• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 132 - Tension

Returning back to the armory, you felt a tenseness between you and Tempest. Sure, you both apologized to each other, but goddamn, you had the situation handled. You beat the Storm Ravager, and you knew no one, not him, not anyone, could survive that. Even Discord knew that. You looked back up at Tempest, who slowly looked back at you. ‘Justified’, maybe only in the fact you should have checked for a corpse. But really, all in all, she treated you like you were just a low level lackey rather than a friend. “Well, we’re back.”

“Yeah... “ Tempest said quietly, nodding, looking around aimlessly for a moment. “Are you angry at me?”

Hmm. “I’m… Just upset. I know I should have checked, but I had it all handled. I’m your friend, right? I’d thought you’d trust me better than that after what we went through.”

“I did, mostly. I originally was more interested in how you were torturing him. I know that sounds bad, something none of us should want. But I really do believe he deserves nothing but suffering for everything he’s caused. And… Sometimes I think I do too. I shouldn’t have treated you so harshly.” Tempest said, as she began to look down in shame.

“Tempest, I… Look, I know already that you get treated like dirt sometimes in some of the places you all have been visiting. I know things have been tense. I just… I dunno, I kinda wish that had gone better, that’s all.” You really did. You had been excited to see her, and now you just wanted to go home.

“If you mean me treating you like… Like a stupid grunt. Ugh…” Tempest brings a hoof to her forehead and shakes her head. “I just… I let myself lose it, I just couldn’t believe he’d get away at all, much less you not check to see if he was gone. But you’re right, if I was a better friend, I’d have just asked we check together. Anon, I don’t want to lose you as a friend. And I don’t know how to make it up to you…” She really didn’t, she had no idea what she should do at this point.

“Look, let’s just forget this ever happened, ok? I get it, Storm King is a big deal. We both really messed up and it’s just best we forget about it and go see what-” But suddenly, as you were just trying to get the situation out of mind, you suddenly hear a squeaky greeting coming from behind.

“Hi! Anon! There you are!” It was Sweetie Belle, still with a slight pudge belly from overeating, rushing up to you and Tempest with an eerily excited smile.

“What? Sweetie Belle, what are-, what are you doing down here?” Wut? You expected Grubber, or maybe even Capper. But Sweetie Belle? The fuck did she want? And why did she look so happy to see you?

“Oh, erm, I was just looking for you so I could ask you something.” Sweetie Belle said, her excitement building more and more by the second.

“Excuse me, but did Grubber and Capper let you down here?” Tempest asked. Seems she didn’t want others down here without supervision, or mostly, just children who didn’t seem to know what they are doing. Given the armory has many dangerous weapons, she didn’t want to be responsible for anyone poking an eye out… Or worse.

“Mhmm, I got bored waiting and they told me Anon would be here. They also told me not to touch annnyyything. Which is fine, because I only came down here for him.” Sweetie said as she pointed to you.

What in the fuck? Why? She never looks for you for anything. “Uh, you couldn’t have waited for me to come back up to the deck?”

“Er, no, because what I wanted to ask you is sort of private.” Sweetie said as her excitement began to also become mixed with a nervousness, a nervousness that caused her to blush. Blush? Wait… Oh god, it can’t be about Capper, can it?

“Private? Er, well, maybe you both could talk about this on deck? You could just talk away from us if it needs to be private, there’s a lot of room.” Tempest suggested. She didn’t want to leave anyone below deck, namely Sweetie Belle, around the dangerous weapons. Tempest didn’t trust her enough, and felt she might lose focus and touch something.

“No no, it has to be where nopony can see! And it is something only Anon can do for me! So Anon, can you do something for me? Please, please please? I’ll do anything you want me to do later! Promise! I’ll even be your maid as long as you don’t tell anypony.” Sweetie said as she hopped about, looking deeper into your eyes as she shook, looking like she was going to explode.

Maid?! Sweetie in a maid outfit?! Ngh, be still your quaking loins. Tempting, super tempting, but considering it’s her, it just isn’t worth it. Still, might as well hear out what she has to say. “What even is it? I can’t decide on it if I don’t know.”

“Well, I, er…” Sweetie took a breath, and plainly said what she wanted as calmly as she could. “I want to be an adult… Cat.”

“What?!” Not only you, but Tempest also exclaimed. Was she… Was she fucking serious?!

“What? Come on! It’s the only way to ask Capper out on a date. He’s so dreamy and handsome, like a prince from a faraway land! I got to see if I have a chance with him. So, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!” Sweetie said, looking as adorable as she can as she gave you a pout.

Fucking, nope. That was a disaster waiting to happen. Might be sexy, but the catastrophe it’d be would be too much. “Er, no.”

“What? Why?! Come on, Anon! It’s just for the visit! Please? I just want to see if I have a chance!” Sweetie begged, her eyes shimmering with tears.

“Sweetie, no.” You say more sternly. No, really, fuck that shit, that is a nightmare scenario right there.

“But whhhhhhhhhhhhyyyy?!” Sweetie groaned, still pleading with you for that transformation.

