• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 198 - Dark Anon's Grand Plan - Part 2

Author's Note:

This chapter was incredibly difficult to write... Period.

Welp, that happened.

This was going to be easier than you thought. You aim your Starlight Hook at your evil self’s torso and fire, wrapping it around him as he tried to pull his head free. Yeah, this was going to be easy now. Mr. Rich, damn, it almost made you cry that he was able to figure out which was the real you so easily.

“Ngh, NRGH!” Dark Anon grunted before finally pulling his head out of the ground, shaking it, then looking back at Mr. Rich with an angry growl. “Really?! REALLY?! You think you have me figur-'' But Dark Anon immediately jumped to attention the moment he noticed you were nearby. “Dammit! Almost let you get me. So this is it, huh? The ultimate battle of ultimate destiny? You do know I’m fully capable of killing you and everyone here, right? I’d run if I were you, I have some pussy to slay. Sonic Adventure or not, I meant what I said, you aren’t good enough to take me on.”

Geez, were you ever this cocky? “Yeaaaah, I get that. But, hey, here’s a thought. You’ve always wanted to cause a sorta Looney Tunes moment, right?”

Dark Anon looked at you as he cocked an eyebrow. “Wut? What kind? The double take thing or the drop a fucking anvil on your head thing? I mean, yeah, I’d do both really. Cept when they get smashed by the anvil, there’s gonna be a lot of mooshy parts.” Dark Anon said with an evil snicker.

“Cool, cool, I get ya. So…” You stop your speech, and then point to the line of your hook.

“Wha? What are y-” But then Dark Anon looks to see he was connected to the line. He then stared back at you, then at the line, then back at you with horror. “WAIT! DRWGFDGDFGFGDF” And in an instant, you flicked the switch to start shocking him with magical force.

“Well, that was easy.” You say as you keep the magic going. “Chrysalis, any time now.”

“Give me a second, Anon. I want to see him suffer…” Chrysalis said, peering from the bag ever so slightly to watch Dark Anon fidget and scream.

“Dammit! Chrysalis, you get on my case for hesitating and now you wanna be a sadist all of a sudden?! Just blast his WHOOP!” You suddenly fall backwards as Dark Anon somehow… Goes through the line? He melted right through it!

“Nghaaa, dmmnngghh.” Indeed, Dark Anon seemed to have almost seemed blobbish for a moment as the line passed through his body, the hook falling harmlessly on the ground. Dark Anon then quickly began to solidify, though it seemed to not have been purposely, as he even seemed confused by what just happened. “D-dammit, w-what the?! GRRRR!”

“Shit! Dammit!” You retract the line as quick as you can, but in an instant, a dark root sprouts from the ground from the middle of the line and severs it from the hook. “Oh… No…”

“You bastard!” Dark Anon growled as he slowly began to approach. “That hurt! That really fucking hurt!” He said as he stomped towards you, roots coming out of the ground and flailing around him with every step as his horn glowed a dark black and red. “I’m gonna gut you like a fucking fish! You’re nothing compared to me, you hear me? Did you really, REALLY, think you were going to stop me? I’m Dark Anon! And nothing is going to break my STRIIDWFDDSFE” And out of the blue, Mr. Rich suddenly rushes in from the side and starts stomping on him. “DFSDFD STOP! STAHP! GSDFSDFS GYAH!” And then bucked him again, sending him flying into the flower garden.


“Eh, think I got a bit of him on my hooves.” Mr. Rich said as he began to scrape his forehooves along the grass. “How’re you doin, son? I take it that downright disrespectful doppelganger ain’t some sort of show of magic?”

You just kinda stood there, blinking for a moment from shock until finally replying. “Y-yeah, no, he’s really here to wreck things up, Mr. Rich.”

