• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 284 - The Meeting

The young 6

Starlight Glimmer

Shining Armor, with Flurry Heart on his backside

Chancellor Neighsay


Tempest Shadow




And you.

You all had gathered within Chrysalis’s bed chambers, sitting in a circle within the middle of the room as Chrysalis sat high upon her bed. She had taken charge of the meeting, much to Neighsay’s chagrin. She looked down upon all of you as she cleared her throat and began to speak. “Let us not waste time here. We’ve gathered because we are the best hope Equestria has, and a strategy must be devised. Each of us brings something to the table and we must give our all to defeat Tirek and Cozy Glow. As you know, getting near the town causes most anypony to fall under their spell.” Chrysalis then shifts her eyes towards Starlight. “You said you had a spell that can resist that, right? Well, what is it?”

Starlight stood, and cleared her throat as she began to speak. “It is still in its experimental phases. But essentially, it is a spell using dark magic. It will, for lack of a better word, darken my heart. My version of the spell should only cause mild effects, making sure I don’t betray anypony while also protecting myself from the effects of that spell. We know that spell works off love and friendship, and only affects ponies. So, to put it simply, my spell should counteract it without changing me too much.”

“Well, well, how innovative. Dark magic…” Chrysalis said nothing more about it as she then shifted her eyes towards Neighsay. “And you, you aren’t affected by the spell at all?”

Neighsay shook his head. “If I hadn’t seen its effects with my own eyes, I would almost say it didn’t exist.” Neighsay then looked at Starlight with doubt. “And you. Dark magic? That kind of arcane magic isn’t meant to be trifled with.”

“It’s the only way. I have everything planned out. The spell will be a mild version of itself, enough to just make me in a permanent sour mood. I left the scroll that can break the spell’s hold with Trixie, since I obviously can’t be trusted with it when under the spell’s effects.” Starlight explained.

“Sour mood?” Neighsay raised an eyebrow at her, doubt in his tone. “And you think that’s enough to resist the spell’s hold?” Neighsay scoffed “So, you’re just going to act like a teenager then? Is that what your spell does?

“I’d say it’d make me more like a jerky Chancellor. Considering you can already resist the spell, I’d say it can’t be that hard. A little bias here, some ‘asshole’ there, and things will be jussssst fine.” Starlight said with an arrogant smirk.

Neighsay just stared silently at her for a moment as he slowly furrowed his brow. “I keep hearing these strange words and I’m starting not to like what they could mean.”

“Enough!” Tempest shouted, catching the attention of everyone. “The more time we stall, the less time we have to rest. I’m fine with the spell, so let us move on.” Tempest said as she looked at Chrysalis, and nodded towards her.

“Well, at least I can tell your hearts are in the right place. Moving on, some of us have a few objections in terms of who is coming with us. Starting with myself…” Chrysalis turned her head towards Scrappy, her stoic expression not breaking in the slightest. “Captain, you are to stay here.”

“WHAT?!” Scrappy, ever in dog form, jumped in surprise at those words. “But my Queen! I am your most loyal soldier! I must be there to protect you! I must be there to obliterate, incinerate, DESTROYICATE!”

Chrysalis stared at him in silence for but a moment as he gave her puppy dog eyes. She then sighed as her expression hardened. “I gave you an order, captain. I don’t want to deal with your ‘master’ should something happen to you. I’m aware Applejack was captured, we’ll deal with that. Am I clear?”

“B-but… I-I’m your captain…” Scrappy begged.

“As of today, at this moment, you are not. Your name is Scrappy. You’re no longer part of my hive, and you are to leave my presence at once.” Chrysalis said in a harsher tone.

Scrappy let out a puppy like whine towards those words, as if he had been physically struck. He stared at her, but she would not relent. Tears began to flow from his eyes as he left her side. When he reached the door, he looked back at her, and still she did not relent. So with a heavy sadness, he left the room.

Capper crossed his arms, and let out a sigh at the whole situation. “Harsh, really harsh. But I want everyone in the room to know that I know she didn’t really mean it.” Capper gave Chrysalis a cool grin. “Don’t want to risk your number one son, huh?”

Chrysalis’s eyes twitched in anger at those words. For what reason? You had to believe Capper was right on that, Chrysalis always enjoyed the company of Scrappy, she had no reason to dismiss him other than for his safety. Or perhaps, something a little more on his part. However, Chrysalis did not reply either, ignoring his words as she looked towards Tempest. “Tempest, I believe you wanted somecreature to opt out as well?”

