• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 197 - Dark Anon's Grand Plan - Part 1

“...So what exactly is the plan? I can’t call Discord, and I can’t use my horn. And if he has my reflexes, then he might be able to deflect my Starlight Hook.” You said, flying high above the forest, looking down while trying to spot your evil clone.

“Well, if somepony had given me a gun like I asked, I could simply shoot him and be done with it.” Chrysalis said, still agitated from the going ons back at her home.

“If I had given you a gun when you asked, you would have shot Twilight.” You said, looking at her with a cocked eyebrow.

Chrysalis merely responded with a grumble. She knew you were right, and didn’t feel like giving a snappy comeback. “Fine… Well, since he thinks he destroyed me, I’ll hide in that bag of yours while you distract him. I only need one good shot to take him out.”

Could she do that? “You’re that strong?” You then smirk at her, knowing exactly why she was that strong. “I guess those wings you have now really do mean-OW!” Chrysalis flew just close enough to bop you on your cheek with her hoof. “Really? Really?! C’mon, I know those wings mean something!”

“They do, but what do I have to say to get you to stop mentioning them? They’re there, they exist, so why do you keep torturing me by reminding me that they are there? Anon, here’s a tip on being on good terms with a lady. You never EVER ask about their ‘weight’. Physical, emotional, or detestable, it doesn’t matter. Don’t do it. You already have your answer as to why I’ve regained my strength, so let’s just leave it at that.” Chrysalis said to you, obviously wanting to avoid the topic of her 'reformation'.

“Alright, alright, whatever. Ok, let me get my head in the game here then. The evil version of me is obviously dangerous and knows all my moves. It’s my hooks versus his weird tree thing… Why does he have tree powers again?” You asked, still confused about that.

“Because I made him with a tree, Anon. I told you this. Along with some of your hair, a photo of you, and the porcelain I found in the forest with your chaotic power. I can only guess his ability to use that odd horn of his came from the porcelain, as the spell mentioned the clone wouldn’t have all the abilities of their original without some sort of extra element. Then again, the spell said simply creating one clone would have it be obedient to it’s creator, and that clearly wasn’t true. Makes me think the one who originally came up with it was just an idiot.” Chrysalis said, keeping a vigilant eye out for your clone in case he was somehow still in the forest.

“The porcelain gave him that power? Huh… The porcelain.” Why did that start to really bother you all of a sudden? Was it due to Tempest? No. Storm King? No, he’s gone. Hm…


“Oh… Oh no.” You said, suddenly coming to a grave realization. “The porcelain…”

“Yes, the porcelain. What about it? Why do you suddenly seem so spooked? I can even feel it, I don’t like it.” Chrysalis said, disturbed by your reaction.

“...So, the porcelain, THAT porcelain. I sorta made that porcelain when Discord was filling me with some sort of madness chaos thing. He wanted me to use my magic the way he thought it should be used, and wanted me to be a better fighter with it. So, yeah, most likely? Dark Anon probably has that ‘perfect’ madness inside him. Kinda explains his crazy plan and him not giving a shit about anything to the point of letting wendigos wreck Equestria.” You explained. Good god, dammit! Dammit, Discord! This was his fault!

“So once again, this is your fault.” Chrysalis said with a sigh. “Why do I always have to clean up after you?”

Wut? “What do you mean my fault?! How is it-... Ahh dammit…” You didn’t even bother to pick the shards up. Though, to be fair, you didn’t know they could be used in such a way. “Ok, ok, I can see where you’re coming from. But still, you shouldn’t have used them to make an evil clone of me! Even if it didn’t have that weird chaotic enchantment, there’s no telling how that clone would have come out. He could have betrayed you anyway.”

“Like I said, he would have been under my control.” Chrysalis said nothing further than that, she actually became quiet for a moment before saying. “...And perhaps I was being too hasty. I didn't think about the repercussions of using a chaotic element.”

Did she admit some fault? Did that just suddenly happen? “So, you just want to say it was both our faults then?” You realized you couldn’t let this moment slip. It could be a good bonding moment, and a moment to help her realize her rage and self absorbed attitude isn’t good for her.

“No, I just said I was hasty. You still left your magical droppings for anypony to snatch. I’d berate you, but we can’t waste time arguing something so pointless. What’s done is done, and it only serves to make your miserable clone’s destruction all the sweeter with how much I hate him.” Chrysalis said, dead set in wanting to see your clone destroyed. “Hmm, how would he put it?” Chrysalis let out a dark chuckle. “Ah yes, letting out all of my frustrations out on his little body.”

Ooh, kinky. Though, it seems she was once again too focused on revenge, so focused she couldn’t even stay mad at you. “We could always take him out back and beat his wooden brains in, smack him around with a shovel, and bury him. How does that sound?”

“Ooh, trying to make my loins sizzle, are we? Well, Anon, if you want to play around like that, we could always dance around with the thought of blindfolding him… And throwing him to the sharks.” Chrysalis said with dark evil glee.

