• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 201 - Hospital Blues

“Given his reactions, he should be waking up soon, Princess Twilight.”

“Mmm, doctor, are you sure he’s alright? That scar…”

“Not to worry, it’s only a scar, the stitches will be ready to be removed tomorrow.”

“And the poison?”

“It seems his body is expelling it. We want to keep him here for a few more days to monitor him, just in case.”

“I see… And is it safe for him to be awake at this point?”

“Yes, as long as he doesn’t go rushing out of bed.”

“Oh boy, Twilight, that’s like the one thing Anon always does.”

“It’ll be ok, Spike, I’m sure he’ll understand. I…”

“Twilight, come on, it’s gonna be ok. Trust me, you heard what Princess Luna said, everything is gonna work out.”

“Doctor, can we have a moment?”

“Of course, Princess Twilight. But as I said, please do not startle or excite him, and everything should be fine.”

“Spike, I know what Princess Luna said, but Shining Armor… He just won’t listen.”

“Well, he does have a good reason to be all angry and stuff, but he still agreed to let Chrysalis see Anon before the trial. That’s something at least. I just, uh, hope that won’t blow up in our faces.”

“I know how you feel. She won’t really talk to anypony, and Fluttershy still won’t say what they talked about. I know it's a secret, but it just seems so weird.”

“Hm, is it? I dunno, Discord and Fluttershy treat Anon like family, so maybe Chrysalis kinda maybe sorta started seeing it that way too?”

“I’ve had that thought too, I saw how she reacted when Anon got hurt, you can’t fake that. She hasn’t tried to escape since we brought her to see Anon about an hour ago either. I think she really is reformed, but she’s just too nervous to admit it.”

“Mmmmm, you may be a little off the mark on that one, Twilight. Don’t get me wrong, she totally cared about Anon, but she still tried to… You know. I mean, I get it, she lost her kingdom and all that, but still.”

“She lost what she knew as family, Spike. But even then, being so close, even before Anon got hurt, she hesitated. I don’t think she was going to hurt me.”

“If you say so. But hey, the first step to any reformation is for others to accept and forgive, right? So, yeah, if you’re really willing to give her another shot, then I’m behind you all the way.”

“Thank you, Spike. By the way, have you seen Discord?”

“Still nothing, even Fluttershy hasn’t seen him. Are you sure it was a good idea not to tell her Anon was waking up today though? It would have really cheered her up.”

“I don’t know… I thought for sure Discord would have shown up and brought her here so they could see Anon together.”

“Uh, you do know they’re not married, right?”

“I-I know, but they both care about Anon and each other, I really thought Discord would have shown up to talk to Fluttershy first. I guess I was wrong…”

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up, Twilight, you just made a wrong guess. It’s not like we can’t go see Fluttershy after Anon wakes up and tell her to go see him, it’ll be fine.”

“I hope so, Spike…. Hey, look, he’s opening his eyes.”

“ Yeah! Can’t wait to say good morning to this crazy guy!”


Fuck man… you felt so drowsy. A complete contrast on feeling fine in the dream world. “Ugh… Where am I? Ogh…”

“Yo, Anon! Have a good sleep?” Said Spike, who was sitting at the end of your hospital bed, legs crossed, as he waves at you with a welcoming smile. "You're in the hospital, bro, already on the road to recovery."

“Good morning, Anon! It’s… It’s so good to see you again.” Twilight said, as tears already began to form in her eyes. It seems she wasn’t ready for your eventual return.

Your vision began to slowly return to you. You were in a hospital room, similar to the one, or maybe is the one, you’ve been in before. There was Spike at the end of the bed, and Twilight at your side and… Where was everyone else? “Twilight? Spike? Ogh… Hey guys, I hope I didn’t worry anypony.”

“Bro, you have no idea.” Spike said with a light chuckle “even though this is all a secret, everypony that does know has been waiting to see you again.”

Secret? Ah, fuck, Luna mentioned that. “Secret, huh? Yeah, Princess Luna visited me in my sleep and told me about it. So, Neighsay doesn’t know anything?”

Twilight shook her head, then gave you a gentle pat. “Anon, don’t worry about that, alright? We have it handled.”

You just lay down, looking straight up with a tired and blank face. “Look, I know you two are happy to see I’m ok. And had Luna not visited me, I’d probably be super excited to see you all too but I know too much already, so… What happened after I got hit?”

Twilight looked to Spike as Spike looked to her, then Twilight looked at you and sighed. “Do you want the good news, or the bad news?”

“Is the good news is that I’m ok, but the bad news is what’s happening with Chrysalis?” You asked, knowing you were right.

“Well, that saves us a long explanation.” Spike said, already guessing to himself that Luna gave you the full details. “But yeah, that’s exactly it.”

“Anon, maybe you should relax before we talk about that. I could get you some tea if you want.” Twilight offered, trying to follow the doctor’s instructions to not stress you out.

“Nope, don’t want tea.” You said as you lowered the blanket just to see you were in a hospital gown. If you had an injury there still, you couldn't see it. “I know about the trial. And I can only guess that the reason you’re here with Spike is because…” Dammit, already? “Ugh, don’t you think you’re rushing things? You couldn’t have waited for me to recover? Maybe let me spend a day with her?”

