• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 229 - Judgement

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: I scrapped two other versions of this chapter to come up with this one

Well, you were where you wanted to be. Or rather, you didn’t want to be smack dab in the throne room. You wanted to do things right, you wanted to do things the proper way, and you also didn’t want to be looking down at Celestia, the guards, and the floor…

“CRRAAP!” You yelled out as you fell face-first into the ground, from high up within the throne room. The guards were taken aback, and prepared to strike you down as you lifted your face from the floor and groaned. “Yeah… Okay… I deserved that.”

“Guards!” Celestia yelled out as she moved a scroll she was looking at aside, sighing as she shook her head. “Stand down, it’s merely Anon. Are you alright, Anon?”

“Ngh. Y-yeah, I just-” Your eyes went wide as you realized she acknowledged you. You stood up tall, and turned to face her. You were sweating, you were about to face judgment, and yet you felt some fear to it. Either way, you knew what you did was unforgivable this time. You wouldn’t let yourself be forgiven so easily. “Princess Celestia! I, er… I didn’t mean just to pop in, I swear! I meant to wait outside this time! I didn’t want to be a bother.”

Celestia seemed perplexed by your mannerisms and your sudden want to follow procedure. She then began to become a little concerned about the situation. “Anon, normally I’d lecture you on why you shouldn’t teleport in here unannounced. But if you meant to teleport outside the castle, then that meant your magic must have worked from an emotional response. One that meant you needed to see me post haste. Whatever is the matter? Is it Chrysalis?”

You began to feel more tense, your legs were shaking as you forced yourself to stare into her eyes. You began to tear up, you knew she wouldn’t forgive this. So you bowed as your voice became more subdued. “No, your highness. I came to be judged.”

Celestia was really confused now. She began to look around, maybe thinking Discord was ready to spring a trap. But then she saw it, your tears. Whatever this was, she now knew you were serious about something. Something you did wrong. “Judged, you say? Have you done something you knew was wrong, Anon?”

You felt so stiff. You gulped, and did your best to keep on staring as your tears grew. “I-I did. I put another life in danger. I, uh, I also just realized I may have nearly started a war with the yaks. I… Princess Celestia, I really messed up.”

“And you seek to be punished for your actions? I assume this has to do with one of the students of the school, Yona is her name, I believe. You put her life in danger, Anon?” Celestia began to sound more serious, her stare becoming more regal and distant. You honestly couldn’t tell what she was thinking right now.

“I… I did. And I… I have… I have no excuse. Princess Celestia, I know the princesses have a huge problem with me doing things on my own whim. And-” But before you could continue, Celestia raised her hoof to cut you off, and began to speak.

“And you can tell me exactly what you did to put her life in danger, in detail. Our feelings towards you are a moot point, Anon. If you came seeking judgment, then you must explain to me what you have done.” Celestia said, giving you a stoic look.

“Y-yeah, erm… Okay. Look, I…” You were screwing up your words, stammering, all the while she was just staring, waiting. “Okay, so… Let me start at the beginning.”

And so you explained everything to her. The project, Yona, Jimmy, everything. You even went back to how you had put Silverstream in danger because you trusted a chaotic artifact to Cozy Glow. Hell, you even told her how you thought you saw the spirit of the tree of harmony, and how it basically railed you on who you truly are. Your narcissism, arrogance, pride, and laziness had created these issues. As you told her the story, you were falling apart, you were coming to realize that this could be the end, because you just had to be a shitbag. “And… The worst part is, they forgave me. Both Yona and Fluttershy! Just like that! I’ve screwed up too much for that!” You shouted. “I don’t deserve it! So, do it! Do what you want with me! I saw death, Celestia! I saw it on the both of us! Why am I even here?! All I do is ruin everything!” You fell over at your side, you were finally drained, emotionally and physically. “So, whatever, do what you want with me.”

Celestia just sat there. She then calmly used her magic to lift the scroll she was working on, picked up the quill beside it, and silently went back to her work. “You’re forgiven, Anon. You can go now.”


“WHAT?!” You stood up, suddenly enraged as you pointed at her. “You can’t do that! I screwed up big time! I don’t want to be forgiven! I don’t deserve it! I nearly got someone killed! I almost started a war!”

Celestia slowly lowered her scroll, and stared back at you with a slightly coy look. “And if this was so many moons ago, I’d have done away with you just like that. But it isn’t the past, it is the present. You have been forgiven by Fluttershy and Yona, despite what you have done. But it isn’t just that. I can see you have finally learned from such a severe mistake, and show remorse for what you have done. So much so, that’d I hope you finally learned a lesson I have long hoped you’d learn. And before you say it, yes, things would have been different if something egregious had happened to Yona. But that’s how things are.”

