• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 189 - Big Sis and Little Sister

Man, what a wild ride that was. Honestly, despite Trixie pissing off Twilight, you still had to commend her. That was a pretty tight save, maybe she wasn’t as bad as everyone else thought. Then again, maybe that was just a fluke and trusting her in a life threatening situation could be bad. Whatever, doesn’t matter, it was time to destress and see what Chrysalis was up to today. She was no doubt watching another movie in the vast collection of films you gave her. You walk up to her door, raise your hoof, and give it a knock. “Chrysalis? Heya! It’s your favorite human, Anon~!" You say in a cheerful sing song way.

You stand there, waiting, wiping at your chest fluff with your hoof. Eventually, you could hear the door being unlocked and opening. The door opened rather slowly, and despite looking up with a smile, you didn’t see Chrysalis standing there.

“Anon! You came!” Suddenly, you feel something run right towards you and give you a big ole hug. It was, Diamond Tiara?!


You just stood there, a little confused, your face twisted from how odd this all felt. “Uh, Chrysalis? What are you doing? Seriously, this? This is really weird.”

“Chrysalis?” Diamond Tiara broke her hug, and tilted her head in confusion as she looked into your eyes. “Anon, I’m not Chrysalis.”

You shifted your eyes left and right, checking to see if anything was coming at you or if you were in some sort of trap. Or, was this the trap? Or… Did Chrysalis just want to try to trick you into giving her genuine unfiltered affection without it seeming too weird? “Chrysalis… I mean, you don’t have to do this. I… What are you doing exactly?”

Diamond Tiara then furrowed her eyebrows at you, giving you an angry glance. “Are you telling me you can’t tell the difference between me and Chrysalis?! She’s tall, Anon! I’m not that tall. The only thing the same between us is how pretty we are!”

You had to chuckle. What was this? Like, seriously, what was she trying to pull. “Chrysalis, I mean, I know you can transform. C’mon, just be honest with me. If you wanted to have some private cuddle time, you know I’m willing to give it.” You say, coyly bouncing your eyebrows at her.

Suddenly, the possibly false Diamond Tiara became deep red as her eyes nearly burned with fury. “What?! What did you just say?!”

“Uh… I said if you wanted to, er, have some pri-” And then, in an instant, Diamond Tiara flew into a wild rage, picked you up with her forehooves and balanced herself on her hindlegs before slamming you into the ground so hard she managed to form a crater.


You were shaking, you slowly looked up to see… Oh god, she was standing there, very much alive.

That… That wasn’t Chrysalis.



You just stared and started making a consistent wheezing noise as you just, laid there, unable to compute what the fuck was going on right now.

Diamond Tiara, realizing what she had just done, and noticing you just laying there in a long unending wheeze, brings her hooves to her lips in a gasp. “Oh no! I hurt Anon! Oh no, I think I broke him! Wait, he’s unbreakable. Oh no, maybe he confused me for Chrysalis because he ate something weird in the forest and he can’t think straight!” Diamond started to frantically call for Chrysalis. “Big Sis! Big Sis! Something is wrong with Anon! Please, help!”

After a few moments, there she was, stepping out from the front door with a popcorn bag floating at her side. She was just, staring at you, boredly, as she magically flicked a popcorn puff into her mouth. “What seems to be the problem, little sister. Besides the obvious.”

Your wheezing just grew more tilted. Did… Did she just call Diamond her little sister?! I mean, you knew they both liked each other. But when the fuck did Chrysalis start actually humoring something like sibling recognition?! THIS DOESN’T COMPUTE!

“Anon is sick! I think he ate something bad, and then I made it worse by smashing him into the ground! Please, you have to help him!” Diamond pleaded, looking up at her with big sad eyes.

Chrysalis just casually strolled over to you, staring at you as you continued to wheeze. She chuckled, then looked back at Diamond. “You did this?”

“Y-yes… “ Diamond said, looking down with absolute shame. “He said he was going to give you private cuddle time. For some reason, he thought I was you. I totally didn’t mean to get mad, but that really made me mad.”

“I see. Well, don’t fret over it. Anon has these lapses in judgement quite a lot, I’m sure he didn’t mean it. As for him… Let’s see.” Suddenly, Chrysalis just started pulling popcorn puffs from her bag and tossing them at you gingerly as they bounced off your face.

“W-what are you doing?” Diamond asked, walking up next to her, confused.

But Chrysalis didn’t answer, she just boredly pelted more puffs at you until one large one managed to get in your mouth and gently roll past your vibrating tongue, halfway down your throat, and then began to choke you as you began to roll around gasping for air. “I fixed him.”

