• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 143 - Silver and Gold

“Now then, students, prepare yourself for a story of tragedy, love, regret, community spirit, cooperation, and of course, most importantly, generosity. In fact, there are quite a few elements in this tale that is sure to illuminate the mind and make one think profusely on the meaning of such meaningful acts.” Rarity said as she paced left and right, making grand motions to express her words. “Now, our tale begins just a few generations ago in the city of Fillydelphia. Bit Pincher, a rich pony with a rather unfortunate name, had passed. Who was this pony, you wonder? Well, despite the name, he was a well known owner of Pincher Horseshoes, back in a time where horseshoe fashion was all the rage, or was, given it had waned by that point. But despite that, Bit Pincher was a successful stallion in everything he did, including raising his two sons, Gold and Silver Pincher. To the point that he had left them an inheritance, all he owned in bits, split among the two of them.”

“Now, these two brothers were not of the miserly sort, oh heavens no, I hope none of you thought that. For you see, these two brothers, despite being twins, were quite different from each other. Gold had an eye for carriages and wagons. Why, even at a young age, he had built countless models of both, wanting to grow up to become a designer and bring his models to life. His brother Silver however, had no need for fame and fortune. Silver merely wanted to make others happy, he found rich fulfillment not in money, but in bringing happiness to others. Now, for as long as they had lived to that point, these brothers were always together, playing, laughing, without much care in the world other than their own interests. Gold in particular was attached to his brother, and had told him he wanted him as a partner in his business. Silver would handle the legal and paper work while Gold does the designing. This is what Gold wanted after all, a team of two, separate from their father’s own business.”

“But Silver had no interest, despite the care he had for Gold. Silver’s dream was to open a company that specializes in loans. Now, that may not sound like what you think, but Silver’s dream was different then those uncouth loan sharks in the big cities of Equestria. Silver’s company would be a place where no interest would ever be charged or accrued, and money can be paid back at any time. Silver felt if he invested half of the half he already inherited into this business, then he could live comfortably enough on the other half if he lived as other ponies less privileged than himself do. While Gold saw it as noble, he also saw it as foolish, and begged his brother to join him, as his dream was delusional. But Silver would not budge. Silver felt his brother would do well on his own, and did not wish to hamper him with his own pursuits of happiness. Gold was devastated. Indeed, all he ever knew from his brother was teamwork, fun games, and teasing the fact that their father’s rich company during dinner were boring and uptight. Part of Gold’s dream was to be a team for as long as he and his brother lived, but alas, when the time came, it did not come to be.” Rarity said as she began to slowly tear up. “Sorry, class, I think I may have been a tad dramatic there. But I must press on! As there is more to this tale.”

“With Gold’s dreams betrayed, he became bitter towards Silver, telling him his company would fail and that he would have wished to join him. Silver was distraught, not understanding what came over his brother, and tried to calm him. But Gold would have nothing of it, feeling his brother had chosen a doomed dream over his own kin, he proclaimed he’d start his business in Manehatten, away from any ‘distractions’. And before Silver could do anything about this, his brother was gone, without even a letter. Now, it took some time, but Silver did realize why his brother was so upset, but on the other hoof, he could only hope he’d come around and not abandon his sensibilities over the choice he made. With that, Silver Pincher changed his name to Silver Lining, to remove himself from any renown his family had garnered and quickly went to work setting up his new business, ‘Silver Lining Lenders’.”

“Meanwhile, good on his word and filled with resentment in his heart, Gold had set up his business, ‘Golden Chariots’. Now, Gold was no fool, many of the designs he had made throughout his life were genius in their composition, so he knew he only needed a factory filled with competent workers to help him build his eventual empire. Indeed, he knew to make money, you had to plan every last detail. And so, he began his plan to become as well praised as his father, and to show his brother there was no value to his ‘useless’ dreams.”

“Back in Fillydelphia, Silver had already managed to gain quite the clientele. Being spending savvy, he converted a decently sized home into a small living space within his new business. That way he could do what he loved without ever having to take a trip to or from another location. And with another small investment dedicated to advertising such, as his brother thought, insane business practices, it wasn’t long until ponies from all over the city came to borrow bits for the things they needed… Or wanted. ‘Nopony would be refused, not even a foal’ was his creed, and he lived by it without hesitation or thought of his own well being. In Silver’s mind, he was already fulfilled. Ponies would come to thank him, to converse, sometimes to even invite him to dinner. Most did their best to pay him back in a timely manner, while others… Not so much. Either way, he had enough money to sustain himself, so all he really had to worry about was the well being of his brother, wondering what had become of him thus far in their lives.” Rarity then noticed Yona raising her hoof, and called to her. “Hm? Do you have a question, Yona?”

