• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 294 - The Empress of Friendship

You were standing there in front of them, impatiently tapping your foot. Why have they not bowed to you already? “Excuse me, can we wrap this up, pweeeease? As your new empress, I have things to do, and I don’t want to waste any more time, okay?”

Chrysalis just gave you a venomous glare as she spoke harshly towards you. “And as queen, and your usurper, I would suggest you release Anon from your control before I blow your fucking head off!”

Ew, those nasty human words, you really didn’t like them. Still, you had to clap, that was actually pretty clever. “Golly, Chrysalis, I wouldn’t expect any less from you. I get it, you’re the changeling queen, you’ve taken down lots and lots of empires. But you don’t need to use such potty language. I think my first law in my new world will be to outlaw all bad words from any and all dimensions. I really, really, do not like them.”

“And I really, really, don’t like you. Release Anon, or suffer the consequences, final warning.” Chrysalis threatened as her horn began to lit up.

You just smirked at her, you knew she wouldn’t do it, none of them would. You stretched your arms out, and dared her. “Do it then, let’s see what you got.”

You waited, and you expected her to back down. But she didn’t, and she suddenly let out a huge bolt of green magic. It made you flinch as it whizzed by you and exploded from behind. She missed? Or did she? Suddenly, they all seemed pretty astonished. You look back to see what she hit. Oh, that’s what it was. She tried to hit the containment tube with your sleeping body in it. But what luck, it seems Mister Tirek was smart enough to have barriers to protect the things. You just look back at Chrysalis and clap. “Oh, wow, very nice, I wasn’t expecting that. Good thing Mister Tirek isn’t dumb, right? Wow, that could have really made me look stupid if you opened my tube.”

“Dammit! There has to be a way!” Chrysalis growled as she lit her horn up for another shot.

“Maybe there is! Tirek used his voice to open that door, right? Maybe all we have to do is figure out a password to the weird tube things and we can stop this right here, right now!” Sandbar suggested, before coming to a bad realization. “Anycreature know what the password could be?”

“You’re acting as if you’re going to get another chance.” You said as you grabbed your hovering scepter. “Let’s clear the room.” You said as you swiped your scepter forward. With a blast of magic, you send the eight out from the security room and rolling back into the throne room. Wow, that was easy. You began to step forth to face them proper, until you hear a voice behind you.

“Cozy Glow!”


“Cozy Glow, down here!”

You turn around, and who do you see? Mister Tirek leaning against the security desk as a cute little wingless birdy. You let your scepter float around you again as you put your hands to your knees and bend down with a smile. “Mister Tirek, hello! Golly, you look kinda ‘peckish’ right now.”

Tirek just gave you an annoyed expression. “Cute, a bird pun. Listen, I heard what was said. If you truly have fused with the staff at this time, then you know you’re not at full power. The staff, even if it is safe to use now, still needs to heal within your body. Something already difficult if you’re using that outworlder’s broken form. Use your magic to restore me and the Midnight Castle and we will finish this together!”




You snap your fingers and trap Mister Tirek in a bird cage hanging under the ceiling of the security room. “How about no?”

“What is this?! You can’t be serious, Cozy Glow! Our team up was your plan! How dare you betray me!” Tirek squawked at you, before you snapped your fingers and magically tied his beak shut with a twisty tie.

“Technically, Mister Tirek, you betrayed me first, see?” You point to your sleeping form. “Forever I’ll sleep, just like you wanted. Just like you’ll forever be my cute pet! An eye for an eye makes everycreature but me blind.” Now then, you had some dumb dumbs to att-What?! “HHNNRRKK!” You grab your scepter and raise it to block a never ending beam of crackling blue magic. What was this?! You couldn’t send it back, and it was actually hard to even hold your scepter to block it.

“Tempest, what are you doing?!” Chrysalis cried out as she witnessed Tempest taking advantage of your little talk with Tirek to blast her magic at you.

“Finishing this!” Tempest said as she slowly encroached upon you, never letting up on her beam of magic.

“Finish-Wait!” Silverstream gasped. “Y-you’re not… But you can’t, she said you’d destroy Hero Colt Anon!”

Tempest said nothing at first, then let out a sorrowful “I know…”

“You know?! You know it’ll destroy him and you chose to continue with your idiotic plan anyway!? Stop! There’s another way! There’s always another way with these virtuous fools!” Chrysalis screamed out at her.

“It has to be here and now! The moment Tirek mentioned she wasn’t at full strength, I knew it was the time to strike. Do you think I want to destroy him?! I don’t, but the entire world hangs in the balance! Chrysalis, if it was me she had taken over, I would expect you, all of you, to take the same shot!” Tempest shouted as she continued her magical onslaught.

