• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 65 - The Wedding Part 3

Mrs. Rich led you down the empty hallway to a set of empty doors, being silent, looking back at you at times. Odd thing was though, you didn’t see Mr. Rich or Mayor Mare anywhere, huh. “Mrs. Rich, where’s Mr. Rich?”

“He’s not actually down this particular hallway. No, I actually wish to speak to you alone. I only mentioned him because that Starlight seems to think I’m too stressed to handle things on my own.” She stopped, and turned to look at you with a solemn look. “She’s wrong of course, but what I want to talk to you about would worry my husband if he was around to hear it.”

Worry her husband? What was she getting at? Did something happen? ”What’s wrong, Mrs. Rich?”

“It’s Diamond, I don’t know what happened to her, but she has been rather down and doubtful of herself lately. She suddenly wishes to be more your partner than your wife, which given the situation of age, isn’t exactly a bad thing. The real problem is the fact that she doesn’t seem to feel she isn’t good enough anymore. She told me such preposterous things, such as telling me that she manipulated you and your feelings.” Mrs. Rich scoffed “Highly doubtful, I wouldn’t even know where she’d get such an idea. But…” Mrs. Rich was doing her best not to look sad or brokenhearted as her voice quivered just a tad “It doesn’t change the fact that she doesn’t feel worthy of you anymore. I think it’s just wedding jitters over a fake wedding, but I won’t take any chances. So first, do you plan to see this through?” She gave you a serious look as she asked this. “I am aware that young love is fickle, but you’d be surprised how much it has worked at even younger ages. Therefore, your answer must be exactly what you feel.”

Christ, she was just springing this on you? Now?! How do you even answer this? Was she even serious? This was not a question you’d expect out of her. Really, you’d just expect her to force you into just accepting it.

Ok, let’s think. Diamond is pushy, and manipulative at times. But it does seem she genuinely loves you, and will bite the head off of anyone who even insults you. You could free yourself to maybe find someone better, or become a degenerate who fucks anyone willing… But Diamond was affectionate, and possibly good wife material, she never even seems to lose her focus when another good looking colt or stallion is around. She did say she wanted to better herself, and she already knows a lot more about your secrets. Really, you could say yes, help her feel better, and then see how things go with this whole partner thing. “I do. I know we’re just foals and stuff, but I like her enough to see it through. If I can say without offense, I’d still maybe would like to marry her one day.” That should be a good enough answer.

“Hmm, a mature answer indeed…” She then shifts her eyes as she mutters “And one that saves me from the press, ahrm.” She then looks back at you “And I assume you have your vow ready, correct? And what do you plan to present to her as your binding love?”

“Well, Scootaloo is holding on to this locket for me. As for my vow...erm…” You still had nothing. And even stranger, it didn’t seem to bother Mrs. Rich when you hesitated on your answer.

“As expected. This is why I hired two marriage specialists to help you, they’ll be waiting for you behind this door.” She points to the farthest door visible. “I figured your hectic life would hinder your thought process. At least, I’d hope that would be the case, with the reason NOT being that you were just being lazy or incompetent.”

Ouch, that is kind of harsh. But really, with the whole Neighsay thing, the former was a pretty viable reason. “Yeah, my life has been kind of heavy for the past few days. Thanks, Mrs. Rich. But uh, I kind of feel bad that’d you go and waste money on some experts just for me.”

“Don’t be foolish, I didn’t spend a bit. They said they knew you quite well and have worked on many successful weddings. Considering I don’t think it takes much to prep a colt for a false wedding, I’d say it was a fine deal.” She said with a rather greedy smirk.

Two experts that knew you? Pinkie and Rarity? Nah, they were elements and too high profile for Mrs. Rich to let in. Bah, nah, it’s obviously Lyra and Bonbon. Ha! So they weaseled themselves in after all, that’s fucking neato. “Yeah, it sounds like it really was. And don’t worry, Mrs. Rich, I promise I’m really devoted to this.”

