• Published 13th May 2015
  • 720 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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Song of Closure

28 days since the fall of Traxti City

2 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

Afternoon, Hourglass City

“He’s... waken... Dra... Keep…”

“He of Mu... hear ...?”

“No, don’t ... talk…”

He of Music eyes finally opened. He blinked a few times to get his vision back. He could see He of Hourglass, his sparks were unusually slow and blueish, and the Hermit of the Oasis standing nearby. On either side was the familiar buildings of Hourglass. Apparently, he had been rescued...

Medallion! He try screaming but found that he couldn’t open his mouth. He started thrashing about trying to break free. He had to find Medallion before it was too late. That bastard of a monster...

“Whoa, He of Music calm down… you're safely back in Hourglass.” He of Music stopped as soon as he realized that the reason that he couldn’t speak was that his firstclaw had his mouth clamped shut with his glittering aura. He relaxed, if only slightly.

“Your firstclaw has shut your mouth due to an injury you have to your vocal cords. You need to remain silent.” Scorpan added.

“I will teach you the spell so you can project your thoughts.” He of Hourglass put his claw on the tip of He of Music’s snout. The knowledge of how to project his thoughts soon entered his head.

*Medallion?* He of Music hesitantly questioned. He tried looking around but his vision was obscured by the fact he was between two buildings and that the gargoyle and spark dragon were standing right in front of him.

He of Hourglass mouth was suddenly dry as he tried speaking but found himself unable to from anything. He had a day and a half to prepare for this and yet when the time came he had no idea what to say. How could he tell He of Music that Medallion was gone?

*MEDALLION! WHERE IS SHE!?* He of Music roared with his thoughts.

Scorpan winced from the mana pressure produced from the mental roar. He of Hourglass put his arm out and motioned for him to get behind him. He could tell that He fo Musics rage was escalating to dangerous levels. His wings shimmering into existence as he readied himself for whatever He of Music might do.

*No no no no…* He of Music panicked, trying to deny the truth that was slowly creeped into his heart. *She has to be alive no she can’t be dead I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT.*

With renewed strength and adrenaline He of Music surged forward trying to slash at anything he could reach. He just didn’t want to believe that she was dead. He should have done more he should have been more careful! Why did he survive but not her? It wasn’t fair.

He of Hourglass grabbed He of Music snout roughly anger pouring off of him. “HE OF MUSIC!” He roared, shocking He of Music to silence. “It is not your fault. NEVER. You did everything possible. Don’t tarnish her legacy. I don’t ever want to hear you bemoaning that you could have done more. You hear me? Or I will kill you myself.”

He of Music nodded He would expected this reaction from Sentinel not from He of Hourglass. That was until his firstclaw wrapped his wings around his head or as much as he could given his size. “However, it’s okay to grieve.”

Even though he ached all over he needed to do something. He started to rise but the stiffness and pain in his body worked against it. He need to grieve in the only way he could through music through his hoard so that a part of her would always remain with him.

“Whoa, whoa… Easy, He of Music…” He of Hourglass gently helped the dragon up and on to his haunches.

He of Music nodded his thanks to his firstclaw. He slowly pulled his guitar off his back. The adrenaline from before was wearing off and he was starting to feel pain from his injuries especially the ones that he aggravated from the thrashing he just did.

He of Hourglass took note of the guitar. When he first received the guitar on the night of his choosing the guitar was more cartoonish, smooth in its shape now it looked more like a deadly scorpion now. The edges had a strange burnt look to them. Strange...

He of Music slowly began to play. As he did He of Hourglass’ grief fell upon him anew. Even Scorpan was effected. He had to betray his brother for the wrong he was doing and it still hurt him as he still and always would love his brother.

A rumble could be heard and both He of Hourglass and Scorpan look up to see that the sky was rapidly becoming gray. A pouring rain started to drench Hourglass. He of Hourglass grief was momentarily replaced by confusion. It never rained in Hourglass on occasion mist would form but never any rain.

He of Music continued playing as if it wasn’t raining. The sadness in his playing only enhanced the dreariness of the rain. And yet there in the midst of the sadness was a theme of hopefulness that the rain would end and the sun would return. That the rain would wash away the grime and the sun to dry and bring back warmth that was lost.