“...Well, how noble of you.” Chrysalis said in a dark voice as she approached Tempest.

Even you couldn’t predict what happened next. Suddenly the magic blast that, as you’d hate to admit, hurt you really bad suddenly sparkled to its end as Chrysalis hit Tempest with some sort of paralysis magic, sending her to the ground with a whine as she lit up with bolts of green magic. You slowly stand up and look at your dress, it was burnt in so many spots! And your poor scepter, it was bent and ruined. “Grrr, look at what you did to my-EEP!” You suddenly take a step back as Chrysalis slaps the scepter away from your hand. You suddenly found yourself being held by the neck and being lifted up in the air by her magic.

“I really don’t fucking care. I’m done playing games with you, ‘Empress’. If you won’t release Anon to me, then I’ll bring him out myself.” Suddenly, Chrysalis’s eyes softened as she began to speak in a slightly less intimidating tone. She would not let you have another word in edgewise, as she quickly began her attempt to break Anon free from your inner prison. “Anon! I know you can hear me! Listen to me! Are you really going to let this filly reject take over your body, your mind? It isn’t that easy, Anon! What about Little Sister? What about your insipid friends who somehow care about you? What about… Me? Anon, I’m… I’m asking you, pleading with you, to show your true strength. Come back to me, and we can end this nightmare together.” Wow, just… Wow.

She was really serious, huh? Did she not realize that wouldn't work? You had Twilight's essence in you, you controlled Magic and Friendship! She couldn't save Anon from you, it was stupid to even try. So, then, it was time to have some fun.

You look at Chrysalis, using Anon’s voice. “C-Chrysalis?”

The look on her face, it was the pathetic look of hope. “Anon! A-anon, fight it! Please, I know you can beat her!”

“C-Chrysalis, please, y-you have to do something for me…” You said as you reached out for her.

“Anything, just come back.” You could see it, she wasn’t hiding those pretty wings anymore. Such nice wings wasted on such a disgusting bug.

“Just, well…” You gripped your hand and made a grab for her horn. With magical strength, you begin to spin her around and throw her towards an empty containment unit. With a lift of your finger, you magically open one and send her inside before closing it. “If you’re gonna try that old routine, make sure you have a backup plan.” You said in his voice before laughing at her with your own.

“You soulless monster! That’s it, when I get out of here, I’m just going to rip your head right from your body! I know Anon will survive it, b-bu, y-y…” And as the weird goopy liquid filled up the tube, Chrysalis fell into a deep sleep.

You just waved at her as your dress slowly repaired itself. “Nighty night, pretty Chryssi. I’ll come back to take your magical essence later.” You look back at the last six who still defied you. “Well, time for the grand finale, right?” You remained calm, but deep inside, you were ever so angry. You looked at the fallen Tempest as you stepped out of the security room. You snapped your fingers, creating a barrier along the threshold as you walked over to her. “You know, you really made me mad. I’m all about love and friendship and you just tried to destroy me! Destroy Anon even. Wasn’t he the one who fixed you?” You expected her to answer with something, but she only gave you this cold and dark stare you just really didn’t like. You raise your hand, and begin having her wrapped up with the stone floor, in a hard cocoon. “I should destroy you, since you’re really annoying and all. But that raw magic you use is really strong. I think, instead, I’ll just make you my own personal guard.”

“Cozy Glow, you have to stop! What happened to you? I thought we were friends!” Silverstream said to you, as if she was trying to knock you to your senses or something.

“We are friends!” You say as you turn to her with a cheerful smile. “And as your friend, I have to ask you, don’t you think all of this is so so dumb? Headmare Twilight was right, you know? All of you are destined for greater things. Why don’t you six become my loyal order of knights? I can send you all back to convert your homes once I’ve taken Chrysalis’s magical essence for myself. Think about it, you’ll be the knights of friendship! That’s better than dealing with some dumb old school.”

“Yona not like that. Yona think Chrysalis right, Cozy Glow soulless monster.” Yona said to you with a growl.

“She’s right… I… I don’t feel anything in you, Cozy. No love, no care, no friendship. You were able to fake every emotion you ever made to us, and even I was tricked. You’re just like how she used to be. No, you’re even worse, much worse!” Ocellus said.

Your smile turned to a look of boredom. Should have known they’d be like that. You just decide to shrug at them. “Well, I tried.” You then look over at Sandbar as your eyes begin to glow a deep blue. “Sandbar! Listen to me. I am your best friend! I know you can feel it, I know you know it’s true. Come by my side, and fight your friends for me! They want to hurt me, Sandbar! Do it! Defend your Empress of Friendship!”