“Oh! Oh! He’s made from a tree right?” You ask, knowing the answer.

“Yes, why?” Chrysalis asked, rather curious given your sudden interest in being brutal.

“Check this out. We set him on fire, slow burn. We get Diamond, Scrappy, and anypony else we like, and make hot s’mores over his burning body. How does that sound? We could even put on a movie.” Hm, thinking about it as you said it, that wouldn’t be a bad thing to do at all. Well, except the screaming 'you' ruining everything.

Chrysalis started to laugh, quite joyfully, at that suggestion. “I like it! No, love it! A fitting end to… Wait.” Chrysalis then truly realized what that would have meant for her. “No. As much as I’d love to see him burn for his betrayal, having THAT kind of party is disgusting.”

“Awww, c’mon! We could get, like, Twilight and everypony and watch a good gory movie… Full of gore… Lots of gore!” You flew close to her as you nudged into her. “C’moooooon, it’d be fun.”

Chrysalis went quiet, she noticed she and you were already out of the forest and entering Ponyville. Not wanting to think about it further, she quickly changed the subject. “Ready yourself, Anon. We’re nearing the castle.”

“I don’t hear a no” You said, in a sing song way.

Chrysalis took a very deep breath, and held it as she looked at you, agitated.

“Ok ok… Serious time, got it. I just… I dunno, wanted to make a connection with you that connected to everypony else. Y’know?” Mnnnn, despite her wings having changed, she didn’t seem that different at all.

“Now is not the time for it. We’re using changeling tactics, Anon. We can’t just confront him head on, we have to make a sneak attack before he can get into the castle…” Chrysalis looked towards you again, with a stoic expression. “And besides, I wouldn’t want little Diamond…” Suddenly, Chrysalis’s eyes went wide, as if something came to her.

“C-chrysalis? You ok?” You asked, wondering why she stopped right there, worried due to her coming to a pause upon Diamond’s name.

“...He’s not going to the castle… Not yet.” Chrysalis actually looked… Worried, what did she…

Oh god…

“Oh, you don’t think…” No, he wouldn’t… Oh god, he would.

“With a lust like yours? A manor full of maids, your marefriend, and her mother? Of course he’d make a move on them before he makes a move on Twilight. He’s a disgusting, perverse, and rat minded little fink. He’s going to go for them before he reveals himself. Quick, we don’t have any more time to waste!” Chrysalis said, shrinking down into a miniature version of herself as she slinked into your saddle bag. Thanks to the bag’s innards being bigger than it appeared, she fit rather snugly yet easily inside.

“What? What are y-” But she then immediately barked at you.

“Surprise attack! Remember!? Now get moving!” Chrysalis shouted at you.

“Right! Right!” You quickly and frantically flew towards Rich manor. That fucking bastard, you should have known. Dammit, he was going to try to fuck all those mares. M-maybe even tentacle stuff with that wooden horn of his. D-dammit, that perverted little fuck! Forcing himself on all those maids and…

“Anon…” Chrysalis said in a low and disgusted voice. “Whatever you’re thinking about, stop. I can feel your revolting lust from in here.”

“Y-yeah… Uh, sorry.” Focus, Anon. He was going to hurt Diamond, that was something you couldn’t allow. Fuck, if he even lays a single hoof on her, you’ll turn him into a dowsing rod! You flew as hard and as fast as you could. But, as you neared the manor’s front gates, your wings started to flap frantically as you began to lower to the ground. The wings’ timer had run out. “D-dammit! I think I saw him in the front lawn! He’s there!”

“I knew it! Alright then, you need to fly into position and I can g-Wait, why does it feel like we’re landing? Why are you landing?” Chrysalis asked.

“My wings! They ran out of power… Er, look. I still have my Starlight Hook, so even with his reflexes, I can still take him on one on one. He wasn’t wrong, I know how he thinks. He’s just me with no limits and tree powers. So all I have to do is fight extra dirty and things should be fine. That, and you should still be able to get that shot off, since he thinks you’re dead.”

“That’s exactly the problem! He’s you, but willing to do far worse. How do you ever plan to overpower him? Much less match his magic? That hook of yours isn’t very good when anypony with decent reflexes could dodge it.” Chrysalis retorted.

“I know it doesn’t look good, and the wings going out is really really bad timing. But I can take him, I swear! Unless you have any other suggestions on how to take him down?” Did she? There really wasn’t anyway to sneak up on him from the ground, he’d see you coming.

“I don’t… But if you’re really up to the task, then you need to be careful. Just remember that his magic has to come from the ground, so remember that everything he does will literally sprout out at you. Understood?” Chrysalis said, actually seeming to care about your well being in this fight.

“I got it.” You said, walking over to the gate to take a peek past it. “What about you?”

“Just put me down when you get close. I’ll wait for him to be completely focused on you, then I’ll take him out using my magic. Remember, Anon, do not make my presence known, we only get one shot at this.” Chrysalis reminded you.