“Well, ain’t that somethin’? Or it would be somethin’, if it weren’t for the fact that he’s gonna be getting a dose of Rich ‘hospitality’. You get what I’m saying, son?” Mr. Rich said as he patted his shirt and straightened his tie, then began to stretch as if he was getting ready for a fight. "I don't care where he came from, or what he is. He ain't welcome here."


“Mr. Rich! No! This guy really means business, ok? He’s my problem, you just get back and let me handle it, ok?” You couldn’t risk his life, you couldn’t risk anyone’s life. You almost lost Chrysalis to this monster, you can’t lose Mr. Rich.

“Well then, it’s a good thing I know all about business then. Anon, you listen here, it don’t matter who it is that threatens my family, they all are askin’ for a whoopin’. You’re family too, remember that. And Hero Colt or no, I ain’t lettin’ ya fight alone on my premises.” Mr. Rich said as he saw the evil you get up slowly, his body looking rather gooey for a moment before hardening. “Hey you, ain’t you done yet? Or do you like gettin’ stomped?”

Dark Anon looked pissed at first, but then he started to smile, then laugh. “Stomped? Me?! Yeah, whatever, be as cocky as you want, you only caught me off guard. And hey, guess what?” Suddenly, Dark Anon began to rise about five feet up on a platform of dark roots coming from the ground as about six other roots grew from either side and pointed their tips at Mr. Rich. “You get to die first! Who knows, you might be the second death anypony will ever witness next to Sombra. Aren’t you lucky?”

Mr. Rich just calmly looked at him, then back at you, confused. “I think your other self is off his rocker. Unless he thinks everypony is some sort of immortal alicorn.”

“Mr. Rich, I’m serious, you have to get out of here. Those things are aimed right at you, he isn’t playing. Please, please, just run!” Dammit, this wasn’t a game, and this wasn’t a villain willing to show mercy. Why wasn’t he listening?

“Anon…” Mr. Rich got serious, and looked down at you with fatherly eyes, the eyes of a pony who’d protect his family with his own life. “You don’t fret now, y’hear? We done this once before. Gonna be tougher, as it don’t look like you can use your magic.” Mr. Rich said, taking note of the weird roots along your neck and ear. “But true heroes don’t need it, they only need their wits.” He then takes out a bag of bits from under his shirt and bounces it on his hoof. “How many bits ya think are in here, son?”

WUT?! “Why does that matter?! Mr. Rich, please, please. This guy, I mean it, you don’t have to throw your life away!”

“Two hundred and twelve bits.” Mr. Rich answers, despite your pleas. What was he even getting at? “Did I ever tell you about the time I won five hundred teddy ursas? Five hundred bottles, five hundred bits, never missed a toss gettin’ them in. Donated all them cute little teddies too. Now, I don’t think I need that many bits right now, but…” Mr. Rich keeps his eye on the tips of the root, and shuffles to the right, noting that they were moving along with him. “I’m gonna guess that other you is some sort of straight shooter. Right?”

“The hell is this guy doing?” Dark Anon said as he stared down at the both of you. “Hey, I’m about to shoot these things at you. The least you can do is beg for your life! Christ, even as the ultimate evil no one takes me seriously. Nah, fuck this, I’m gonna make it brutal. Gonna aim straight for the head.” Dark Anon snickered as he adjusted the aim ever so slightly.

“Mr. Rich, if anything, he’s going to go for a headshot. You need to get out of here, hide behind something. Please!” You begged. Dammit, if only you had your magic, you could forcefully get him to safety.

“Is that right? Hm, and he is pretty high up on his little perch there. Ok, got it. Anon, you just follow behind me and jump off my head when I jump, alright? You need to get up there and I’m gonna get you there. Got it?” Mr. Rich said as he looked back at you.

Oh god, DAMMIT! “Mr. Rich, it won’t work, it’s nev-MR. RICH!”

“Here I go!” Mr. Rich said as he raised his forelegs. He then started to make a mad dash towards Dark Anon. “Let’s see what ya got!”

