeks, and especially that day, was quickly being drained away.

He looked around to see Scorpion and Twixt’d a little ways away. They. like Sentinel and the girls. had only beaming faces. He of Hourglass’ gaze locked onto the whelp. There was something that seemed different about Twixt’d. Did he just figure out what I think he did?

“Where is Quartermaster?” Twixt’d suddenly and frantically questioned before taking off.

Sentinel gasped as, in his concern over Firstclaw, he had forgotten about his hatchmate. He had no idea where Quartermaster was; he had lost track of him after he was… Sentinel shot up into the air along with Twixt’d, and began scanning the battlefield for any signs of Quartermaster. “I found him!” Sentinel called out, and was nearly knocked out of the sky by Twixt’d as he zoomed past him, and in the direction where he had indicated that he saw Quartermaster.

“What is going on?” Twilight wondered at the sudden change in the demeanor of the clan. She had not seen Quartermaster since the girls and her began to concentrate on bringing forth the friendship magic transformation like before. “Is Quartermaster okay?”

He of Hourglass did not answer Twilight. He knew that his attack on Quartermaster was severe. He slowly got up. “Stay here.”


“Twi,” He of Hourglass gently cupped Twilight's muzzle so that she could see him eye to eye. “This is a clan matter... I need… I need…”

Twilight could see the pain and the fear in his eyes. She remembered watching in horror as He of Hourglass savagely attacked his own clan. She hoped that Quartermaster was merely injured and nothing more. She could not bear to see her brother carry so much guilt.

History Seeker could guess what happened next; it was too obvious, by the fact that the egg was in the library, and not in the forge… Unless, in the years following the war, a different dragon pair had laid eggs… He really hoped it was the latter over the former, no matter how much his heart wailed the first.

“Do you need a moment?” Storyteller noted the crying and sniffing coming from History Seeker. It was a sad tale, and it wasn’t over.

“No, I think I can handle it…” History Seeker sniffed, wiping away the tears. He wanted to hear the rest, and it was no longer just for himself, but the child he was soon going to be taking care of. He made a mental note to ask more about the clan, as he knew that the Clan began a few years before the war, and he wanted to be able to tell the child as much as possible about his or her parents. “What happened next? I need to know... for the child.”

“Well, well, well… if it isn’t a pair of trespassers…” A voice echoed out.

History Seeker tensed up at the sound of the voice that he was sure had come from behind him. He knew it had been too good to be true. He slowly turned to see who spoke.

Author's Note:

I think writing AJ's accent is harder then Zeccora's rhyming. I guess I should be glad there hasn't been a AJ Zeccora ship yet with a child Zeccorajack and accent and rhyming...*shutter*

Cue the wild speculation on the purple and green hatchling:trixieshiftright::moustache:

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