• Published 13th May 2015
  • 720 Views, 267 Comments

At the Twilight of Harmony - Rammy

The Keeper War has begun. Can the Hourglass Dragon Clan defeat the Nameless One before harmony falls?

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Intermission III: Bedroom Topics Should Stay There

“You know I don’t think I’ve ever seen that kind of expression before…” Storyteller suddenly stopped his story. “It appears to me as a mix of horror, revulsion, embarrassment, and just a touch of lust.”

“Buh... wha... you... are you some pervert or something!?” I nearly shouted after angrily sputtering the first couple of words. This hermit must do this as a way to jerk himself off or something… All that is left in the hermit cliches is murder... It was then that I realized that I might have said something wrong as I noticed that Storyteller was just staring at me, or at least I think he was. (I really wish he would remove his cloak) After what was for me another in a series of tense moments he burst into howling laughter. I nervously chuckled a bit.

“I wouldn’t worry about the homicidal hermit cliche…” Storyteller finally said after allowing his laughter to die out. “I don’t kill sentient beings except in self defense…”

For a moment, my brain stop working. And it wasn’t from him doing the whole the creepy ‘I not reading your mind I just know’ routine. That, sadly, I’ve come to expect. It was the other thing he said and all my brain could do was repeat ‘I don’t kill sentient beings except in self defense’ over and over.

As my brain finally got it’s gears moving, I came to realize that the statement was a loaded one. Because if it meant what I thought it meant it meant that he does kill non sentient beings which means he ain’t no pony… unless being a hermit drove him crazy enough to start eating meat... It would explain the reason he never ate in front of me. Probably figured I couldn’t handle it in my weakened state… To be honest, I don't think in a non weakened state would I be able to handle it well...

“Well…” Storyteller stretched and yawned and yet still managed to remain hidden to my increasing chagrin. “It’s time for you to rest and get some sleep. You need to regain your strength and an all nighter is not going to do that for you.”

I myself yawned heavily as he said this. As much as I was enjoying the story, even if it seemed a bit fantastical, I wasn’t going to complain. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

I awoke to the sounds of the fire crackling. I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes and looked over to see that the fire was now pink. Beside the pink part, the fire was... it looked forced. Not sure how a fire could look forced…

At the edge of the fire was a rolled up scroll tied with a ribbon. With curiosity and concern for it being close enough to burn I got up and quickly grabbed the scroll. As I grabbed it, the fire seemed oddly cool and not blazing hot like a fire should be. I slowly reached out with the tip my wing towards the fire.

“What are you doing?” Came an angry voice from behind me.

I fell backwards in fright and with much shaking I turned to see Storyteller right behind me. “I… was… um…” I held out the scroll which he promptly took and buried in the folds of his cloak.

“You thought that the scroll had fallen, rolled over the the fire somehow, and that the heat might damage or set it on fire?” I quickly nodded hoping that being honest might placate his anger. “Commendable, but wholly not necessary, and I suggest to leave what is not yours alone. Misplaced curiosity is quite dangerous… lethal in some cases…”

I involuntarily gulped at those last words. I had fallen into a trap that I should have seen. Too many times have I heard stories (or seen the aftermath) of tomb raiders or explorers letting their greed or curiosity blind them to obvious booby traps. The question was now was if I would survive or leap heroically out of the way at the last possible second.

“Okay, enough of this bad horror cliche… Ready for breakfast?”

My jaw dropped at the turn around though I was relieved that it was the second outcome not the first one. A faint gurgling sound coming from my stomach answered Storyteller’s question for me as I was still trying to get my heartrate down. Somehow, I can imagine Storyteller smirking under that hood. He left the den and returned a moment later with a covered platter and a glass of orange juice. I carefully lifted the lid and saw a bowl of oatmeal with apple slices, hash browns, and two slices of buttered toast. After a whole day of herb broth my stomach was ready for real and filling food as it growled loudly. I could hardly control myself as I dug right in.

