• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 133 - Goodbyes and a Cozy Investigation

It was sunset, and the visit was at its end. You opened a special portal that would take everyone back to where they needed to be, such as Applebloom back to her home. You all had your goodbyes. For Applebloom, she was happy to meet your friends and learn some of the recipes Grubber had taught her, though she also made a deal with him to sell him some zap apple jam when she was able.

For Scootaloo, she was happy and very thankful to have gotten to commandeer an airship, and even more thankful to Capper for teaching her so much about it. Enough so that she, almost without thinking, jumped and tried to hover up to hug him. A cue he took on immediately as he caught her to embrace her in a gentle and friendly little hug. He promised her one day she’d fly, one way or another, and to always look to the skies.

Sweetie Belle, of course, was jealous of such a display. She didn’t say all too much, but she did want a hug. She couldn’t truly admit her feelings to Capper, considering her friends had already told her she’d be shut down. The hug, which of course, caused her to nearly melt, would suffice for her. Capper was cool about it, he could tell what was up and he assured her that one day, she’ll find her special somepony. Sweetie only shyly told him that she didn’t know what he meant. She was lying of course, she just wanted him. But again, Capper kept it cool, told her ‘I think you do know, or maybe not. But we’ll just have to see’. Sweetie could say nothing as she blushed deeper. She couldn’t figure out if he meant he’d wait for her to grow up, or the more disappointing outcome, that she’d find someone else. Either way, she just nodded to him, said goodbye in a very shy and silent way, and went on her way.

And finally, there was you. “Heh, we gotta do this again sometime. Maybe when there’s a little action.”

“You mean you just want to show off some wicked chaos magic.” Capper said as he put his arms to his sides and shook his head. “That’s something I both want to see, and want no part in. I don’t mean anything by that, I just don’t want to end up feeling sorry for the bad guys.”

“Bah, you’ll never feel sorry for the bad guys. I don’t even feel bad for the old me. I would, because he didn’t know what taste was, but he was a jerk. The new me, I can cook, I’m the best friend anyone can ever have, and I’m Tempest’s ultimate number two.” Grubber said, self satisfied with his own comment. He chuckled, rubbed his hands together, and then gave you a beady look with a shark like smile. “Speaking of taste. So, Anon, am I or am I the best cook you've ever seen. Don’t hold back, I know how delicious my cooking was. I know you know what I’m talking about, because what I’m talking about, is world class.”

You winced at that. As good as some of Discord’s conjured or oddly cooked meals were, they didn’t hold a candle to Grubber’s, who obviously put a ton of love into what he made to make it taste so good. You had to admit defeat. “Ugh, yeah, yeah. It’s world class. You have to learn a little humility, Grubber.”

“Huh? Hey, hey, slow down, Anon.” Grubber said as he suddenly looked apologetic, even moving in to give you an awkward hug. “I like you enough that I’d never think of humiliating you. Is that what you think? That I’d just make you look dumb in front of everyone? Nah, that ain’t me anymore.” The way he said that though, it didn’t seem entirely truthful. Hell, he didn't even get what you meant at all!

God-Dammit. “I meant… Oh never mind, it’s fine. Thanks…” Goddamn, even if he was good at cooking, he still wasn’t very bright.

“You’re welcome. Anyway, I better clean all this up. I got swabbing duties tonight and I wanna get that done before installing the intercoms into the ship. Oh yeah, baby, yeah. This whole ship is gonna be hooked up with the good stuff. Seeya, Anon. Come back anytime, especially when you want to marvel some more at my awesome cooking.” Grubber said, smirking at you as he took a bow and headed off.

You look over to Tempest with a sigh, shaking your head as a small smile comes upon your face. “Tempest, I gotta know, how do you deal with that guy everyday?”

Tempest shrugs, smiling back. “His undying dedication is inspiring to me. Besides, I never have to deal with it because he never treats me anything less than his commander. Really, you should be asking Capper that question.”

“Man, that is a question that doesn’t feel right to answer. Grubber is cool, that’s all I got to say. But if I had to say something else, then I guess it’d be that he needs to dial back that pride, just a tad.” Capper said as he put his index finger and thumb close together.

Ha! Even Capper can’t hold back on how ‘high and mighty’ Grubber is. If Sweetie Belle was to get on anyone’s case, it’d have to be that guy. “I’d say more than just a tad. But I admit, he’s a really good chef. And, given that dedication, he’s a good friend to have, I think.” I mean, you had to consider this. He’d die for Tempest, right? He probably would.

“I’d like to think so too.” Tempest said with a nod before looking at you with a gentle little smile. “But then again, you’re probably just as dedicated. I can only imagine that if anyone threatened your friends, Anon, that you’d make them wish they were never born.”

“That’s what I was saying before. I know Anon is sitting on a lot of power, and as I said, I really don’t want to feel bad for any unsavory types messing with him or his friends.” Capper added.

“Heh, well, it is a little more complicated than that. Considering Chrysalis’s redemption is kind of reliant on a massive threat she made towards Twilight. But whatever, I got it handled.” You said, still confident Chrysalis would fail and turn over a new leaf.

“I’m sure you do, I really believe that now. Ah, Anon, let me say this though. You really should take things slower with everything you deal with. The more you take on, the less ability you’ll have to handle every problem that springs up. Not everything needs to be your responsibility.” Tempest advises you. She was worried for you, of course. She just didn’t want you to go crazy or lose focus on what was truly important to you, or important around you.

