• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 155 - 3 Weeks Later...

And that was that. Classes were over for the day, and you were fucking glad they were. Day one, day fucking one, and things still couldn’t go normal for you. Still, things still went fine in terms of friendship. You made new friends, some being cute enough to warm the soul just by having them around. Silverstream was especially one of them, hanging on your every word as you regale her in your ‘Hero Colt’ stories, stories she said she’d write back home about to spread your legend. As for the whole Applejack thing, well, you didn’t need any stress from that, so you never told Fluttershy anything about it, she’d be told by the others, that you were sure of. She did, of course, make sure you were ok after all that fucking animal nonsense, and upon you saying you were alright, she then asked you how you enjoyed your first day. You told her it was awesome, and she reacted in kind, with an awesomely huggy reply, now that was something you’d never get tired of.

Three weeks had passed by since that day, three weeks without too much happening, surprisingly enough. Your letters to Neighsay seemed to be working out, although his replies were always indicative of him wanting you to be fully alert. Diamond was made up to date, which led to near daily ‘mission briefing’ meetings with her on how to protect ‘your sister’. It was cute, so you didn’t mind, she'd eventually get bored of it while still being mindful of whats going on with the situation. The guards finally arrived in Ponyville, but aside from a few stationed around Twilight’s castle, the rest were told to ‘dress as civilians’ so as to not startle the townsponies or the students. Chrysalis was a minimal threat to everyone but Twilight, so excessive show of authority wasn’t needed.

Starlight and Maud’s investigations turned up nothing, or rather, Starlight, Maud, and some dude named Mudbriar. Who TECHNICALLY made you want to blow your brains out with the way he spoke, and the need to be TECHNICALLY correct. Either way, while Starlight concluded things were probably fine, Maud and Mudbriar had mentioned that there was an area in the forest in which the rocks there were not indigenous of the area. But, y’know, rocks, that doesn’t mean shit to you. Whatever Chrysalis had felt, it seemed to be nothing after all.

Speaking of which, her ‘upgrades’ that she wanted for her current home, that being what was on the list, grew and grew as time went on. She wanted it all done at once, her perfect lair, so she could be pleasantly surprised. Indeed, she was that bored. Upon the evening, you had saved two charges to one, visit Chrysalis’s lair, and two, add in everything at once.

What you had turned it into was a luxurious modernized palace, and not even an evil palace. She wanted to live like a human bigshot. Her home had leather seatings, a leather yet royal throne, a grand bed, gangster movies galore, with the occasional horror or sci-fi piece. You gave her a wardrobe with striped suits and fedoras. A study in which she could gather her thoughts. A grand hall. You gave her damn near everything. Hell, even the cave basement she desired was thrown in. And with that, you felt a shooting gallery was in order for her, since she had begun to take an interest in guns. Nothing special, just a tommy gun she could use against dolls of the mane six in an automated gallery.

Chrysalis was cackling as she shot her tommy gun at the Twilight doll, blasting it to bits as it regenerated, only to be blasted again. She was garbed in a green and black striped suit, with a fedora. It fit her, and gave her a different kind of dangerous sexiness. A gangster kind. “Yes! Yes! I knew I could count on you, Anon! I was impressed when you actually fulfilled everything on the list with one charge. But this, this little extra? I could almost seduce you for lustful reasons before I suck you dry. I mean your love by the way. Oh yes, I love this thing! I do notice, however, that the yellow one isn’t among the set. I guess I can’t complain, given your sentimentality.”

“Well, y’know, we’re supposed to be family, remember? I wasn’t going to just let you blow away a Fluttershy doll when you’re supposed to actually like her.” You tell her as you watch her reload the drum of the gun.

“Egh, you still act as if I can’t win. Anon, I’ve become so much more vicious than before. If I can’t show that meddlesome Twilight Sparkle how much of a failure she is within my restrictions, then I’ll simply break her neck and be done with it. Or I could just turn her to chunks with this wonderful gun.” Chrysalis says as she focuses her fire directly into the face of the Twilight doll.

“Yeah, no, that gun doesn’t work outside the gallery, I told you that. And no, I don’t think you have a chance in beating Twilight. Sorry, Chrysalis, but as much as I like you, I’m gonna tell you right now, we got everything covered, as in, you got no chance in even getting close to Twilight.” You tell her, cringing a little at the now headless doll, being blasted so hard it had trouble regenerating. Despite the recoil, Chrysalis was a disgustingly good shot as she held the gun aloft with her magic.

“Don’t be a killjoy, Anon. And don’t assume you know me enough to deem my plans a failure. You’ll have plenty of time to know how truly evil me and my rule can be when you finally join my side after Twilight’s eventual defeat… No… DEATH! MWHAHAHAHAHA!” Chrysalis laughed madly as she just sweeped the Tommy Gun about until it clicked. She immediately stopped laughing and shook the gun as she groaned. “You know, Anon, having to reload this thing is rather redundant when you gave me unlimited bullets anyway.”