The heaviness in his heart that had gripped him since Medallion death lifted. It was as if the rain was washing it all away cleansing him of his pain. As his pain left him the sun peeked through warming his scales. Like the dawn of a new day. He didn’t even realized for a few moments that He of Music had stopped playing.

Whoa his power with soul songs has increased, dramatically. He of Hourglass mused. “He of Music can you do me a favor?” He of Music said nothing but the look in his eyes told him everything. “Write what you just played down as sheet music… I… want to put it up in the library and in… in her hoard, the museum...” Even as he thought on her the pain did not return the song had done its job. He knew he would miss her always but he would always have her in his hoard. She really was a precious flower in the field.

“A worthy piece of music for remembrance that I have ever heard.” Scorpan finally spoke up.

“Yes… I…” A memory from the past overcame He of Hourglass.

“You want me to cure the enamel on this?” Golden Heart eyed the cartoonish scorpion guitar.

“Yes it’s made with Nova’s scales and a dragon's fire will be needed to cure it properly. I have extra metal with enamel for you to practice with.”

“Wouldn’t it be better for Quartermaster to do this?” Golden Heart questioned, not that he wasn’t thrilled to do something like this but given this was metal he had more expertise.

“Normally, yes, but Quartermaster and Nova don’t exactly see eye to eye… That and it may take dragon magic as well to cure it. This guitar will be the most unique guitar in the world when it’s done… who can say that the their guitar is made from not only dragon’s scales but their own...”

Golden Heart smiled as he took the guitar and the metal plates. Harmony was right it would be unique and he wouldn’t be surprised if Nova would cherish it dearly. He slowly put them down on his desk. He would work on it in a bit. A question that had been playing on his mind for a while resurfaced.

“Exactly what did he do?”

“If you think the guitar is for him bringing back my joy, no…” Harmon chuckled. “I planed to get him a guitar before then… The night on the train to Ponyville when he casually initiated a Harmony song…”

“Not that, He of Harmony...” Golden Heart waved dismissively, smiling. He figured that Harmony was already planning to get Nova Blaze something to help his natural talent just not such a custom and unique piece.

“Ah…” Harmony exclaimed, apparently understand what he was implying. “His playing, Golden Heart, his playing… he played the most heart wrenching song possible but at the same time was also…” Harmony’s frown upturned, “hopeful…”

Tears welled up in the spark dragon again. He of Music had inadvertently healed him of his pain over Medallion’s death through song just like he had healed Harmonious Knight of his pain. The last time it secured him a spot as a clanmate this time if he was willing...

“He of Music, again I feel that I owe you more then I can give to you for what you just did… Though I shall always miss her you have washed the pain away and lifted the heavy burden from my heart… Would...would you do me the honor of the Fire Tail Ceremony?”

He of Music blinked hard, not sure if he heard correctly. He opened his ears in hopes that it would allow him to hear better. Of course he would become hatchmates with anyone in the clan including Twixt’d though he was a bit surprise that it was He of Hourglass that first offered and not Sentinel. *Did I hear right?*

“Yes. Will you fire tail with me?”

*Firstclaw, of course I would.*

“I must protest!” Scorpan snapped. The word ‘fire’ in the name of the ceremony indicated something to do with fire and with He of Music’s injury… that posed a serious issue. “His vocal cords are bruised and while they usually wouldn’t be affected by fire right now...”

“It’s okay…” He of Hourglass spoke softly to soothe the angry gargoyle. “I will use a spell to temporarily protect the vocal cords.” He of Hourglass put a paw on He of Music throat and poured a protect spell on the area. “Okay He of Music.”

He of Music quickly spit out a small amount of neon blue fire on his tail. Not that he didn’t trust He of Hourglass skills he also didn’t want to hurt his vocal cords any more than they were. He of Hourglass blew his own green fire on his tail. As one they held their tails together. Scorpan winced as he could smell the acrid smell of charring flesh.

“And I thought chimeras has weird rituals…” Scorpan muttered as he watched the two dragons clean their tails of the char.

