
This story is a sequel to A Day of Rest

Includes: Velvet, Stronghoof, Arizona, Paprika, and others.

Not a crossover.

In continuity with A Day of Rest and Book of Lore - Shanty's Chapter.

Reine City lies at the center of the known world of Foenum and the quest for the Prophet's Key.

Velvet's confidence was shaken by her defeat, but with Arizona and Paprika arriving with a vital clue she has a new chance to grow and prove herself.

As shadows loom beyond its walls, the lessons learned and comradery forged in Reine will be vital to the future.

Chapters (1)

Star Flight is known to not back down when a situation escalates, and she knew that now all these years later. She knows that it was the core reason as to why a lot of her relationships had dissolved when she went into college. But that might not be so bad, as a new slate comes along, and new friends do too.

But when you have to go back home for the summer, it does make it difficult to leave the past in the past, especially when it involves a Bat Pony that stole her heart, and kept it even when she had left for school.

Chapters (1)

Pumpkin Cake gets an invite to a sleep over from her circle of friend's, problem being it's a girls night. While under any other circumstances that would be normal and fine. Her brother Pound Cake seems very upset by his lack of invitation.

Welcome to the first story of my AU called C Squad. My writing about a group of childhood friends and their misadventures. The first story in the installment is about the Cake Twins. I hope you enjoy!

Edit - Reformatted chapter 1 to be actually readable.

Chapters (3)

A colt who has just moved to Ponyville is bullied by his classmates. His cheeks flush when his new teacher Miss Cheerilee wears a daisy behind her ear.

Written for A Thousand Words Contest III. Submitted to the Slice of Life and Experimental categories, the latter because of the detached narrative style and because I know one judge who will hate it, but I want to expand their horizons.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sun Mother and Daughter Bonding with a Sentry

This story is a spin-off of the story where we go through the adventure of the kids from the story and I ask permission first from the story

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle gets a Genshin Impact Season 1

(AN: This story takes place after Episode 14 of the first Season of Genshin Impact)

This is my first ever Choose your own Adventure/Ending story so I don't know how this works, if for some reason you press the right choice but it's a different ending just tell me and I'll try and fix it cuz this is the first time I'm doing this series so expect mistakes

Also I believe this is the first CYOA/E with an crossover so if that's so make sure to let me know

Now then I wish you a good day

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Who Is That?

So you know all about Sunset's point of view about how the two of us started dating, blah blah blah not important. Well, it is but it isn't if that makes any sense. Now I'm starting to confuse myself, fuck. Anyway, I know I came off as super confident and all but believe me, I was anything but confident. Especially after how badly I fumbled my last relationship. So yeah, this is my point of view of how I felt.

Chapters (1)

A Hearthswarming like any other as anypony can recall, as it has happened every year ever since the first tribes first dethawed and celebrated the magic of it. However, this year shall be different, as while the events and festivities and celebrations and tributes are never cancelled and postponed due to pony mistakes, it all starts with a shiver and a cold. Perhaps a growl and an angered shout, a group raising their hackles, an argument spreading where it shouldn't. And soon, a whole town is in uproar over something which brings a chill nopony has felt in decades. A chill which brings something even the wendigos did not account for as soon all those shouts of anger and malice soon turn to screams of fear as the town becomes blanketed in a blizzard that will soon spread its freezing bony fingers across the kingdom with its very inhabitants carrying that deadly cold as the temperature plumets and the frozen begin to whisper....

Chapters (2)

Set in the era we know from Friendship is Magic, the reunification of a fractured Equestria begins. This will be a story with plot points similar to the show we know, but will divulge greatly. Saw the ish at the end of Humanized in the short description? That's because characters who were originally Pegasi still have wings, and the hands of unicorns now have stone like swirls in them as a replacement for horns, and are called magi. Alicorns are archmagi.
Main character overview:
Twilight Sparkle: Still Celestia's student. Doubles as a general for the magi forces. Wields a rapier, though prefers to use her magic in combat.
Rarity: Leads the archers and musketmen. When not in battle, doubles as an armorer and clothing designer. Wields a longbow.
Rainbow Dash: Leads a large team of Cloudsdale Pegasi. The Wonderbolts are the generals. Wields a spear.
Fluttershy: Lead surgeon(Medieval term for doctor) in the field. Doesn't usually fight, has a wooden quarterstaff for self defense.
Applejack: Leads the Ponyville Militia. Wields a warhammer only she can lift, somehow.
Pinkie Pie: Never where you expect her. Assigned to the militia. Proficient at any weapon put in her hands.
Sunset Shimmer: Revolutionary, and a major thorn in Celestia's side. Leads a considerable force of Thestrals uncontent under her rule. Wields a sword and shield.
Princess Celestia: Ruler of Equestria. Wields a halberd, but rarely fights.
Equestrian possessions at the beginning of the war are Ponyville, Canterlot, and Cloudsdale.
Have fun reading, there will be blood.

Chapters (1)

If the world you know had different rules, these would lead to different problems. A strong blow of reality to the Mane Six would be only the beginning of hundreds of events that would cause the decline of an entire society, distorting the reality they know.

Original story in the Spanish language, there may be problems understanding it when translating the story.

Postscript, this story, despite seeking realism, quotes and uses some characters (my own interpretation) from other famous Fanficks.

For example, "Snowdrop", "Rainbow Factory", "The Muffin Saga" or "Rocket To Insanity", which I invite you to read as they are very good. But I only do it so that new generations of fans understand that they had a good impact on the fandom and are encouraged to read them.

Credits to the original authors of the Oc's that will be cited in this story.

Chapters (1)