“Hey, you wanted the authentic experience, so you gotta deal with the fact humans didn’t have the technology or the magic to have unlimited bullets in their guns.” You sigh, shake your head, and look to Chrysalis with a smirk. “Now, how about a thank you? I basically turned this place into your dream home.”

“Hm, I admit, the little touches you made, such as my glorious portrait over my own bed, is a nice touch. But a thank you? Hmmm…” Chrysalis stopped herself for a moment, placed the tommy gun on the counter, and gave you a warming little smile. “Perhaps after a little drive around the cave. It might put me in just a good enough mood for me to do that for you.” Chrysalis said as she walked past you, humming, as she took a look around the vast expanse of the cave. “I cannot wait to get my hooves behind the wheel again and… Wait.” Chrysalis looked left, then right, then spun around. “Anon, where is my car?”

Er… “At my house? Er, y’know, I. I mean, look, Chrysalis, it wasn’t on the list and WOAH!” Suddenly, you are raised in the air as Chrysalis looks at you with furious anger.


“C-C-Chrysalis! S-Stop! You might h-h-hurt me! G-geez! I-I forgot! I-I can get it for you tomorrow! O-Ok?!” You told her as steadily as you could as she shook you. Cripes, this escalated quickly, and all over her damn car. “R-Relax!”

“Relax?” Chrysalis said, with an eye twitch, as she slowly put you down. She let out a low crazed chuckle as she walked over to the counter of the shooting gallery. “Oh, you’re telling me to relax? Anon, are you saying I need to relax? Are you implying that I need to calm down?” She asked, turning away from you. Fuck man, she was really on edge. Fancy things could never replace her feelings for her hive, never take away that feeling of loneliness. But goddamn, even still, she was going to be dead long before she even enacts her plan at this point.

“Yes, Chrysalis, please. Geez, look, I’ll hang with you all night if you want, I got nothing better to do. Wanna watch a movie? I know a few and GEEZ!” Chrysalis turned back towards you, holding the tommy gun with her magic as her eyes became a malicious black with glowing green eyes.

“I’LL SHOW YOU RELAXED! I’LL RELAX THESE BULLETS INTO YOUR FACE! DIE!” Chrysalis cackled madly as she shot into you… Which did absolutely nothing to you as the bullets phased through you. You were startled yeah, but fuck, you were glad you got the damn spell right, or else you’d be full of holes. Chrysalis didn’t care though, she fired every shot until her gun clicked. And then, when she noticed you were ok, she stopped, her eyes returned to normal, and she let the gun drop to the ground as she groaned heavily and slumped onto her belly. “Wonderful, now I must spend the night without the smell of burning rubber. All because he ‘forgot’.”

“Fuck! Chrysalis! What the hell was that?! ‘Die’?! Are you serious?! You’re willing to kill me over your caSDFGDG” Suddenly, you feel yourself gripped by magic as Chrysalis drags you over to her. She then holds you close with her front hooves as she nuzzles her neck over your head like she was a mother. “C-Chrysalis?”

“Hush, I'm feeding, albeit lightly.” Chrysalis said as she slowly and near erotically licked at the side of your neck. “All this anger has made me hungry. So be a good colt and love me. Or at least lust over me. I don’t really care which right now.”

You began to blush deep as you felt her long moist tongue along her neck. It warmed you, and made you feel tingly all over. “C-Chrysalis, mnnnn…” There was no use arguing this, no use questioning it. So instead, you just ask her one thing before submitting. “Chrysalis, are you ok, really? I’m worried about you, I’m serious about that.”

Chrysalis sighed, and went silent for a moment, as if she was feeling vulnerable. Then, she finally spoke. “Ugh, I cannot believe I am saying this… But yes, I am not ‘ok’. I feel like I'm destined to fail, Anon. Even with my final plans coming to fruition, I feel as if something will happen to ruin everything. Never, and I mean, never, have I felt the anger I have been feeling, the loss that I am going through, that pain of loss that somehow lingers even now. I feel like the universe no longer favors me, and it never will again. I have put all my hopes into my new plan, I have worked to make sure everything is properly in place. And yet, I feel like there is something, just something, that can cause everything to fall apart. Is it so much to ask for a dead purple alicorn? Rulership of the land? Maybe at least the joy of turning the princesses into roadkill or swiss cheese? Oh, Anon, at this point, you’re the only one who understands me. I’m… Actually glad that nothing has changed between us. And I hope, one day, you can ride with me as we shoot our guns at the foolish masses, together.”