“Yes, Professor. Yona not understand, Yona thought this would be a story of a bad brother trying to ruin a good brother, that good ponies from city that were helped by Silver would come to fight off Gold. Is that not how story goes?” Yona, asked, confused, feeling the story was going to take a more cliched route.

“Actually, I want to take a guess at that. Gold sees his brother is doing well and comes around. And that leads to them making up and becoming good with each other and accepting one another, right?” Seemed like one of those stories to you.

“Well, actually, you’re both wrong.” Rarity then gives a soft wide smile and chuckles her womanly giggle. “This isn’t a story from a storybook, you two. It’s quite real, a true generous moment in history. Trust me, darlings, we are just getting to the juicy bits. Now then, to continue…”

“About a few moons later, Gold had become quite successful in making a name for himself. He had already tripled his investment, had bought himself his own mansion, and was selling off his high class wares without much issue. He thought about his brother Silver from time to time. During the days of success, he would think to himself how foolish his brother was, and how he must be impoverished and begging to be by his side by now. But his arrogance would dwindle at night, wondering if Silver was in a bed as warm as the one he owned, if he was alright, if he was safe. These thoughts plagued him as he had not received a letter from Silver since he left, though he himself, due to his pride, had never tried sending a letter to Silver. Although, the irony to that is also the fact that none knew where the other lived, so there was that as well. Eventually, Gold found himself rubbing hooves with other rich ponies like himself. Though often times, Gold would find himself in the same kind of boring company his father would surround himself with, causing him to have realizations that fame and fortune didn’t always bring happiness, as he knew these ponies were of a more superficial sort. It made him think of his brother even more, and wonder about his own dreams of helping and mingling with those who looked beyond their own success, as meeting ponies with similar and more profound interests seemed to drift further and further away as he became more successful.”

“Silver, in truth, had slowly but surely lost money as his business went on. Now, it wasn’t that he minded such a thing, but having to reinvest into his own business was finally making a dent in his inheritance. The more he lent, the more frugal he had to live. But it was worth it to him, as the less privileged classes of ponies praised him and saw him as a friend and Savior, he was making a difference in their lives, and it brought him nothing but joy. Then, one day, a shady looking pony appeared. This pony, bitless, began to weave friendly and pathetic stories of desperation to Silver, telling him he needed a grand loan to make his own dream come true. Now this pony was as slick as he was disgusting, feigning his pain and sorrow to tug at Silver’s heart strings, playing Silver like a fiddle until Silver agreed to give him just about everything he had. This pony promised to pay Silver tomorrow, all of it back, and then some, when his plans came to fruition. Unfortunately for Silver, such plans were to simply take his bits and run. Ultimately, this not only destroyed Silver’s business, but left him near bitless himself, something that had already begun to catch on in the newspapers.”

“In fact, Gold, who had taken a trip to Canterlot to find those who he hoped would be better at conversation, was relaxing in his hotel room reading the papers. He had come upon the article of his brother’s business failing. At first, due to the name, it only reminded him of his brother’s ‘foolishness’, feeling it was a certain fate for pointless dreams. Of course, upon seeing the picture of ‘Silver Lining’ himself, he felt his heart sink. Indeed, in his own hubris, the fate he had imagined his brother would come to had actually happened, something he never truly wanted to happen. His own thoughts now plagued him, as he could already see the article’s mention of this happening a week ago, a week had passed and he had no idea! For the first time since he left Fillydelphia, Gold was truly scared, frightened by the fact that he may have lost his brother. Wasting no time, he took the first train back to Fillydelphia to seek out his brother.”

“Upon arriving, he had found his brother’s former business quite easily, although the building was already closed down, as Silver had sold everything to get back at least enough money to help sustain himself. Gold was crushed, he fell over, and weeped, not knowing what became of his brother. It was then a random family of ponies appeared, asking him what was wrong. Gold lamented, telling them he was the brother of the former owner of ‘Silver Lining Lenders’. He told them he had not seen his brother for many a moon, and only wished to see him at least one more time.”

