• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 265 - The Big Reveal

Author's Note:

fun fact: It took me one night to write this, I had this all planned for, has to be years now.

As the dust cleared, you could already hear him bashing through another set of walls from your left. He didn’t go straight? He could escape easily if he went straight ahead.

But he didn’t want to escape, you knew that. You exited Cozy’s dorm through the door and saw a cloaked figure bash through another nearby wall and rush down the hallway. You gave chase, not fast enough to keep up, but seeing how he seemed to be heading to the courtyard, you only had to meet him there.

Your mind was swimming with thoughts as you ran as fast as you could towards the courtyard. He wanted the horn, and he took Cozy to use her as a bargaining chip. But just like with the Storm King, it all seemed too convenient.

She had to have known where those letters were going, they all had to be going to the same place. The more you thought about it, the more holes there were to Cozy’s story. But, was she really capable of this? Or did he use her too?

When you reached the courtyard, the cloaked figure stood ahead, staring at you, his arms hidden under his cloak, his face barely visible under the hood. But you could see small horns poking upwards. It was him. The sky had darkened with silver dark clouds, snow slowly falling down. You stepped up to face him, and as you did, he began to speak.

“Ah, so Discord’s whelp really is brave enough to step up before me. I’ve heard much about you, outworlder.” The figure said.

You furrowed your brow, and stood fast, you wouldn’t be deterred. “Yeah, yeah. Save it, I already know who you are… Tirek.”

“Oh ho, so you do know who I am. I wonder how you came to figure that out.” He outstretched his right arm, and lowered his hood. It was Tirek, standing before you, grinning evilly, and arrogantly. He wasn’t fully powered up, didn’t even seem that close to it, just enough to be able to bust things down some. “But if you do know who I am, then you know what I’m here for.” He outstretched his right hand. “Give me the horn, or else.”

If Discord could beat him at this level, then you could too. He wasn’t chaos powered, and you had your doubts that he could drain the horn’s power. You could obliterate him easily. The question is, does he know that? Surely he realizes that if he isn’t near full power, then even you can trounce him. You knew what that ‘or else’ was, he was going to use Cozy as leverage. Probably had her in his left hand, under the cloak. “Or else what? Why are you even here? If you know who I am, then you know you don’t stand a chance looking like that.”

“There’s more to gaining victory than just brute strength.” Tirek reveals his left hand from the cloak, holding a crying and whimpering Cozy Glow towards you. “Sometimes you just need to be underhanded to get what you want. The horn, outworlder, or she will suffer the consequences.”

“A-Anon. D-don’t do it” Cozy Glow whined, shaking, crying.

You faltered. She was telling you not to do it, and it already began to weaken your resolve. But as you stood there, you realized something. Even if Tirek had the horn, you could call Discord through the codec to get his rear in gear and save you and Cozy.

You and Cozy.


…Unless, that’s what they were counting on.

You had to know, and it wouldn’t cause any harm to try to call the bluff. If you were wrong, you could explain to her you were attempting a tactic.

But if you were right…

“Do you think I’m an idiot? I know every trick in the book, Tirek. You have no power over me. I know the both of you have been working together the whole time. My only question is… Why?” You asked, as you looked towards Cozy with hurt eyes.

Please… Cozy…

Tirek looked stunned, he was actually taken aback by your statement. But Cozy? Suddenly, her look slowly twisted into a creepy little smile, an unsettling evil little smile. She then turned her head towards Tirek, and said. “See, Mr. Tirek? I told you your plan wouldn’t work. He figured it out, just like I told you. Can you pweeeease let me go so I can show you exactly what I was telling you in my letters?”

You were shocked. Even when you tried to prepare yourself, you weren’t expecting her to just… Do that. These weren’t the signs of a filly who had been hurt, these were signs of… It… It seemed so familiar. “Cozy?”

“Hmph…” Tirek let her go as she hovered towards the ground. “It seems I misjudged the situation. Fine, show me what you meant. Show me how your way is somehow any better than mine.”

Cozy giggled innocently towards Tirek. “Awww, Mr.Tirek, don’t you remember what I told you? You have to have faith! Here, let me show you.” Cozy then looked towards you, still flashing an innocent smile. “Well, you figured it out, professor! I knew you would.”

The fuck was this?! “Cozy?! Are you kidding me?! Why?! Why would you do this?! Have… Have you been faking this whole time?!”

“Faking?” Cozy looked confused. “Golly, Anon, I never faked anything. I learned a lot from you, the Storm King, and Mr.Tirek. It’s just… Well… things have to end here with us because I already know you wouldn’t like my plans.”

