• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 136 - Welcome to the School of Friendship

The walk over to the school was filled with small conversation. Fluttershy wondered how you felt, while you asked her what she does, exactly, as a teacher. To your surprise, it seemed all the teachers at the school taught more through gimmicks than straight out textbooks and writing assignments. Weird, unless everyone just thought it was too boring or something. However, Fluttershy then asks you about something that happened yesterday. “So, Anon, um, your father was telling me about how he substituted for your final class with with Miss Cheerilee. How did it go? From the way he told it, it sounded like a lot of fun.”

Curious that he would tell her, then again, it is all over the school newspaper, which you know does get read by others around town. Also, how odd she didn’t seem to be upset by it at all. Maybe Discord was right, maybe she really doesn’t get too upset hearing about such things. “It was actually, Dad taught the class about chaos magic while I got to test out my magical skills against his. It ended up as a tie. Erm, so, uh, the fact we fought at all doesn’t upset you?”

“Well, it was only a play fight, right? No, that doesn’t sound too bad, and it must have been a lot of fun being able to test chaos against chaos. I wish I could have seen my boys fight, erm, play fight. I bet it was very exciting.” Fluttershy said, a hint of curiosity and energy in her tone.

“Exciting? Really? Wow, Aunt Fluttershy, that is a little weird to hear from you. I thought you’d have had some problem with it. You really think you’d have fun watching?” God, have you really not spent enough time with Fluttershy to know this?

Fluttershy nods. “Mhmm, I think I would have. Anon, do you think I have a problem with chaos?” She asked.

“Well, no, or else you wouldn’t like me or Dad. I just thought you didn’t really think too much of it. You always seem to get sad or hurt whenever me or Dad do something, well, chaotic.” You say, in a want to learn about Fluttershy’s current stance on chaos magic.

“Oh, Anon, that’s only when one of you do something bad or hurtful, especially to one another. I actually not only don’t mind chaos, I happen to think it is very fun and exciting.” Fluttershy said cheerily. “I actually have a very good time with your father whenever he’s around. Even the littlest things he does is always so mysterious, and sometimes, even adorable! I always look forward to our tea parties just to be able to talk with him, spend time with him, and experience all the things he does with his magic. Just like I always look forward to spending time with my nephew, talking with him, and now, even teaching him valuable lessons about friendship!” Fluttershy then shifts her eyes to the right and left, looking around for anyone before whispering. “I don’t even mind when he pulls a little prank, as long as it’s very very minor and doesn’t hurt anypony. And as long as he doesn’t do it too often. He can be very funny, erm…” Fluttershy looked left and right again, realizing what she was saying might be a bad influence on you, telling you it is ok to pull pranks. “Though, I don’t like it when he does it too much, just like how I don’t like it when anypony does that. But a teeny tiny and not scary little prank is, erm, alright, as long as everypony has fun.”

Exciting? Fun? Mysterious? Spend time with? EVEN HIS PRANKS?! Waaait, WAIT! Why does this opinion sound different from what you knew before. “Wow, I, er, didn’t know you thought that, Aunt Fluttershy. I kind of remember you not being, y’know, so approving of Dad's shenanigans.”

“Oh no no, not at all… Well, actually, I did at first. But as I got to know your father more and more, and, as he got to know me, we became more comfortable with each other. He used to just use his magic to mostly be mean, but now he does it for fun, and even to be entertaining or helpful… Well, sometimes helpful. If you thought that maybe I was afraid of him or his magic in anyway, I’m not. In fact, lately, I’ve just felt…” Fluttershy stopped as she took a moment to ponder. She wanted the right words for what she was about to say. And it needed to describe something calming, gentle, warm. “...Safe, like nothing can hurt me. I suppose, erm, well, when you’ve been afraid of a lot of things all your life like I have, it just feels nice to be able to be around someone so spontaneous and unpredictable, while also feeling like nothing bad will happen because you can trust them. I guess you can say it lets me experience things that before would have scared me away. Does that make sense, Anon?”

SAFE?! ENTERTAINING?! GOT TO KNOW BETTER?! OH NOOOOOOOOOOO! It happened, didn’t it?! IT HAPPENED, DIDN’T IT?! You froze, eye twitching as the thought of it actually being a possibility hit your brain. All that time advocating it, and now suddenly the very thought filled you dread, so much so that you just fall over onto your face without answering.

“A-Anon?! Are you alright?! W-what happened?!” Fluttershy said, shocked by your reaction. It couldn’t have been something she said, she wondered if maybe the oatmeal was to blame, maybe she made it wrong? “Anon, please! Tell me what’s wrong. Is it your tummy?” She asked as she leaned down and began to shake you gently with her hooves.

