• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 235 - The Growth of a Colt

“Dad, come on, Dad. Seriously? Ugh…” You let out a sigh as you look over to Fluttershy with a disappointed expression. “Sorry, Aunt Fluttershy, I just can’t contact him.” You had been trying to contact Discord using your codec. But of course, he won’t answer. You thought you’d be able to convince him to come back, but if he didn’t want to speak, then there really is nothing you could do about it.

Fluttershy, who you thought would be upset with Discord just up and leaving like that, just gives you a warm and reassuring smile as she gently plants her hoof on your head and rubs. “Anon, I think, well, it’s going to be okay this time.”

Okay, she really wasn’t upset at all. “Really? You’re not upset Dad just left like that?”

“Well, normally I would be, but…” Fluttershy let out a little giggle. “The way he left told me so many things about, well, I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean when you’re older. Anon, how about we sit under that tree for now and just stare at the sky? I promise, things are going to be fine, you don’t have to worry about me or your father.”

At first, you were confused. But then, as your brain cells began to slap each other around, you realized why Fluttershy was reacting the way she was. It was obvious, actually. Discord disappeared the moment she said the word ‘romantic’. Haha, well then, it seems that settles that then. Though, there was still the issue of getting Discord to properly reciprocate those feelings without half the world blowing up, but it should work out in time… Hopefully. Though, there was still the fact that this should have been a full family activity.

“Well, I mean, I kinda wanted to just enjoy the night sky with you and dad together.” As you told her this, you had to immediately think about the way you put it. You realized you really were just more disappointed you couldn’t see Discord catch on to how Fluttershy feels more than anything else.

“O-oh.” Fluttershy frowned. “Anon… Mmmnnnn, how about this?” Fluttershy suddenly smiled as she came up with an idea. “Considering why we’re here in the first place, how about we just enjoy ourselves together now, and I talk to your father to set up a real family vacation later. I even think Chrysalis can come along, if she wants to of course.”

Oh boy, that sounded like an unmitigated disaster waiting to happen. You still had to have a visit with Chrysalis, while bringing along Fluttershy, to see how she’d even feel about going along with the whole thing. In truth, she’d probably not go along with the whole family thing. But to all be good friends? That would be nice. You just look at Fluttershy, and nod as you sit under the tree and begin to look up at the ripped sky, with the stars blanketing it as they shot every which way. “I’d like that. Sure! I think I’d really like that actually.”

That’s all you could really say. You can’t be upset, for her sake. Discord being here would be nice, but you could be perfectly happy just being there for Fluttershy if it meant she wouldn’t be upset. Her presence was calming and sweet. In reality, and you hate to think this, but Discord would have ruined the atmosphere sooner or later.

Fluttershy laid on her back beside you, making herself comfortable as she stared upwards. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She was utterly enamored with the display.

“It is. Staring at it, it kinda makes me think back of when I first came to Equestria. When everything was simpler and a little less chaotic.” You said, before chuckling. “But, uh, I guess things being less chaotic isn’t in my nature, huh?”

“Oh, Anon.” Fluttershy said with a gentle giggle. “Things are what you make them out to be. It’s like friendship, where the best of friends are those you keep close, no matter how far away they are. I think Twilight would say it’s a matter of perspective. And in my ‘perspective’, chaos isn’t really a bad thing. Sometimes, I quite like it.”

You let out a self disappointed sigh. “Even when I mess up royally?”

Fluttershy shuddered and cringed at those words. “Anon, t-the important thing is to never let something like that ever happen again. I trust you, I trust you completely, period. I know from now on, no matter how chaotic things are, you’ll do what’s right.” She then turns her head to look at you, and smiles. “I know you can do it.”

Well, that did feel pretty reassuring. You just nodded to her reluctantly, and went back to staring at the night sky as the stars began to dance about, scattering around like no one’s business.

“Anon, I’ve been meaning to ask this for a long time, but I never seem to get the chance.” Fluttershy said

Hm? “What is it, Aunt Fluttershy?”

“Well, I was wondering. What’s your dream? What kind of future do you think you’ll have?” Fluttershy asked. Huh, that question, you never really gave it too much thought before.

“Well, um, I dunno. I know, for the most part, ponies usually do what their cutie marks represent. But mine represents chaos itself. I guess that means anything can happen, and nothing is for certain, no matter how much I think about it. I dunno, I guess I just want to live happily. Maybe even have unlimited charges on my horn so I can do… Something. Look, I’m not saying I don’t have any skills besides blasting stuff, I just think I can do more than be a ‘hero colt’. Maybe I could open an arcade or something, see how everypony reacts to the kind of games I used to play. That could be cool.” You said, rambling along with your thoughts.

“That sounds like it can be fun! Though, I’m sure you have skills you’ve developed outside of your magic.” Fluttershy said, trying to encourage you. “Never let yourself feel limited by your father’s gift. You’re more than capable of realizing your dreams without it.”