You hit your stomach with your hooves three times until you were able to get the popcorn puff out of your mouth. “Holy crap… What in the…” But you stopped yourself as you looked up at the pair. Still bewildered, but no longer frozen in stupification. “What is go-” But you are cut off as Diamond gave you a big big hug. “Anon, you’re ok!”

Chrysalis was busy looking at the shackles on her legs, giving them a tap. “Well, thankfully I was right, that didn’t end my life.”

“End your?-” Suddenly, Diamond stopped hugging you and dropped you back on the fucking ground as she went to see if Chrysalis was alright. “Are you alright? Did you accidently hurt somepony just now?”


Didn’t Diamond notice that you nearly choked due to some popcorn? Wait, Chrysalis did that, and she isn’t dead?! “Chrysalis, what in the! How are you not… Do you know what you just did?!”

Chrysalis gave Diamond a little pat and a reassuring smile. “I’m quite alright, little sister. I totally know what I’m doing.” Chrysalis then looked to you with a smirk. “I didn’t do anything to you, Anon. You’re the one who didn’t chew his food. Doesn’t count.”

You swear you were going to lose some blood vessels over this, they were going to explode from the sudden stress you were now feeling. “You could have… Grrr, you may have… NGH, D-d… Can somepony tell me what’s even going on?!”

“Anon, you did see the note in my room, right?” Diamond asked, confused as to why you seemed to be losing your mind over this.


“What note? I came over here after I was done with the presentation at the stadium. I thought you were doing some super important stuff.” Like, that is what she fucking told you.

“Oh, yeah, that was so you’d come check on me later. See the note that I was going to be foalnapped by Big Sis, and you should come over. Wait, so are you saying you didn’t come to check up on me at all?!” Diamond said, suddenly getting angry again.

You step back, startled. “I-I thought you didn’t want to be bothered!”

“Oh…” Diamond takes a moment to think about it. “Oh, I guess if I said I was going to be super busy, then that makes a lot of sense. E-er, sorry Anon, I didn’t mean to get mad.”


“Bundle of fun as always, Anon.” Chrysalis said, smirking, as she chucks a puff upwards and catches it in her mouth. “So I foalnapped her, so what? From my understanding, you’ve been keeping her from me because you think I’d possibly go into some anger fit or something similar to that. Very rude, Anon, you know I enjoy good company.”

“I know I’ve mentioned the thing about Applebloom to you, Diamond. I just didn’t want something like that happening. Because, you know.” You slide your foreleg along your neck, making a ‘snnnk’ noise.

“Ok, Anon, one. You said Big Sis drank something weird before that happened. And two, it’s Applebloom.” Diamond said, with a very sure nod.

“Yes, Anon, it’s Applebloom. She literally disrespected the sanctity of my home and let herself inside, anypony would have reacted the same way I did. Also, for the record, those types of drinks do not affect me that much.” Chrysalis said, imitating Diamond’s nod.

“I… Gyah… Ngh…” You just slump to the ground. “I give up.”

“Finally…” Chrysalis said as she turned around, and beckoned to Diamond. “Come along, little sister, we have a wager to complete.”

“Coming! Come on, Anon, you get to see me win! Isn’t that great!” Diamond excitingly lifted you with her head, letting you hang on to her as she brought you inside.

You were just out of it, just…

And then you saw it, they were watching a fucking movie. A familiar one, as you could see Jafar just now turning Abu into a toy monkey. It was paused right on that scene. Are they… They’re watching Aladdin?! Chrysalis is watching this!? “W-what is this?”

“Oh that? It’s about a wonderful evil vizier who infiltrated a kingdom and became the most powerful wizard on the planet through the use of an all powerful genie… And some street rat, I guess.” Chrysalis said with a chuckle as she hopped onto her long couch, facing the tv. “This is also the focus of quite the little wager between me and my little sister.”

Diamond gave a huff as she put you on the couch, hopping up between you and Chrysalis as she herself gave her own little chuckle, the kind of arrogant chuckle you’d expect from a rich bitch. “Mhmm, which I’m going to win, Big Sis.”

“Hah! Have you not been paying attention? This Aladdin, while having an admirable trait in lying and stealing, is a mere useless street rat compared to Jafar, the all powerful. He has it all, all because Aladdin had to make the biggest mistake of his pathetic little life. Oh, that reprise of ‘Prince Ali’.” Chrysalis took in a deep breath, and relaxed with a happy little sigh. “Oh, how I wish I could have done something like that. Absolute power, with nopony to stop me.”