You were now utterly bewildered. Eyes wide and twitching. What the fuck just happened?! “Then what?! Why forgive me then?! She still could have been killed! If you were going to punish me for if she was dead, then you should punish me for bringing her close to that!”

“Well, Anon, you should have waited at night to tell my sister your story then. She would have most likely done something. As for me, well, you’d honestly be surprised how many times I’ve forgiven Twilight, and her friends, for rather egregious and dangerous actions that they sometimes, now and again, cause. You’d be surprised how dangerous Twilight can be when she loses her mind and casts a ‘want it, need it’ spell. Or nearly cause one of her friends to become a permanent vampony, or nearly seal up a chaos colt because she thought he was the queen of the changelings. She’s even tried tampering with time once, a big no no, no matter how little time you have to change it. Don’t get me started on Rainbow Dash and some of her pranks. Or should I just mention your ‘father’ and just get this conversation over with?” Celestia asked, giving you a smug but motherly smile. “Maybe if you had lied to me and told me you weren’t forgiven, then I would have done something. But then again, I'd have punished you for lying to me, because I'd know Fluttershy would have forgiven you,”

“But… I… Ah… Er… Th-” But again she cuts you off, as she goes back to writing on the scroll.

“Besides, it didn’t even sound like it was entirely your fault. You had no idea how far Discord’s gambling went, and how much power Jimmy had obtained through it. If anything, I should punish him.” Celestia said, humming a little as she continued to write.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t change the fact that I tried to cheat a project!” You yelled.

“Yes, and? You don’t think I cheated on any of my tests when I was learning under Starswirl? Or maybe, if you want to go further, I should have never forgiven my sister for nearly destroying Equestria as Nightmare Moon, and then… Maybe she shouldn’t have forgiven me for sealing her on the moon for so long thereafter.” Celestia sighed as she put down the scroll and quill and left her seat, she walked over to you and looked down. You were shivering, your emotions were erratic. So she sat down and used her magic to bring you to her chest as she held you, using her wings to blanket it. “Anon, what I’m trying to tell you is that we all make terrible mistakes sometimes, but that doesn’t make us bad or evil. As I said, one of the things I hoped you’d understand is what your narcissism and arrogance could cause. You sell yourself short, but not only have you done so much for your friends, but you’ve done so much for Equestria as well. You have the title of ‘Hero Colt’ for a reason. And just like what I had hoped and expected for Twilight when I sent her off to Ponyville, I also expect of you too, just like I do for all my little ponies. You’re not Sombra nor Tirek, nor any other villain who refused to be just and good. You are you, and all I ask of you is to improve yourself. So, Anon, you are forgiven, as long as you have learned your lesson.”

You began to shake, you began to sob, and you hugged onto her tightly. You were so fucking scared, you thought it was all over. You didn’t want to get anyone hurt, you didn’t want to be a little shit. You didn’t want to make Fluttershy cry, or get Scootaloo or any of your friends hurt, you never wanted to see Diamond sad, you never… Discord… “Princess Celestia… I… I’m so sorry…”

“Shhh, it’s alright, Anon. It’ll be alright. Why don’t you join me for some tea? I’ve been working tirelessly on noting revisions for my school that I think, personally, that I deserve a small break.” She said with an uplifting giggle, to raise your spirits. “I’d not mind the company.”

“Princess Celestia… Y-you can’t jus-” But it seems she was done with the negativity of the situation, and interrupted you once again.

“I do believe the crown on my head allows me to do what I like, and what I’d like is for you to join me for some tea. If, of course, you want to. I won’t force you, but I won’t have you being sad all day.” Celestia said as she gently pulled you away, still holding you as she used her wing to delicately wipe a tear from your cheek.

“But… It’s. I… Okay, I get it. I…” You had to take a breath to try to compose yourself. “I’m not perfect, but, y’know. I want to be better, but I don’t think Discord could handle me being all good, and yet. I, I dunno… There’s Chrysalis, and yet… I don’t want… Look, I meant what I said and-” You didn’t even know what you were saying. You realized your range of friends were so obtusely diverse in personality that you couldn’t imagine being one way or the other, despite the fact you wanted to be better. But again, with the experience she has, Celestia interrupts you with a chuckle.