“I know you are, you would have stayed home if you weren’t. But now, I have a favor to ask. Again, this ties to your devotion to my daughter.” She shivered as she mustered up her next words, as if it nearly hurt her to think about it “So, without telling me anything other than a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, would you be willing to spend time with Diamond at a resort at Las Pegasus for a few days? It’s sudden, I know, especially since you both would have to leave soon after the wedding is over, but I believe it’d cheer her up greatly to know that you, Anon, would be personally surprising her with this gift that you came up with on your own without my help whatsoever.” Mrs. Rich said as she revealed two golden tickets with the pictures of… OH GODDAMMIT, THEM?! THEIR RESORT?! YOU KNEW THEY HAD ONE, BUT OF ALL THE PLACES, THAT ONE?!

Calm yourself, Anon, you knew what she was asking. She wanted you to go up to Diamond and say it was all your idea. She wanted you and Diamond to have a good time and see if you both were truly compatible at this point. But fucking christ, a few days? Well, even though Twilight’s school would be open, you’d still have a whole week before you go. However, Where did she get those tickets from? And how much did it fucking cost her? You slowly reach and take the tickets, and put them in your saddlebag “Sure, I think it’d be a great way for me and Diamond to really spend some time together. But Mrs. Rich, how much did these cost? They couldn’t have been cheap. I could compen-” But Mrs. Rich snapped at you before you could even finish that sentence.

“Don’t treat me as if I’m poor, the only reason I’d accept compensation is if somepony borrowed from me or my husband. Secondly, the tickets were free, directly from the brothers themselves.” Her snapping anger once again became one of her trademark scummy smirks when she mentioned how free the tickets were.

Free? Oh christ, it’s probably worse than you thought then. They had to have had an angle, and she obviously fell for it. “I kind of know those guys, and they don’t usually give anything for free. Did they make you sign anything? Or gave you some ridiculous condition for the tickets?”

Mrs. Rich reaches over with a hoof, and whaps your head lightly “What do you take me for? A commoner? Don’t insult me, only morons and peasants take something for free without reading the conditions. This was the best kind of free, Anon, without any strings attached. They had been offering tickets to their resort at a five percent off special, which that of in itself, is insulting. I tried to reason with them that I’d pay, with fifteen percent off, for two tickets, but they wouldn’t budge. I tried using the angle of 'helping foals' to get my way, but still, they would not budge. Then I told them who I was, and what foals I was helping, that being my beautiful and illustrious daughter, and you, The Hero Colt. Hoho, for some reason, the one without a mustache screamed out ‘it’s free’ and I made a deal before his brother could even take it back. Oh they argued about it, but the tickets were mine, and that's all that mattered” Mrs. Rich snickered to herself “I love it when they can't haggle” She said as her head tilted forward, her expression looking just as evil as Chrysalis herself.

Christ, she can be scary. “N-no, offense, Mrs. R-rich. B-but did you have to say that in such a scary way?”

“You should join me on tea with the rest of the upper crust, Anon, it'd make your head spin. Ahhh, but that’s a conversation for another day. Anon, please stand straight for me, head up.”

“O-ok” You do what she says, feeling a little antsy about how scary it felt to be around her all of a sudden. But what came next, was even more unexpected. She suddenly began to gently hugging you, sniffling lightly as she did so, you could even hear her quietly thank you for going along with it all. It was a soft and gentle hug, very motherly.

When it was over, she pulled back a bit, and looked at you with teary eyes. “A-Anon…”

“Y-yes, Mrs. Rich?” You ask, feeling a warm fuzziness, and wanting to help her even more.

“If you tell Anypony, especially the press, that I showed this much affection towards you, I will bury you, hire somepony to dig you out, and then I will bury you again. Is that clear?” Despite how heavy that was, she was still soft and teary eyed in her tone and expression.

“C-crystal…” You gulped. Not quite twenty feet scary, but just as effectively terrifying.