The two new hatchmates look at each other then at the gargoyle before bursting into laughter.

“The Fire Tail Ceremony… it’s a ceremony that…” He of Hourglass started to explain.

*Makes two adult dragons hatchmates…* He of Music finished.

Scorpan blinked. What they just said made little sense to him. True, he had very little working knowledge of draconic culture, but even he could see the camaraderie between the dragons that seemed more than just ‘friendship.’

“The ceremony makes us hatchmates before we treated each other as hatchmates. To a dragon that a big difference.”

“Ah…” Scorpan nodded in understanding. There was some aspects that intrigue him or left him confused but that could wait. He approached He of Music with a jar of tonic for him to take now that he was conscious. “He of Music, I have a tonic that you will need to take once a day for at least a week. It will help with the healing process. Until I clear you I need you to avoid talking, growling, roaring, and fire breathing if at all possible as it may aggravate your injury. I know this was a special occasion but please refrain from using magic to protect your cords either.”

He of Music nodded in understanding as he took the jar filled with weird, sickly green stuff. He did not like the looks of it. But if it was to help heal apart of his hoard then so be it.

*Ugh, that is nasty!* He of Music gagged as soon as the glop hit his tongue. He almost spat it out before he forced himself to swallow it. *What is in that?*

Scorpan smirked as he thought How many times have I heard that one before… “Trust me, you do not want to know.”

*I’m going to need gem mouthwash.*

“Nah, just a spoonful of sugar.” He of Hourglass joked. “What?” He smirked when he saw the surprised look on He of Music. “You’re not...”

A letter interrupted him. It had the seal of the Equestria diarchs on it. Odd as they almost never contacted him directly. They usually went through Alicorn Keeper as the ponies were his duty. Not that he didn’t keep in contact as they were allies against the “Nameless One” and that damn dark dragon. But usually it was not sealed. This only meant that something must be going on that needed his immediate attention.He of Hourglass,

What is going on? We have tried the past two days to get a hold of Sentinel but he is not responding. Equestria is in crisis and we could use his advice on the matter.

TwilightHe of Hourglass sighed heavily as he rerolled the scroll. It appeared that Secondclaw was really messed up if he was slacking in his duties as a Keeper. He would look into the matter after dealing with whatever was going on in Equestria.
And here I was thinking I was useless… He of Hourglass shook his head in disbelief. The fates are really liking me right now… “Hermit of the Oasis is the guardpony well enough to be watched by one of the medics?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Secondclaw… he… the Alicorn Keeper is in shock and clearly blames himself for what happened to Medallion. It’s clear he is not able to function right now well enough to do his duties as a Keeper. I’m not as skilled as the ways of war…”

“Dragon Keeper neither am!” Scorpan began to protest the implication that He of Hourglass was insinuating. “I more or less tagged along with my brother Tirek in his ill conceived notions of invading Equestria and stealing pony magic. He was quite charismatic... and persuasive. Manipulative even...”

“War is not won on the back of warriors alone…” He of Hourglass mused.

Scorpan’s ears pricked at He of Hourglass statement. It sounded a bit familiar. “That sounds like something, uh… Sentinel would say.”

“Uh yeah…” He of Hourglass gave a small smile at that. “It’s a quote from the book The Art of War.”

“The Art of War…” Scorpan nodded, “that book sounds familiar…”

He of Hourglass looked up to Captain Phoenix Wave walking by in his full captain gear. Most likely heading to the infirmary to visit the hurt pony. The captain was taking the fact that one of his ponies was hurt hard. According to Alicorn Keeper the Captain was an orphan and felt that those under his command were family so that an attack on one of them was a personal attack on him. Got him into trouble with the command of the Equestrian Military because he was very vocal if he felt somepony even those in command put his ponies into unnecessary danger.

“Captain! Good timing!” He of Hourglass called out motioning for the captain to join them. “I need you go get Quartermaster and report to the council chambers in one hour.”

“Right away Firstclaw.”

Ascended One,

Gather the Bearers and the princesses for a meeting in one hour.

He of Hourglass

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