Dammit! Dammit! You throw everything you had off of you, even the Starlight Hook, to shred your extra weight and follow behind Mr. Rich the best you could. Dammit, you didn’t know what to do! You had to figure out a way to save him! Chrysalis, please, she had to take the shot! Could she even do that from this position?

“Man, you gotta be kidding me. Since when did the side characters think they could take ANYTHING on? Fine, fuck it, sick of this shit already. He wants to die so bad? Sure, let’s do it. I got a princess to murder anyway and... Man, really gotta stop talking to myself. You'd think I wouldn't do that, given I'm better than Anon, and yet... Yeah.” Dark Anon said, confused with himself. He then focused as his horn began to glow and… Dammit, the roots fired their spikes, all aimed at Mr. Rich!

“MR. RICH! NO!” You ran as fast as you could. Maybe, maybe if they hit your head instead you could-

But there was no time, the spikes flew fast and Mr. Rich… What?! No way! He jumped as he pulled the bag out of his shirt with his mouth, flinging it directly in the trajectory of the spikes. You could see the first of the spikes strike the bag, sending bits flying everywhere as at least five of them deflected the spikes every which way. How did he? How? “Anon! Hurry up now and get that ornery fake!” Mr. Rich ducked, and prepared to make another jump, slowing down to allow you to jump onto his back.

You shook your head to regain your composure as tears ran down your eyes. There was no fucking way, but goddammit, of course when it came to bits, he knew them inside and out. And he knew how to toss the bag in such a way as to deflect the spikes. Mr. Rich, no wonder his family has been wealthy for so many fucking years.

“Are you… What?! That is some straight up BULLSHIT! Is that a thing? I aimed for the goddamn head! I don’t care if this is rated for fucking preschoolers, there was no way to survive that shot! That’s it! The deus ex machina ends here, right noWEFSDOOOW!” Dark Anon is sent sliding back upon his rooted platform as you jump onto it, hoof first, for a punch to the face.

“Gotcha!” You said triumphantly as you stood above your evil self.

“Ngh!” Dark Anon groaned as he slowly stood up, looking at you with an intense glare. “You little shit. I bet you feel real good about now, huh?”

“I am, so far I’m seeing that Equestria itself isn’t going to let evil win. I mean, you’re me without limits, and you’re doing worse than fucking Nightmare Moon.” You said with a cool grin. “No, fuck that, you don’t even give the Amoeba Boys a run for their money.”

“Cute reference.” Your dark self says as he began to circle around you, slowly, never breaking his gaze. “But I’m gonna kill you, I’m gonna kill him, and I’m gonna kill that other guy. No wait, no, I want you alive so you can watch me take Diamond for myself. How does that sound?”

“How about a threesome instead?” You say back to him, with a coy eyebrow raise.

“Wut?... Are you, er… Are you AGH!” Dark Anon falls back as you sneak attack him with a jump, landing on his stomach as you begin to pound his face in.

“You motherfucker! I’m gonna end you right here, right now! You never EVER threaten my family. Do you fuc-OOF!” But Dark Anon throws you off, and then tries to stab you with his horn. “Fuck!” He almost pierces you right on your side, but you roll to the other side as Dark Anon stabs right through the root, causing the platform to writhe and throw both of you off. It then sinks into the ground.

“Gyah! Dammit!” Dark Anon groaned as he fell on his back. “This… This is getting stupid.”

“Crap!” You fall on your stomach hard, and even as quick as you were able to get up, you weren’t able to escape the roots that suddenly wrapped around your torso. “OH SHIT!”

“That’s right. Ngh…” Dark Anon said, panting, as his body began to transition back and forth between solid and liquid. He then took a deep breath, as he became fully solid again. “You think you can win by slapping me around a little? Fuck it, you really wanna die that badly? Bah, whatever, I don’t need the glory when I got the pussy. I’m going to squeeze you like an AFWSDFDF” Suddenly, out of nowhere, Mr. Rich once again blindsides Dark Anon with a buck, sending him tumbling forward.