“I got it. Trust me.” You really did feel confident, especially now. Hell, given Neighsay still was on your ass, you were sure you could even handle him when the time comes.

“I do… So, uh, when do you plan to visit again?” Tempest looks back to make sure Grubber wasn’t around. She then moves a little closer to you and whispered. “Considering what you did to the Storm King, I just have this itch to REALLY test both your skills and mine.”

Oh? Now that was the kind of date you could pull off if she was truly that curious. “When I get the chance. Mostly when I got everything else with Chrysalis handled. Hm, but I really should be going now before the sun is gone. I actually have some business to attend to, and I really want to know what’s in that letter.”

“Then farewell, Anon. I look forward to your next visit.” Tempest said. As uniform as it sounded, she really did mean that.

“See you later, Anon. Should bring your own special little lady next time too. Trust me, you really want to swoon a girl, well, an airship across the sea is already plenty romantic. You already know Grubber will cater the whole thing, and with his cooking, it’ll be a knockout.” Capper said with a wink towards you.

Huh, that actually didn’t sound too bad. Ah, you had to make sure to tell Diamond about the shackles too. Got to make a note of that, for sure. “Thanks Capper, I just might do that. In fact, go ahead and try to charm her. I can promise you this, she won’t be interested.” Why did you even say that? It was pride, you just wanted everyone to know Diamond would never be interested in anyone else, no matter how charming.

“Big promise, my friend.” Capper said with a boisterous laugh “You don’t want to make this cat too curious now. You just might regret it.”

“We’ll see about that. Heh, anyway. Seeya guys, til’ next time.” And with final farewells, you jumped into your portal to head off into your next destination. Though, Tempest stopped you, she only had one last thing to say.

“Anon, hold on.” Tempest shouts out to you.

“Hm? What is it, Tempest?” You look back, curious as to what she had to say.

“I just wanted to ask if you think your marefriend would like me. D-don’t look too deeply into that question, I’m just curious.” And so that odd timidness in Tempest showed itself once more. It seemed she was confident in just about everything but one thing, friendship. And as well as today went with everyone else, she still seemed to feel awkward towards her own likability.

“Trust me, she will like you just fine. She considers Chrysalis a sister already, so you’d probably be like an aunt.” You tell her, in a way that would lift her spirits. Hell, that would lift anyone’s spirits, you think. And you meant it too, Tempest really would be that cool aunt who travels the world and stuff.

“I see, I, uh. Hm… Well, I can’t wait to meet her. Until then, you take care, Anon.” Tempest said, her smile warmer, her tone softer. Your words soothed her timid yet militaristic heart. As even for her, friendship was truly magic.

“You take care too, Tempest.” And with that, you headed off through the portal. But not back home, as one might think. No, you headed off to Cozy’s room in Twilight’s school. Even though you were told to relax, you still felt like you had an obligation to check up on her and make sure she was ok.

You stepped out through the other side of the portal into Cozy’s room. “Cozy? Hey, sorry to just drop in, hah. Just wanted to make… Hm.” Seems she wasn’t around though. Odd, you’d think she would be given the evening has come, and yet she was nowhere to be found. “Damn, she’s somewhere else. Maybe she’s hanging out with some new friends? I couldn’t blame her for using the compass as soon as… Hm?” As you spoke to yourself and looked around the room, you noticed a lantern, still lit, sitting on her desk. Seems she hasn’t been gone for too long if she left it burning, perhaps she was just doing something real quick and just coming back? You also note a newspaper was sitting on the desk. You get curious and decide to investigate.

You begin to take a look, reading and scanning the paper that laid before you. “What in the… This is the story about me and Discord. It’s already out? In one day? No, no, the date is set for tomorrow. That’s weird, how did Cozy get an early copy of this? Why? She couldn’t have been in the classroom when all of that was going on. Hmmm…” You began to ponder deeper and deeper to yourself. The classroom was small, and Cozy is already very noticeable, at least to you, so that isn’t it, she wasn’t there. And then you noticed various passages within the story was highlighted, all of it having to do with chaos magic and how it worked. Why would she be highlighting that? Is it because of you?

Cozy somehow knew about the lesson, and snatched one of the newspapers that was to be released the next day. She then highlighted all passages having to do with chaos and how it works. All of it could mean so many different things. But the most likely thing may have to do with the compass. Oh god, was that it? She always referred to you as ‘professor’, and you were pretty much her best friend, and when you throw the compass into the mix, then maybe it meant…

Suddenly, both Tempest and Starlight’s voices began to ring in your head. Your obsession with helping those you care about, that you felt desperately needed your help, that’s what caused this. You could hear Starlight now, telling you that Cozy was now dependent on you. And then there was Tempest, who had told you to relax with this type of shit. Now you were in a situation where, most likely, Cozy would be asking for your chaotic expertise with any and all friendship problems. She was probably studying up on chaos to know what to ask for. The only question that remained was how she knew about the paper. Did someone tell her about it? Well, given it was you and Discord doing some crazy shit, word must have gotten around. She must have been desperate to find out what happened and snatched one of the newspapers.

You needed to find out more about Cozy Glow, but you didn’t want to ask her directly, you didn’t want her to know you had been snooping around her room. Starlight, maybe she knew something. Sure, she said she can’t divulge information about the students she talks to, but she was also one of your best friends, so she had to be willing to give something up.

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