Heart warming, dark, but heartwarming, but it was something you have heard before. Although, that was as close to a thank you you were ever going to get. You sigh, and let yourself snuggle up to her leg. “Chrysalis, I just want to be able to be your friend without worrying if you’re going to do something evil or get yourself hurt. You’re fun to be around, you really are. But I’m serious, and I always have to say it, but all this evil and cruelty you want to wreak is getting you nowhere. I just wish you’d stop so we can hang out more without all of the world getting pissed at us about it. Please, when this is all over, just… I dunno, you never listen to me anyway.” You sigh, your sorrow growing, even being felt by Chrysalis herself.

“It really upsets you, doesn’t it? That won’t persuade me… But it is noted, and…” Chrysalis didn’t know how to continue that, she couldn’t let herself continue on that thought. She could already feel herself falling into her rarely felt sentimentality. She stopped herself, and shifted subjects. “And… Ah, yes, what of the disturbance in the forest? I trust you looked into it?”

“H-huh? Oh… Yeah, sorta, I let some of my friends know and they checked it out. Nothing came up, so I’m pretty sure it was nothing.” You say, only half paying attention.

“I see. Not surprising, I came to that conclusion myself after having my own little look around. A waste of time, I don’t even know why I was worried. Only thing I found that was odd was unusually large shards of porcelain.” Chrysalis said as she continued to slowly feed.

“Porcelain? In the middle of the forest? That's weird…” You say, feeling some odd and dark foreboding suddenly creep up on you. But why? Why did you suddenly feel like that?

“Not really, I’m sure some idiotic pegasus pony was delivering a colossal art piece meant for a mountain viewing, or something like that, and dropped it. Probably didn’t bother to clean it up due to being afraid of the forest. Not that I mind, they made perfect stress relievers up until I had blasted every single chunk to dust with my own magic.” Chrysalis suddenly chuckled to herself. “Actually, it would have been funny to push one of those shards onto Twilight Sparkle. They would have smashed her flat.”

Suddenly, your eyes go wide. Shards? Shards that could crush a pony? “Yeah. Er, Chrysalis, how big were these ‘shards’ exactly? Did they look like they belonged to anything?”

“Why does it matter? They’re nothing but dust now.” Chrysalis answers.

“J-just humor me, ok? Please? I just find it weird there’d be shards of porcelain that big just dropped and left here in the forest.” Please god, no, why did it feel like something horrible was forming in your mind?!

“Fine…” Chrysalis said with a groan. “I don’t know why it’s worrying you so much, but, fine. The shards themselves, as I said, were large. Large enough to crush even a smaller dragon should they tip over. They were thick and white, with one of them curving in such a way that it reminded me of what a sink typically looks like on one end. There, are you humor- Anon?” Chrysalis could feel it, something that made her stop. Intense dread.

Shards of porcelain? Like it came from a kitchen sink?! Oh no, oh god no. The Storm King, Ravager, whatever! He couldn’t have, you didn’t, there’s no way. You gulp hard, and ask, with a weak voice. “Chrysalis… D-did you find a corpse? A-a demonic like corpse?”

“Demonic? No, I didn’t see any corpse at all. Why?” Chrysalis smirked as she cuddled you close. “Did you like my idea of crushing Twilight Sp-Anon? What’s wrong with you?” Chrysalis gets up, letting you go, and walks in front of you to check your condition. “Not that I care, but are you alright?”

GODDAMMIT, NO NO NO! IT’S BEEN THREE WEEKS! THREE WEEKS WITH NOTHING DONE ABOUT IT! HOW?! HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?! “C-chrysalis, I need to go home, and…” No, you can’t let her in on it. She can’t hurt anything or anyone but Twilight at the moment. And even then, The Storm Ravager would obliterate her if she went looking for him at any capacity. “Get some rest. I feel really tired from you feeding off of me and all, and it is night time. I promise to have your car sent to you tomorrow, o-ok?”

Chrysalis wondered if she should question you, try to find out what was on your mind. But then she worried that if she got you too riled up, you’d forget the car over whatever was bothering you. “Alright, I had my fill. You may go.”

“T-thank you, I’ll see you tomorrow and-” But Chrysalis brings her hoof to your lips, and shushes you soothingly.

“Just go, before I suddenly feel like asking what’s wrong. There’s water you can use upstairs, just don’t make a mess.” Chrysalis tells you.

“R-right, thanks. S-seeya, Chrysalis.” You say as you nearly trip yourself waving to her. You went for the steps to return back to the main hall of her home. Chrysalis watched you go up, but didn’t follow, and didn’t say another word. And yet, for some reason… She felt worried about you, enough that she almost stopped you to give you that ‘thank you’. But no, she wouldn’t let herself go that far. She figured if you were worried about the shards, then you were probably just being an idiot.

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