“What about the puns? That makes him sound like a dork.” Diamond said.

“Dork?! Listen here, little sister. Those puns are well executed, he is literally making them happen. There is nothing wrong with playing with your meal.” Chrysalis said with a huff.

“But isn’t that sorta how you lost?” Diamond said with a smirk.

“No, I..." But then Chrysalis stopped herself. "Nice try, but as the genie said, he works for ‘Senior Psychopath’ now. So no, I will not be pulling back on my bet, if that was what you were trying to do.” Chrysalis said, snickering as she relaxed herself. “Just face it, Aladdin cannot win.”


How did.. You know what, don’t even question it. Just roll with it. You may have died in the jet and this was either hell or a coma dream.

“W-what are the stakes to this wager?” You asked, curious, not caring about anything else anymore.

“Oh, well, if I win, Big Sis has to be my partner in the next Sisterhooves Social.” Diamond says to you as she begins to gently nuzzle on your side.

“And if I win, she must be the head of prisoner management in my new equestrian order. I think she can do it, she has a knack for commanding others on what to do. This ‘wager’ is really more of a formality really, since I already know I’m going to win.” Chrysalis said as she raised the remote up to continue the movie.

“We’ll see about that, Big Sis!” Diamond said as she then sat at the ready and pulled over the popcorn bag Chrysalis had. She was excited to see the end of the movie.

Oh god, Chrysalis was going to lose. Chrysalis was going to lose and… Ugh, would she fly into a fit of anger? Dammit. You pull yourself up to sit and watch the movie proper with them, ready to grab your horn and pull Diamond to safety the moment Jafar lost.

“Look at that! He even makes the insult of being called a snake into a fabulous pun! However is Aladdin supposed to beat that!” Chrysalis was quite giddy with excitement as she cheered Jafar on.

“C’mon, c’mon!” Diamond was hanging on, hoping to win.

You had to be ready. You had no charges, but you could use a barrier, or use telekinesis, or even pull your wings out of your bag and fly her out of the house.

Chrysalis then began to cackle like mad “The genie!? Did he seriously suggest the power of the genie when he still has one wish left?” Her grin grew wide, her teeth were on full display with how menacing this victory grin was looking.

But Diamond grew silent, a more subtle but evil grin growing on hers. Somehow, she had already caught on to what was coming next.

“Look at that, now he has phenomenal cosmic powers to bring about his absolute rule. How can Aladdin beat that? Hm?” Chrysalis then looked to Diamond, who was looking at her with that same sly grin. “Why are you smiling like that?”

“Because, he just became a genie. Sure he has the ‘phenomenal cosmic power'. Buuuuut…” And that’s when the lamp appeared, as Diamond waited for the moment Aladdin would obviously say it. “Itty bitty living space.”

Chrysalis looked at the screen with silent shock. She sounded like she was choking as she slowly turned her eyes to the ever cocky Diamond. “B-but, how did… How did you know?!”

Diamond shrugged. “That’s what the genie said his situation was, remember? Isn’t that what the situation is for all genies?”

“B-but, there wasn’t even a lamp for him to live in until he… He….” Here it comes.

But instead of blowing up in a rage, she just fell back on the couch and let out a depressive and aggravated groan. “This is… That’s… Bah, because of course when things go too well for the villain, everything has to go crashing down. I’m calling shenanigans on this whole thing. Hmph.”

“Ah, ah! You made a deal, Big Sis. It totally wouldn’t be very queen like to just try to get out of it, right?” Diamond said, lavishing in her victory as the rest of the movie began to wrap up.

“...No, I guess not.” Chrysalis said with a huff. “I guess there is the benefit of making everypony else look like fools for even challenging us. With me as your partner, we should be able to crush every competition.”

“That’s right! Together, nopony could beat us!” Diamond said with a cheer.

“Agreed. Ah, lunch should be prepared soon. Little Sister, could you please go check on the lasagna while I have a chat with Anon?” Chrysalis said, with no hint of anger in her voice. She sounded genuinely… Pleasant.

Diamond eyed her closely. “You’re not gonna cuddle him privately, are you?”

“Considering all the work I put in in solidifying your relationship with him? Why would I?” Chrysalis asked.

“Oh, I guess that’s true. Ok, you can count on me.” Diamond said as she happily hopped off the couch and went off to the kitchen.