“Woah, woah, what?!” Grubber jumped up in surprise, pointing at himself. “Tempest, you can’t! We’re a duo! We got each other's backs! Why would you want to send me away? I’m your best pal!”

“And that’s why I didn’t pick you. Capper, listen to me carefully, and do not argue. The Redemption Ark is capable of holding at least four hundred passengers. I need you to return to the ship and commandeer it all the way back here. Get these and any other ponies you can find out and away from Equestria, as many as you can.” Tempest said, her expression soft yet stern.

You thought Capper was going to complain like Scrappy, have some speech already ready as to why he should stay. But he didn’t say anything. He looked at everyone, straightened his coat, and stood up without a fuss. “...Just gonna say this, I don’t want to to hear anything about the ladies wanting to join us as crewmates when this is all over.” Capper said with a cool shrug as he made his way out the door. He then looked back at Chrysalis, his grin a little more subdued. “Say, you mind if I borrow some blankets for the road? Awfully chilly out there.”

Chrysalis said nothing. She just nodded and shooed him away. After the door closed, she cleared her throat. “Ahrm… Now then, we nee-” But as she spoke, Neighsay suddenly interrupted her, wanting to say something of his own.

“Pardon me, but I do believe we have seven more who need to leave this room.” Chancellor Neighsay said as his eyes shifted towards you… Then the six.

“Everycreature who needs to leave has left. And…” Chrysalis stopped for a moment, then put her hoof to her forehead in frustration. “Absolutely not. They’re needed.”

“Because of some sudden prophecy that suddenly manifested itself through them? I wasn’t born yesterday. Taking them along on such a dangerous mission is asking for trouble, they are a liability! Surely somepony here sees that.” Neighsay said as he looked around the room, hoping someone would agree with him. He even gave a hard stare towards Shining. But there was only silence. “...I see, so you’re all mad, then.”

“Mad? What do they have to be angry about? You’re the only mad guy here!” Smolder said as she stood up to defend herself. “What’s your problem with us, anyway!? All your complaining about us not being ponies and it was a pony who caused all this in the first place!”

“One, that isn’t what I mean by ‘mad’, you need to be more educated, dragon child. And two, I object to you and your friends coming along not because you are not ponies, but because you are children, who are meant to be protected. Not to mention if something were to happen to any of you nonponies, it’d be war with your entire clan. Can somepony here even make a convincing argument other than some dream? Even the ‘Hero Colt’ means nothing now without his horn.” Neighsay explained as snobbily as ever.

“I can answer that” Said a familiar voice, speaking up upon the ceiling.

You all looked up. Yup, there he was, Discord joining the conversation.

“Ah, the fool has arrived.” Chrysalis said with a smirk. She relaxed herself, actually looking forward to see how Discord baffles the biased Neighsay. “You have the floor. Or rather, the ceiling.”

“Thank you.” Discord said with an upside-down bow as he began to pace along the ceiling, explaining things like he was a philosopher. “The answer is quite simple, my dear Chancellor. To us, most of us, this world is always as we perceive it. Things happen as they happen, nothing more. But to those who watch from outside, there are always patterns, always expected endings. As much as I enjoy chaos, there is an existence of a script when it comes to life. That’s not to say we don’t have free will, we certainly do! But some things simply must be or else everything would fall apart. Anon here, he lives outside those rules, he’s an anomaly through my own, well, let’s just say he certainly changed things up. Unfortunately, our filly adversary has gained access to the script of this world, and is changing it to fit her evil vision. So, the spirit of harmony, who is apparently the source of the elements themselves, seeks to change the script as well, to obtain victory. These six, sir, are the new elements of harmony.” Discord said as he pointed towards your six friends.

“What? Those six? Them?! That’s impossible! Where’s your proof?” Neighsay demanded.

“I mean, look at them. There’s six of them. Six! How much more proof do you need?” Discord said with a shrug.

“How about a show of power, for a start.” Neighsay said with a groan. “You have the elements themselves, don’t you?”

“We do. I kept them with me since we couldn’t get them to work.” Starlight explained. “I have them downstairs.” She then paused for a moment, as if she was thinking. She then looked to Neighsay with a more serious stare. “In fact, that’s probably why they weren’t working. They moved on to their new masters. Isn’t that right, Chrysalis?” Starlight said with a wink.

Chrysalis caught on immediately, acting like it was a profound epiphany. “Oh yes! Yes, that’s right. That explains everything now that I think about it. Yes, what she says is true, obviously decided by the ‘script’ Discord mentioned.”

Neighsay looked at Starlight with suspicion. “Strange, I believe it was explained to me that Twilight had been captured before the elements could be used.”

