• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 240 - Cozy's Big Announcement

“...And I don’t even know what happened. I just swung him up and it was like there was a snowstorm in front of me. Anon’s head is pretty scary. It took both me and Scrappy out.” Smolder said as she recounted the story of how she thought she won the war.

The three original teams were sitting on benches, lined up in a column, under a tent, in a field of snow. Cozy Glow had made hot chocolate and victory cake for the winners, though since she didn’t know who the winner would be, she made team cakes for everyone, and slapped a ‘number one’ candle on top of the winning team’s cake. Smolder was just eating a handful and munching it down as she continued to recount the story. “It’s a good thing Anon didn’t get buried, or none of us would have won.”

“I mean, that’s cool and all, but did you have to use my Anon like a hammer? First bait, then that.” Diamond looked over at you, annoyed. “Anon, you didn’t hold back, did you? This was war, you know that, right? We could have lost.”

“Hey! Hey! I was doing my best! Look, somepony had to be the bait, and I knew just what to say to confuse the enemy team. And me and Smolder? I’d say that was more of a team up more than anything else. I mean, how else would we have beaten Scrappy if not to use my head like, y’know, a shovel or something.” You said, trying to calm down any frustration she might have.

Smolder snickered at that, but just went along with it for your sake. “Yeah, like I said, his head is pretty ridiculous. If other dragons knew how tough his head really was, we wouldn't be able to play boulder bash anymore because we’d always know there’s a pony who would beat us every time. Kinda embarrassing to think about, actually.”

“Well, Anon is just strong. Like, totally invincible. I guess maybe it was a good thing he didn’t do anything else, he could have hurt somepony.” Diamond said, convincing herself that was the truth.

“I’m just glad we won. Hey, what happened to Scrappy anyway?” Scootaloo asked.

You shrugged “Dunno, he probably, uh, just went home.” And that had to be the story, no one could know what really happened after his defeat.

“Huh, well, I hope he didn’t take losing too hard. Almost thought he was going to win with the way he was tossing snowballs.” Scootaloo sighed as she took a nibble of her piece of cake. “I wish I didn’t go down so fast. I didn’t know he was going to do that.”

“H-hey, Scoots, don’t look so down. Nopony knew he was going to do that to you. But think of it this way, we all would have lost to Ocellus’s team if it wasn’t for your quick thinking.” You reminded her, trying to cheer her up.

“Really? You think?” Scootaloo asked, as hope began to return to her eyes. “But you were so good as bait.”

“I mean, yeah, but there had to be, like, an actual attack while I was bait. If you didn’t think about digging under their snow tower, we would have been beaten. If I had to say anything about it, I’d say that was some top tier Wonderbolt strategizing. You should tell Rainbow Dash about it.” You tell her with a reassuring grin.

“Anon’s got a point. I got the claws, but I wasn’t really thinking about how to use them. So yeah, who cares if Scrappy got you, you still got us that far in the first place.” Smolder told her, to raise her spirits.

Scootaloo felt humbled and blushed, looking away shyly. “I-I guess. I wonder if Rainbow Dash would really be impressed by that. I dunno, maybe I shouldn't bother her about it.”

“Just tell her.” Diamond said, giving Scootaloo a bit of a nudge. “As Mother always tells me, you won’t make it anywhere if you decide to do nothing.”

“Really? I... Yeah, I will tell her. I hope she thinks that was worthy of the Wonderbolts too! I bet she will! Thanks, Diamond!” Scootaloo said, getting over her rather humiliating defeat and smiling back at all of you as her confidence became restored.

“Yeah, we all did it together. And…” You look forward, and suddenly Silverstream was sitting right next to Scootaloo, and staring directly at you, intently. “Er, Silverstream?”

“Oh, don’t mind me, I am just looking at you, trying to figure out how incredibly awesome your tactics were. Tactics is a fun word, isn’t it? I think so, our military says that word a lot.” She said, rather giddily. "Tactics!"

“My tactics? You mean when I was bait?” You asked, confused.