“Got it. And I can see him too, he’s on the lawn with Mr. Rich and… Is that Fancy Pants? I think he’s talking with them?” You say, squinting your eyes to be sure of what you were seeing as you gently opened the gate and made your way past.

“That isn’t strange, he doesn’t want to give himself away outside where others might see or hear him. Just slowly approach him, and prepare to strike.” Chrysalis instructed.

“Got it… Moving in now.” You say, inching ever closer to the group.

“...Look! I get it, you’re doing something important. But if you’re going out with him, then at least let me into the place, ok?! Look at my ear, look at it! I only have one!” Dark Anon said, as he pointed towards one ear, his apparently only remaining ear.

“I say, that does look rather serious.” Fancy Pants said, peering closer as he adjusted his monocle. “Whatever happened?”

“Timberwolves, man, Timberwolves. You have wood powers and, well, you expect to be able to control wooden dogs. But no! They just get angry, become a super big wood dog, and rip your ear clean off! So, again, I am asking nicely to please unlock the door.” Dark Anon said, clearly aggravated as he pointed towards the front doors down the front lawn.

“Now, son, as I said, we’re going to meet the missus and my little Diamond is havin’ one of her sword fighting classes with Mr. Scimitar. I can understand you’re upset, missin’ an ear and all, but…” Mr. Rich leaned in close to him and whispered “Are ya doin’ a bit, son? Ain’t like you to clown around like this. If you plan to regrow that ear to impress Mr. Fancy Pants here, well, I’m all for it. Just try not to be so rude, ya hear? No need for it.”

Dark Anon just looked at him with a ‘wut?’ face before backing off in anger. It was clear he just wanted to get in the door, he didn’t care what Filthy was up to. “Bit? You think I’m doing a bit?! You know what? Screw it! I’m not going to waste my time with either of you! And if I have to ki-”

“Found you, faker!” You said as you jumped forward, pointing towards your evil self.

“My word! Another Anon, out of the blue?” Fancy Pants said, rather impressed as he adjusted his monocle. He then let out a little refined laugh as he looked towards Mr. Rich. “Is this some sort of show, Mr. Rich? I do say, I was hoping to see the hero colt in some sort of action today. I would assume this is all being done with his chaos magic?”

“Er, yes! I-I think.” Mr. Rich said, utterly confused by what was going on.

Dark Anon twitched, then looked back at you. He seemed surprised at first. Even aggravated. No doubt he wasn’t actually expecting any deus ex machina to occur. But then he smirked, and looked as if he was hit with some sort of nostalgia as he responded with. “Faker? I think you’re the fake pony around here. You’re comparing yourself to me? Ha! You’re not even good enough to be my fake!”

“...Are you doing this? Are you both doing this? Now?! Of all times?!” You could already hear Chrysalis angrily whispering at you from your saddle bag. “You were supposed to ambush him! Not engage in some corny back and forth!”

“Shh, I got this, I know how he works.” You whispered back before pointing at your dark self. “I’ll make you eat those words!”

“You won’t even get the chance!” Your evil self retorts back before looking back at Mr. Rich and pointing at you. “And that’s why I’m here! That’s why I wanted to, er, warn everypony! My evil self is on the attack!”

Fancy Pants glanced over at you, squinting his eyes. “He does look rather evil. Just look at that posture, and it doesn’t look like he’s groomed himself… Ever.”

Shit! “Ok, I didn’t think he was going to be a pussy and pull the ‘I’m the real one’ routine” You said, gulping.

“Oh, yes, considering there are two of you, there was no way in Tartarus that he’d pull something like this. Excuse me for doubting you.” Chrysalis whispered back in a snide way.

Dammit, Chrysalis may be mocking you, but she was right. You should have expected that your shitty clone would be capable of shitty things. If he can fool Mr. Rich, then he might try to use him to block your path while he opens the door to his mansion. Normally, fighting off Mr. Rich would probably be easy with your tools, but you didn’t want to hurt him, much less fight him. You knew he'd probably enter the fray if he thought Diamond was in trouble. Then again, you were you, and you knew you could come up with a rock solid argument to prove you were the real-

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The fake you screamed as he flew through the air and slammed down face first into the ground in front of you, twitching in pain.

“Mr. Rich! I say! Was that not your future son-in-law? Why ever did you buck him like that?!” Fancy Pants said, utterly surprised by Mr. Rich’s sudden surprise attack.

“Ain’t no son of mine. The Anon I know is honest to a fault and a gentlecolt to be sure. ‘Not even good enough to be my fake’? Let me tell you something, sir, no son of mine ever talks all high and mighty like some shadowy villain character from the good ole days of comic books. Anon has the honor that matches us Riches ourselves. Also, ah really don’t remember Anon’s cutie mark lookin all wobbly-like” Mr. Rich responded, sure that he made the right choice.

You just looked at your dark self as he began to pull his head out of the dirt. Well, this was fine, this works too. Whatever...

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