She loved him, that had to be it. It finally fucking happened! And even if she didn’t say it, it just felt like it. Did he love her? Of course he did, he was just, and is always being, a goddamn child about it.

“U-uhh, no no.” You say as you quickly stand and wipe your forehead. “W-was just doing a head check.”

“A head check?” Fluttershy asked, curious.

“Yeah, just making sure my head is strong and able to slam into things without a problem, haha!” You laugh nervously, as you try to rid your mind of such thoughts, for the moment anyway. Though, knowing what you know now, you had to bring it up with Discord.

“Oh… Erm, I guess that is normal, I think.” Fluttershy said, unsure of it all. “But doesn’t that hurt? Or make you dizzy?”

“Nah, I do this all the WOAH!” You yell out as you fall into the small lake surrounding the front of the school. You rise above the water and spit some out. Goddammit, you must look like a fool right now.

“Woah, Anon, why are you acting like some sort of fool?” Said a voice as it extended its orange claw towards you. Wait, Smolder? OH GODDAMMIT! DID SHE SEE YOU DUNK YOURSELF?! “Like, you just walked in like there was ground or something. Are you ok? Hey, Professor Fluttershy, is he ok?”

“I… Think? A-Anon, are you alright? Are you sure you’re ok?” Fluttershy asked, worried that your 'head check' may have made you dizzy or worse.

You groan as you let Smolder take your hoof and bring it onto one of the stone steps above the water. Ugh, how humiliating. “I’m fine, I’m fine. I was just, er, cooling off before…” Like goddamn, you were at the school already?! How did you miss it? It is fucking huge! “Erm, going in to class.” You say as you shake yourself like some sort of dog, drying yourself off in an adorable way as your coat slightly floofs up.

“Oh… How strange.” Fluttershy murmured to herself before shrugging. “I guess it is just a chaos thing.”

“I dunno, looks like he wasn’t paying attention to me. Hey, Anon.” Smolder said as she turned her attention to you. “This is gonna be your first day, right? You know if we're getting any classes together?.”

“Oh, actually, Anon’s schedule is focused on the friends he has already made within the school. Smolder, your first class of the day is with Applejack, isn’t it?” Fluttershy asked, giving a warming smile as she could already see what she had been told was true. You already had friends within the school. It wasn’t like she didn’t believe it, she just loved seeing it.

“Yeah. And hey, that’s pretty cool actually. Let me guess, ‘friends he already made’, huh? Is it for some sort of special lesson or something?” Smolder guessed as she rubbed at her chin, thinking. “Or, well, it is a friendship school. If it’s not a lesson, then is it just so he can be close to his friends, right?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Mhmm, everycreature deserves to be close to their friends. And since Anon has managed to make friends here at this school, it only makes sense he takes classes with them.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s the point, right? Cool.” Smolder said as she crossed her arms, giving you a smirk. “So, Anon, are you gonna cause any trouble with that thing?” Smolder said as she pointed towards your horn.

“Oh, uh…” You look back at Fluttershy, then back to Smolder, and shake your head. “No, y’know how it is. Gotta play by Twilight’s rules.”

“Bummer, would have been cool to see what else that thing could do. Like, Silverstream has this newspaper and she was just going wild over it. Gave it a read myself, all of it seemed real awesome. Pocket dimensions, transformations, reality warping. Paper made it seem a lot cooler than, well…” Smolder gave you a wink, as to signify the day you ‘fought’ Yona without letting Fluttershy know that it happened. “You know.”

“Ah, right! The, thing, yes.” You say, a little nervously, as you wink back. The school newspaper already spread all around town, eh? Neat, guess that means a lot of ponies are in the know of your great power. “Well, I mean, it’s not like I can’t do a few small things. Right, Aunt Fluttershy? As long as it doesn’t hurt anycreature?”

“W-well…” Fluttershy was in a conundrum. She, in truth, wouldn’t mind it. Again, as long as no one got hurt and it didn’t ruin anything. Really, she was just afraid what others would say, given she didn’t know how easily offended some might be. She knew Twilight might especially be offended, but she also just didn’t want to say no. “Maybe a little. Just remember to keep it innocent”

Woo! Awesome! “Well, there you go, I’ll see what I can conjure up during break or something.”

“Awesome! Can’t wait to see. I know Silverstream totally can’t wait to see, but don’t worry, I’ll make sure she stays off your back.” Smolder said with a wink. “Anyway, seeya in class, gotta return a notebook to Ocellus and I don’t want to end up being late. Not like I really care, but, y'know, Ocellus does and... Well, bye!.” Smolder said with a wave before flying off inside.