“Are you serious? He’d know it’s you, Sweetie Belle. He’d decline you, bam, like that. So no.” And that was final.

“B-but, what if he doesn’t? What if he falls in love with me on first sight? He’s too good not to have as a special somepony… Cat.” Sweetie explained, trying to rationalize her want for Capper.

God, you knew it, you fucking knew it. You knew Capper’s charm might cause something like this. Welp, time to be an asshole, because you know this shit would get you in trouble, big time, if you did it. “Sweetie Belle, geez. Look, let’s say he does fall in love, and he wants to be with you. Cool, you got what you wanted, except for the fact that you have no idea how to be an adult nor do you even know Capper enough to justify this. But again, let’s say it happens. You can say goodbye to Rarity, your friends, Ponyville… All of it. You’d now be living here, on this ship, with only Capper, Tempest, and Grubber to talk to. Not only that, but you’d probably now have to deal with a bunch of responsibilities due to being on a flying ship.”

“A bunch doesn’t cover it, Anon. Maintenance, cleaning, making sure the cannons are set to fire at any time, managing the sails, cooking, cargo checks, patrol… All of that just being a small portion of the work needed to keep the ship going.” Tempest interjected, in a way that helped you out.

“Yeah, there you go, you now have a ton of work to do. And I bet you’re thinking of all the new locations you get to see, not to mention getting to fly through the air, is going to be fun and exciting. And… Er, Tempest, is it fun and exciting? I’ve never actually done real airship stuff before.” You had in video games, and that was fun, but you didn’t know how far that extended in really doing it.

“It is at first, until you realize how stale and boring it can be to go from place to place, especially if the distance from said places is long. Endless sky can only be so exciting, hence why we have hobbies. Such as Grubber and his cooking.” Tempest replies. Wow, she was just helping you out just like that.

“B-but, I-I can still be around Capper, l-like a real couple.” Sweetie said with a gulp, as her fantasy began to shatter into pieces.

“Capper is usually busy piloting the ship and keeping a lookout for anything dangerous or friendly. He doesn’t need the distraction, nor do I think he would settle down with someone so childish. You’d have an adult body, but you’d still be a foal. I can assure you Capper will not be interested.” Tempest said, her tone becoming cold and distant.

“Sweetie Belle, just… Don’t. Because it’s not even just you, it’s me. Your sister would absolutely kill me if you stayed here… As an adult cat. Ok? You didn’t even think about how it would affect me, did you?” You already knew she didn’t.

“I… No, I guess not.” Sweetie Belle said, her ears folding as she finally began to back down. “I guess my sister would get really mad at the both of us.”

“Yeah, not to mention everypony else who'd get mad too. They’d probably think I have too much power and that I’m way too irresponsible with it. So no, I won’t be doing that, and I’m not in the mood for this anymore.” Really, you weren’t. God, why did she have to be such a bother.

“N-no, I understand. You and Tempest are right. Ugh, I-I don’t even know why I fell for him so hard. He just… He’s just so… Cool. But he’s not worth causing you so much trouble. I’m sorry…” Sweetie Belle… Apologized? And this convo went relatively painlessly? Wut?

“It’s ok… Look, I have a lot on my plate. So if you can just leave me with Tempest for a moment, I dunno, I'd really appreciate it, ok?” Please, Sweetie, please… Don’t be difficult.

“Ok… Oh, erm! D-do you think that when I do grow up, I might have a chance?” Sweetie asked, being genuine if still nervous over it.

“I mean, possibly?” She’d probably find someone by then anyway. She is too adorable not to attract male attention.

“And then… Do you think you can turn me into a cat?” Sweetie asked, forming a weak little hopeful smile.

“No…” Fuck that.

“O-oh, ok. Erm, I’m gonna go back now. Forget I even asked, ok? I-I mean, don’t tell anypony I asked. I don’t want them to think I’m weird… For asking to be a cat.” Sweetie begged

“It’s fine, I won’t.” You tell her. And with that, she nods, says goodbye, and scampers back above deck. Leaving you and Tempest alone in the armory once more.

“...You really do have a lot to deal with, don’t you, Anon?” Tempest asked, a little flabbergasted that happened at all.

“Yeah. I gotta deal with them, Twilight sperging on me, A racist chancellor, a bevy of friends, an evil friend, my freaking Dad, my aunt and her sensitivity, my marefriend, and all this hero business. It really is chaotic balancing it all.” And oh so headache inducing.

“And me…” Tempest took a deep breath, and slowly released as she went and laid on her belly. “No wonder you have to keep so many secrets. Even I don’t think I could balance all that.”

“Not to sound narcissistic, but I don’t think any one pony can. Most lose their minds from the smallest stuff, I can’t imagine any of them dealing with my life.” Like, seriously, Twilight would probably go catatonic with the kind of stress you have to go through.

“I see…” Tempest slowly nodded, stood back up, and pondered to herself for a moment before walking forward. “Well, all I can say is you should try to relax then. To me, some of it sounds like you may just be trying to bite off more than you can chew.”

Wut? “What do you mean?”