“Plans?! These are your plans?! Not his?! Cozy, why!? What happened to you to make you this way?!” You weren’t expecting this at all, it almost seemed like she was the mastermind all along.

“What happened to me? Ummm…” Cozy pondered on that thought for a moment, then shrugged, beaming another smile towards you. “I don’t think anything happened. I’m just a whittle filly with biiiiiig ambitions! The road to being the empress of friendship isn’t easy, Anon. But thanks to you, I’m nearly there.”

“Are you serious?!” Was she even really a filly?! “Don’t you realize what you’re doing is wrong?! Cozy, you don’t have to do this!”

“Wow, you sound like Headmare Twilight!” Cozy said with a giggle. “I’m sowwy I upset you, Anon. But being wrong? Hmmm, I don’t know about that. I just want to unify all the ponies, doesn’t that sound nice?”

“With my horn?” If she planned all this, and even managed to employ Tirek by helping him break out of Tartarus, then you knew she wasn’t a simple-minded filly. She knew what she wanted, and what she had to do to get it. So surely she knew taking the horn would be a death sentence.

“Yup! But I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking Discord will come in to save the day. Well, Anon, we’re counting on that. But you see, the horn alone won’t get us what we want. It does, however, filter chaos magic, doesn’t it? It’s how anypony else could use it without something bad happening to themselves if used correctly, right?” Cozy asked.

W-what was she getting at? If she knew that, and was counting on Discord to show up, then what did they have to stop him? You had to be careful, you had to figure out what they had to stop him. ”Yeah, but that doesn’t mean your plan is going to work. Either through him or through me, Cozy, you can’t win. How did you even expect this to work?”

Cozy’s innocent grin twisted into a smug smirk. “Do you reeeeeaallllllly want to know?”

You nodded, and demanded the answer. “Yes, tell me already! Stop stalling.”

“Do you remember the bench you sent to Mr.Tirek?” Cozy asked.

The bench? What about it? What was so special about that? “You mean the bench made out of chaotic porcelain? You can’t be serious. What, were you going to smash me with it or something?”

“We’re wasting time! If Twilight and her friends happen to wander in, then we’ll have no chance of winning.” Tirek said, becoming antsy as he looked around.

“Don’t worry, Mr.Tirek. They won’t be here for a long while. And besides, Anon deserves all the answers to the questions he’s asking. We are friends, aren’t we, Anon?” Cozy said, giving you a cruel grin.

You stayed silent, prepping yourself to blast the both of them if you had to. Maybe Cozy could be reformed from this, she was too young to be thinking like this. But you’d be doing Equestria a favor getting rid of Tirek.

“So, the bench. It was super duper cute, wasn’t it? Well, what if I told you the belly of the bench was holding a super special surprise?” Cozy seemed excited to know what your answer was going to be.

The belly? What it held inside? What could it possibly be? There was nothing else you gave her that she could possibly hide within the cat bench. But, you gave it some thought, and sorted through your memories. And as you thought about it, you remembered looking for the one thing you had to make sure was gone. That Discord himself said was gone. And that the Storm King was looking for the entire time.

Oh god…

“The staff…” You muttered.

“Yay! See, that’s why you’re the professor!” Cozy said with a cheer.

“B-but how? You couldn’t have touched it, that much raw chaos would have warped you in some way. Discord would have known about it had anyone touched it.” You said, feeling dread flow through you.

“Huh? You didn’t figure that out?” Cozy seemed disappointed, then giggled like a silly filly. “Oh, Anon, you’re so funny. Don’t you remember my porcelain booties? I hid the staff under the porcelain and waited on a letter from Mr.Tirek to tell me a way to get it to him without things going all crazy zany! Golly, who knew that touching chaos with chaos, and even hiding chaos inside chaos, would make it hard to find and safe to handle? It's so silly! Isn’t that funny?” Cozy said with a giggle before staring back at you. “I bet you wanna know about the Storm King too.”

“Yeah. Sure, keep going. You’re just giving me more of a reason to get rid of you too.” This filly, you started to realize who she reminded you of. She was like Darla Dimple, from Cats Don’t Dance. And you, the ponies, and even the Storm King. You were all the Dannys. You could feel the last of the care you had for her leave you. She clearly only cared about herself.