“Awww, Anon.” Fluttershy cooed as she hovered over to you to give you a gentle little hug. “That’s my Anon, not even in his first class yet and already being such a, erm, ‘cool’ and ‘awesome’ friend! But also responsible, because, well… Erm, nevermind, I just want you to know I’m oh so proud of you.”

Oh yeah, that’s the stuff. You just snuggled with Fluttershy for a moment, letting all the warmth flow through you. So soft, so nuzzly, you could stay in her grasp for days…

“Anon, Fluttershy, good morning!” Twilight said, standing by the door of the school, with Scrappy beside her, in his usual dog form.

“Oh, Twilight, good morning to you too!” Fluttershy said as she looked over to her. She slowly ended her hug and hovered over to the doors as you followed, hopping from stone to stone til you reached the path leading to the door.

“Yeah, good morning, what’s up?” You’d think she’d be in her office or something. But with her being out here, it was obvious she was waiting for you to show up. Probably has some bullshit to say or whatever. Saves you the trouble of finding her so you could ask about classes and scheduling and such.

“Not much, just another wonderful day here at the School of Friendship!” Twilight said, in a genuinely dorky way that you somehow found more nauseating than cute. “I am here to see you off to your first class, and explain to you a few rules, and what we expect from you. Basically a quick orientation. Don’t worry, everycreature already got the same thing, so don’t think it’s me being a prude or anything.”

Ah, well, that didn’t sound so bad, just business as usual then. “Oh, ok. So, er, I see you got Scrappy there. Hey, Scrappy, how’s the guard duty going?”

“Excellent, the Queen will never be able to get close without me knowing. Although, I wish she would so I could at least say hi. Erm, no, it doesn’t matter. My duty is to alert, and that is what I’ll do!”

“Awwww, he’s so cute.” Fluttershy said as she began to gently pet at his head, causing Scrappy to gently nuzzle under her hoof for affection. “Have you been learning any friendship lessons while you’ve been here, Scrappy?”

“Yes!” Scrappy said with a salute “I have learned many things! Such as Twilight’s inability to ever improve in chess as I crush her everytime! Also, I have learned why villains do not like her, for she is highly annoying and self righteous! Also, I miss the master! Also also, Pinkie Pie and her class are the best, they gave me hugs and snuggles and it made me very happy, it makes me wish nothing bad ever happens to anycreature here.”

“Mhmm, Scrappy has le-Wait! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I’M ANNOYING?! I am not annoying! And self righteous?! Scrappy, what even gave you that idea?!” Twilight gasped, jumping to the side and staring at Scrappy as she shouted at him, surprised by his answer.

Oh god, you couldn’t even ‘not like’ the little fucker after that! He just laid it on thick! Fucking, brutal.

“Actually, I said highly annoying. You panic a lot, overthink a lot, nag a lot, and think your plans always work… a lot. But that doesn’t make you a bad pony, it just makes your enemies want to destroy you more. Can we play chess now?” Scrappy said as he looked up at Twilight with big soft eyes, wagging his tail as he awaited her answer.

Twilight’s eye twitched, she was baffled, insulted, and confused. “B-but, that’s… Wrong? I mean, that is wrong, right?” Twilight somehow couldn’t even answer for herself, that was so ridiculously blunt it hurt. She knew some of it was right, given her meeting with Chrysalis, but was it really that blatant and obvious?!

“Well, erm, I don’t think all of those things are true, and you’re certainly not a bad pony. B-but you do tend to panic, erm, a lot.” Fluttershy said, feeling bad about having to say that much, despite it being true.

“I mean, you already know how I feel, Twilight. And to be fair, Chrysalis does kinda want you dead... A lot.” It was Twilight’s self righteous bullshit that did cause all this.

“I… See.” Twilight said as a few of the hairs in her mane twisted and curled. “Weeeellllll, er, I guess… Maybe? Maybe I still have a few lessons to… Erm… Learn... A lot.” She says, whispering that last part very lowly. “Annnnnnyway, Fluttershy, you better get to your class before they wonder where you are. Erm, Scrappy, can you wait in my office? Erm, we’ll play chess when I get back.”

“Yes! Further victory will be mine! And then I shall tell these tales to my master, Applebloom, in which she will be happy with me and give me snuggles!” Scrappy said happily as he rushed back inside.

Hold back that laughter, Anon, because Twilight just got fucking ‘rekt’ by a dumbass changeling.

“Well, Anon, I’ll see you soon.” Fluttershy said as she gave you a kiss on the forehead. “Be good, and work hard. But erm, also relax, and have fun with your friends. I love you, Anon.”