“Uhm, I…” No you weren’t. You never reached your dreams as a human. Or technically, you reached an impossible dream by being here. Though, that was thanks to Discord’s insane plan that has run its course a long time ago. Outside of your magic, you’re not really capable of any technical skill. It actually kinda sucked. But, looking at Fluttershy, you couldn’t just tell her any of that, you didn’t want to upset her. You never wanted that. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I could become a carpenter or something, build my arcade the old fashioned way.”

“Oooooh, carpenter skills are very good. I’ve heard of carpenter ponies who can make a cabin shelter for themselves in an hour, and it’ll be sturdy too! If you apply yourself, I bet you could make the greatest arcade in all Equestria! I’ll even be your first customer! A-as long as none of the games are scary. Erm, well, actually, even if they were scary, I’d still be your first customer anyway. I’d, um, just close my eyes and see if I can win that way.” Fluttershy said. She seemed worried that human games could be frightening, but even if they were, she’d still be there for you.

“Yeah, erm, not all the games would be scary. I’m sure Equestria has some of the same games Earth has, like skee ball.” You said.

“Oh, we do have that. Now that’s a coincidence.” Fluttershy giggled to herself. “Sounds like a place that would be fun for everypony then. Oh, if there are games like that, maybe I could make a few suggestions. I know a few games that would be nice, safe, and fun! I bet they'd attract all kinds of customers!”

“Yeah, I’d like that. I’d want it to be an arcade anypony could come in and find the game they want to play. I know I don’t talk about my old life, but if I had one skill, it was video games. Er, I mean there are these crazy speedrunner guys and guys who can do no hit runs, but I think I’m pretty good. I feel like I can really make a cool gaming scene here in Equestria if I put my mind to it.” Man, that would be pretty rad, a whole generation of ponies and dragons and shit playing really good video games. And yet, why did you get the feeling others would see that as sort of cringe or bad? Bah, whatever, it's a good idea. “I bet I could even set some pretty legendary high scores other ponies would aspire to beat. You know, to be better than the ‘hero colt’. Though, heh, that could take a long time.”

Fluttershy smiled at you, reaching over with a wing to snuggle in the grass with you, while also having a giggle at your words. “That sounds like an amazing dream. But you better be careful, Anon, I’ve seen Big Mac play that machine you once left in the castle, and he was really good. I hope you won’t cry if somepony manages to beat one of your scores.”

Oh god, you remembered that. The machine was still in your room, even after it was smashed up, it always seems to be alright by the very next day, you just never interact with it anymore ever since Big Mac took the high scores. Fuck man, he got lucky, and it isn’t like anyone is going to be able to beat your score in the type of games you really play. “H-hey now, I didn’t even try to make a really big score in that game.”

“Oh?” Fluttershy gave you a sly little look. “Have you beaten his scores yet?”

“No…” Dammit…

Fluttershy hugged onto you and brought you onto her belly to snuggle with you as she booped your nose with her own, “Oh, Anon, don’t be sad, alright? I was only kidding. I’m not going to tease you like your father.” Fluttershy then kept you blanketed with her wings as she let out a content sigh. “How are you feeling, Anon?”

You let out a little yawn. “Tired, I guess, today has been really stressful. I… I dunno, I still don’t feel right about what happened with Yona.”

Fluttershy tensed at those words “I understand. I… Well, it scares me to even think about it. I’m glad Yona forgave you, and…” Fluttershy stopped herself, she actually had to think about her next words. She didn’t want to upset you, and it wasn’t like she hadn’t dealt with this kind of situation with her own friends before. But this was a problem that was repeating more often than she liked, and with much dire consequences. To her, you were a colt, and all of it was a mistake that you had to understand the gravity of at this point, she desperately wanted to believe that. “Anon, I want you to be honest with me. Right here, right now, and no lying, alright?”

Mnnnn… You had an idea of where this was going. “I promise. But… You want to ask me if there is anything else me or dad are hiding, right?”

“Yes.” Said Fluttershy, melancholy in her tone.

“As far as I know, no.” At least, when it came to anything dangerous. “The only one left would be Chrysalis, and I trust her. Nopony else lives at the house, and we aren’t doing anything dangerous anymore. I promise, if anything does happen, I’ll tell you.”

“Thank you, Anon.” Fluttershy said as she hugged you close. She could feel you tense up, and how could you not? You wanted to get this all out of your head, you just wanted this one last chance. You wondered how upset some of the others were. Hell, you had to wonder if this gave Applejack any ammunition against you. Not like you could blame her this time, since she has to think about Applebloom.

Fluttershy began to hum, a very gentle melody, as she held you close. She wanted to relax you with her song, as she felt any more words on the subject would bother you more. She felt content with your promise, and that you would honor it. She wanted to take care of you, she wanted to make sure you were alright, and weren’t scarred by the situation. You could feel yourself tearing up some as you snuggled tight on her. Even if it really wasn’t night time, you just wanted to sleep, to shake off these ill feelings.

For once, you wanted to see all your friends tomorrow, to know everything was fine between you and them.

You would show them that this time, finally, you understood.

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