“Ouchies, Anon, that hurts my feelings.” Cozy said as she brought her hooves to her heart, looking hurt, before suddenly giving you a cruel smirk. “Almost made me feel the same way when the Storm King decided he didn’t want to play anymore. We could have been a fun friend team, but he only cared about getting his dumb dumb staff back. Once he fully realized who he was, he decided to try to win the game all by himself. And once he realized I’d never tell him where his staff was, and that I’d make sure he’d be banished forever, he thought he could make a deal and get out of Equestria. Good thing you got rid of him, right?” Cozy’s glare became even more cruel.

This filly… She was truly evil. “So he was just a pawn?”

Cozy nodded. “Yup! But he talked about such interesting things when we first met, Anon. He was almost like he was two creatures, talking to himself, telling me about all sorts of things. You, the staff, the fight… Tropes. So many things. You could say it really helped me plan out how everything would end for you.”

Two creatures? Did she mean Jimmy? That's impossible, but they were fused together at one point. Did Jimmy's memories leak into the Storm King? His persona even? Could explain why he was crazier than usual. Just like how Jimmy suddenly became Jimmy, and almost, in a sense, was acting like a discount gambler Hades, like the Storm King. Then... God, she was a sociopath. Holy shit, she had been planning this from the start? “So what about the compass, then? How did you know it’d help Tirek escape?”

“Oh, I didn’t.” Cozy giggled. “My original plan was to get the help from Mr.Tirek, and learn how to drain all the magic in Equestria, then take over. But when you offered me the compass, it led me to much greater things. The compass as a key was Mr.Tirek’s idea.”

“You’re a fucking bitch. You planned all of this! You, from the fucking start! And what? You think I’m going to stand here and take it?!” Fuck this noise, you’ve heard enough.

“Wow, Anon, you need to watch your language. Those are bad human words, right? Besides, I don’t think you’ll be doing anything. You did drink my soda, didn’t you?” Cozy said with a smirk.

…Ha, haha! HAHAHAH! YOU WERE RIGHT! HOLY SHIT! SHE SPIKED THE FUCKING SODA! Oh, oh, this was over before it even began. You win. But before you could answer, Tirek said something instead, annoyed with Cozy.

“You poisoned him? That was your big play? Seem innocent and betray him with some poison drink? Are you aware that is the most basic trick there is? Your young age is showing, my dear, if you somehow think that’s impressive. I promised you a full partnership if you could impress me with everything you spoke about. And yet here we are, and I am not impressed.” Tirek huffed.

You smirked, cackling even. “Well, too bad for the both of you then…” You placed your hoof on your horn and held it up near your forehead. “I didn’t drink it at all. Not a drop! I knew it was poisoned.” You wanted them to see the horn being held up, you wanted to see them fill with dread, you wanted them to see the instrument of their demise and see that you had the upper hand now before you put it on and blast them.

Tirek tensed in fear, looking at Cozy with anger. “You! I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you! You ruined everything! I told you not to be too obvious, but you didn’t listen! His magic comes from that horn, I can’t stop him from here!”

But Cozy said nothing, she just stared back at Tirek, then looked at you, and asked. “So… You didn’t drink it?”

“Of course not! Secret ingredient? Really? Tirek was right, you overplayed your hand. Even if I didn’t know how evil you were, I knew you were planning something.” You told her, with anger and arrogance in a single breath.

“I guess I was too obvious. That’s why those two mares from the other day almost ruined our plans before things got started. Good thing Mr.Tirek stopped them. Golly, if they were able to figure out that much, then I should have known you’d not drink the soda pop.” Cozy said, slightly bopping herself on the head. “I weally messed up, huh?”

Two mares?

Lyra and Bonbon… “You fucking bitch, where are they?!”

“Oh, come on, Anon. Mr. Tirek was nice enough to leave them near the forest when they came poking their noses around. We didn’t have time to get rid of them, we had to get back to the school.” Cozy then frowned even more. “You’re being mean, Anon. I can’t believe you didn’t even try the soda.”

“What the fuck does it matter? You both are toast! I can’t believe I let you use me like that!” You growled, yet hesitated to put on the horn to finish this. You had to know, was she truly that heartless? “Cozy, are you really telling me you faked through everything? You weren’t friends with anypony?!” Because if she was, then it was go time, for sure.

“Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…” Cozy murmured for a good long moment, then shrugged. “Nope, just Mr.Tirek. I guess I’m his Anon too, just like you to Chrysalis. But, well, maybe I would have thought about being friends if you drank the soda.”