“I love you too, Aunt Fluttershy.” You say as you kiss her cheek, and let her step inside as you begin to follow the disheveled Twilight to Applejack’s class. You also had to take in the spectacle of the interior of the school. Really, if it was one thing Twilight got right, it was the look of the school. It really was like a pony Hogwarts, Or perhaps, even fancier than that. The interior had a courtyard with a beautiful fountain, with doors that led to hallways that were beautifully designed, windows along the wall to gaze onto the outside. It was almost like a small castle town. “Heh, you alright, Twilight?”

“J-just fine, nothing to w-worry about. Ahrm, erm…” Twilight had to clear her throat and try to calm herself. She was the headmare, and she couldn’t let herself be affected by Scrappy’s comments. Especially since she felt he was mostly wrong, kinda mostly, an inner panic in her mind hoping it was kinda not as mostly as she felt it might be. “But, erm, that isn’t important right now. What is important is me welcoming you to our school.”

“Yeah, I got that. Look, erm, I don’t need a whole grand speech or anything, Twilight. Just give me the gist of what I need to know.” Like really, you don't need the grand speech about how lucky you are to be selected to be here or any of that nonsense.

“Anon, I feel like a warm welcome is the best way to feel wanted and, well, welcomed. I know we have a lot of differences between us, but I am happy to have you here. I spoke to Starlight, you know? She let me know that you’re already well ahead of your studies, as in, you already have a small pool of friends from this very school. I’m proud to hear that, I really am. And just like with all my students here, I want to see you grow, and improve. I don’t want to change you, Anon, I just want you to learn our way of friendship better, to increase your understanding of it. Maybe it confuses you as to why, but I truly feel it will help you in the long run.” Twilight explained, pretty much giving you the grand speech anyway. Ah well, she wasn’t too wrong about feeling welcomed. She really did seem to have hope in you, and believed in you, despite all the shit you and Discord pull on her.

“Well, erm, thanks, Twilight. I guess I do feel more confident after hearing that. But, ok, rules… Rules. I mean, basically don’t cause any trouble, right?” You ask.

“Well, that is the basics of any school ruleset, I think. But we do have rules more related to friendship as well. Like, don’t actively sabotage a friendship, even your own. If you have any trouble, we do have Starlight, our student counselor, for guidance. We also expect you to try to work out any friendship issues with your friends first before seeing Starlight for the sake of experience. Experience can’t be gained unless you do things on your own. However, if things are truly serious, or you have doubt, then do see Starlight, or one of your professors, or even me first so we can try and work things out. Furthermore…” And Twilight went on a long tangent of basic bullshit you could have already figured out. Don’t cause trouble, don’t ruin friendships, listen to your professors, bla bla bla. “...And that’s it. All very easy rules to follow. Though, for you, I also have to ask you to refrain from using your horn here in school. It’s nothing personal, I just don’t want there to be any trouble. Of course, in the unlikely event of a monster attack, erm, well, I can’t stop you from helping in that regard. You’re responsible enough to handle a monster or villain attacking, I know that much. Oh, also about homework, we don't give out too much here. We mostly teach through more unique and fun activities. Now that doesn't mean we don't have written work, or tests, because we do. But we just don't want to stress any of our students out so they can focus on being such good friends! ”

Well damn, it feels nice to have your actual heroic abilities recognized. Though, still, the fact that she didn’t want you using your horn at all was really stingy sounding. It wasn’t like you were going to blow up the school or anything. And less homework than the usual school? You can get down to that. But the use of your horn, you needed a few more specifics on your horn. “I guess I can follow that. But I still need my horn to get home and stuff, that’s fine, right?”

“That’ll be alright, I don’t see a problem with that. Finally…” Twilight stops at the door to Applejack’s class, then looks around to make sure no one was within earshot. “Chrysalis, has there been anything new regarding her?”

You shake your head. “No, nothing yet. But don’t worry, we do have everything covered.”

“I know, and I know nocreature but myself is truly at risk. I just don’t want her doing anything hasty either, I know she can be redeemed.” Twilight said, more soft spoken, but still filled with hope.

“I know. I’m not worried too much about it, erm, is there anything else? Since, y’know, I’m here?” You ask Twilight.

“Oh, erm, no no. It’s fine. Um, welcome to Friendship School, Anon, I can’t wait to see what you can do.” Twilight says, trying to sound more enthused.

Welp, that really was the interesting part, wasn’t it? Well, we’ll see what you can do, Anon. You yourself were sure it was going to be a hell of a time… Possibly.

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