• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,603 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

I'm not weird...I'm just different

Chapter 9: I'm not weird...I'm just different

"-and then I shot an arrow at him just before he could finish me" Button said excitedly. He was talking about one of the hardest games to ever be created, and it apparently was both here and at home. He was talking about how he had played Dark Souls or rather the pony equivalent of it as a fucking archer! That is a feat in my opinion since most bows in that game aren't useful in boss fights or any other fight for that matter.

"I call bull!" I said while I was next to Button who looked at me as if I had killed a puppy,

"But...but I did"

"You killed Gwyn Lord of whatever with a bow. How am I suppose to believe that!"

"I'll do it again, and this time I wont use the estus flask!"

"Let me know when because I have to see this train wreck," The school was now in sight, but I was worried about Arrow. Normally he'd be more talkative about how estus sounds a little like estrus, but he's been silent the entire time since we left Button's house. I think seas might of gotten into his head or something so after school I'm taking Arrow to that bakery for the milkshake he wanted. I'm not expecting it to make him forget this morning, but I am hoping it will get him talking about it so it wont eat at him forever.

We were in front of the school now where a magenta colored mare was standing. Many of the children seemed happy to see her, and gleefully greeted her as they walked into the school. With all of that I assumed she was either the teacher or a substitute everyone absolutely adored having. Button seemed pleased to see her as well because once we got close enough he ran over to her, and hugged her leg.

"Good morning to you too, Button" She said with a soft smile before looking toward Arrow and me.

"Hey cheery," Arrow said in a kind of sad voice. The mare's expression faltered for a second before going back to her original smile; I'm not sure but I think these two have history together.

"Hello Arrow. I thought you were in Manehatten,"

"I was until a few days ago..."

"Well it's nice to see you, Arrow" She seemed to have stressed the nice part of that sentence as if it was difficult to say. There was silence after that, and the tension in the air only grew thicker until I decided Arrow didn't need to suffer through this anymore.

"Hello, Ms Cheery. I'm Chance," The mare broke her gaze off of Arrow to look towards me with what I assumed was meant to be a smile, but it looked more like she was constipated.

"Nice to meet you Chance. I am Ms Cheerilee,"

"Oh, sorry..."

"It's fine, Chance. We will begin class in a few minutes so go ahead and find a seat," I was a little uncomfortable when I left Arrow's side to head into the building. After all I didn't know anybody here-


"MY EARS!" I yelled before covering up the floppy things with my hooves as fast as humanly possible. Once my ears finally stopped ringing from the sudden yelling I looked toward where the damned noise came from. I saw three familiar fillies sitting near me while talking and pointing at me with exaggerated movements.

"I told you we shouldn't surprise him like that!"

"I thought he'd like being welcomed like that,"

"He literally did the same thing as last time!"

"Maybe it's how he says hello," Scootaloo said toward Applebloom who was shaking her head in what I believe was annoyance.

"He's from Manehatten, not another planet," While those two continued arguing over how I greeted people Sweetie Belle noticed me watching the fighting, and bent over to my ear to speak,

"They do this a lot,"

"You aren't picking a side?"

"Nope," We watched them continue their bickering for a few minutes before Ms. Cheerily came in, and called for everyone's attention. Everyone started moving to sit in the various desks that filled the room; only one seat was left open which was next to a pink filly wearing a tiara. I tentatively took my seat next to her, and kept my eyes forward in hopes that she wouldn't bother with me.





"Why are you wearing that?" I looked around myself for several seconds before realizing she was pointing at my vest.

"It's um... It's special to me," I said trying not to sound all weird like. Why was I so nerves around this filly? She looked like she was going to say more, but stopped herself and turned toward the teacher. I followed her lead and looked toward the front of the class so I could get out of this awkward situation.

Cheerilee was currently calling out the names of the various kids in the class while I tried to not shrink into my seat. As long as she didn't call me up to introduce myself I would be fi-

"Also we have a new student. Would you kindly come up here, Chance?" GOD DAMN IT!

I rose from my seat and began walking toward the front of the class. I was hoping that they would just start talking and completely ignore me, but it was silent and I could feel them staring at the back of my head. Before I could walk in front of people easily, but I just couldn't do it anymore for some reason; I blame my lack of hormones.

When I was near the front of the room I tripped over my own four hooves and face planted into the floor. I quickly picked my self up and continued moving toward the front despite everyone laughing at my stupidity. I didn't look up at all even when I had reached the front I just kept my eyes down so I wouldn't see their faces.

"Would you kindly say your name for the class?"

"My name is um... Chance,"

"Could you say that a little louder?"

"My name is Chance,"

"One more time so the ponies in the back can hear you,"

"My name is Chance. Can I please go back to my seat." I pleaded taking my eyes off the floor to look up at her. I think she realized I did NOT like being up here and nodded before continuing on with the class. When I returned to my seat I could just feel all the eyes on me, and I wanted to just fade out of existence so they would stop staring.

"Are you alright? You're shaking?" The pink filly asked which made me look down at myself to realize that I was in fact shaking worse than a volcano that was currently erupting.

"I'm fine. Just a little cold," I said trying to pretend as if nothing was wrong.

"It's actually really hot you know,"

"I'm cold-blooded?" It came out more like a question, but it didn't satisfy the filly's question as she continued on with it. "Listen, I just don't like being the center of attention okay."

"What's wrong with being in the center?"

"Nothing. I just can't take being focused on by multiple people."


"I mean ponies, sorry." I was praying that she wouldn't question my choice of words when A piece of paper was handed to both me and the filly.

"We will be conducting a group project this month everypony!" The pink filly groaned before Cheerilee spoke to her directly,"Do you mind working with Chance, Diamond Tiara?"

"Do I have too?"

"No, but Chance would appreciate it."

"If she doesn't want to work with me it's okay.I tend to work alone anyway" I said cutting into their conversation. Cheerilee looked toward me with a slight frown while Diamond's expression was unreadable.

"Are you sure, Chance?"

"I've worked alone on these types of projects before. This way no one can take credit for my work."

"Alright then," She the proceeded to give instructions on the project. Apparently there was a special constellation that only appeared every two-hundred years or so; it only lasts a year before it disappears and it turns out that the constellation appeared eight months ago. One good thing about the project is that Cheerilee has special permission to go into the castle's library to retrieve certain books. Why she is able to but not other people I don't know, but I think it has something to do with knowing that new princess pony that came up earlier this year.

The rest of the school day went off without a hitch, and by that I mean that there was a math test that I decided to go ahead and take. I didn't have to take the test, but staring the year off with a good grade wouldn't be such a bad idea. It was mostly simple adding and subtracting with multiplication and division problems sprinkled in every now and again. Once the test was over for everybody it was time for recess which was really strange for me after high school. Walking out into the yard beside the school I said one of the most important questions today,

"What the hell am I supposed to do?"

Author's Note:

Look a picture of Chance! This was drawn by mix-up an amazing person who draws amazing pictures. Go check out his work on deviant art because it's awesome!