“I mean, some of your stress does sound like it is unneeded. You have friends, family, and then some, and yet you don’t really seem to ask for their help for anything major. Other than now, of course. And you seem to take on too many problems, way more than what you can handle. I’m not being judgmental, I’m just saying maybe you could use some help.” Tempest explained. What? Did she want to help?

“Nopony can really help me with the kinds of stuff I’m doing. Well, maybe with this filly named Cozy Glow, but not Chrysalis. The only reason I even have these shackles is because Twilight botched things.” You say as you give your right foreleg a shake.

“Well, I know this is in hindsight, but regarding Chrysalis, you want her to accept the pony way of love and friendship, and yet you yourself don’t really follow those principles. Don’t you think it would have been to your benefit if you got someone to actually help you with that? Namely, say, your aunt?” Tempest said.

Wait, no, that can’t work… “Sort of tried that already. She pretended to be my sister, y’know, disguised as a pony. Even that didn’t work, even a party in her honor did not work.” You explain. “And she wasn’t really interested in being friends with my Aunt.”

Tempest shook her head. “That’s because no one knew who she really was. What I was suggesting was making a deal with her, asking her to actually try being friends with your aunt and arranging visitations with her in trade for… Something, that part isn’t important. What is important is the fact, I think in time, she would have learned what you were trying to show her. She’d still have you to talk to when she needed to relieve stress in case things became too annoying for her. And through your aunt, her possibilities for friendship and redemption would grow and spread. Just a thought.”

Your pupils shrink for a moment as you pondered on it. It… Did work for Discord. Though Chrysalis would have been a bitch to Fluttershy for sure… Or maybe… GYAH! She couldn’t be a bitch to Fluttershy if Discord was in the mix! She would have watched herself, you could have kept her in check, and maybe… Just maybe, she would have seen that others can care about her, despite who she was. Holy crap, why didn’t you think of that?! “Oh, geez! Crap! That’s actually really good! Dammit! Why!? Why didn’t I think of that!”

“As I said, you made it too personal a mission to do it yourself. Either way, you have help now. And if you can get me to see the light, I’m sure, this time, you’ll be able to help her too.” Tempest said, feeling sure of her words. “Just think about what I said, it might help you with anyone else who needs ‘saving’”

“Yeah… I’ll make a note of it.” Cozy Glow. Dammit, Starlight. Confidentiality or no confidentially, you’ll need to know everything she knows about Cozy Glow. Maybe she knows nothing, but she has to know something.

When you both got above deck, it was actually a pretty sweet sight to see. Capper was with Scootaloo at the helm, showing her more about commandeering the ship. Sweetie was just watching from a distance, jealous. Meanwhile Applebloom was talking to Grubber, comparing recipes while regaling him about an ingredient he’d love to have, ‘Zap Apple Jam’.

“Looks like your friends are really enjoying the visit.” Tempest tells you as a warm smile begins to form upon her muzzle.

“Yeah. I just hope this teaches them all the kinds of things I have to do, as in, the friends I hang out with and get and… I dunno, I had something there, I just don't know how to put it in words. I guess I just hope they appreciate this. Scootaloo is fine, but sometimes I feel the other two get on my business for no reason.” You say as you look upon the CMC, deep in thought.

“You probably give them some reason to sometimes. And given they are also foals, that reason is multiplied by quite a bit. Foals are curious, Anon. Don’t you get curious?” Tempest asked, chuckling a little “You can’t tell me no. You seem to get in everyone’s business if it interests you.”

“Huh?! Are you implying that I’m as bad as them!?” No way, come on! Why was she teasing you like that?!

“You said it, not me. But to be serious, I doubt you’re completely innocent in everything you do. Your cutie mark is chaos after all.” Tempest says as she closes her eyes and takes a breath, letting the winds blow through her cloak and mane. “But I don’t think that really bothers you too much, does it?”

“Er… Nah, I guess I deserve it sometimes. But not with them, they’re just nosy.” They really were. Sure, maybe some of it was warranted, but sometimes they really should learn to mind their own business.

“I believe it.” Tempest could already see the horizon becoming gold in color, the sun was beginning to set and a port town, rather grey and lifeless in color, was coming in view. “And it looks like it’s time for all of us to go pretty soon.”

“Yeah… I guess I’ll gather everyone up and get going. Before I do, though. I gotta ask you a question, Tempest.” Indeed you did. It was something you never really thought about, but given how annoying Grubber was about it, it might not hurt to ask.

“What is it?” Tempest asked.

“You think next visit, we can spar? I think I can take you, just saying.” Yeah, beating Tempest, even in a spar, would show a great improvement in your skill.

“Sure, I can always use a little training from time to time. Just to let you know though, I don’t take ‘spars’ lightly. As in, I won’t go easy on you, especially when it comes to the kind of magic you have.” Tempest informs you. Willing to fight, but not willing to show much mercy. At least in a friendly sense.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” It would only prove further how improved you’ve become if you can take her while she’s on top of her game. But alas, the day was pretty much over, and you had to get these fillies home.

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