“I tried, Anon. I really did. Please understand, there was only so much I could do after what happened. I had to make some sort of compromise.” Twilight said, as she began to feel ashamed of herself. “I tried to reason with Shining, but his reasons are as valid as anypony’s, the best I could do was compromise with him. I know, we should have had a happy party, with everypony here. But this was the only way…”


It explains why no one else was here. Shining apparently just wanted it to be one and done the moment you woke up. What a fucking asshole. You were in the hospital and all he fucking gave a damn about was putting Chrysalis in chains. Ok, fine, he had very valid reasons to feel the way he did. But goddamn, you expected to be able to mary sue this shit just by nearly dying. “So you couldn’t even bring Aunt Fluttershy?”

Twilight shook her head. “The situation is already stressful as is, and I didn’t want her getting more upset from…” Twilight stopped, unable to say her next words. Which prompted Spike to continue her words.

“Chrysalis going away. I still don’t really get it, but I know what friendship is, and what having to see a friend go is like. Any kind of party isn’t going to make things better right now for anypony.” Spike said.

Twilight nodded “We want to give you some time to yourself before anypony sees you. But, Anon, please understand that I’m on your side on this, and I will do everything I can for her and for you.”

And that’s what struck you so odd. Twilight, who had been so against Chrysalis before, had slowly warmed up to her. Now, at this point, she seemed to feel as strongly about it as you did. “Twilight, can I ask you a question?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, what is it, Anon?”

“Why? Why do you want to help Chrysalis so much now? I know for Luna, she got a chance to speak to her. But what about you? She nearly ended you and you still want to help her. So, why?” You had to know, from her perspective, what she thought.

“Because…” Twilight stopped for a moment, to think of exactly what she wanted to say to you. She then went silent, looked at you with a gentle smile, and spoke to you in her more motherly tone she does when she comes to realize something when it comes to friendship. “She already has so many friends, and is capable of more. I know, I know, you’re wondering how can I think that. Well, it’s true, isn’t it? There’s you, there’s Diamond, maybe Princess Luna and Fluttershy, and, well, if Applebloom can come out unscathed from visiting her on her own, then the only reason I nearly was ended by her was because she’s hurt deep down inside. And that hurt, Anon, as the Princess of Friendship, is my duty to mend in any way I can. And even more, I think she can be a good friend, if she would just give me the chance.”

You didn’t know whether to call it as typical Twilight behavior or just be relieved she was that far on your side after all the being against you she usually was. You know she was ready to do more when it came to Chrysalis's plan, but damn, after nearly being killed? Then again, Twilight was only ever against you when the thing you were doing or did conflicted with her usual morals. Twilight was never against you out of malice, spite, or anger. Just morals. Either way, it made you feel pretty good to hear her say that. But still, this situation, it fucking sucked, wasn't there any way she could have done better? “So, that’s it? A big old rush job after all that?”

“Anon, come on, bro, Twilight tried her best. I mean, I don’t really wanna say it, but the school is tied to all this and that’s kinda on you too. You just woke up, try to relax a little, ok?” Spike explained, jumping to Twilight’s defense, feeling she really did try her best and what she explained was more than reasonable given the circumstances. “I know it stinks, but you know Twilight and Luna have got your back. We don’t even know about Princess Celestia. And who knows? Maybe even Princess Cadance? Sure, things are happening a little too fast, but you can count on Twilight, she always makes things right.”

Ergh, her own mary sue abilities are pretty damn broken. And dammit, fucking Neighsay.”Yeah, but, isn’t the school doomed anyway if Chrysalis is found guilty? The whole point was to reform her, that was the requirement.”

Twilight cringed at those words, knowing how true that was. “Yeah… And that part is kinda sketchy. But I am working out a plan to at least talk to Princess Celestia and find out what she thinks. Speaking of Chrysalis, Anon… Would you like to talk to her?”

“Now? She’s here?” You asked.

Twilight nodded somberly, but did her best to smile. “Yes, but she’s under watch from Shining and the guards. After Princess Luna told us you’d be waking up, I managed to ask Chrysalis if she’d want to be there.”

“Anon, it was really the only time she said anything to Twilight. Shining only said yes to it because he wanted it done and over with, that’s why things are kinda super speedy right now.” Spike explained after Twilight’s explanation.

You just laid there, silent, looking down. This could be the last time you’d be able to see her…

What was she going to say?

What would you say?

You then looked to Twilight, and nodded. “Yes, I’d like to see her, please.”

Twilight nodded but became a little reluctant when it came to what she had to say next. “Alright… But just know it won’t be between the two of you, there will be two guards present. Is that alright with you?”

You sighed heavily, what a fucking pain Shining is. “Fine…”

“Ok… Come on, Spike.” Twilight went to the door, with Spike following her. When the door was open, you caught a glimpse of Shining Armor, who seemed to have been doing his best to listen in on the conversation. Or he was just there waiting for Twilight. You locked eyes with him, and for a moment, you swore you saw some semblance of empathy. Was it to you? The situation? Who knows, the door closed leaving you to your thoughts for a few moments before it opened again, with two guards of standard stallion fare stepping in as Chrysalis followed behind.

But she was in a disguise, obviously she had to be, given the place.

It was a disguise you were all too familiar with. A disguise, that given your situation, seemed to fit.


Chrysalis stepped towards you, looking back at the guards with a quick dark glare that seemed to have spooked them, but nothing more. When she walked to your side, however, she suddenly became soft both in look, and in tone. “Anon,..”


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