• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 209 - Chrysalis Vs. Celestia

“...So then, he’s in Manehatten. I’d say that’s inconvenient, but we all know I’d be lying. We'll just have to prepare for a little drive through the countryside.” Chrysalis snickered, and yet she didn’t know why. Although it was a long trip, which that alone would be annoying, she loved the idea of having a proper road trip in her new car, with the only thing hampering that feeling being Celestia herself. “That won’t be a problem for you, will it?”

“It shouldn’t.” Celestia said as politely as she could. She was staring outside the tinted windows. She could see many of the ponies still being spooked as the Queenmobile made its way out of Canterlot. She was sure they’d be fine. She herself was actually growing a little nervous, as there was always the possibility of Chrysalis going back on her word. She had prepared for this moment ever since she received the scroll from Twilight, and was doing her best in believing in her former student’s judgement. “I’m just surprised how luxurious it feels inside this machine. The seats are comfortable, and the air is perfect. I can see why you enjoy it so much.”

“Celestia, if you’re trying to make idle conversation, stop. I don’t need you to tell me what I already know.” Chrysalis said, keeping her eyes on the road, trying to ultimately ignore Celestia’s presence.

“Well, I can already tell this trip is going to be pleasant.” Celestia said silently to herself, tapping her hooves nervously on her seat. She wasn’t really scared, it really was nervousness. Not even for Chrysalis, or the car, or even how things could be with Neighsay. It seemed the ever confident Celestia was actually carrying some doubt about the situation.

But wait….

“Manehatten? What is Neighsay doing in Manehatten? The EEA isn’t there, is it?” You asked, confused as to why Neighsay would be in a city you were sure didn’t have any high end schools he’d care about.

Celestia shook her head. “No, he’s just on vacation.”

Wut? “Vacation? That guy takes vacations? Since when?”

“Since he suddenly started having terrible nightmares, and his last week of paperwork suddenly had such terrible writing errors.” Celestia said, her tone sounding disingenuous. “I suggested a vacation, as he was obviously still worried about our wager. So much so it was affecting his work”

“Hm? Is that the sound of deceit I hear? So, it seems you haven't changed a bit since you tricked Anon that one fine day...” Chrysalis said, her eyes never leaving the road, despite some intrigue filling her voice. “And for what reason did you and your sister feel the need to fool the poor chancellor, hm?”

You almost called Chrysalis out on that, considering she has no moral pedestal to stand on when it comes to fooling others. Though, knowing how things usually work, you felt the need to at least not have Chrysalis provoke Celestia in any way. “Chrysalis, come on, let's be cool, remember? Once this is over, you don’t need to worry about Celestia anymore.”

“It is very hard to be ‘cool’ when it is very apparent that she thinks she can do whatever she wants. And yet when I choose to do the same thing, I get condemned for it.” Chrysalis said, obviously not pleased that Celestia seems to do what she pleases, when she pleases, without consequence.

“Well, if it makes you feel better, I do not do it for myself, I do it for the foals of my school. I do it for Twilight. I do it for her students. I even did this for you and Anon, Chrysalis. Unlike you, I understand the importance of others’ lives.” Oof, that was a bit backhanded from Celestia. It was clear she was perturbed by Chrysalis’s analysis of her.

Suddenly, the car came to a screeching halt. Celestia, still unbuckled, flew forward from her seat as Chrysalis quickly opened the hood of the car. She had parked just outside the lake near the entrance of the city, sending Celestia right into it. You expected Chrysalis to laugh, but she was at least smirking as Celestia popped her head up from above the water, her eyebrows furrowed. Chrysalis just leaned forward on the wheel and stared at her. “I thought about yelling at you about your selfishness when it came to my children, but then I thought it’d be funnier to send you into the water. Funny how that works.”

Celestia just floated above the water for a moment, staring at Chrysalis, annoyed. But then, suddenly… “You’re right, it was funny.” Celestia said with a sudden smile. “And I apologize for my words. We are supposed to be at least acting like friends.” She said with a sudden cheerful smile.

Chrysalis growled, hopping out of her car in anger from Celestia’s sturdy yet jovial attitude. She hovered over her, frustrated. “You apologize?! You apologize to me after what I said? What I did?! Yet you don't apologize for what you had done to me?! You stole my kingdom from me! I hate you! How could you do that to me and yet fear the taking of your own kingdom!? Of your schools!? Of Twilight Sparkle herself!? What justification do you have?!” Her horn was starting to glow a quite fierce green color.

Oh shit! You hop out of the car, calling out to Chrysalis to try to calm her down. “Chrysalis, don’t do it! You’ll lose everything else if you do!” Dammit Celestia! Why are you provoking her like this?!

Celestia sighed, not flinching from Chrysalis’s verbal assault as she looked to her with a more sincere stare. “He’s right, Chrysalis. We cannot be angering each other like this.”

“We?! You did this!” Chrysalis said as she pointed at her, her horn starting to glow ever brighter. “Now answer my question! Or else I will finally take my revenge! Damned be the consequences!” Chrysalis’s anger was peaked, to the point her hidden wings reverted back to their seraphic form.