“Okay, this is going to bug me...” I momentarily stopped stuffing myself and looked up wondering what Storyteller was grumbling about.

He went and stood in front of the fireplace. Between the way he stood and his cloak the fire was blocked from my sight. When he moved away the fire was no longer pink and fake looking. It looked like a normal fire... except for being white.

I stared for a moment more I returned to my breakfast. Before too long I had eaten everything and had even licked the bowl clean. For someone who lived in the middle of a desert he sure had fresh and flavorful food. I don’t think I ever had such tasty apples.

“So... I am confused about something…Why did He of Music want Medallion as a mate one moment and not the next?”

“Part of that I’ll allow Sentinel to answer as that has to do with the body changes they went through… Tell me how do ponies find ‘mates?’”

“Well it can get complex depending on whether or not the ponies are going to herd or not.”

“Herding is appalling to a dragon… dragons can only have one mate in their lives.”


“Tell me how does one make marriages slash herds ‘official’?”

“Usually in a ceremony with witnesses where they exchange vows and are given a piece a paper that reflects that they took marriage vows.”

“Worthless vows and pieces of paper… especially to a magical being like a dragon. For dragons it’s the literal mixing then exchange of their inner fire, their souls as it were. A dragon's flame is usually the same color of their belly scales. When they become mates the fire switches permanently. Quartermaster’s flames is his mates as She of Hourglass’ is Quartermaster’s. It’s as if they become one being in two bodies.”

“Whoa.” I whispered in awe.


“I see why they could only have one mate… so I guess cheating is never an issue.”

“Neither is divorce… another thing that is different between pony and dragon is time. Think about Belle Flower and how you came to wanting her as a mate. Even if it was ‘love at first sight’ you still dated and courted each over for a length of time…” I nodded, not wanting to interrupt Storyteller’s flow. “For a dragon it’s done with pheromones, magical pheromones that only trigger the desire to mate with those that have compatible souls. And it’s love at first smell and there is no lengthy ‘courting’. When a drake smells those pheromones he will lose upper brain function to woo the potential mate. And if female finds the drake is worthy then they mate right there.”

“Th-that... that is way fast.” I stuttered in shock. “...and a bit animalistic.”

“You have never done the deed then, because I know for a fact that ponies can become a bit animalistic in heat of the moment. As for the ‘fast’ part, every race or culture is different… Ents don’t have the concept of mates or ‘sex.’ I’ll leave that there because somehow I think it would only confuse you if I try to explain…”

“Still doesn't explain my original question.” I countered hoping that he would stop all of the bedroom talk, or at least, lessen it a bit.

“Medallion is not compatible with anyone in the clan. It was the fog of the growth that does that.”


“Would you panic if all of a sudden you found yourself changing into... let’s say... a minotaur?”

“Uh...” I could feel all the blood drain from my face as I couldn't help but visualize that happening.

“It’s so the dragon doesn’t panic fight the physical changes…” Storyteller explained, “though some dragons actually want to keep the mental changes which is what Medallion did.”

“What would happen if they had mated…”

“You don’t want to know.” Storyteller interrupted me, shivering violently. Whatever it was must be very bad. Bad enough for me to not even think about pushing for the answer. “It’s very unusual for a female dragon to choose. Normally they will be mated as a whelp and will never need to choose. There are certain conditions for the growth ‘spurts’ to occur. Really the only time that two dragons would have a growth ‘spurt’ occur at the same time is with dragon clans. So the situation between He of Music and Medallion is extremely rare.”

“I think now is a good time to cool things down just a bit…”

Author's Note:

By way anyone notice that what Storyteller saws at the end of the intermissions is a hint to what the next chapter is on?

COMMENTS PLEASE... now that Jameisnor is in a funk and RadicalDishonesty currently MIA I need a comment fix.... (you can help by guessing the what might happen in the next chapter...)

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