“Exactly! It was like, there was no way you’d say those things. But then, like like, Ocellus said you WOULD say those things! But then it turns out you wouldn’t! Or, er, maybe you would? I was so confused, and so impressed! Ocellus is super smart, so if you could trick her, then that just makes you even more Hero Colty! Can you all believe it? He can fight the Storm King, he can talk down to the Storm King, and he could have even been perfect bait to trick the Storm King! I bet Anon could have lost against the Storm King and he still would have won! That’s why he’s the hero of every hippogriff everywhere!” She said cheerily.

God… “I mean, er, thanks? Look, I… Uh.” You really had no idea what to say. Everything you did impressed her. You had to wonder what all of Mount Aris really thought of you. If it really was anything close, or even beyond, what the Crystal Empire thought of Spike, then it might be more overwhelming to you than you thought. Even if it did seem like it’d be easy to get poon there.

You then take a look at Diamond, and remove that thought from your head. Because she’d kill you, she’d just kill you.

Diamond then looked over at you, curious about something. "So, Anon, What was with the whole butt thing anyway? Is that a serious strategy, or was it something else?"

Shit! What the hell were you supposed to say? ”Well, you see, I just… It actually is sorta complicated. I mean, there's all this human intricacies into even thinking about a butt to make it sound like believable. I mean, I had to trick Ocellus-” But then Silverstream interrupts you.

“And it really was complicated! He isn’t lying. I sure was confused! I mean, when he talked about your butt, he made it seem like he actually and really meant-” But then, Silverstream is interrupted as Ocellus appears from behind her, taking a seat next to her.

“What Anon said was something that was believable, that's all. Him being inappropriate is something I'd expect when it comes to his heroing skills. It’s probably best not to repeat it. It could be a strategy he may need for later.” She said, giving you a wink.

“Oooooh, that’s right! Right, right, right. Okay, my beak is sealed!” Silverstream said, literally making a zipping motion along her beak.

“Awww… Fine, I guess that is a good point. I still really wanted to know exactly how he meant it.” Diamond said, reluctantly agreeing.

Ocellus for the save.

Ocellus, she really has softened up since her own realization of how obsessed and scared she was of Chrysalis. And although she still really didn’t want to be near her, she had since learned to try not to let it affect her friendship with you.

Ocellus, taking a seat, quickly changed subjects to something you weren’t expecting. “So, Anon. You said about a week ago that you finally convinced, erm, the old queen to see Professor Fluttershy? How’s that going?”

“O-oh, huh…” Well, that question caught you off guard. “Well, it was more convincing her and my dad. Actually, for Chrysalis, it was actually kinda easy. I just convinced her that I’d get her a real nice Hearthwarming gift if she just gave Aunt Fluttershy a chance. Given Hearthwarming is a week away, she finally decided to give it a shot. I think it’s going to go well. We actually have the visit planned for tomorrow, so, yeah. It should work out.”

“You don’t think she’s just going to play nice just to get a gift from you?” Ocellus asked.

“Big sis isn’t like that.” Diamond interjected. “Anon just doesn’t understand how girls are sometimes. She obviously was always ready to see his aunt, but Daddy Discord is kinda complicated. She totally calculated that Daddy Discord would be more willing to be nicer to her and more willing to go when it was close to the holidays. And as always, she managed to trick Anon into getting her a gift to sweeten the deal.”

Wut? “No, that’s not right. Right? She just kinda just kept avoiding it.”

“She, Anon? remember when Daddy Discord said I also had to be there, and the days he picked were always days I had to do important things with Daddy and Mother?” Diamond asked you.

“I mean, yeah, but it was kinda obvious he was doing that on purpose.” You replied.

“I know. Now, pay attention, didn’t Daddy Discord also say a month back he had a really important O&O session he had to get to, so he couldn’t go?” Diamond asked you.

“I mean, yeah, he does really like O&O.” You said with a shrug.

“And remember during Nightmare Night, you were all supposed to go the day after, and he instead suddenly got sick from Tatzlwurms?” Diamond asked you.

“I mean, he actually did get sick from them.” You replied. “Like, really sick. Trust me, I know Dad, he does not like to be sick. It takes away from his chaotic schedule. He can’t go a day without messing with Princess Twilight in some way.”

“And you don’t think he’d purposely get sick just so your aunt wouldn’t be around Big Sis? It’s totally a boy maneuver to get sick even if it’s a bad thing, just to get what they want.” Diamond said.