Celestia took a moment, and nodded towards her. “You’re right, it isn’t fair. It could even be said that Equestria itself is not fair to those with evil hearts. But my kingdom, Twilight, my want to protect them, to make sure I don’t lose them, is because I care about them, just as you do your children. The difference however, and we both know this, is that you were using your children for your own gains. You kept them in a form that always brought them hunger and suffering. Even if you fed them, they would always go hungry without love and friendship. Did you care for them? One can say yes, but then let me ask you this. If you feel that what you did has not caused them anguish in any way, then how do you feel now about yourself now that you’ve reached some form that does not require constant feeding on love?”

“You have no right to question me on that! These wings, that ‘form’ they’ve taken on. It is disgusting! A mockery to us all!” Chrysalis shouted.

“I suppose, considering how you have lived in your entire existence, that your words are true to you. But your children have found happiness nonetheless, even your captain has found happiness with his new family. And yet, he still considers himself your devout captain, ready to do whatever you ask him to do. Evil is not the way, Chrysalis. You could have your family back, if you only understood that the form you’re slowly taking on is in fact, your true form.” Celestia then sighed as she looked into Chrysalis’s eyes, it seemed all her words were doing were angering her further. “Hm, then perhaps this will help you understand instead. You truly wish to go back to the way things were. In fact, you wish for my kingdom to fall, and for you to take over Equestria and reign as its evil queen.”

“I do, because it is clear that you simply don’t understand anything about being a ruler yourself. I would be vastly superior to you.” Chrysalis said, really prepared to blast Celestia then and there.

“And what of Anon? Would he have a place in this cruel world you’d create?” Celestia asked.

Chrysalis looked down at you silently, then chuckled at Celestia. “He’d need a lot of conditioning, but of course. I’m not afraid to admit I like him as a friend, everypony knows at this point. Not to mention all the power I’d have with use of his horn.”

“And you’d use said power to bring the entire world itself, every facet of it, into your evil realm?” Celestia asked.

“Yes already! What is your point?!” Chrysalis growled, getting aggravated with all the questioning.

Oh shit… You see where she was going with this. “Chrysalis… I think I get what she’s talking about.”

“Oh do you, what is it then?!” Chrysalis said, shouting back at you.

“Er, do you remember what was going to happen because of Flim and Flam? In that other Equestria?” You asked.

“Why does that matter?! That’s not our Equestria!” Chrysalis shouted.

“Yeah, but, come on, it’s still an Equestria that could have happened, and it is bound by the same rules and stuff. So, y’know, what do you think would happen if you did conquer Equestria?” You asked her, hoping she’d get it this time.

“I’d rule over it, duh.” Chrysalis said in a mocking tone.

“And… What would happen after that? After you sucked out all the love and joy in the world?” You asked.

“If you mean what those two dolts were wo- Oh no.” Chrysalis suddenly shuddered in some sort of horror as she then peered down at Celestia. “That’s what you were getting at, with Equestria being unfair to evil beings.”

Celestia nodded. “The Wendigos are crueler than any evil in Equestria, and would destroy and freeze everything, including your new kingdom. It may be a sad truth to you, but this is why it is important to defend love, friendship, and family. All would be lost without that. I know you care for more than just Anon, Chrysalis. You’ve come so f-” Suddenly, in the middle of Celestia’s speech of truth and understanding, a cake suddenly falls from the sky and into her face, sending her back in the water for a moment before she came back out spitting and coughing.

“Well, that was mildly amusing.” Chrysalis said with a smirk. “How’s the cake, Princess?”

Celestia said nothing, the cake was ruined and soaked. And given the look in her eyes, that wide realization type of look? She knew that was her cake that you and Chrysalis had sent flying earlier.

“Wendigos, got it, being evil sucks. That’s the right word for it, right, Anon? It ‘sucks’?” Chrysalis said as she looked back down at you with a smirk.

Oh god, it took all you had not to laugh at Celestia. What perfect fucking timing, you didn’t need to hear that pretentious and obvious speech about what would happen if evil spread across Equestria. “Yep, that’s the right word. You alright, Chrysalis? I got worried there for a second.”

“Pft, you shouldn’t have. I know how to be cool, unlike our spaz of a princess there. Look at her ear twitching, as if that cake meant anything. Come on, let’s give her some time to herself to lament over how tasty it could have been. Ha, what an idiot of a princess, thinking I don’t understand what is at stake here. She’s so so soooooo lucky I’m willing to save everything she holds dear despite what she did to me, isn’t she, Anon?” Chrysalis said with a cackle as she returned to her car.

“Yeah, she kinda is, considering she was the one who instigated this bullshit. Hey, you want me to show you another song while she’s over there crying?” You asked Chrysalis as you looked over at Celestia one last time. She wasn’t crying, she just looked visibly annoyed.

“Oh yes! I’d actually would love that. We need to see if my car can save these songs in some sort of list for easier listening later.” Chrysalis said, calm, with glee. Despite the possible disaster that could have happened, you immediately perked up at the chance to share more human songs with her.

Celestia just continued to swim in place. She sighed, still annoyed. But a smile then slowly began to grow on her face. She was relieved nothing bad happened, and despite the humiliation she just took, she’d rather that than the entire situation going sour. Hell, despite Chrysalis’s insults, she was glad to see you get along with her, and was happy to know Chrysalis was understanding more and more about the magic of friendship in some form. She also learned what seemed to trigger her anger, and she knew she'd have to do her best not to instigate another fight.

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