“Anon, you are fine the way you are. I wouldn’t ask any of you to change who you are. I’m simply asking for you to be more careful, aware, and be more thoughtful. There’s nothing wrong with a little mischief here and there, if that’s what you were wondering. Trust me, Anon, I may be a princess, but you have no idea how much, every year, I wish for something to go wrong at the Grand Galloping Gala. Nothing dangerous, mind you, just something to shake things up.” Celestia said.

Huh, well, actually, you knew that much. She seemed to always want it to be more fun rather than proper. However, on the other hand… “I mean, I, er, get that. But isn’t that sort of mean to the other guests who want to enjoy the gala as is?”

Celestia had a good giggle at that one. “I never thought I’d hear that coming from you. Look, it may be a little selfish, maybe more than a little, but sometimes I think some of these stuffy and uptight elites could use a little fun and chaos in their lives.” She said with a wink.

“Is that because you’ve been hosting the Gala for like, hundreds of years or something, and you personally got bored with it?” You asked, as you began to calm down and feel… More like yourself.

Celestia pouted at those words. “Now you’re making me out to be the bad mare here. Alright, I admit, maybe it shouldn’t be that way. But, to be fair, I never go looking around to cause trouble, nor do I make any plans for it. Whatever happens happens, and I just go along for the ride. Now, if a certain Hero Colt and his father cause a little mischief, well, I’d think that’s on them. Of course, I’d hope said Hero Colt wouldn’t ruin it for his marefriend in the process. Though, knowing said Hero Colt, I’m sure he’d come up with something that’d make most everypony happy. Oh!” Celestia giggled for a moment. “I think I was having a chat with myself for a moment. I must finally be getting on over the years.”

You just sighed, actually relieved, though keeping in mind that despite the situation having become better, you couldn’t let yourself slip again. “Sure, let’s go with that. So, has anypony ever told any of you that you’re the most forgiving… Anything ever in existence?”

“Given who our friends happen to be, not really, it’s just normal. Again, if you wanted to seek punishment, you should hav-Hm?” Suddenly, a letter appears from a green flame in front of Celestia. She gives it a quick look to see it was rather urgent. “Oh, Anon, give me a moment, there is an important letter from Princess Twilight.”

“Oh, erm, sure.” You just, kind of let yourself nuzzle back into her. She was as warm as the sun, which was fitting, to say the least. “What does it say?”

Celestia’s tone became a little more docile as she let out a tired sigh. “Well, if you want to be punished, I could still write something up to Princess Twilight that doesn’t paint you in a positive light. Anon, did you happen to come here in a rather melodramatic fashion?”


“Erm… Yeah? Sorta…” Ew, shit… You automatically knew what this was about. Fluttershy went to Twilight.

“Mhmmm, well, nopony knows where you are and Fluttershy seems to have went to Twilight fearing the worst. In fact, if I may, five four three two…” And in a flash, right in front of her, Discord appeared in a furious rage, with flaming eyes and wings.

“I knew it! Princess Celestia, you’ve gone too far this time!” Growled Discord as he pointed at her angrily. “To think, you, of all ponies, would just send one of my best friends to the deepest pits of Tartarus after I resolved the situation personally! For what could have been potentially but mostly not my fault?! Do you have any last words before I show you the true power of chaos?!”

“Yes.” Princess Celestia calmly held you up like a cat with her magic, presenting you to him. “Anon is right here, Discord, safe and sound and without punishment. He’s been forgiven. So, I can only assume you were told about this and you left in a rather melodramatic fashion.”

Discord’s flames fizzled out as he recoiled back and rubbed the back of his head with an embarrassed smile. “Of course not! I was just in a hurry, that’s all. Those flames? My eyes and wings just caught fire due to friction. Wow, these accusations, it’s almost like you ponies don’t run at blazing speed with your faces on the ground.”

Suddenly, another letter appeared in front of Celestia. As she read, she smirked as her eyes went towards Discord. “Is that why Twilight is warning me about you coming after me?”

Discord groaned. “Misconceptions! Misconceptions all around!” He yelled, waving his arms about. “Now, if you’ll excuse me…” He just plucked you off the ground like a bag and waved towards Celestia. “I have a yellow pegasus to calm down. To think, Celestia, you’d try to bog me down and make everypony worry by throwing accusations around. And then Twilight?! Tsk, tsk, you princesses should be ashamed of yourselves.”

“I’m thoroughly ashamed, Discord” Celestia said sarcastically as she gave you a wink. “And you owe me some tea time, Anon.”

“Y-yeah, erm. I’ll, uh, get to that eventually. Erm, um, Bye Princess. And thank-” But you wouldn’t be able to finish your words as Discord, embarrassed, teleports off before he could feel any more ridicule on himself.

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