You began to scream at her, angry that she’d make that comparison, and even angrier that she really didn’t care about anyone. “FUCK YOU, AND FUCK YOUR SODA! I TOLD YOU I DIDN’T DRINK IT! I DIDN’T FALL FOR IT! I GAVE YOU A CHANCE, COZY! BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?! FUCK IT, I’M JUST GONNA MAKE SURE YOU BOTH FUCKING SUFFER! HOW ABOUT THAT?!”

“Wow, no need to shout, Anon. But, golly gee, if you feel that way. Then go ahead, do it.” Cozy said as she closed her eyes. “I’m weady!”

“Ready?! What is this?! What is going on?! Did you do this just to doom us both?! You really are insane! I shouldn’t have gone along with this if you just wanted to end yourself. I could have done that for you! You stupid filly!” Tirek growled. He suddenly became frozen in fear, realizing he wouldn’t be able to stop you in time, and having no time to flee from you.

That was it then, all you had to do was lower the horn onto your forehead and it’d be done.

It’d be done.

It’d be done?

W-wait, something was wrong. You couldn’t move your legs anymore, you suddenly felt stiff all over your body. All you could do was speak and move your eyes. “W-what’s going on? I-I can’t move!”

“What? Y-you can’t move?” Tirek asked, fearful, yet intrigued.

“Yup, he can’t move, the paralysis poison is working its magic. I made sure to make it delayed just enough to get Anon in this exact position. Wow, could you imagine if he had put on his horn a moment sooner? We would have been goners for sure. Good thing he likes to put on a show!” Cozy said with a giggle that slowly devolved into a cruel chuckle. “What an idiot.”

“How is this possible? He said he didn’t drink the poisoned drink.” Tirek said, utterly intrigued about the situation. “Unless he did, or it seeped through his skin.”

“I-I didn’t drink it at all, I threw it into my bag! I, ngh, I can’t move! Cozy! COZY!” You growled, trying your best to move your muscles and break free from your stillness.

“See, Mr.Tirek, this is why I left it a big mystery. Because I needed you to not give Anon a tell that he was poisoned, or else he’d have cured himself before it took hold and he would have blasted us for sure.” Cozy explained.

“I… Suppose. But then how is this possible? He didn’t drink the poison, so how is he still poisoned?” Tirek asked.

“Oh, because the soda wasn’t the poison at all.” Cozy brought her face close to yours, and looked deep into them, enjoying your shock. “The muffin was.”

Your eyes went wide with shock. “The muffin?! That’s impossible, we ate the same muffin! How aren’t you poisoned too?!”

“Oh, that? Well, that’s easy. My tea had the antidote.” Cozy said with an innocent giggle, then she looked at you with a sultry and evil grin as she rubbed under your chin. “And you want to know the best part, Anon?”

You said nothing, but your eyes spelled out how much you wanted to tear her apart.

“I really did put that same antidote, that special secret ingredient, in your soda too! See, I needed to show Mr.Tirek that following the rules of the tropes that were explained to me by the Storm King was the way to rule Equestria. Sure, anypony could have poisoned your drink, but I knew you’d see through it, even if I wasn’t acting obvious on purpose. But to really hammer it in, I had to not only reverse the order of operations, but even give you a chance to ruin our plans by doing something as easy as taking a sippy sip.” Cozy then began to laugh, then grow maniacal in her cackles as she stared you down. “Anon the idiot! Anon the idiot! You lose, we win! Looks like you aren’t even good enough for Professor Rainbow Dash’s class, huh? Ohhh well.” Cozy then shifted her eyes to your hoof holding the horn. She put her hoof under your leg, and began to push it straight up until your amulet came off along the back of your head. She then took the horn, and held it towards Tirek. “Got it! Just needed Anon to hold it so he could be the one to ‘remove it by his own hoof’”

“NO! NO! GIVE IT BACK TO ME! GIVE IT BACK! YOU BIIIIIIITCH!” You scream out loud. “TWILIGHT! DISCORD! SOMEPONY! ANYPONY!” You couldn’t even call on your codec. Discord had no reason to take things seriously yet, and you couldn’t give him a cause to send him running to you. No! NO!

Tirek just stood there, stunned. But then he began to smirk quite evilly as well. “Well, Cozy Glow, looks like this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership.” Tirek then threw off the cloak, revealing the bench was tied to his back. He took it, and smashed one end of it. A horrible red glow began to shine. The staff was revealed, and it was truly… The beginning of the end.

“Oh, Mr.Tirek. I’d like to consider us best friendsys.” Cozy looked at you with a cruel grin. “The bestest of friends.”

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