“She’s right, Anon.” Gallus said as he suddenly took a seat at your team’s bench. “Don’t mind me, just listening in. But take it from a griffon: we’ll do anything, even make ourselves sick, to get out of anything, especially when it involves cash.”

Goddammit, Discord would do that, wouldn’t he? Considering he told you he’d love to go if it made Fluttershy happy, you thought it’d be the truth. Guess he’s willing to lie about Fluttershy if it means ‘protecting her’. “Okay, I see your point.”

“Yeah, and that’s why Big Sis managed to pick the perfect opportunity to get something from you. Because she knows that Daddy Discord can’t come up with an excuse without reeeaaallly upsetting your aunt.” Diamond giggled as she leaned into you. “Better be careful, Anon, because that just means I know how to get things out of you now.”

Uggghhhhhh…. Okay then….

Suddenly, a bell began to ring out, catching everyone’s attention. Cozy was hovering in the air, ringing the bell herself, making an announcement. “Hey, hey, Everypony! I-I don’t mean to ruin the celebrations. But, golly, since you’re all here, I have a really REALLY big announcement to make! Would you all like to hear it?”

“Aw, hey, of course!” Sandbar said, in his typical optimistic fashion. “Whatever it is, I bet it’s awesome!”

“Thank you! Well, ahrm.” Cozy Glow cleared her throat, then smiled big towards everyone as she became more enthused and cheery. “As you all know, Hearthwarming is in exactly one week. Hearthwarming is super duper important for many many reasons. But, I think, one of the biggest reasons is friendship! The biggest friendships between ponies ever was made on that day. And so, I’m excited to announce that we’ll all get to share that kind of friendship with my pen pal friend, Winter Krumb! His life has been oh so very very hard, I thought there’d be no way for him to come visit us here in Ponyville. But thanks to me, and with the help of Anon, he’s been given enough hope to come down here a day before Hearthwarming so he can share it with all of us! In fact, Anon, he actually sent me a letter asking to meet you when he arrives.”

Wut? That guy, he was actually coming to Ponyville? Huh, why did that irk you? If anything, that should be a good thing. That poor guy must have felt so lonely and unable to do anything for the longest time. The fact he’s getting a chance to come visit, well, it’s a good thing. “He does, huh? Well, I guess I’ll have to make sure I don’t disappoint him.”

“Oh, I know you won’t.” Cozy said, her glare becoming intense for just a moment. “Oh wait! Oh no, you didn’t have anything super special planned, did you?” Cozy pouted. “I-I promise it won’t take too long. I-I’ll even make some snacks for y-you, if you’ll come.”

D’aww. Well, it is the day before Hearthwarming. And you’re sure nobody would mind you giving up some of your time to greet the guy. “Sure, I’ll make sure my schedule is cleared. And don’t worry about the snacks, I’m good.”

“Oh no no! I insist! And besides, it’s the least I can do for you for all you’ve done for me, Professor.” She said, giving you a wide wide grin and a little wink.

Well… The cake is pretty good, so you were sure her snacks would taste pretty good too. And you do like snacks. “Alright, alright, if you insist. I don’t wanna make you sad, Cozy.”

“And you won’t!” Cozy said, adorably clapping her hooves as she squealed with glee. “You never ever do!”

“Yona not hear of Winter Krumb before, What Winter Krumb like?” Yona asked.

“Oh, well, he’s been very nice and neat so far just through our letters, and he's really smart about old old stuff. Golly, I think it’ll be a surprise for all of us when he actually does arrive.” Cozy said, hugging her little bell.

“Well, you should let us know when he arrives too, Cozy Glow. Then we crusaders could give him a real Ponyville welcome!” Applebloom said. “Ain’t that right, girls?”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo agreed with a cheer. “Right!”

You all give a cheer of encouragement. So far, Cozy had always seemed like the odd one out of the group, despite her innocent and sweet nature. If this Krumb guy made her that happy, and she was curious about whatever his hobbies were, then good for her. And he wanted to see you too? Heh, maybe she told him all about how great at friendship you really were. you were glad he was coming.

But then…

Why did a part of you feel dread?

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