“To his surprise, the family had heard of Gold, knowing him not just through his fame, but from tales Silver himself would tell his clientele, his... Friends. Gold went wide eyed, frantic, asking the family, even looking to the filly with crazed eyes, what happened to his brother. What was told to Gold, well, you could say it nearly truly made his head spin. He learned that Silver was quite alright, and had a home recently bought for him in full by those he had helped. Indeed, those who had legitimately needed the money before, some who even went on to be successful themselves with such a stringless deal that they had received, had been helping Silver during his hard times, making sure he was fed, happy, and well. Gold couldn’t believe it, he didn’t think it was possible. And why would he? Aside from his brother, all he knew from those he interacted with was selfishness and snobbery.”

“Gold had asked the family where Silver was, and upon getting his answer, he made haste to his home. During such haste, Gold had ran into many a pony in which his brother had helped, every story told to him more touching than the last. They were stories of what he wanted for himself, success not just financially, but socially as well. The reunion with his brother, I could only imagine from what I read, was truly touching.” Rarity sniffed, having to wipe a tear from her eye with a handkerchief. “I apologize, I truly do, but this part always gets to me. Because when Silver opened the door to Gold's knocking, he couldn't believe what he saw. They met eyes, tears flowing as they stare silently at each other for a half minute, and hugged onto each other like many a time in their youth. Gold apologized profusely for abandoning Silver, for not being there in his time of need, for calling his dream useless, and for everything else. He begged for forgiveness, in which, as a brother would, Silver did. Gold had explained how amazing it was, how amazing that many ponies were willing to help Silver without wanting anything in return. That they seemed so friendly, so caring, and so loving. And of course, Silver only smiled, and explained that friendship and love isn’t built on greed and success, but love and generosity. To Gold, it seemed his brother had achieved everything he wanted after all, but as the two spoke, Gold could see that his brother was troubled that he could no longer continue his business, that he was unable to help anypony else who might need his help.”

“This put Gold deep into thought. Gold didn’t want to lose his brother again, he didn’t want his brother to suffer, he never wanted his brother to feel that he may have failed in some way. He could not, and would not, abandon his brother ever again. And even more, he thought about how one time long ago, he had wished to have a partnership with his brother. And then, an idea came upon Gold. He made an offer to Silver. He would bring his designer career as a rental service back to Fillydelphia, renting his wagons and carriages out for an affordable fee. This way, he could give his brother the money he needed to reopen ‘Silver Lining Lenders”. And not just to reopen, mind you, but to help supply his brother with any bits he may lose keeping his business model. At first, Silver could not accept, as he felt he was bringing his brother down with his own misfortune. But Gold was successful for a reason, explaining to his brother that he was right that his business wouldn’t do too well without earning money, and so the rental service was needed to keep things afloat, something he knew he could make a profit in as ponies would not be able to resist being seen in his carriages. He also explained to Silver that it was his dream, just as he had mentioned before, to be a team with his brother, and explained that while his business didn’t succeed on its own financially, it did succeed in bringing harmony to the hearts it touched, and he would like nothing more but to help his brother maintain such harmony. Silver was overwhelmed. To have his brother back, to bring his dream back to life, to be working together. In truth, even Silver had wished to work with his brother all this time, but he too was stubborn about his own ideals, not wanting a business that made any kind of profit from the ponies he wanted to help. A shame what pride can do to ponies at times, something even I have struggled with at one point or another.”

Woo, she wasn’t wrong on that one, good on her to admit it though. But this story, hrn, so far it wasn’t half bad, went in a direction you weren’t expecting given both brothers were good in heart, something that seemed the opposite of two other brothers you knew.

“It was then that Gold had brought his whole operation down to Fillydelphia, buying a factory there while also buying Silver’s old company and reconverting the old living space into the rental part of the lending company. The business itself was renamed from ‘Silver Lining Lenders’ to ‘Platinum Rent and Lend.’. The brothers worked together, maintaining their bit flow so they never had to charge interest or set a due date to any money or wagons they lent, and to maintain any and all wares they rented. Even to this day, the service still exists under these same two brothers, working tirelessly despite their old age. Their business is still quite popular, and it stands as the very meaning of generosity when applied to the business world. Any and all who need help, even if they are a foal, can always count on Gold and Silver to save the day!” Rarity concluded, sitting back down at her desk as she took a moment to relax herself. “Oh my, I really immersed myself into the narration that time. Ahrm, but that is the end of the story as well. A wonderful story in generosity, if I do say so myself.”

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