“Ugh, why does that even matter? It’s clear everpony has been overtaken by grief and got their timelines confused. The fact of the matter is that we need them.” Discord said with annoyance before looking at Shining Armor with a smile. “Oh, by the way. You’re out, Shining.”

“Wha, hey?” Shining said, shocked and caught off guard. “What?”

“I said take a hike! If you’re not going to take this seriously, then you can just leave. Oh, also, you coming would cause all of Equestria to be blown to smithereens. Though, come to think of it, that would only be the worst case scenario. No, no, never mind. Even the best case scenario ends with Ponyville blowing up. Can’t have that while Fluttershy is still in it.” Discord said as he began to ramble to himself.

“What are you talking about?! How is me coming going to blow up Equestria?! I need to go, they have my wife!” Shining said, shouting at Discord.

“Not you, per se. But that armor of yours, that’s the problem. If you happen to stop my magic flow, or Twilight’s, or any of the hypnotized ponies… Well, you’d break the balance. And breaking the balance would make everything go boom! Sadly, we need to destroy the staff itself to make sure everything is broken at the same time, there is no other way to stop it.” Discord explained.

“What?! You idiot! Why didn’t you say that before?!” Chrysalis barked in rage.

Discord just shrugged and began to lay down on the ceiling to relax. “Wasn’t important at the time, I didn’t even really care to notice he was here until this moment. Wow, it sure is a good thing he never activated the armor in my presence.” Discord said with a laugh. “That would have been quite the disaster. Didn’t anypony notice Tirek wasn’t sucking up magic like he was at an all-you-can-eat cafe? Same principle, basically.”

Everyone, even Tempest, had a grim expression on their faces. Fucking Discord, even though it was the truth, he just had to get one more in.

“W-what about that spell you were talking about, Starlight? Can you use it on me?” Shining asked.

Starlight shook her head with a frown. “I’m sorry, I perfectly tuned the spell specifically to my personality. There’s no telling what would happen if I cast it on you. It could very well make you join their side without you realizing it. And that’s not even the worst case scenario.”

Shining's ears folded upon hearing that. “...So, I’m out?”

“I’m sorry. If what Discord says is true, then you’re going to have to sit this one out. A-at least you can keep Flurry Heart secure. W-who knows what would happen if she didn’t have you to watch over her.” Starlight said, trying to cheer Shining up.

But it was Silverstream who approached Shining, and she hugged him, giving him a warm smile. “Hey, it’s gonna be okay. We’ll get her back. I had so much fun watching Flurry that I want to make sure she gets to see her mother as soon as possible. Even if… Even if…” Silverstream looked at her talons, and balled them into fists. “Even if I have to beat up the badguys myself. I’m not that strong, so it’ll take awhile, but I’ll make sure to smack them over one hundred times for ya!”

Shining couldn’t help but smirk. He sighed, hearing his baby’s tired and sleepy breaths as she clung to his back. He then relaxed himself, and nodded towards Silverstream. “Well, maybe not a hundred, gotta leave some for your friends, right?”

“Oh, right! Well, I don’t think they’d all do that. Well, Yona would. I’ll leave some for Yona!” Silverstream said with a grin.

And with that, Shining gave her a gentle hug, and took Flurry with him as he looked back one last time, knowing, or at least hoping, Cadance would be in good hooves.

“Well, we now lost an actual useful member to our little brigade.” Neighsay said with a scoff. “So then, you want me to believe these students are our new elements? Fine, I’ll go along with it. If we fall, then it won’t matter either way. And you wish to risk Anon’s life as well? Despite the fact that he’s obviously still recovering from being maimed? Don’t think I haven’t noticed, I was made aware that he was destroyed, and I can now see he barely scraped by by some miracle. I don’t even know how he’s still standing. But, again, fine. I want you all to be aware, and I say this with no enthusiasm or joy in my breath, that if I have an opportunity to take down those two monsters, I will take it, even if it has to be through any of you. It will be no fault of mine just because you all choose to ignore the risks.”

Tempest did not reply, she simply looked over to Chrysalis and nodded to her. “Now that we’re done with that, what is the actual plan? We enter Neighsay’s portal gate, neutralize anyone who attacks us, nonlethally of course. But what then?”

“...So, you’re all going to actually ignore the risks?” Neighsay said, trying to cut into the conversation.

Chrysalis groaned as she rolled her eyes. “Yes, we are, now be silent and stop wasting time. Or do you want to waste more time and put us all at even more risk?”

“A-er… Nmmnnn” Neighsay said nothing. As much as he wanted to have his way, he understood time was of the essence.

It was time to strategize.

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