Mr. Rich then rushes towards you and tries to pull off the roots. “I gotta get you outta this, son. Don’t you worry, ain’t no way a weed is gonna beat a GNNMM?!” Suddenly, Mr. Rich found himself caught by the roots himself, then slammed into the ground hard, knocking him out as the roots raised him back up.

Dark Anon just stomped on over, pissed off as all hell. “Will you stop doing that?! Holy crap! Do you think that’s funny?! I fucking killed the Queen of the goddamn Changelings! First goddamn try! I will NOT let myself be made a fool of by some yokel!”

“Oh god, just stop already. You’re starting to sound like some edgelord written by Chris-chan. I’m not even kidding. Who says yokel? Even I don’t say yokel. Are you retarded?” Seriously, you couldn’t take it anymore, your dark self was edgy trash.

“N-No! You’re the retarded one! Thinki- You know what?!” A root comes from behind you, aiming right towards your ass. “You get to die first, nice and slow, one end out the other, how does that sound?”

One end out the… You look back to see the root very slowly approaching you and, oh god, it was spinning. NO NO NO NO! THIS IS NOT HOW YOU WANTED TO DIE! EVEN IF IT WAS A FUTA! THIS WASN'T HOW YOU WANTED TO DIE!

Meanwhile, coming from the front doors was Diamond Tiara, sipping a cool drink. She had a ponytail with a sweatband on her forehead, a towel around her body, and she seemed a little sweaty from her training as she sighed to relax. Her training sword was attached to a sheath on her back. “Woo, now that was a workout. I wonder how Daddy and Mr. Fancy Pants are doing.”

“Oh, I’m doing quite alright, thank you for asking. But it seems your father and the hero colt are in some trouble.” Fancy Pants answered, as he had apparently moved to watch the fight from the porch.

“W-what? What the…” Diamond Tiara looked ahead to see what was going on. She could see you and Mr. Rich captured, as Dark Anon laughed at your imminent rapey death. “What’s going on?!”

“Ah, well, it seems your father and Mr. Anon decided to put on quite the show, out of nowhere may I add. I believe that other Anon is a doppelganger conjured through some sort of spell. I do say, everything feels real, quite real actually. Mr. Anon’s screams are very bone chilling, wouldn’t you agree?” Fancy Pants asked, clearly unaware of what was really going on.

“A show…?” Diamond Tiara peered closer, confused. But your screams of terror, it made her tense, then angry. She could tell, those were real screams. She began to feel anger, a deep anger. A fake Anon taking down her real prince and her father? Some fake that was going to probably try to take her as his prize? Oh no, that wasn’t going to stand. “A show, huh? I’ll give him a show…” Diamond Tiara said as she slowly unsheathed her sword.

Dark Anon was laughing maliciously. “Oh, come on! Oh man, you're hilarious! What’s wrong? You had to lose your virginity somehow… Erm, not that you are… Because that would mean I- Whatever, just prepare your anus, literally! Hahahahaha! Oh yeah, I cannot wait for you to feel how terrible it is once that spike goes right up your AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” And out of nowhere, Diamond Tiara charged right into his rear with her sword, sending it through his ass as he jumps forward and lands on his face,

“Take that!” Diamond Tiara said with a cheer before looking towards you. “Anon! Anon! Are you ok? I came to help and… Daddy! Daddy! Ngh, i-is he?”

“N-no, he’s just knocked out. Diamond, Diamond, you can’t stay here, ok? Don’t eeFWDSD” Suddenly the roots squeezed you hard, taking your breath away.

“Oh… That… That wasn’t funny.” Dark Anon said as he slowly began to approach Diamond, his body melting once again, his tail actually falling off and curling as it became a branch. “Do you have any idea how much that hurt?” Dark Anon growled as the sword sunk and fell off his body, allowing his body to slowly solidify. “I didn’t even know you liked it rough. Noted… I’m going to enjoy playing with you.”