“Ah geez, it’s that stupid mind control thing, isn’t it? Sandbar, you gotta fight it!” Gallus said as he turned over to Sandbar, ready to slap him if need be.

But for some reason, Sandbar didn’t react at all. “I don’t even feel anything. I never did, remember? Wow, I guess that means Cozy Glow’s magic kinda stinks! Maybe we can win!”

W-what?! “That’s impossible! You’re right there! You shouldn’t be able to resist my call!” Okay, now you are getting angry! You were supposed to be stronger than this! How long was this stupid staff gonna take to get better?! Stupid Mister Tirek, he broke Anon and the staff, it’s his fault!

Smolder stopped for a moment, and looked at the element hanging around her neck. “Hey, Sandbar, I think you’re right. We have the elements, right? This is it! We gotta stand together, and use the elements to save the world!”

“That’s right, we have the elements! We have to use them. We have to save everycreature!” Silverstream said as she held up her element.

Hm, that could be a problem.

“You know what, yeah! We can do this! But, how do we even get them to MNGH!” With a magical tug, you rip Gallus’s element right off his neck.

You rip all their elements off their neck and into your fist. Well, that was easy.

“What was that? How to get them to work?” You say with a cruel little smile as you grip your fist with all the magical fury you had. And it seemed it was enough, the elements actually shattered to dust in your fist. “Oopsie! Guess we’ll never find out.”

All of them went pretty silent. Their silly expressions of bravado quickly turned to fear and astonishment, it was adorable. You started laughing at them. “Hahahaha! Look at all of you! You, the elements? The world’s last hope?! What a joke! Each and every one of you had an actual itsy bitsy chance to beat me and you all blew it! Golly, I can’t imagine how it must feel to feel so stupid!”

“Well then, allow me to give you a chance to feel that stated stupidity.” Said a voice from behind.

“What?” But before you could turn around, you suddenly felt yourself being held by a powerful magic.

The six looked behind you, and suddenly let out, all at once. “Chancellor Neighsay!”

“N-ngh, you?! I can’t believe I forgot about you!” You growled as you fought against the hold.

Neighsay was hurt, for sure, but with his restored magic, he was using the element of surprise to hold you down. “For once, I’m glad for that. I will not allow you to harm a single one of them.” Neighsay then turned to the six, calling out to them. “Listen to me, you must run from here. I’ll hold her off, but you need to escape. Call upon the princesses, call upon Starswirl the Bearded, they will know what to do!”

“What? Leave Chancellor behind?! Yona can’t do that, Yona can’t leave any friend behind!” Yona said as she called out to him.

“You have to, if she managed to-What?! NGH!” Neighsay cried out as you suddenly teleported in front of him, and slammed your crown onto his face, ending his spell and sending him down onto the ground. “NGH! Mngh… H-how? How did you…?”

You let out a little “Hmph” as you place the crown back on your head. You then look down at him like the trash he is. “Get over it, I’m not that weak, I’m just still getting used to this whole ‘magic’ and ‘human’ thing. Teleporting out of your dumb holding spell was literally a snap.” You then kick him on his side, making him groan and wince. “Who even are you, anyway? Nopony even cares about you.”

“T-they don’t need to. More importantly, nocreature can e-ever love you. Y-you’re a false empress. Friendship? Hah, I was against the princess for so long, and even I understand it better than you.” Neighsay mocked as he began to laugh at you.

You really did not find it funny. You looked back at the six. Oh wow, they didn’t even try to run, and they looked like they were about to rush over to you. You know, when you really thought about it, you really didn’t need this old grump in your new empire. He really didn’t need to be around at all. Without a word, you make motions with your fingers, flicking the air. In an instant, Neighsay is sent through the throne room wall, causing it to burst open as he is sent hurtling at high speeds into the distance. The six stopped in their tracks, and you just had to look at them with a cute and embarrassed little smile. “Golly, I’m sorry… I meant to flick him even harder. I’m not used to this body yet.”

“Y-you…” Silverstream couldn’t believe what she saw.

“H-he’s gone…” Sandbar was shocked, tears began to flow from his eyes.

They all actually were shedding tears for him, how pathetic.

“Oh boo hoo! Should have done what he said and ran, not like you’d have made it out in time with those elevators being so slow.” You beckoned them with your hand, ready to finish this. “Now, if you wanna try to fight me, then go ahead. I want to have some fun!”

Author's Note:

I hope you're all ready for the next chapter. It's going to be one doozy of a grand finale for this showdown.

I hope you didn't mouse over this because... You should know for a fact that Discord has yet to have his turn

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