“Good. Now, I need to go clean up before I greet my husband. I don’t want to worry him, and I want to make sure he’s alright and not overwhelmed by what’s going on.” Mrs. Rich said as she stood up straight, carefully wiping her hoof at her eye.

Aww, that actually sounded really sweet of her, to support Mr. Rich like that. Well, really, it was normal, but for her, it was sweet. “That’s really cool of you, Mrs. Rich, I can see why Mr. Rich married you.” Well, you couldn’t really, but whatever floats his boat. You only said it because you genuinely cared enough about her.

“I know… and you won’t mention anything about that either, I still have an image to uphold. Just know that I love my family dearly, even if I don’t show it, or sometimes seemingly forget about it. I would trade in every bit I have for them. I don’t plan on that ever actually happening, but it’s still something I’m willing to do. As for my husband himself; I hope, Anon, that you become as great as he is someday. And… mnngh, I am getting too sentimental and… OH!” Mrs. Rich growled at herself as she suddenly looked at you with a sharp look “I don’t care what that mare has to say. Where are your father and aunt? They should have been here and seated by now.” Suddenly, Mrs. Rich was pretty much back to her old self, and being a bit too stressed all of a sudden as well.

“R-relax, I have a way to contact them instantly. I promise they’ll be here before the wedding actually starts.” Or, you hoped so anyway.

“Hmph, I see, just let them know that we'll be starting soon. Now, I have some business to attend to. Contact your father with whatever you plan to use, and then get ready with those specialists. And, furthermore… Good luck, and thank-” She doesn’t even finish that last part, she just turns and walks off before ending the sentence. Obviously, she felt she had shown too much affection for one day. She obviously didn’t want there to be sudden snapshots of her being gentle and caring when obviously her rep painted her as cold and ruthless. You’d pity her, but she obviously loved to be seen that way, or just did it for business purposes. Probably both.

With you alone in the hallway, you put your hoof to your ear and call for Discord. “Discord? Hey, Discord.” You whisper “The hell is taking you so long? Can you hear me?”

“Of course I can hear you, but I’m a tad busy at the moment, can you call back later?” Discord said, sounding calm

“No, I will not call back later! Where the fuck are you?!” The hell?! He’s gonna tell you to call back later at a time like this?!

“No need for language, Anon, it’s not my fault we’re late. It just so happens that we arrived in town, That’s the good news!” Discord said, rather cheerfully.

Good news? “Then what’s the bad news?”

“Seems my presence scared one of the passenger’s puppies to near death, Fluttershy is tending to it now. If you could give us at least fifteen to twenty minutes, we’ll be there for sure.” Discord said

That much time over a fucking puppy?! “Are you serious?! It's totally your fault! Ugh… whatever. So, I'm guessing you’re not gonna rush Fluttershy if she’s doing her best to help an animal.”

“Of course not, why would you even suggest such a thing? That would upset her. Ahh, but I can tell you’re upset about this as well, right?” Discord asked, actually seeming like he cared about your feelings.

“Not really, it’s just everypony else that’s getting antsy here. Are you sure it’s going to take that long?” You asked

“Anon, have you seen me? I’m delightfully terrifying, I make even rivers wet themselves, it’s going to take some time for the puppy to recover. But don’t fret, I promise you that Fluttershy and I will make it.” He says to assure you.

“...Yeah… Just hurry it up, huh?” You really didn’t need Mrs. Rich having a meltdown.

“Will do, see you soon, Anon.” Discord tells you before ending the call.

Ugh, this day has been a rollercoaster of good and bad so far. You remove the tickets from your saddlebag and give them a look. Hmm, It wouldn’t be too bad, right? Sounded like they were afraid of you, to the point of your name making them freak out. As long as you somehow don’t end up porking Diamond, this could actually turn out to be a good time and even have some actual relationship bonding. Plus, it’s not like you couldn’t wreck the brothers’ shit if they try anything. You put away the tickets with a smirk. Yeah, it’ll be ok.

Author's Note:

Prepare for bug queen

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