Chrysalis silently stared at you, you silently stared at her. Was there tension? Was she just hiding her anger? “So then… What’s the con?”

“Con?” She asked, confused by your words.

“No anger, no destroying anything, no forcibly taking back your word. That isn’t like you.” You say, ever so suspicious.

“Well, look at that, I finally decided to try to reform and you have to criticize me.” Chrysalis brings a hoof to her heart as she does her best to look hurt. “You’ve crushed my heart, Anon.”

You sighed. She was right. The first signs of her showing change and you suddenly just decide to criticize her for it. “Sorry, I just. It just all seemed so sudden. I guess with Diamond here, I have no reason to believe otherwise.”

“Well you should, because I was lying to you.” Chrysalis said with a chuckle. “Still so gullible.”

“Dammit! I knew it! What the hell, Chrysalis! What are you planning?! You can’t involve Diamond in this, you know that! I won’t let you do it!” You shouted at her, stomping up to her as you stood at eye level on her sitting position on the couch. “I’ll stop you myself if you even try!”

“Relax…” Chrysalis said as she gently, yet firmly, placed her hoof on your head and pushed you down until you sat. “If you want the truth, I just wanted this day to be… Happy.”

“Happy?” Wut?

Chrysalis nodded. “I just wanted to experience one day where everything was close to what ponies consider pleasant. I wanted to see you and little Diamond Tiara without all the usual bullshit surrounding our relationship. And don’t worry, I haven’t used human words around her or showed her anything explicit.” Chrysalis then stopped herself. “Ok, maybe I wouldn’t be able to stomach the whole day. But we can do lunch, right?”

“I… Ok.” You narrowed an eye at her, still confused. “But why?”

“It’s why I left the note, Anon. I wanted you both here. Because today? Oh yes, it will probably be the very last day we will be able to do this.” Chrysalis said as she turned her head towards the window, as if looking out to tomorrow.

...Oh lord.

“The plan… You’re finally going to strike then?” You said, cautious of her, taking things more seriously.

“Mhmm, tomorrow morning. I’d like you to be there, actually. Don’t worry, I don’t want nor need your horn. I just want to see you and see what you think of my plan.” Chrysalis said as she looked at you with a gentle grin.

“I… You expect me to do that?” She can’t possibly think you’d do that, not on something like this.

“I do, but I also expect you to warn everypony of my coming presence. I want them to know I’m coming. It’ll make things more interesting that way.” Chrysalis told you, her grin growing more cruel. “I want them all to be there when Twilight Sparkle meets her doom.”

Welp, there it was, her evil side on full display. And yet… “You want me to tell them? You do know you would pretty much have zero chance, right?”

Chrysalis shrugs. “And? Why are you complaining? Don’t you want me to lose?”

“I… yes, so you can just focus on reforming.” What is she trying to play at? What could she possibly be planning?

“Then? Just do it, Anon. You don’t have to be such a prude. Like I said, I just want to have this one little lunch together. You can then safely take your marefriend home and that is that. I’ll even say the word please.” Chrysalis said, as she shuddered in disgust. “P-p-please just have a nice lunch with me.”

If she was telling the truth, then to deny this would make you to be the real monster. A moment like this was something you were waiting for. You just wanted a single moment where she was nice and gentle. Given how Diamond seemed to be having a nice time thus far, you couldn’t very well say no. “Ok. I believe you. Considering I’m your friend, I shouldn’t not believe you. So then, what’s the plan you have?”

“Ah ah, a girl has to have their secrets, Anon.” Chrysalis said as she gave you a gentle little pet. “In any case, let’s forget about it for now and talk about other things. Little sister told me about something big you were doing today, how did that go?”

“Oh, er. Ok? It went ok.” Shit, suddenly small talk. You can do this, Anon. Do it for her, DO IT FOR HER. She was already setting herself up for a loss, exactly as you predicted. You cannot fuck up now. “Actually, have you seen any movie with fighter jets in it?”

“I actually have. Ooooh, did you fly one?” Chrysalis said, smiling warmly, genuinely interested.

“I copiloted, actually. We flew it towards Manehatten and back… Well, almost back. We had a few issues, but we still managed it.” You say, cracking a smile of your own as you did your best to relax.

“I see, I see. Issues? Ah, let me guess, you crashed into Canterlot Castle, right? Oh, please tell me Celestia burst into a thousand little pieces. It’s not the revenge I wanted, but I’d take that.” Chrysalis said, her smile never faltering.

You tensed at those words. Somewhere, that little asshole Scrappy was wagging his tail right now.

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