“Hmph, I’d never play with such an ugly copy of my Anon. Do you even realize how much training I’ve gone through to fight on my own? There’s no way you can even touch me.” Diamond said, priming herself to fight to save you and her father. "You're going down!"

Dark Anon let out a mocking laugh. “Seriously?! Is your entire family stupid or something? I’m about to end your father, your coltfriend, and guess what, I even took out Chrysalis. You know her, don’t you?”

Diamond’s eyes went wide, she couldn’t believe what she just heard. “C-Chrysalis?”

“That’s right… shot her head clean off. Scared, huh? Tell you what, if you lay down and let me take you, I promise to be someEFDWSFDFSD” Even Dark Anon couldn’t be prepared for what came next as Diamond jumped on him in a rage, and started to pound his face in with her forehooves.

Never had Diamond felt this much rage before. She lost her friend. She lost her sister. Someone she cared about, taken away, forever. Even worse, by some fake that looked like you. Something just snapped in her, and she wasn’t going to let Dark Anon get away with it. Even her screaming was incoherent, she just kept bashing away.

“DFSDFSDFGDFGDFG” Dark Anon could barely react as bits of his face was flying off with every hit. He could actually feel himself losing pieces of his own self. He couldn’t let it happen, he had his ambitions, his ambitions to destroy Equestria and have a sex manor. In desperation, he leaned back and slammed his forehead onto Diamond’s. This had a devastating effect, as even as a clone, his head held a cosmic power of being really fucking dense. It knocked Diamond out instantly. “GRAGGGH!” He threw her off of himself. He stood up, trying to recover. His mane was missing chunks, his right eye was drooping some, and even solidifying himself wasn’t fixing it. “Oh, oh no no no. Oh, ooohhhh. Yes, you’re going to regret everything.” Dark Anon said as he began to use his roots to raise Diamond up, flipping her around so he could…

As you recovered your breath, you could see what he was about to do. You began to fight the best you could, screaming, even begging for him to stop. “STOP! NO! YOU CAN’T DO THAT!”

“Oh yeah? Just watch me, Anon. Watch me take what you never could. She thought her first fuck would be with you, but it was me, Dark Anon! That’s right, I'm gonna fuck her raw. And when she wakes up, do you know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna force her face right on my cock. Oh yeah, baby, I’m gonna get some good head toRWDSAFSADFGDSDF” And once again, another sudden attack occurs as the roots holding Diamond fling her upwards.

A gigantic green beam comes from the saddlebag you left behind, a beam full of sudden rage and power, so powerful that it was able to cleave Dark Anon’s head clear off his body. Though, despite doing that, he was still able to scream as his body desperately tried to grab onto his head. Furthermore, a dark green aura catches Diamond from the air, and gently places her on the ground.

“No! Fuck this! Fuck all this! Where did that… No, I can’t die here! Not yet!” Dark Anon’s body dives onto the head and encircles himself in the ball of roots as he bursts through the front gates and beelines towards the castle.

The roots holding you and Mr. Rich release and drop you both to the ground. Was that blast Chrysalis? Was that the opening? Christ, you didn’t know she had recovered that much of her strength. Mr. Rich, and Diamond… They were down, breathing, but knocked out. Dammit, you idiot, you almost got them killed. And yet… Without them, you’d have been the dead one. Dark Anon, he had to be heading for the castle. You had to stop him, you couldn’t let him get close to Twilight. You rush towards your saddle bag, sling it on, and rush towards the castle. “Chrysalis, we don’t have time to chat but… Thank you. You-”

“Anon! You just said you didn’t have time to chat! So shut up already! The fool is escaping, and he hasn’t realized it was me who hit him. Just get me to him and I’ll take him out once and for all.” Chrysalis said. She didn’t seem to want to hear any praise. She had a goal in mind, and she wouldn’t let you falter towards it.

You had to finish it, you had to finish it before anyone got hurt.

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